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Upgrading from the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool

When upgrading from the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool, it is recommended to first uninstall the Pearson SIF Agent before installing the PowerSchool SIF Agent.  Please see the Uninstall section for directions.  Once the uninstall is complete, and the new installation of the PowerSchool SIF Agent is complete, there are a few steps to setup the new PowerSchool SIF Agent with the same configuration as the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool.

  1. Shutdown the PowerSchool SIF Agent service.
  2. Locate the following files and folder in the backup zip file created from the uninstall directions:
    Watch_bundle (folder)


    If the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool wasn’t setup using SSL security, then the Agent.ks and Trusted.ks files may not exist.  If they don’t exist, then continue without them.

  3. Copy the files and folder obtained in step 2 into the root of the PowerSchool SIF Agent installation.  The default location is C:\SIFAgents\PowerSchool.
  4. Start the PowerSchool SIF Agent service.
  5. Open the PowerSchool SIF Agent console and connect to the agent.
  6. Verify that all zones are connecting correctly.

If there are issues with upgrading or installing the PowerSchool SIF Agent, please contact support for assistance and directions.

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