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Installing the PowerSchool SIF Agent Adapter

The PowerSchool SIF Agent Adapter must be updated whenever the PowerSchool SIF Agent or the PowerSchool application is updated or installed.  Following are instructions for installing the adapter.jar in PowerSchool 9.0 and above.

In PowerSchool, the powerschool-events-adapter-sif-outgoing.jar must be added to the following directory:

Program Files\PowerSchool\application\components\powerschool-core-[version number]\WEB-INF\lib\bundles\ext\

This must be installed on ALL PowerSchool Application servers.

  1. Locate the existing SIF Agent Adapter.
    If the SIF Agent Adapter is already installed, it is located in the Program Files\PowerSchool\application\components\powerschool-core-[version number]\WEB-INF\lib\bundles\ext directory. The file containing the SIF Agent Adapter is named powerschool-events-adapter-sif-outgoing.jar. Locate this file and proceed to the next step.

  2. Remove the existing SIF Agent Adapter.
    Remove the file Program Files\PowerSchool\application\components\powerschool-core-[version number]\WEB-INF\lib\bundles\ext\powerschool-events-adapter-sif-outgoing.jar and proceed to the next step.

  3. Locate the new SIF Agent Adapter in either of the following locations:
      Click on Support > Downloads > Interoperability > PowerSchool SIF Agent & Supported Plugins > PowerSchool SIF Agent 3.3.x.
      Click on the link for the Adapter - SIF Agent for PowerSchool Events Adapter ver 3.3.x.
    2. The PowerSchool SIF Agent installation path.
      In the home installation path of the PowerSchool SIF Agent, navigate to a folder or directory named “adapter”.

  4. Place the file powerschool-events-adapter-sif-outgoing.jar in the following directory:
    Program Files\PowerSchool\application\components\powerschool-core-[version number]\WEB-INF\lib\bundles\ext\

  5. Restart the PowerSchool application.
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