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Retention/Promotion (RP) Data Collection



The Retention/Promotion (RP) Data Collection is a collection of individual records of student progress from the recently completed school year including summer school activity. This data is approved at the School and LEA levels. Once approved by the LEA, data will available to the NCDPI in September on a pre-determined date and is used to provide the State Board of Education and other interested parties disaggregated information on retention, promotion and graduation data. The number of students retained, promoted, or graduated must match the number of students in membership on the last day (MLD) as reported on the 9th Principal's Monthly Report of the reporting school year.

Report Input

Run Report Collection

This report collection is run at the LEA and School level.

Use the following steps to generate the Retention/Promotion data collection.

  1. On the Start Page, click State Reports. The State Reporting Dashboard page appears and displays a list of data collections for the school.
  2. Next to the Retention/Promotion Report, click Run.
  3. The system validates the data against the business rules set up for the collections and completes the process.
  4. Users have 24 hours to approve their data collection. If approval is not done within the 24 hours, the users must re-run the collection.

Review Data Collection

  1. Next to the Retention/Promotion Report, click Review.
  2. Select one of the following RP data collection views from the Data View drop-down menu. The Results section displays the data collection results specific for the selected data view.

    Data Collection View


    School View

    RP Summary

    The RP Summary collects data for retained, promoted and graduated students by final status.

    RP Detail

    The RP Detail collects data for each student in the previous school year. Collected data indicates those students promoted to the next grade level, those retained in the same grade level, and those that graduated.

    LEA View

    LEA Summary

    The LEA Summary Collection View collects data for the LEA to examine data at a high level across all schools. The LEA can always see the same views as a school by switching to that school within PowerSchool.

  3. To narrow your search, select one or more filters, if available.




    To narrow list by race, select the checkbox and choose the race by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.


    To narrow list by gender, select the checkbox and choose the gender by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.


    To narrow list by grade, select the checkbox and choose the grade by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.

    End of Year Status

    To narrow list by end of year status, select the checkbox and choose the End of Year Status by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.

    End of Summer Status

    To narrow list by end of summer status, select the checkbox and choose the End of Summer Status by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.

  4. Click Refresh. The Results section displays the filtered data collection results specific for the selected data view.

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Review Exceptions

Use the following steps to review exceptions for a data collection.

  1. From the Dashboard, click Review. The Review page appears.
  2. Select Exceptions from the Reviews drop-down menu. Exceptions associated with a data collection display.
  3. Select the exception type from the Choose exception drop-down menu. The Business Rule and Steps to Correct for the selected exception type appear on the page.
    The Results section displays detailed information associated with the selected exception.
  4. To narrow your search, select one or more filters, if available.
  5. Click Refresh.

The Results section displays the filtered exception results specific for the selected data view.

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

PowerSchool provides data validation to promote data integrity by preventing invalid data from being entered or imported into PowerSchool. Refer to the Validation Reports section for the detailed list of RP data and user interface validation checks that provide additional information and the necessary steps to correct exceptions, if applicable.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

RP Summary

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



RP Code

The RP status code as of the end of regular school year.


Promotion Status


The number of students with the corresponding RP status code at the end of the regular school year.


Summer School



Promotion Status Summer

The number of students with the corresponding RP status code as of the end of summer school.



The membership last day count reported PMR 9th month

[S_NC_RPT_PMR_Summary] Membership_LastDay_NVIO

Grand Totals

The data collection adds the values in each column.


RP Detail

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial




Student UID

The student state number.



The student’s age calculated as of Run Date

[Students] [Derived] based on DOB


The student’s ethnic/race code based on the Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity value.



The student’s gender.

Valid values: M or F.



The grade level of the student at the end of the previous school year (including summer school).


Primary Exceptionality

The student’s primary exceptionality code or AIG Code if no EC Code exists.






End of Year Status

Promotion status code as of the end of regular school year.



Summer School

The Summer School Code LOCS will appear for any student that has summer school courses.


Derived by finding at least one historical grade for school with name LOCS (meaning Summer School) between end of past school year to present date

End of Summer Status

Summer Promotion status code as of the end of summer.


RP Summary (LEA View)

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



School Number

The school ID number.



The school name.



A column for each grade level K-13; total enrollment for applicable grade levels. If none, leave blank.



TotalK-13 for each school.


RACD Total

Total; Students with Promotion Status = Retention, Local Standard



Total; Students with Promotion Status = Retention,  Local Administrative Decision



Total; Students with Promotion Status = Retention, Local Standards Attendance



Total; Students with Promotion Status =  Retention/State Standards



Total; Students with Promotion Status = Promotion



Total; Students with Promotion Status =  Graduated with a Certificate (a subset of the promoted students who graduated with GCER)



Total; Student with Promotion Status =  Graduated with a Diploma (a subset of the promoted students who graduated with GDPL)


Summer School Code

Total; Students with at least one historical course with 'How Taken' = LOCS for the previous school year


Summer School Promotions

Total; Students with Promotion Status Summer = Promotion


MLD 9th Month

Membership last day count reported PMR 9th month.


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