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Data Collections

The following data collections are included in this section.

Data Collection Name


Due Date / Cycle

Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Data Collection

The Academically and Intellectually Gifted Data Collection displays data for all actively enrolled students in grades Kindergarten through 13 identified with an AIG Program.

Run once a year and is due January 15th.

Alternative Learning Program (ALP) Data Collection

The Alternative Learning Program Data Collection displays information for students in risk of academic failure or who engage in disruptive or disorderly behavior.

Run once a year, after EOY (End of Year process) and is collected for the previous school year.

Common Follow-Up System (CFS) Data Collection

The Common Follow-Up System Data Collection displays an individual student record for every student in grades 9 – 13 from the prior school year and includes the following information:

  • All students who were admitted to and attended school for at least one day.
  • Demographic data, grade level, diploma type, and entry and exit dates for all students.

This collection is submitted between September 1st - 30th.

Discipline Data Collection

The Discipline Data Collection displays students reported for disciplinary incidents to the state. While a school can run this collection at any time during the school year, the state will collect this data at the end of each school year. It is the responsibility of each school to run this collection, review the data, and correct any data quality issues in preparation for the final state collection.

The collection is run beginning May 15, 20XX and must be finalized for DPI by June 30, 20XX.

Dropout Data Collection

The Dropout Data Collection displays information for students who are considered as dropouts from the previous school year. There are various rules that determine how a dropout is determined, usually based on exit code (W2), although other exit codes (except W1, W3, W4 and W6) should be considered as well. It is each school's responsibility to identify dropouts and specify a specific dropout reason (code) for each. In some cases the school may not know the exact reason for the dropout. For instance, if a suspected dropout is found to be enrolled in another school, then he or she is not a dropout. In the case where the student has been verified as a dropout, the school is responsible for flagging the verified dropout checkbox.

The collection is run on the 20th day of the current school year (equivalent to the end date of PMR interval 1).

Graduate Data Verification (also called Graduate Survey) Data Collection

The Graduate Data Verification Data Collection displays demographic information, Diploma Type, and post-graduate intentions of North Carolina high school graduates.

Run during the school year and is based on:

  • Summer School Graduates (previous year)
  • Mid-Year/Early Graduates (current year)
  • Regular Program Graduates
    Note: Approval of the graduate data verification cannot be prior to the last day of the school calendar + 7 days or June 15 through 30 whichever comes first.

Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Data Collection - Part 1
Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Data Collection – Part 2

The Office of Civil Rights Data Collection is reported for each LEA at the state level. The purpose of the U.S. Department of Education's Civil Rights Data Collection is to obtain data related to the nation's public school LEAs' and elementary and secondary schools' obligation to provide equal educational opportunity. To fulfill this goal, the CRDC collects a variety of information, including student enrollment and educational programs and services data, that are disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability.

Part 1 – Collection snapshot is run at the end of September and December.

Part 2 – Collection snapshot is run at the end of December.

Principal Monthly Report (PMR) Data Collection

The Principal's Monthly Report (PMR) Data Collection displays enrollment, membership, and attendance information. 

Run 9 times a year; once every school month (20 days).

For Intervals 1 and 2: Users must enter 20 days.

For Intervals 3-8: Users manually enter the number of days.

For Interval 9: The system will calculate the number of remaining days.

Retention/Promotion/Graduation (RPG) Data Collection

The Retention/Promotion/Graduation data collection displays an individual student record on every student who completed the school's academic year at the reporting school.

Run once a year in September for the prior year.

SAR Data Collection

The SAR Data Collection displays data for full school-based schedule (i.e. all activities) of professional instructional personnel and specified activities of non-professional personnel. The objective is to account for all of the reported person's time.

Run once a year 10 days after PMR month 2.

School Start-Time and End-Time ReportThe School Start-Time and End-Time Report displays current and historical data regarding school-day start and end times over the previous ten years.

This collection is submitted between September 1 - 15.

In-Field Out-Of Field Data CollectionThe In-FIeld Out-Of Field Report displays data for all license status of teacher teaching in section of all schools in LEAThis collection is submitted between September 1 - 15.
The Legislative Class Size Report displays data for all course attending students which were enrolled before cut-off date.

Fall collection submitted between September 17 - November 30.

Spring collection submitted between March 15 - April 30.

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