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Principal Monthly Report (PMR) Data Collection



The Principal's Monthly Report (PMR) Data Collection contains enrollment, membership, and attendance information. This data is approved to the LEA and NCDPI at the end of each school month for nine months. Included with the second month PMR is a revised Month 1 that includes any changes to Month 1 that occurred during the second school month. All schools MUST be calculated on 20 days for Months 1 and 2. Individual submissions will be generated for Months 3 through 8, and ADM and ADA will be calculated based on the number of days in the PMR Interval Setup. When the Month 9 PMR is submitted, final revised Months 1 through 8 are included. The PMR data is the source data for calculating Average Daily Membership (ADM), Average Daily Attendance (ADA), Initial Enrollment, and Membership Last Day (MLD).

  • The term "initial enrollment" represents the number of students enrolled in the state's public schools (Codes E1 + E2). Once a student is initially counted in the enrollment figure, he/she remains in that count throughout the school year. Students transferring to the North Carolina public school system from another state or from non-public schools are added to initial enrollment. Initial enrollment is not reduced by transfers, withdrawals, deaths, or midyear graduations. The end of the year initial enrollment thus shows a higher count than the actual number of students in school.
  • Only students with Admission Status of MST1 (Member Standard Day Program) in grade levels Kindergarten through 13 and students with Admission Status of MED1 (Member Extended Day Program) in grade levels 6 through 13 are included in the data collection. These are the only students used for the ADM and ADA calculations. Students with an Admission Status of VST1 (Visitor Standard Day Program - Foreign Exchange Student) or Admission Status of VED1 (Visitor Extended Day Program) are excluded from this data collection. Therefore, they are excluded from the ADM and ADA calculations.

Pre-kindergarten children (PK, P0, P1, P2, and P3) are excluded from the ADM and ADA calculations; however, they are included in the data collection. The totals for PK and P0 – P3 will be grouped under the PK totals on the PMR data view.

The PMR report is closely related to the Grade/Race/Sex (GRS) data. The data is for each active student in membership (In membership = "Admission Status" of MST1 and or MED1) on the last instructional day of the school month. The data is used for reporting purposes to local, state, federal agencies, and other organizations.

Both traditional grade levels of Kindergarten through 13th grade and Extended Day 6th through 13th grades data is included. Races collected are American Indian, Asian, Hispanic, Black, White, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and Two or More. Each of these is further disaggregated by male and female.

Average Daily Membership (ADM) Calculation

Average Daily Membership (ADM) is calculated using the following logic for this report:

Student Membership Days NVIO is divided by the number of days in the school month and rounded to the nearest whole number. This is done for EACH GRADE LEVEL. This produces the ADM by grade level. Once the grade level ADM is calculated, all grade level ADMs are added together to determine the ADM for the school. Each school's ADM in the LEA is added together to determine the LEA's ADM.

Attendance Membership
Days (NVIO)

Days in Months

Grade Level ADM
(round up to nearest whole number)

























School's ADM


Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Calculation

Average Daily Attendance (ADA) is based on the sum of the number of days in attendance for all students divided by the number of days in the school month.

Always round up to the nearest whole number.

Report Input

Run Report Collection

This report collection is run at the LEA and School level.

Use the following steps to generate the Principal Monthly Data Collection.

  1. On the Start Page, click State Reports. The State Reporting Dashboard page appears and displays a list of data collections for the school.
  2. Next to the Principal Monthly Report, click Run.
  3. The system validates the data against the business rules set up for the collection and completes the process.
  4. Users have 24 hours to approve their data collection. If approval is not done within the 24 hours, the users must re-run the collection.

Refresh Attendance Views Prior to Running a PMR Data Collection

Attendance views must be refreshed each time prior to running the PMR data collection. To do this, go to Special Functions > Attendance Functions > Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data. Click Submit and then click Refresh.

Review Data Collection

  1. Next to the Principal Monthly Data Collection, click Review.
  2. Select one of the following PMR data collection views from the Data View drop-down menu. The Results section displays the data collection results specific for the selected data view.

Data Collection View


PMR Summary

The PMR Summary data collection displays enrollment, membership, and attendance information by grade level for the school. This data is approved at the School and LEA levels. Once approved by the LEA, data will available to the NCDPI at the end of each school month for nine months. The PMR data is the source data for calculating:

  • Average Daily Membership
  • Average Daily Attendance
  • Initial Enrollment
  • Membership Last Day

PMR Detail

Displays detailed information pertinent to the each of the individual students from the PMR Summary view.

GRS Summary

Displays summary membership information for active students in membership (with an “Admission Status” of MST1 or MED1) on the last instructional day of the school month. This data is used for reporting purposes to local, state, and federal agencies, as well as other organizations.

  • Both traditional grade levels of Kindergarten through 13th grade and Extended Day 6th through 13th grades data is included.
  • Race categories collected are American Indian, Asian, Hispanic, Black, White, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and Two or More.

Note: Each race category is further disaggregated by male and female.

GRS Detail

Displays detailed grade, gender, and race information for each of the individual, student from the GRS Summary view.

PMR R5/R6 Adjustments

Displays a listing of students with an R5 or R6 entry code and the initial entry code.

PMR Enrollments

Displays student enrollment records applicable for the current PMR month.

3. To narrow your search, select one or more filters, if available.



PMR Month

To narrow the list by PMR Month, select the checkbox and choose the PMR Month by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.

Admission Status

To narrow the list by admission status, select the checkbox and choose the admission status by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.


To narrow list by race, select the checkbox and choose the race by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.


To narrow list by gender, select the checkbox and choose the gender by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.


To narrow list by grade, select the checkbox and choose the grade by which you want to filter from the pop-up menu.

4. Click Refresh.

The Results section displays the filtered data collection results specific for the selected data view.

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Review Exceptions

Use the following steps to review for data collection.

  1. From the Dashboard, click Review. The Review page appears.
  2. Select Exceptions from the Reviews drop-down menu. Exceptions associated with a data collection display.
  3. Select the exception type from the Choose exception drop-down menu. The Business Rule and Steps to Correct for the selected exception type appear on the page.
    The Results section displays detailed information associated with the selected exception.
  4. To narrow your search, select one or more filters, if available.
  5. Click Refresh.

The Results section displays the filtered exception results specific for the selected data view.

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

PowerSchool provides data validation to promote data integrity by preventing invalid data from being entered or imported into PowerSchool. Refer to the Validation Reports section for the detailed list of PMR data and user interface validation checks that provide additional information and the necessary steps to correct exceptions, if applicable.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

PMR Summary

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Section Standard Day: Students with an admission status of MST1 are included in the top section of this data view titled Standard Day (excluding PK).

PMR Month

The PMR Month associated with the data. Some collections (PMR 2 and PMR 9) also re-collect data for previous months.

Note: This column may be selected as a filter.


Grade levels for students whose admission status = MST1 (excluding PK).

Note: For a list of codes, refer to Grade Level and Admission Status codes.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low Grade


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of E1 (Initial Entry - No Previous Public School Enrollment).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of E2 (Initial Entry - Previous Public School Enrollment Outside State).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R1 (Re-entry - Previous Internal W1).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R2 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Same LEA).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R3 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Another LEA).


The total number of all enrollments coded as E1, E2, R1, R2andR3.


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W1 (Transfer Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W2 (Early Leaver Withdrawal - No Plan to Return Current School Year).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W3 (Death Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W4 (Early Completer - Returning and Non-returning).


The summation of students in membership on the last day of the reporting period that are NOT in violation of the 10 Day Rule.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

E1+E2+R1+R2+R3-W1-W2-W3-W4 - Student Membership VIO Last Day.


MEM Last Day VIO

The summation of students in membership and in violation of the10 day rule on the last day of the reporting period.

[Table] Membership_LastDay _VIO


The Attendance Membership Days NVIO.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

Daily Present + DailyNon 1HAbsences + Daily 1H Absences - Attendance Membership Days VIO.



The total of all consecutive unexcused absences for any student that is in violation of the 10-day rule.


Daily Present

The summation of membership days present during the school month reported.


Days Absent NON-1H

The summation of membership days absent during the school month reported for all students whose Reason Code for absence was something other than 1H.


Daily Absent 1H

The summation of membership days absent during the school month reported for all students whose Reason Code for the absence was 1H.

Note: 1H absences are excused absences and considered present. However, the number of 1H attendance codes must be displayed in the 1H Abs Column. Adjustments are made in the calculation of the average daily attendance so that 1H absences do not adversely affect a school's ADA.



This ADM is calculated using the following formula:

Attendance Membership Days NVIO divided by the number of days in the school month rounded to the nearest whole number.

Note: This is done for each grade level. This produces the ADM by grade level.



This ADA is calculated using the following formula:

The total number of Daily Present + Daily 1H Abs divided by the number of days in the PMR Interval.

N/A is reported for this field.



The total of each individual column.


Section Extended Day: Students with an admission status of MED1 are included in the bottom section of this data view titled Extended Day

State Grade Code

The grade levels for students whose admission status = MED1 and grade levels = 9-13.

Note: For a list of codes, refer to Grade Level and Admission Status codes.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low Grade


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of E1 (Initial Entry - No Previous Public School Enrollment).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of E2 (Initial Entry - Previous Public School Enrollment Outside State).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R1 (Re-entry - Previous Internal W1).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R2 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Same LEA).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R3 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Another LEA).


The total number of all Enrollments coded as E1, E2, R1, R2andR3.


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W1 (Transfer Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W2 (Early Leaver Withdrawal - No Plan to Return Current School Year).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W3 (Death Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W4 (Early Completer - Returning and Non-returning).

Student Membership NVIO Last Day

The summation of students in membership on the last day of the reporting period that are NOT in violation of the 10 Day Rule.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

E1+E2+R1+R2+R3-W1-W2-W3-W4 - Student Membership VIO Last Day.

Student Membership VIO Last Day

The summation of students in violation of membership (10 day rule) on the last day of the report period.

Attendance Membership Days NVIO

The Attendance Membership Days NVIO.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

Daily Present + DailyNon 1HAbsences + Daily 1H Absences - Attendance Membership Days VIO.

Attendance Membership Days VIO

The total of all consecutive unexcused absences for any student that is in violation of the 10-day rule.

Daily Present

The summation of membership days present during the school month reported.

DailyNon 1HAbs

The summation of membership days absent during the school month reported for all students whose reason code for absence was something other than 1H.

Daily 1H Abs

The summation of membership days absent during the school month reported for all students whose reason code for the absence was 1H.

Note: 1H absences are excused absences and considered present. However, the number of 1H attendance codes must be displayed in the 1H Abs Column. Adjustments are made in the calculation of the average daily attendance so that 1H absences do not adversely affect a school's ADA.


This ADM is calculated using the following formula:

Attendance Membership Days NVIO divided by the number of days in the school month rounded to the nearest whole number.

Note: This is done for each grade level. This produces the ADM by grade level.


This ADA is calculated using the following formula:

Sum of Daily Present + Daily 1H Abs divided by the number of days in the PMR Interval


The total of each individual column.

Section Total for School: Total of Students in Standard Day + Students in Extended Day.


The totals of Standard Day and Extended for all columns.

Section PK: Students with an admission status of MST1 and grade level of PK, P0-P3 for reporting needs only, not for ADM or ADA.

State Grade Code

The grade levels for students whose admission status = of PK (The total number of PK, P0, P1, P2, P3) which is displayed at the bottom of the data view.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low Grade


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of E1 (Initial Entry - No Previous Public School Enrollment).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of E2 (Initial Entry - Previous Public School Enrollment Outside State).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R1 (Re-entry - Previous Internal W1).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R2 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Same LEA).


The cumulative number of students enrolled during the current school year with an enrollment code of R3 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Another LEA).


The total number of all Enrollments coded as E1, E2, R1, R2andR3.


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W1 (Transfer Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W2 (Early Leaver Withdrawal - No Plan to Return Current School Year).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W3 (Death Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of students withdrawn during the current school year with a withdrawal code of W4 (Early Completer - Returning and Non-returning).

Student Membership NVIO Last Day

The summation of students in membership on the last day of the reporting period that are NOT in violation of the 10 Day Rule.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

E1+E2+R1+R2+R3-W1-W2-W3-W4 - Student Membership VIO Last Day.

Student Membership VIO Last Day

The summation of students in violation of membership (10 day rule) on the last day of the reporting period.

Attendance Membership Days NVIO

The Attendance Membership Days NVIO.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

Daily Present + DailyNon 1HAbsences + Daily 1H Absences - Attendance Membership Days VIO.

Attendance Membership Days VIO

The total of all consecutive unexcused absences for any student that is in violation of the 10-day rule.

Daily Present

The summation of membership days present during the school month reported.

DailyNon 1HAbs

The summation of membership days absent during the school month reported for all students whose reason code for absence was something other than 1H.

Daily 1H Abs

The summation of membership days absent during the school month reported for all students whose reason code for the absence was 1H.

Note: 1H absences are excused absences and considered present. However, the number of 1H attendance codes must be displayed in the 1H Abs Column. Adjustments are made in the calculation of the average daily attendance so that 1H absences do not adversely affect a school's ADA.





PMR Detail

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



PMR Month

The PMR Month associated with the data. Some collections (PMR 2 and PMR 9) also re-collect data for previous months.

Note: This column may be selected as a filter.

Student Name

The concatenated Student Last Name, First Name

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Admission Status

The admission status for the student.

Valid Values are:

  • MST1 - Member - Standard Day Program (default)
  • MED1 - Member - Extended Day Program



The student’s ethnic/race code based on the Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity value.



The student’s gender.

Valid values: M or F.



The Grade level for student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of E1 (Initial Entry - No Previous Public School Enrollment).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of E2 (Initial Entry - Previous Public School Enrollment Outside State).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of R1 (Re-entry - Previous Internal W1).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of R2 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Same LEA).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of R3 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Another LEA).


Total of Entry codes per student. This will be the sum of E1, E2, R1, R2andR3.


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with a withdrawal code of W1 (Transfer Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with a withdrawal code of W2 (Early Leaver Withdrawal - No Plan to Return Current School Year).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with a withdrawal code of W3 (Death Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with a withdrawal code of W4 (Early Completer - Returning and Non-returning).


The summation, per student, in membership on the last day of the reporting period NOT in violation of the 10 Day Rule.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

E1+E2+R1+R2+R3-W1-W2-W3-W4 - Student Membership VIO Last Day.

MEM Last Day VIO

The summation, per student, in membership on the last day of the reporting period in violation of the 10 Day Rule.


The summation of membership days, per student, during the school month.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

Daily Present + DailyNon 1HAbsences + Daily 1H Absences - Attendance Membership Days VIO.


The total of all consecutive unexcused absences, per student, in violation of the 10-day rule.

Daily Present

The summation of membership days, per student, present during the school month reported.

Days Absent NON-1H

The summation of membership days, per student, whose reason code for absence was something other than 1H.

Absent 1H

The summation of membership days, per student, whose reason code for the absence was 1H.

GRS Summary

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



PMR Month

The PMR Month associated with the date. Some collections (PMR 2 and PMR 9) also re-collect data for previous months.

Note: This column may be selected as a filter.


The state grade level of the students reported.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade


The number of American Indian/Alaskan Native male students in membership as of the end of the period reported.



The number of American Indian/Alaskan Native female students in membership as of the end of the period reported.



The number of Asian/Pacific Islander male students in membership as of the end of the period reported.



The number of female Asian/Pacific Islander students in membership as of the end of the period reported.


Hispanic (M)

The number of Hispanic male students in membership as of the end of the period reported.


Hispanic (F)

The number of Hispanic female students in membership as of the end of the period reported.


Black (M)

The number of Black or African American male students in membership as of the end of the period reported.


Black (F)

The number of Black or African American female students in membership as of the end of the period reported.


White (M)

The number of White male students in membership as of the end of the period reported.


White (F)

The number of White female students in membership as of the end of the period reported.


Two or More (M)

The number of male students associated with two or more race categories in membership as of the end of the period reported.


Two or More (F)

The number of female students associated with two or more race categories in membership as of the end of the period reported.


Summary (M)

The total number of males by grade.


Summary (F)

The total number of females by grade.



Total number of male/female by race category.


Missing Ethnicities

GRS Detail

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



PMR Month

The PMR Month associated with the date. Some collections (PMR 2 and PMR 9) also re-collect data for previous months.

Note: This column may be selected as a filter.

Student Name

The concatenated Student Last Name, First Name

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Student ID

The student state number.



The student’s ethnic/race code based on the Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity value.



The student’s gender.

Valid values: M or F.



The student’s current grade.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

NVIO Last Day

Indicates if the student was in violation of membership (10 day rule) on the last day of the reporting period.

VIO Last Day

Indicates if the student was withdrawn during the current school year.

PMR R5/R6 Adjustments

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



PMR Month

The PMR Month associated with the date. Some collections (PMR 2 and PMR 9) also re-collect data for previous months.

Note: This column may be selected as a filter.

Student Name

The concatenated Student Last Name, First Name

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Entry Date

The date of the student's initial enrollment into a school containing grades 9-12 in any school.


Entry Code (Current)

Entry Code (Initial)

PMR Enrollments

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



PMR Month

The PMR Month associated with the date. Some collections (PMR 2 and PMR 9) also re-collect data for previous months.

Note: This column may be selected as a filter.

Student Name

The concatenated Student Last Name, First Name

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Admission Status

The admission status for the student.

Valid Values are:

  • MST1 - Member - Standard Day Program (default)
  • MED1 - Member - Extended Day Program



The student’s ethnic/race code based on the Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity value.



The student’s gender.

Valid values: M or F.



The student’s current grade.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Entry Date

The date of the student's initial enrollment into a school containing grades 9-12 in any school.


Entry Code

Exit Date

The date of student's exit date if the student has withdrawn from each school.

Derived based on

[Students]ExitDate or


Exit Code

Last Day NVIO

Indicates if the student was in violation of membership (10 day rule) on the last day of the reporting period.

Last Day VIO

Indicates if the student was withdrawn during the current school year.


The summation of membership days, per student, during the school month.

This value is calculated using the following formula:

Daily Present + DailyNon 1HAbsences + Daily 1H Absences - Attendance Membership Days VIO.


The total of all consecutive unexcused absences, per student, in violation of the 10-day rule.

Days Present

The summation of membership days, per student, present during the school month reported.

Absent Non-1H

The summation of membership days, per student, whose reason code for absence was something other than 1H.

Absent 1H

The summation of membership days, per student, whose reason code for the absence was 1H.

PMR Exception 1 – R1 Entries Due to Grade Level Ranges

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



New Grade

Old Grade

PMR Exception 2 – Students on the PMR but not current in PowerSchool

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of E1 (Initial Entry - No Previous Public School Enrollment).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of E2 (Initial Entry - Previous Public School Enrollment Outside State).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of R1 (Re-entry - Previous Internal W1).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of R2 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Same LEA).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with an enrollment code of R3 (Transfer Entry - Previous North Carolina Public School Enrollment in Another LEA).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with a withdrawal code of W1 (Transfer Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with a withdrawal code of W2 (Early Leaver Withdrawal - No Plan to Return Current School Year).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with a withdrawal code of W3 (Death Withdrawal).


The cumulative number of entries, per student, during the current school year, with a withdrawal code of W4 (Early Completer - Returning and Non-returning).

PMR 3 Exception – Student Double Counted in Membership

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Entry Date



Admission Status

The admission status for the student.

Valid Values are:

  • MST1 - Member - Standard Day Program (default)
  • MED1 - Member - Extended Day Program



School A Name

School B Name

PMR Month #

PMR 4 – Students with Non-Funded Admission Status

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Entry Date


[ReEnrollments] EntryDate

Admission Status Code

The admission status for the student.

Valid Values are:

  • blank
  • MST1 - Member - Standard Day Program (default)
  • MED1 - Member - Extended Day Program
  • VED1 - Visitor - Extended Day Program
  • VST1- Visitor - Standard Day Program/Foreign Exchange Student
  • VST2 - Temporary status until record is transferred to this school


Admission Status Date

The student’s admission status date.

PMR 5 – Student Should be Marked as NO SHOW

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Exit Date


Exit Code


Admission Status Code

The admission status for the student.

Valid Values are:

  • MST1 - Member - Standard Day Program (default)
  • MED1 - Member - Extended Day Program


Admission Status Date

The student’s admission status date.


The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 6 – Students with Extended Day Status Assigned to Standard Day Track

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Admission Status Code

The admission status for the student.

Valid Values are:

  • MST1 - Member - Standard Day Program (default)
  • MED1 - Member - Extended Day Program


Admission Status Date

The student’s admission status date.


The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 7 – Student with Standard Day Status Assigned to Extended Day Track

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Admission Status Code

The admission status for the student.

Valid Values are:

MST1 - Member - Standard Day Program (default)

MED1 - Member - Extended Day Program


Admission Status Date

The student’s admission status date.


The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 8 - Students not assigned to a valid Race/Ethnicity

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Admission Status Code

The admission status for the student.

Valid Values are:

MST1 - Member - Standard Day Program (default)

MED1 - Member - Extended Day Program


Admission Status Date

The student’s admission status date.


The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

EthnicityThe students that do not have a valid race or ethnicity code.[Students]Ethnicity

PMR 9 - Students missing admission status

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 10 - Students not assigned to a valid track

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

TrackThe students that do not have a valid track.

PMR 11 - Students with multiple E1 entries in the same school year

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 12 - Students with multiple E2 entries in the same school year

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 13 - Students with exit code W4 in grade level less than 10

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Exit DateThe date when the student exited the school

PMR 14 - Students with Exit Code W4 in grade level 10 or higher

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Exit DateThe date when the student exited the school

PMR 15 - Students with overlapping enrollment records

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 16 - Students with missing or invalid entry code

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Entry CodeThe students that do not have a valid entry code. This also includes students that do not have an entry code.

PMR 17 - Enrolled students with no schedule

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 18 - Initial R1/R5/R6 enrollment code invalid

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Entry Code

The students entry code is R1, R5, or R6 and they are starting the school year or transferred to a new school after the start of the school year.

PMR 19 - Student missing valid Gender

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 20 - Students with missing or invalid exit code

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Exit CodeStudent's enrollment record is missing the exit code or the exit code is not linked to a code recognized by DPI.

PMR 21 - Students absent on first day of enrollment

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Attendance Codes of 1H and 1M are excluded from this report.

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 22 - Students with a VST2 status

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

PMR 23 - Students with invalid or unofficial student numbers

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



State Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


GenderStudent's gender[Students]Gender


The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Student Number

If the student does not have a valid state-assigned number:

  • Students who have a student number greater than 10 digits, or a number less than 30000
  • Student number and state-assigned student number do not match

PMR 24 - Students with enrollment dates prior to start of school

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


GenderStudent's gender[Students]Gender


The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Admission Status

Students that have an entry date any time prior to the school start date even if they have an admission status other than MST1 or MED1.

PMR 25 - Students assigned to a track

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade


If a student is assigned a track and they are not in a track school

PMR 26 - Initial R2/R3 enrollment code invalid

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Entry Code

The student's entry code is R2 or R3 and it is the first public school they attended in the current school year in North Carolina.

The PMR 26 warning does not display for initial entry codes N1, E1, or E2

PMR 27 - Students with too few instructional minutes for PMR reporting

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Admission Status

The admission status for the student.


Scheduled Minutes

School Minutes

PMR 28 - Students not counted due to bad entry and exit dates

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Entry DateThe date of the student's initial enrollment into a school.
Exit Date

The date of the student's exit from a school.

Admission Status

PMR 29 - Daily Instructional Minutes not configured

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Daily Instructional Minutes Not Configured The school is listed if the daily instructional minutes value is not numeric or not in the range of 180 and 480.

PMR 30 - Students with 10 consecutive unexcused absences (10 Day Rule)

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Number of Violation Days

List of students with 10 consecutive unexcused absences.

If a student is in violation on the last day of the school year, the student must be withdrawn the day after the last day of attendance before the 9th month PMR is completed.

PMR 31 - School has Instrucitonal Days Beyond June 30

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name


Term Name

The school year's name.


End Date

If the last date of the school's instructional days is after June 30th.


PMR 32 - Missing Membership Last Day (MLD) for Reporting Month -MLD equals 0

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Schools with an operational status of Closed or Inactive are excluded from this report.

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Entry DateThe date of the student's initial enrollment into a school.
Exit Date

The date of the student's exit from a school.

Admission Status

PMR 33 - Student Enrolled in Invalid Grade

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Lists of the students with grade level that is not within the grades offered at the school enrolled.

PMR 34 - Kindergarten Student with Birthdate Prior to August 31st

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

List of kindergarten students who have not reached their fifth birthday on or before August 31st of the current school year and do not meet the exception criteria.

Exception criteria:

  • Student reaches their fourth birthday on or before April 16th with proper documentation presented to the Principal of the school.
  • Student has not reached the age of five years old on or before August 31st of the school year, but has been attending during the school year in another state in accordance with the laws or rules of the state before moving and becoming a resident of North Carolina.

PMR 35 - Transfer Records Status Code

Report Output Format: Excel Spreadsheet, CSV

Data Element



Student ID

The PowerSchool student number.


Student Name

Concatenated Student Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial.

[Students]First_Name [Students]Last_Name



The Grade level for the student.

Grade levels derived from:

[Schools]High_Grade and [Schools]Low_Grade

Transfer Records Status Code

List of students that have a status code of 1 or 2 where the transfer of student records process was not completed successfully.

If the transfer student records process is not completed successfully, it can cause invalid information on the PMR. Additionally, if the student transfers to another PSU, the subsequent PSU cannot transfer the student records.

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