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SOL SRI Exclusion Verification Report


Report Description

This report extracts all test records that are excluded from the the SOL Student Registration Import Report. The report includes test records that are marked as Excluded from SRI and students who already meet graduation requirements for the subject area of the associated test. This report must be run with the SOL Student Registration Import to ensure all required student registrations are submitted. If a student is included in this file that should be registered, this file is maintained in the same format as the SRI and the record can be easily copied then inserted into the SRI file.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

School Selection

  • The school where the student is enrolled must not be excluded from state reporting.

Student Selection

The report selects student records based on the following criteria:

  • The student's SOL test must be excluded from SRI OR the student must have met graduation requirements in the subject area of the associated SOL test. For subject areas Math and Science, the student must have met both graduation and federal requirements.

  • The student must have a valid school enrollment during the terms in the report date range.

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [Number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Report Start Date

Enter start date for the reporting period. Students with an active school enrollment on or after the start date are included in the report.

Note: The Report Start Date defaults to the First Day defined for the current year in the District.

Report End Date

Enter end date for the reporting period. Students with an active school enrollment on or before the end date are included in the report.

Note: The Report End Date defaults to the Last Day defined for the current year in the District.

Administrative Type

Choose Writing or Non-Writing for the type of test administered. This selection determines which qualifying tests are extracted.

The Test Administration Season

Choose the Test Administration Season for which the report is being generated:

  • FALL



Note: The Test Administration Season selected has no effect on which records get extracted. The selection determines the filename and the output for Administration (column 1).

The Year of the Test Administration (yyyy)

Enter the year the test was administered.

Include Teachers Fields (Columns 52-52)

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether to include teacher fields in the report output.

Column 9 value (If Group Name not defined at the Section Level)

If the Group Name is not defined at the section level, choose a value.

Exclude TermIDs from the Report (comma separated list)

Enter in the TermID for the test enrollments that should not be extracted.

Include Previous School Enrollments

Choose Yes or No. If Yes is chosen, the students with previous test enrollments are included in the report output.

Include Only ReTesters

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the report output should include only retester students.


Select when to run the report.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element





The code representing the administration for which the student is being reported (e.g., wrtg1920 = Writing 2019-2020; nwfall19 = Non-Writing Fall 2019; or nwsprg20 = Non-Writing Spring 2020).



Student Last Name

The last name of the student who is excluded from the SRI report.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.




Student First Name

The first name of the student who is excluded from the SRI report.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.




Student Middle Name

The middle name of the student who is excluded from the SRI report.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.




Login ID

The student's TestNav login ID.



Division Code

The state-assigned code of the division where the student is enrolled.

[Prefs]value where [Prefs]name=”districtnumber”


School Code

The state-assigned code of the school where the student is enrolled.




Test Code

The test code.



Group Name

This field may contain a teacher name and period number, block number, or other common identifier.




Group Code

This optional field is available for use by divisions to further identify or track group information e.g., course number, section number, period number, or other identifier).




Date of Birth

The student’s date of birth.




The student's grade level.





The student's gender.

Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.




State Testing Identifier (STI)

The student's state testing identifier.



Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino

A Yes or No field indicating if the student is Hispanic or Latino.




The student’s race.




Military Connected Student Code

This field indicates the student's connection to the military.



Multidivision Online Provider (MOP)

Indicates whether the student participated in a multi-divisional online provider (MOP) program.


If a value is stored, report Y, or report N


Resident Division

The resident division code for the MOP program



Virtual Virginia

This field displays 'Y' if the student was enrolled in the course associated with this test through the Virginia Department of Education's program, Virtual Virginia (VVA). Eligible Virginia students enroll in Virtual Virginia through their local schools.



Student Number

The student's locally assigned student number, if populated.



Initial Primary Nighttime Resident Code

If the student is classified as Homeless, this field contains the code indicating the student's primary nighttime residence.



Foster Care

This field contains a Y if the student is in foster care.



N-Code/Economically Disadvantaged

This field contains a Y if the student is classified as economically disadvantaged.



EL Overall Proficiency Level

If the student participated in WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 testing in Spring 2017, this field contains the student’s ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Overall Proficiency Level.



Disability Status

If the student has a disability, the student's disability code is reported.



Temporary Condition

This field contains a Y for students who do not have an Individualized Education Program (IEP), 504 Management Plan, or EL Student Assessment Participation Plan but who, due to a temporary condition such as a broken arm or injured hand, are in need of a test accommodation to access the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests.



Formerly EL

If the student meets English Language Proficiency (ELP) criteria, this field is populated.

Valid values:

  • Blank - Default

  • 1 - Proficiency Level 4.4 r greater / Proficiency Level 5 Spring 2017

  • 2 - Tier B or Tier C - Earned 5.0 or greater / Proficiency Level 5 Spring 2016

  • 3 - Tier C - Earned 5.0 or greater / Proficiency Level 5 Spring 2015

  • 4 - Tier C - Earned 5.0 or greater / Proficiency Level 5 Spring 2014




This field is blank unless authorized by VDOE.




This field is blank unless authorized by VDOE.




This field is blank unless authorized by VDOE.



SOA Adjustment-EL

This field contains a value of Y if the student is currently classified as an EL AND the student has been enrolled in a Virginia public school for fewer than 11 semesters.

Note: Students who are in membership for the majority of days in a semester are counted as enrolled for that semester.




This field contains a Y if the student meets any of the Transfer criteria. See SOL SDU File Requirements for further details on data elements.



Recently Arrived EL

This field contains a D if the student is classified as an EL AND has been enrolled in a U.S. schools less than 12 months. This includes EL students who enrolled in a U.S. school on or after the first day of school in the 2018-2019 school year.



Local Use Data – Student

This field is available for optional use by the school division.



Local Use Data – Test

This field is available for optional use by the school division. Valid values are A-Z, 0-9, and blank.





Online Testing

This field contains a Y if the student requires a paper test for a typically online test. This field applies to the specific test being assigned in field 8 (Test Code).



Session Name

The name of the test session. This field is only applicable if field 34 Online Testing is set to Y.

Valid values include: 0-9, A-Z, space, and special characters: - ‘ ( ) / \ & +



[S_VA_STU_SECTestExcep_C] AssessmentSession_Name


[S_VA_CRS_CRSTestExcep_C] AssessmentSession_Name



This field contains a Y if the student is classified as described in Appendix A




This field contains a Y if the student is classified as described in Appendix A.




This field contains a Y if the student is in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12; taking Grade 8 Reading and/or grade 8 Mathematics; and pursuing a Modified Standard Diploma.




This field displays a 'Y' if the student is classified as SLIFE (Students with Limited and/or interrupted Formal Education).



Term Grad

For the Fall 2014 Writing Administration, this field contains a Y if the student is attempting to accrue sufficient verified credits to graduate by August 31, 2015. Although a Term Graduate student may take two EOC Writing tests, the student’s record should be uploaded with only one test assignment for the EOC Writing test.




Project Graduation

This field contains a Y for all Writing and Non-Writing SOL tests that would be administered to current Project Graduation students if the record was not excluded.




Parent Requested

If the test is requested by a parent or guardian, a value of C is extracted. Otherwise, this field is blank.




This field is blank unless authorized by VDOE.




This field is blank unless authorized by VDOE.




This field is blank unless authorized by VDOE.




The Virginia Teacher Licensure Number (VTLN) for the teacher associated with the specific SOL test record.

Note: This field is only included if the Include Teachers Fields parameter is set to Yes.



Code TLN

The last name of the teacher associated with the specific SOL test record.

Note: This field is only included if the Include Teachers Fields parameter is set to Yes.



Code TFN

The first name of the teacher associated with the specific SOL test record.

Note: This field is only included if the Include Teachers Fields parameter is set to Yes.



PNP Calculator

Indicates whether the student with disability requires the use of the Desmos Virginia calculator on test items of the Grades 6 or 7 Mathematics SOL computer adaptive tests (CAT) in which a calculator is not allowed.

Valid values:

  • Yes

  • No



End of Record

This field always contains a Y.


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