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District Setup


The following data elements are required for district setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > District Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link at the top of the page. The school list appears.

  2. Choose District Office. The district start page appears.

  3. Click District. The District Setup page appears.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Editing Calendar Membership

Calendar Membership Types > New/Edit > Calendar Membership Type


Enter the calendar membership type code.

See Calendar Membership Type for valid values.




District Calendars

Student Attendance


Enter the calendar membership type meaning.

See Calendar Membership Type for valid values.




District Calendars

Student Attendance

Entering Course Information

Courses > Edit Course District Information

Courses > View Master Course List > New

Course Name

Enter the course name.



Required Setup

Course Number

Enter the course number.




Student Course Enrollment

Staff Assignments

Alternate Course Number

Enter the alternate course number.



Master Course Schedule

Student Course Enrollment

Staff Assignments

Credit Hours

Enter the number of potential credit hours available for the course.



Student Course Enrollment

Idaho State Information

Exclude From State Reporting?

Choose Yes if the course should be excluded from state reporting.



Master Course Schedule

Student Course Enrollment

Staff Assignments

Content Grade Level

The instructional content grade level (regardless of the grade level of the students enrolled).



Master Course Schedule

ISAT Course Type

Choose the course type.

Valid values:

  • RD – Reading

  • MT – Mathematics

  • LU – Language Usage

  • SC – Science




ISEE Course Type

Choose the course type.

This field is required

Valid values:

  • R – Regular Class (this is the default value)

  • I – Independent Study

  • O - Offsite

  • C – Correspondence Course

  • V – IDLA/Virtual/Distance Course



Master Course Schedule

Student Course Enrollment

State Course Code*

Enter the state course code. This is a required field.

Only course codes for the current year are available for selection; however, previous year course codes (beginning with 2018-2019) are archived and can be reported by selecting the previous school year from the Term drop-down list before running the report.



Master Course Schedule

Student Course Enrollment

Staff Assignments

Dual Credit*

Choose Yes or No to indicate the course’s dual credit status.

This field is required.



Student Course Enrollment


College Issuing Credit

Select the college issuing the credit.

Only applicable for students earning dual credit.



Student Course Enrollment

College Credits Offered

Enter the number of college credits that are being offered to students who complete this course.

Only applicable for students earning dual credit.



Student Course Enrollment

AP Course*

Choose Yes or No to indicate the course’s Advanced Placement curriculum status.

This field is required.




IB Course*

Choose Yes or No to indicate the course’s International Baccalaureate program status.

This field is required.




Minutes per Week Override

The Minutes per Week value can be set here if all sections for a given course are of the same length



Master Course Schedule

Instructional Setting*

Choose the instructional setting type for the class.

This field is required.

Valid values:

  • RC - Regular Classroom (this is the default value)

  • CT - Co Taught

  • DA - Distance Learning (All Students)

  • DS - Distance Learning (Some Students)

  • ES - Sheltered English Class

  • RR - Resource Room

  • SC - Self-Contained Classroom

  • VI - Virtual



Master Course Schedule

Default Course Exit Reason

Set the course default course exit reason (if one exists) for any course that students may take that do not award credit.

This value is only reported if a grade with zero potential credit exists for the course enrollment and the “Apply Course Exit Reason Default Values” report runtime parameter is set to Yes.



Student Course Enrollment

Defining Civil Rights Data Collection Information

Courses > Edit Course District Information > Civil Rights Data Collection

Course Type

Select which course type best suits this course.

Valid values (value in parenthesis will be the saved value):

  • (1) - Algebra I

  • (2) - Algebra II

  • (3) - Geometry

  • (4) - Calculus

  • (5) - Advanced Math

  • (6) - Other Math

  • (7) - Biology

  • (8) - Chemistry

  • (9) - Physics

  • (10) - General Science

  • (11) - English, Reading, Lang Arts

  • (12) - Other Subjects



Civil Rights Data Collection

Entering District Information

District Info > District Information

Name of District

Enter the district name.




Disciplinary Action

District Number

Enter the district number.




Disciplinary Action



Load Codes and Subcodes

(Link is only available if the Idaho incident management configuration file has not been loaded)

Click the link to access the Idaho incident management configuration file, which is used to automatically set up incident types, codes and subcodes.



Disciplinary Action

Load is complete

This message appears if the Idaho incident management configuration file has already been loaded.

This field is read-only.



Disciplinary Action

Include PreK & Ungraded Students in the Student Attendance and Student Course Enrollment Reports

Clear the selection if you do not want to include PreK and ungraded students in the Student Attendance and Student Course Enrollment Reports. This field is selected by default.



Student Attendance

Student Course Enrollmen

Final Grade Store Code (District Wide)

Enter the stored grades store code that you wish to be extracted for the Student Course Enrollment extract.

If a value is not entered here, all stored grade records for a given section are extracted.

[Prefs]Name = ID_FinalGradeCode


Student Course Enrollment

Default Course Exit Reason

Set the district default course exit reason (if one exists) for any course that students may take that do not award credit.

This value is only reported if a grade with zero potential credit exists for the course enrollment and the “Apply Course Exit Reason Default Values” report runtime parameter is set to Yes.

[Prefs]Name = ID_Default_ExitReason


Student Course Enrollment

Building Number

The state assigned number for the district office.

[Prefs]Name = ID_buildingNumber


Program Contacts

Staff Assignments

Staff Demographics

Mailing Address Line 1

Enter the first line of the mailing address for the district office.

[Prefs]Name = ID_mailingAddressLine1


Program Contacts

Mailing Address Line 2

Enter the second line of the mailing address for the district office.

[Prefs]Name = ID_mailingAddressLine2


Program Contacts

Mailing City

Enter the city of the mailing address for the district office.

[Prefs]Name = ID_mailingCity


Program Contacts

Mailing State Code

Enter the state of the mailing address for the district office.

[Prefs]Name = ID_mailingState


Program Contacts

Mailing ZIP Code

Enter the zip code of the mailing address for the district office.

[Prefs]Name = ID_mailingZipCode


Program Contacts

Location County

Enter the county in which the district office building resides.

[Prefs]Name = ID_countyName


Student Demographics

Loading Codes and Subcodes

District Information > Load Codes/Subcodes > Codes and Subcodes Load Information

Load Codes/Subcodes

Select to automatically load values for incident management. Verify that you want to proceed before clicking Submit, because the process cannot be reversed.

The values are loaded on the hour or when PowerSchool is re-launched. The PowerSchool log window displays either a Complete or Failure message when the values are loaded. Only the PowerSchool task master application is updated. If more than one PowerSchool application exists in a server array, see article 56478 on PowerSource.



Disciplinary Action

Defining Idaho District Calendar

District Information > Click HERE to Create/Edit Idaho District Calendar information > ID District Calendar

You must set a Year for each unique District Calendar, including those for previous school years. A custom district calendar is required for each unique Kindergarten schedule used at the district. See District Calendar FAQ (or Knowledgebase article 61873 on PowerSource) for more information.

Calendar Number

Enter a unique identifier number to identify the different calendars in a district.

A calendar number must be unique within the school year, but can be reused in a new school year.



District Calendars

Calendar Name

Enter a unique name to identify the different calendars in a district.



Required Setup

Calendar Type

Choose the type of calendar.

If Calendar Type is A, SA, or DR, a Max Hours field appears. See Calendar Type for valid values.



District Calendars

Max Hours

(This field is displayed only when Calendar Type is A, SA, or DR)

Enter the maximum hours for alternative calendars. Calendar Type must be one of the following for this field to be displayed:

  • A - Alternative High School (hours)

  • SA - Alternative Summer School (hours)

  • DR - Dual Enrollment Calendar (hours)

  • The values in the Memb Value and the Type fields are critical for accurate District Calendar reporting. For information about these two fields, see School Setup.

  • If the District Calendar report generates a record based on the school calendar (because no District Calendar Day record exists), the report uses this Max Hours field to determine the number of hours to report in the Instructional, Emergency Closure, or Non Instructional Time categories.

  • When no District Calendar Day record exists, a given day is reported as Instructional, Emergency Closure, or Non-Instructional, based on the school calendar that the district calendar uses.

  • Only create District Calendar Day records for an alternative calendar when the Instructional, Emergency Closure or Non-Instructional time values are different than the values in the school calendar for the corresponding day(as dictated by the Memb Value and the Type fields).



District Calendars

Kindergarten Session Type

Choose the type of Kindergarten session. Required if the Calendar Type is Kindergarten.

See Kindergarten Session Type for valid values.



District Calendars

Full Time

(Field is only visible if Kindergarten Session Type is populated)

Select if this Kindergarten session is full time.

Only applies to kindergarten calendars with a kindergarten session type. If checked, Kindergartners attached to this district calendar will report with a 1 (for attendance) rather than a .5.



District Calendars


Choose the school year for the calendar.

Calendars with blank years are displayed for all school years; therefore, It is recommended that prior year calendars are updated with the appropriate school year.



District Calendars

Default School Calendar Links to School Terms and Calendar (for use in ISEE Extracts)

Choose the school to use for the default calendar information. Required for all Calendar Types.

If a district calendar day record is not defined for a given day, the report will fall back to the school calendar of the selected school when determining if it is an in-session day or not.



District Calendars


Enter a note describing the calendar day.

Required if the Calendar Type is K and the Kindergarten Session Type is 7, 8, or 9. Notes can be entered at the district or at the school-level. The report will reference the school notes before the district notes.






District Calendars

Entering Idaho District Calendar Days

District Information > Click HERE to Create/Edit Idaho District Calendar information > New/Edit ID District Calendar Days

  • You must define each weekday that is different from the school calendar or that cannot be properly defined in the school calendar (for example, if the day must be assigned more than one type).

  • Partial day attendance must be defined in the District Calendar to provide the state with the reason for the partial instruction day. Example: If half-day instruction, define as .5 Instruction Time and .5 with the appropriate time option (for example, Vacation). See Calendar Membership Type for codes.

  • If Kindergartners do not attend school for the same amount of time as the other students enrolled in the building (their time is .5 when the time for the other students in the school is 1), clear the Full Time checkbox if the Kindergartners schedule is accurately reflected by the school calendar that the district calendar is set to. You only need to create a District Calendar day record when the Kindergartners schedule is accurately reflected by the school calendar.

  • If Kindergartners do attend school for the same amount of time as the other students enrolled in the building, their Kindergarten calendar does not need to have all days defined under the applicable Kindergarten district calendar.


Enter the calendar day for the current record.



District Calendars

Instruction Time

Choose the time available for instruction. The time cannot exceed 1.0.



District Calendars

Staff Development Time

Choose the time available for staff development. The time cannot exceed 1.0. Reported under nonInstrucTime



District Calendars

Vacation Time

Choose the time available for vacation. The time cannot exceed 1.0. Reported under nonInstrucTime



District Calendars

Emergency Closure Time

Choose the time available for emergency closure. The time cannot exceed 1.0.



District Calendars

Non Instruction Time

Choose the non-instruction time. Reported under nonInstrucTime



District Calendars

Entering Districts of Residence

Districts of Residence > New/Edit District of Residence

Setting up necessary District of Residence values is recommended, but this data is not needed (or used) for ISEE reporting. Values entered through this interface become the drop-down options for the District of Residence field on a student's Transfer info page (edit current/previous page).

District ID

Enter the district ID.




Recommended Setup

District Name

Enter the district name.




Recommended Setup

Defining Entry Codes

District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode

Code set

Select the Code set type.


Student Demographics


Enter the entry code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Student Demographics

Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the entry code description.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Defining Exit Codes

District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the exit code.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Student Demographics

Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the exit code meaning.

See the Appendix for valid values.



Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder


Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.



End Date

Enter an end date to inactivate this code.



Editing Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Ethnicity Decline to Specify

The “decline to specify” setting is not allowed for Idaho state reporting.



Not Reported

Race Decline to Specify

The “decline to specify” setting is not allowed for Idaho state reporting.



Not Reported

Adding Federal Race Categories

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > New/Edit Federal Race Category


Enter the federal race category code.

Valid values:

  • 01 – American Indian or Alaska Native

  • 02 – Asian

  • 03 – Black or African American

  • 04 – Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

  • 05 – White




Student Demographics

Staff Demographics




Enter the federal race category description.




Student Demographics

Staff Demographics



Sort Order

When you click Submit, the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings page appears. Enter a sort order for the federal race category.




Student Demographics

Staff Demographics



Editing District Race Codes

Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings > New/Edit District Race Code


Enter the district race code. You may enter a local-use race code. To associate a federal code to the local-use code, choose the appropriate value from the Federal Category drop-down list.




Not Required


Enter the district race description.




Not Required

Federal Category

Choose the associated federal race category.




Required if District Race Codes are used

Alt Race Code

Enter an alternate, equivalent race code.

This field can be used for SIF.




Not Required

Entering Immunization Information

Defining Vaccine Information

Health Setup > Immunizations > Vaccines

Health code values are loaded automatically with the PowerSchool installer. Currently, deleting these codes also deletes the immunization rules attached to the code. Until further notice, it is recommended that you do not delete seeded data elements; instead, enter any additional values manually. See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values. See the Health Management User Guide on PowerSource for general Health setup.

Vaccine Name

Enter the name of the vaccine.

The following vaccines must set up for Idaho:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis

  • Polio (IPV, OPV)

  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR, MMRV)

  • Hepatitis B

  • Hepatitis A

  • Varicella (Chickenpox)

  • Varicella (Chickenpox) - Documented Disease History

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) booster

  • Meningococcal

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for a complete list of vaccine values.




Vaccine Code

Enter the vaccine code or abbreviation.

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values.




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the CDE, if applicable.

See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values.




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this vaccine, if applicable. See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values.

Do not populate this field with a value other than what is specified in Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes. If you add a vaccine that is not listed there, leave the State Report Code blank.




Number of Doses

Enter the number of doses required for this vaccine. See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values.

If your district requires more doses than what was set up by PowerSchool, you can increase the number of doses manually.





Enter a description of the vaccine.




This vaccine is optional

Select if the vaccine is not required.



Required Setup

Rules Engine

The rules engine is available to automatically determine whether a student is compliant for a vaccine.

Each vaccine can only be bound to one rule. Once a vaccine is bound to a rule, the Unbind rule checkbox is available in the Edit Vaccine dialog box.




Entering Exemption Types

Health Setup > Immunizations > Exemption Types

Health code values are loaded automatically with the PowerSchool installer. Currently, deleting these codes also deletes the immunization rules attached to the code. Until further notice, it is recommended that you do not delete seeded data elements; instead, enter any additional values manually. See Health Immunization: Exemption Type Codes for valid values. See the Health Management User Guide on PowerSource for general Health setup.

Exemption Name

Enter the name of the exemption type.

The following exemption types must set up for Idaho:

  • Medical

  • Religious

  • Philosophical/Personal

  • Varicella - Undocumented disease history

See Health Immunization: Exemption Type Codes for a complete list of immunization exemption type values.




Exemption Code

Enter the exemption type code or abbreviation.




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this exemption type, if applicable.




Adding Certificate Types

Health Setup > Immunizations > Certificate Types

Health code values are loaded automatically with the PowerSchool installer. Currently, deleting these codes also deletes the immunization rules attached to the code. Until further notice, it is recommended that you do not delete seeded data elements; instead, enter any additional values manually. See Health: Certification Status Codes for valid values. See the Health Management User Guide on PowerSource for general Health setup.

Certificate Name

Enter the name of the certificate type.

Valid value:

  • Physician Record




Certificate Code

Enter the certificate type code or abbreviation.

Valid value:

  • PhysRec




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.

Valid value:

  • PhysRec




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this certificate type, if applicable.

Valid value:

  • PhysRec




Default Certificate

Select to indicate that this is the default certificate associated with immunization records.




Entering Grade Level Entry Certification

Health Setup > Grade Level Entry Certifications > Grade Entry Level Certification

Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes for valid values. See the Health Management User Guide on PowerSource for general Health setup. If you require additional Grade Level Entry Certifications, set them up manually.

Grade Level

Choose a grade level. The grade level will appear in a menu on the students’ Grade Level Entry Certification page as available for certification.

If your District requires additional grade certifications, you can add them manually.



Not Required


Enter a description for the grade level entry certification.



Not Required

Editing Certification Status Values

Health Setup > Grade Level Entry Certifications > Certification Status Values (All Grade Levels)

Health code values are loaded automatically with the installer. Enter any additional values manually. See Health: Certification Status Codes for valid values. See the Health Management User Guide on PowerSource for general Health setup.

Display Value

Enter the display value for this data element. The value will display as a Certification Status on the students’ Grade Level Entry Certification page.

See Health: Certification Status Codes for a complete list of certification status values.




State Report Name

Enter the name of the report used to report this data to the state, if applicable.




State Report Code

Enter the equivalent State Report Code for this grade level certification status, if applicable.




Entering Incident Management Information

Defining Incident Types

Incident Management > Incident Types

Use this page to manually create or edit the Idaho incident management type.


Create the incident type for Idaho: SDFS Reportable.




Disciplinary Action

Defining Codes & Subcodes

Incident Management > Code & Subcode Setup

Use this page to manually set up or edit incident management codes and subcodes. See the Incident Management User Guide for detailed steps to create incident codes and subcodes.

  1. Click the appropriate code type.

  2. Click the plus (+) to add a code or click the pencil icon to edit a code.

    • Fewer options appear if the code has already been created.

  3. Refer to the Appendix for data entry details, including category, display order, and state report code values.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. Repeat a similar process for creating subcodes, selecting the appropriate code in step 1 instead of the code type.

Action Codes

Action codes are required for Idaho. Action codes are used to assign disciplinary action to a behavior (expelled, suspended from school, convicted).

See Incident Management: Action Codes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Action Subcodes

Action subcodes are required for Idaho.

See Incident Management: Action Subcodes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Attribute Codes

Attribute codes are required for Idaho. Attribute codes are used to identify whether the incident was violent and involved physical injury.

See Incident Management: Attribute Codes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Behavior Codes

Behavior codes are required for Idaho. Behavior codes are used to associate a behavior (alcohol, fights, vandalism, etc.) to an offender in an incident.

See Incident Management: Behavior Codes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Behavior Subcodes

Behavior subcodes are required for Idaho.

See Incident Management: Behavior Subcodes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Location Codes

Location codes are required for Idaho. Location codes are used to identify the location of an incident (on campus, off campus, etc.).

See Incident Management: Location Codes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Location Subcodes

Location subcodes are required for Idaho.

See Incident Management: Location Subcodes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Participant Role Codes

The following participant role codes are set up by default and should not be edited:

  • Offender

  • Victim

  • Witness

  • Reporter



Disciplinary Action

Time Codes

Time codes are required for Idaho. Time codes are used to assign a time of day (during school hours, outside school hours, etc.) to an incident.

See Incident Management: Time Codes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Duration Codes

Duration codes are required for Idaho. Duration (hours, days, weeks, etc.) is assigned to a disciplinary action as the result of a violent behavior in an incident.

See Incident Management: Duration Codes for valid values.




Disciplinary Action

Editing Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > New/Edit Ethnicity Code


Enter the ethnicity code.




Not Used


Enter the ethnicity description.




Not Used

Entering Schools/School Information

Schools/School Info > Edit School

School Name

Enter the school name.




School Abbreviation

Enter the school abbreviation.



Required Setup

School Address

Enter the school’s street address.




School City

Enter the school’s city.




Program Contacts

School Postal/Zip Code

Enter the school’s zip code.




Program Contacts

School Phone Number

Enter the school’s phone number.




Program Contacts

School Number

Enter the school number.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Master Course Schedule

Student Course Enrollment

Special Education Students

Gifted Students

Staff Assignments

Program Contacts

Alternate School Number

Enter the alternate school number.

The state designated school/building Number can be entered here if a different number was used for the previous School Number field.

If the School Number field reflects the state designated school/building number, this field can be left blank.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Master Course Schedule

Student Course Enrollment

Special Education Students

Gifted Students

Staff Assignments

Program Contacts

Exclude From State Reporting?

Select to exclude the school from state reporting.



District Calendars

Student Demographics

Student Attendance

Student Course Enrollment

Special Education Students

Gifted Students

Staff Assignments

Staff Demographics



Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.





County Name

Enter the name of the county in which the school resides.




Unweighted GPA Calculation Method

Choose the unweighted GPA calculation method from the popup list.



Student Demographics

Exclude this building from the EOY process "Program Copy" functionality for incoming students?

Select the students at this facility should be excluded from the Program Copy functionality in the End-Of-Year Process.

Refer to End-of-Year Program Process for more information.



EOY Process

Adding Civil Rights Data Collection Information

Schools/School Info, Civil Rights Data Collection

For instructions on entering Civil Rights Data Collection information, see Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

Entering Idaho State Specific School Information

Schools/School Info, Edit School, Idaho State Specific School Information

Public School

Select to indicate that this is a public school.




Private School

Select to indicate that this is a private school.




Charter School

Select to indicate that this is a charter school.





Provision 2/3 School

Select to indicate that this school is designated as Provision 2 or 3.

To report a lunchStatus value of P in the Student Demographics report, this checkbox must be selected for students in a Provision 2/3 School.



Student Demographics

CEP School

Select if this is a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) School.

When CEP School is selected, students in this school report a lunchStatus value of C in the Student Demographics report



Student Demographics

NSLP Indicator

Select if the school does not participate in the National School Lunch Program.



Student Demographics

School Type

Choose the type of school.

See School Type for valid values.

This field is required.



District Calendars

Staff Assignments

Student Course Enrollment

Student Demographics

Default School Calendar Number

Enter the default school calendar number.

Use this field as an override. If, for example, the school number does not match previous District Calendar reports, enter the school number with padded zeros.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

School To Use For Shared Calendar Number (above)

Choose the name of the school when two or more schools have the same Default School Calendar Number. The calendar for the selected school is applied to all schools using the shared default school calendar number.



District Calendars

Default School or District Calendar

Select the applicable school or district default calendar.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Track A Calendar ID

The designated calendar ID for track A.

Use this field only if the school calendar accurately reflects the track schedule. If the school calendar does not, create a virtual district calendar for any days that deviate from the school calendar.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Track B Calendar ID

The designated calendar ID for track B.

Use this field only if the school calendar accurately reflects the track schedule. If the school calendar does not, create a virtual district calendar for any days that deviate from the school calendar.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Track C Calendar ID

The designated calendar ID for track C.

Use this field only if the school calendar accurately reflects the track schedule. If the school calendar does not, create a virtual district calendar for any days that deviate from the school calendar.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Track D Calendar ID

The designated calendar ID for track D.

Use this field only if the school calendar accurately reflects the track schedule. If the school calendar does not, create a virtual district calendar for any days that deviate from the school calendar.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Track E Calendar ID

The designated calendar ID for track E.

Use this field only if the school calendar accurately reflects the track schedule. If the school calendar does not, create a virtual district calendar for any days that deviate from the school calendar.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Track F Calendar ID

The designated calendar ID for track F.

Use this field only if the school calendar accurately reflects the track schedule. If the school calendar does not, create a virtual district calendar for any days that deviate from the school calendar.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Alternative School – Enter Max Hours Per Day

Enter the maximum number of hours per day.

If using the default calendar, enter the maximum hours per day. Otherwise, the maximum hours default value is 12.



District Calendars

Student Attendance

Default Course Exit Reason

Set the school default course exit reason (if one exists) for any course that students may take that do not award credit.

This value is only reported if a grade with zero potential credit exists for the course enrollment and the Apply Course Exit Reason Default Values report runtime parameter is set to Yes.



Student Course Enrollment

Minutes Per Week Override

This field can be used if all the sections in this school, that are reported to ISEE, are the same duration.

If you set a minute value in this field, that value will report for all sections tied to this school.



Master Course Schedule

Entering New School Open Enrollment Information

Schools/School Info, Edit School, New School Open Enrollment Information

School ID

Choose the school ID for the open enrollment.



Student Demographics

School Year

Choose the school year.

This field does not appear if you are using the classic application.



Student Demographics


Choose the submission period.

Valid values:

  • Oct - October

  • Dec - December

  • Feb - February

  • Apr - April



Student Demographics

Grade Level

Choose the grade level.



Student Demographics

Program Type

Select the type of program student is enrolled.

  • GE General Education (this should be the default value)

  • SE Special Education

  • GT Gifted and Talented



Student Demographics

Maximum Enrollment

The maximum number of students able to enroll into the grade and program at the school being reported for Open Enrollment.



Student Demographics

Space Available

The number of available seats in this grade and program at the school being reported for the Open Enrollment snapshot date.



Student Demographics

Applications Received

The cumulative number of students that applied for open enrollment for this grade and program at the school being reported for the Open Enrollment target date.



Student Demographics

Applications Accepted

The number of applications accepted/approved for this grade and program at the school being reported for the Open Enrollment snapshot date.



Student Demographics

Applications Denied

The number of open enrollment applications that were denied for this grade and program at the school being reported for Open Enrollment.



Student Demographics

Mapping Final Grade Store Codes

CRDC & Student Course Enrollment Final Grade/Store Code Mapping

This functionality can be used to dictate which stored grade represents the final grade for a given course and section. Since these records are year/term/school specific, you can choose different store codes for different terms and buildings.

If you use this functionality to indicate which stored grade represents the final grade for a given course and section, only map the terms that have sections tied to them.


Select the applicable term that's being mapped.

Only terms with sections tied to them need to be mapped.



Student Course Enrollment

School Name

The school the currently selected Final Grade Mapping record will pertain to


Store Code to Represent the Final Grade

Enter the 2-character store code that will represent the final grade for sections of the above term length.

Use this field for the Student Course Enrollment ISEE report.



Student Course Enrollment

CRDC Store Code to Represent the Final Grade

Enter the 2-character store code that will represent the final grade for sections of the above term length.

Use this field for the CRDC report.




Mailing Address Line 1

If the mailing address is not the same address as the address on the Edit School page, enter the first line of the mailing address for the school.



Program Contacts

Mailing Address Line 2

If the mailing address is not the same address as the address on the Edit School page, enter the second line of the mailing address for the school.



Program Contacts

Mailing city

If the mailing address is not the same address as the address on the Edit School page, enter the city of the mailing address for the school.



Program Contacts

Mailing State Code

If the mailing address is not the same address as the address on the Edit School page, enter the state code of the mailing address for the school.



Program Contacts

Mailing Zip Code

If the mailing address is not the same address as the address on the Edit School page, enter the 5 or 9 digit zip code of the mailing address for the school.


5 or 9

Program Contacts

Location County

If the mailing address is not the same address as the address on the Edit School page, enter the county of the mailing address for the school.



Student Demographics

Is Magnet School

Select if this is a Magnet school.




Title I Program

If the school is Title 1 eligible for either School-Wide or Targeted assistance for specific students, choose the program the school is implementing.



Student Demographics

Entering Special Program Information

Special Programs, Special Program Information

Program Name

Enter the special program name.

See Special Program Names for valid values and program names rules.




Student Demographics



Disciplinary Action

Gifted Students

Special Education Students

Qualifies as a special education program

Select to indicate a special education program.




Not Required

Program is eligible for the EOY process “Program Close/Copy” functionality?

Select if the program is eligible for the EOY program close/copy functionality.

Refer to End-of-Year Program Process for more information.




EOY Process

Should the EOY process “Program Close/Copy” functionality apply ISEE exit reason logic?

Select if the EOY program close/copy should derive the ISEE exit code when it closes out programs. The process can derive exit code of 01, 02, or 12.

Refer to End-of-Year Program Process for more information.




EOY Process

Defining Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.




Required Setup

Editing Grade Scales

Grade Scales > Edit Scale > Edit Grade


Verify the grade value entered for the grade scale item.




Grade Points

Verify the grade points entered for the grade scale item.




Counts in GPA?

Select to include this grade scale item in GPA calculations.




Entering GPA Calculation Methods

GPA Calculations > Calculation Methods > GPA Calculation Method

You can set up new GPA calculation methods, or use one of the default PowerSchool methods. The Basic Transcript references the name and the formula, but ignores other settings.


Enter a name for the GPA Calculation Method.






Enter a formula for the GPA Calculation Method.





Defining Tests

Tests > Edit/New Test


Enter the name of the test.

To report ACT, SAT, ISAT, or IAA test scores on the Basic Transcript report, create a separate test for each.





Choose the type of test.



Not Reported


Enter a description of the test.




Entering Test Score

Tests > Edit Scores > Edit/New Test Score


Enter a name for the test score.




Sort Order

Enter a sort order for the test score.



Not Reported


Enter a description of the test score.



Not Reported

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