LA EdLink Enrollments
This report extracts enrollment, exit, and attendance data in the format required for submission to the EdLink warehouse. Use PowerSchool's Remote Connection Management feature to set up a SFTP connection to allow for automatic uploading of files to EdLink. Use with the report's scheduling feature to set up a recurring upload of files to EdLink.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] table that meet the following criteria:
- The student’s school exit date must occur after the school year start date.
- The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the school year end date.
- The student’s school entry date must occur on or before the report run date (Pre-registered students will not be included in the file).
- The student’s school exit date must occur after their school entry date.
- The student, the student’s school, and the student’s school enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
- Students with entry and exit dates for the same day will be included in the file.
- Students with a grade level of -4, -5 or -6 (Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten Age 3) will be excluded from the extract.
Note: each student must have a Full Time Equivalency value specified in order for the attendance information to be calculated correctly by the nightly attendance process, which is used to populate the attendance extract.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options: If sub-districts are not enabled:
If sub-districts are enabled:
Select Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
If you are running the report for a single student, or a group of students, select the students before running the report. |
Output File Name | Select the extract to generate. |
School Year | Select the school year for which to run the report. The options are controlled by the current Term selected. |
Select Promoted Exit Codes to Exclude from Extract | If applicable, choose the Exit Code(s) used to designate a student promoted to a higher grade level and/or retained within the district. Note: Any enrollment record with a Promoted Exit Code will not have an Exit Date nor Exit Code reported |
Identify as a Partial File | Select this checkbox if the file being generated is not including all students that should be reported to EdLink. As a partial file, the file name will have '_partial' plus a unique number added to the name to ensure each file is unique when it is uploaded to EdLink. |
SFTP connections | If the extract is to be automatically uploaded to EdLink, select the SFTP connection that has been defined for reporting to EdLink. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
LOCAL_ENROLLMENTS_KEY | A unique identifier for each enrollment within the district. Required. | Derived as LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEY; STUDENT_STATE_ID; ADMISSION_DATE [S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_REN_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (depending on District preference, uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended) [Students]State_StudentNumber [Students]EntryDate or |
SCHOOL_YEAR | The year of a school session. Required. | [Terms]FirstDay |
LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEY | The school’s site code. Required. | [S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_REN_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (depending on District preference, uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended) |
DISTRICT_CODE | The three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number |
LOCAL_STUDENT_KEY | The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
CALENDAR_CODE | The unique, district-assigned code identifying the particular calendar for an LEA, school or site, and grade level associated with the student. Required. | [S_LA_STU_X]CalendarCode [S_LA_REN_X]CalendarCode |
ADMISSION_DATE | The first date of the student's enrollment. Required. If a student is flagged No Show and an exit code is provided, then the Enrollment extract reports the student's entry date as both his Admission date and Withdraw date, for all the enrollments in that school year. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate |
HOME_OR_CROSS_ENROLLMENT | Identifies if the enrollment is a cross-enrollment. | Derived [S_LA_STU_X]HomeBasedSiteCode If enrollment is at the home school, but the class schedule is at other schools then "Cross Enrollment" is reported. Otherwise, "Home School" is reported. |
ADMISSION_REASON_CODE | Identifies the entry reason code when the student enrolled in a school. Required. | [Students]EntryCode [ReEnrollments]EntryCode |
WITHDRAW_REASON_CODE | Identifies the reason the student was withdrawn/exited from the school. | [Students]ExitCode |
WITHDRAW_DATE | The student's withdrawal date from the school. This is only reported if the student has both an exit date and an exit code entered. If a student is flagged No Show and an exit code is provided, then the Enrollment extract reports the student's entry date as both his Admission date and Withdraw date, for all the enrollments in that school year. If the student's exitCode value is '04', '05' or '06' AND their ExitDate is greater than the last day of the school year, report the last day of the school year as the student's withdraw_date. | [Students]ExitDate |
ENROLLMENT_PERCENT | The FTE for the student.
| [S_LA_STU_X]EnrollPercent_Override [S_LA_REN_X]EnrollPercent_Override If no value is specified in the override fields, the student is reported as a full-time student with a value of 1. |
ENTRY_GRADE_CODE | Identifies the student's grade level. Required. | [Students]Grade_Level If [Students]Grade_Level = 13 then "EA" is reported. |
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
LOCAL_ENROLLMENTS_KEY | A unique identifier for each enrollment within the district. Required. | Derived as LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEY;STUDENT_STATE_ID;ADMISSION_DATE [S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_REN_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (depending on District preference, uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended) [Students]State_StudentNumber [Students]EntryDate or |
SCHOOL_YEAR | The year of a school session. Required. | [Terms]FirstDay |
DISTRICT_CODE | The three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number |
DROP_REASON_CODE | Identifies the reason the student dropped out. | [S_LA_STU_X]DropoutReasonCode [S_LA_REN_X]DropoutReasonCode |
HOME_BASE_SCHOOL_CODE | The site code used to route dropouts and attendance information back to a student’s “home” site for accountability purposes. | [S_LA_STU_X]HomeBasedSiteCode [S_LA_REN_X]HomeBasedSiteCode |
TRUANCY_INDICATOR | Indicates if the student is truant for a given enrollment. Truancy is defined as any student having either five unexcused days tardy or five unexcused days absent within a school semester. Required. | [S_LA_STU_X]Truant_TF |
OPTION_CODE | Indicates whether a student has enrolled in a particular program or pathway. Valid values:
| [S_LA_STU_X]OptionCode [S_LA_REN_X]OptionCode |
PK_FUNDING_CODE | The title of the program that denotes the primary funding source for students who are younger than children eligible to enter kindergarten in a particular district. Note: this field is populated only for students in grades 20 and 24. Valid values:
| [S_LA_STU_X]PreKFundingSourceCode [S_LA_REN_X]PreKFundingSourceCode |
LEP_FUNDING_CODE | The title of the program that denotes the primary funding source for instructional language services for students identified as English Learners (EL). | [S_LA_STU_Language_X]LEPFundingSource |
HOMELESS_CODE | The reason why the student was marked as homeless during their enrollment. Valid values:
| [S_LA_STU_X]HomelessCode |
HOMELESS_REASON_CODE | The primary reason why the student was homeless during their enrollment. Valid values:
| [S_LA_STU_X]HomelessReasonCode [S_LA_REN_X]HomelessReasonCode |
UNACCOMPANIED_YOUTH_INDICATOR | Indicates if the student is an unaccompanied youth. The term “unaccompanied youth” includes youth in homeless situations who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Unaccompanied youth include young people who have run away from home, been thrown out of their homes, and/or been abandoned by parents or guardians. | [S_LA_STU_X]UnaccompaniedYouth_TF [S_LA_REN_X]UnaccompaniedYouth_TF |
ENGLISH_PROFICIENCY_CODE | Indicates whether a student is fully English Proficient. Required. Valid values:
| [S_LA_STU_Language_X]EnglishProficiency [S_LA_REN_Language_X]EnglishProficiency |
PRIOR_ED_EXP_KINDER_CARE_CODE | Indicates where the student received at least six consecutive months of pre-kindergarten experience before entering kindergarten. This value is only reported for Kindergarten students. Valid values:
| [S_LA_STU_X]PriorEducationExperienceKGCode [S_LA_REN_X]PriorEducationExperienceKGCode |
SERVICES_PROVIDED_INDICATOR | Indicates if the student is receiving homeless services. Required. | [S_LA_STU_X]HomelessServicesProvided_TF [S_LA_REN_X]HomelessServicesProvided_TF |
FREE_REDUCED_LUNCH_CODE | Indicates if a student is eligible for free or reduced lunch. | If [Students]LunchStatus equals
If a student's current enrollment in a school for the selected year is flagged No Show, then the student's attendance information is excluded from the Attendance extract.
Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
LOCAL_ENROLLMENTS_KEY | A unique identifier for each enrollment within the district. Required. | Derived as LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEY; STUDENT_STATE_ID; ADMISSION_DATE [S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_REN_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (depending on District preference, uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended) [Students]State_StudentNumber [Students]EntryDate or |
LOCAL_ATTENDANCE_KEY | Unique value that identifies each attendance record submitted. Required. | Unique value for Each Attendance Record for a Day. Extracted from ID Column from Attendance Table. |
SCHOOL_YEAR | The year of a school session. Required. | [Terms]FirstDay |
DISTRICT_CODE | The three-digit Sponsor Code assigned by LDOE. Required. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber If subdistrict is enabled then first three digits of [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number |
LOCAL_SCHOOL_KEY | The school’s six-digit Site Code. Required. | [S_LA_STU_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_REN_X]SiteCodeOverride or [S_LA_SCH_X]SiteCode (depending on District preference, uses the student's enrollment_schoolid or schoolid to determine the school that the student attended) |
LOCAL_STUDENT_KEY | The student’s state-assigned identifier. Required. | [Students]State_StudentNumber |
ABSENCE_DATE | Date of absence in the format MM/DD/YYYY (include slashes). Required. | CALENDARDATE from ATT_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL. The table ATT_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL is updated on a nightly basis or can be refreshed manually using Special Functions Options. Start Page > Special Functions > Attendance Functions. |
ATTENDANCE_TYPE | Code to indicate the student's attendance type for each day. Required. | Attendance Code Categories is referred, to determine whether Tardy or Absent. For ATTENDANCE_VALUE of 0 (Full Day Absent) and 0.5 (Half Day Absent), the ATTENDANCE_TYPE is determined as either (Tardy or Full day absence or Half day absence). Examples: Category Unexcused Tardy... and attendance value of 0 or 0.5, set the Attendance Type to LA. Category Unexcused Absence, Excused Absence or Suspension and attendance value of 0.5, set the Attendance Type to HD. Category Unexcused Absence, Excused Absence or Suspension and attendance value of 0, set Attendance Type to FD. |
ATTENDANCE_VALUE | The numeric value of the attendance record is used to compute attendance averages and other statistics. Required.
| ATTENDANCE_VALUE from ATT_ADAADM_DEFAULTS_ALL. (Values Available : 0 - Absent Whole Day, 0.5 - Absent Half Day, 1 - Present Full Day). Nightly process updates this column based on the Meeting Attendance or Daily Attendance. For Meeting Attendance, all the provided Period Attendances are considered, and the Attendance Value is calculated based on the Attendance Conversion Code Setup. |
EXCUSED_ABSENCE | Type of Absence or Tardy: Excused or Unexcused. | If absence_reason_code = 01 or 02, set this field to Excused. If absence_reason_code = 03 or 04, set this field to Unexcused. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
ABSENCE_REASON_CODE | The reason code assigned to a student's absence. | Taken from Attendance Code Category. Refer to Attendance Code Categories section in School Setup for details on the required category codes Districts will need to set up.