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SOL Grad Credit Status Page Setup

Within PowerSchool, Virginia users can view and modify student progress towards meeting the state requirements for SOL Graduation Credits. When a student has earned the required number of verified credits in one of the indicated subject areas, the student is no longer required to test in that subject area. The Graduation Requirements Met indicator for each subject area must be selected to ensure students are not registered for tests they are not required to take. 

Some information can be manually entered on the SOL Grad Credit Status page, while other data - such as the number of expected verified credits, passed assessments, and the number of earned credits -  are determined using in-page logic. Use the SOL Graduation Status Update Report to set the values for the student's English, Math, Science, History/Social Science subject areas.  Following are the steps required to set up the SOL Grad Credit Status page.  For more information about each field and page functionality, see the Student Setup page.

Step 1: Update SOL Test Setup

To ensure accurate reporting of SOL related data, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > SOL Testing and click the test.
  2. Select the Graduation Subject Area that corresponds to the subject area for the selected test.
  3. If the test is Required for Federal Accountability (ESSA), click the checkbox.
  4. Click Submit.

Step 2: Enter SOL Test Results

SOL test results are used to determine if the student has met the subject area requirements. There are two ways to enter student SOL test results: enter the information for multiple students using the Virginia Special Functions Import; or enter the test results for a single student on the student's SOL Test Scores tab.

To enter SOL test results for multiple students:

  1. Review additional information about the VA SOL import template.
  2. Follow the process outlined in the article above to complete the import of your test score template.
  3. Verify your import results.

Note: Test result information cannot be modified when the import function is used. 

To enter the test results for a single student:

  1. On the student record, navigate to  State/Province - VA > SOL Scores and Credits > SOL Test Scores.
  2. Click New and enter all necessary data.
  3. Click Submit.

Step 3: Update SOL Verified Credit

Run the Verified Credit Update report to update any verified credit that is to be awarded based on the student test results.

Step 4: Update SOL Graduation Status

  1. On the student record, navigate to State/Province - VA > SOL Scores and Credits > Grad Credit Status.
  2. Enter the Grad Cohort Year and select a value for Anticipated Diploma (if applicable).
  3. Once the Grad Cohort and Anticipated Diploma fields are set for the student(s), run the SOL Graduation Status Update Report located on the State Reports tab to update the Graduation Requirements Met fields for English, Math, Science, and History/Social Sciences subject areas.

Step 5: Manual Data Entry

Once the Grad Cohort year, Anticipated Diploma, and subject fields for requirements met have been updated, the additional data entry fields located on the student page can be manually set/updated. 

Note:  The Federal Requirements fields must be updated manually.

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