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PowerSchool Application Version

  • PowerSchool 9.0 or later is required.
  • Microsoft Windows

Java Requirements

A separate Java installation is no longer required for the PowerSchool SIF Agent. The Java version needed to the run the SIF Agent has been bundled with the PowerSchool SIF Agent application.


The PowerSchool SIF Agent can be installed on any Windows server that is within the same network as the PowerSchool Database server. Due to the nature of some of the database queries, we recommend that you install the PowerSchool SIF Agent on the same server as the Oracle Database, but this is not a requirement.

Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool application

If the currently installed agent is the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool, we recommend that you backup and then uninstall the Pearson SIF Agent before installing the PowerSchool SIF Agent. Refer to the Uninstall section for directions. Once complete, install the SIF Agent following the Installing the PowerSchool SIF Agent and the Upgrading from the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool instructions.

Updating or Installing the PowerSchool SIF Agent Adapter

The PowerSchool SIF Agent has two components: the SIF Agent and the SIF Agent Adapter. Although the SIF Agent operates independently of PowerSchool, the SIF Agent Adapter must be installed within the PowerSchool application file system.

Refer to Installing the PowerSchool SIF Agent Adapter for installation instructions.

Note: The PowerSchool SIF Agent Adapter must be updated whenever the PowerSchool SIF Agent or the PowerSchool application is updated or installed.

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