About IL Pre-ID Reports
Use the IL Assessment Pre-ID report to submit student assessment data to the ISBE SIS to obtain assessment pre-ID labels.
The IL DLM-AA Pre-ID Report produces information about students in grades 3-8 and 11 who are selected for DLM-AA on the student's record.
The IL IAR Pre-ID Report provides data entry information, business logic and report details for the Illinois PARCC Pre-ID Submission. Elements that are specific to the PARCC submission are entered on the PARCC page in PowerSchool, and generally do not require additional setup. Basic elements that are common to other Illinois submissions must be populated as per the same guidelines used in the other reports. Some of these items are configured during PowerSchool implementation.
Note: If the IL DOE's PARCC submission window has closed, you can submit PARCC Pre-ID data directly to Pearson Assessment, using the IL PAN Pre-ID Report.
The IL SAT Pre-ID Report generates the IL SAT file for Grade 11 students.