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Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool

If the currently installed agent is the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool, it is recommended to backup and then uninstall the Pearson SIF Agent before installing the PowerSchool SIF Agent.

Complete the following steps to backup and uninstall the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool:


Locate the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool installation.  By default, this is C:\Pearson\SIFAgents\PowerSchool.  Right click on this folder, choose Send to, then choose Compressed (zipped) folder.  This will either create a file called in the current folder, or it will ask if you want to put it on the Desktop.


Note: The Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool console can be running under any user and puts an icon in the system tray.  It is recommended that all other users be logged out and the system tray icon removed before continuing with the uninstall.

Open the Programs and Features panel within the Control Panel.  Locate the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool option and choose Uninstall.  Follow the prompts to uninstall the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool.  If you are asked to restart the server, this is because the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool console wasn’t completely closed before running the uninstall process.  You can choose the restart later option and complete that at another time.

Remaining Files

After the uninstall is complete, there will be a handful of remaining files.  These will need to be deleted manually.  They will be contained in your file created in the backup.

PowerSchool SIF Agent

The PowerSchool SIF Agent can be uninstalled through the Programs and Features within the Control Panel.  Locate the PowerSchool SIF Agent option and choose Uninstall.  Follow the directions of the Uninstaller to complete the process.  The following files and folder will remain after the Uninstaller has finished and can be saved for later reinstalling the PowerSchool SIF Agent.

    • Agent.cfg
    • Agent.ks
    • Trusted.ks
    • Watch_bundle (folder)


      If the Pearson SIF Agent for PowerSchool wasn’t setup using SSL security, then the Agent.ks and Trusted.ks files may not exist.  If they don’t exist, then continue without them.


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