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End-of-Year Program Process



As part of the End-of-Year (EOY) process, Idaho offers functionality to close out program records for the current year and copy applicable program enrollments to new program records for the upcoming school year. For more information on the EOY process, refer to System Help under the Help button in PowerSchool. 

EOY Process Program Parameters

District level (District Start Page > System > End-of-Year Process

The following new parameters are available from the End-of-Year Process page:

Close existing eligible programs

Select this checkbox to close out existing eligible program records. If this field is selected, the EOY process closes out existing records and assigns an exit code of 12 to students who are continuing in the program.

Also copy eligible program enrollments to the new school year

If 'Close existing eligible programs' is selected, this field appears.

Select this checkbox to copy existing student eligible program enrollment records to the new school year. If this field is selected and the student is continuing in a program at a different building which is NOT excluded from the Program Copy functionality, the EOY process copies information from the closed out enrollment record to a record at the new school.

Also create applicable schoolwide program enrollments in the new school year

If 'Close existing eligible programs' is selected, this field appears.

Select this checkbox to create new program enrollment records for students who are entering schools that have defined schoolwide programs.

District-level EOY Program Preferences

Additional preferences are set by the district to use the EOY close/copy functionality. See District Setup for more information on setting these preferences.

  • Exclude this building from the EOY process “Program Copy” functionality for incoming students?
    • School level (District Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > [select school] > Idaho State Specific School Information)

    • Select this checkbox if students coming into this building should be excluded from the program copy functionality.

  • Program is eligible for the EOY process “Program Close/Copy” functionality

    • District level (District Start Page > District Setup > Special Programs > New/Edit)

    • Select this checbox if the program is eligible for the close/copy functionality.

  • Should the EOY process “Program Close/Copy” functionality apply ISEE exit reason logic?

    • District level (District Start Page > District Setup > Special Programs > New/Edit)

    • Select this checkbox if the functionality should derive an ISEE exit code when closing out program records. Exit codes of 01, 02, and 12 can be derived, depending on the program.

EOY Program Processing Results

Based on the selected parameters and preferences, and the student’s next year grade and school values, the functionality does one of the following:

  1. If the student is continuing in the program, the process closes out program records for the current school year and assigns an exit code of 12 .
  2. If the student is continuing in the same program and the student is moving to a building that is NOT set to be excluded from this functionality, a new program record automatically generates with an entry date that matches the student’s school entry date (for the new year). Additionally, the state-specific data copies from the closed-out program record to the new program record.
  3. If a student is set to attend a school that has a schoolwide program defined, and the schoolwide program is flagged for this functionality, a new program record generates for the upcoming year.

Close Program - The process closes out program records if:

  1. The student has a program enrollment into a special program in which the 'Program is eligible for the EOY process “Program Close/Copy” functionality?' field is selected.
  2. The EOY process is run with one of the following parameters selected: 'Close existing eligible programs', 'Also copy eligible program enrollments to the new school year', or 'Also create applicable schoolwide program enrollments in the new school year'.
  3. The special program Exit Date is blank or 0/0/0. If the record meets this criterion:
    • The process sets the Exit Date to the last in-session day plus one day.
    • The process sets the Exit Reason based on the following:
      1. The Exit Reason is blank.
      2. The field 'Should the EOY process “Program Close/Copy” functionality apply ISEE exit reason logic?' is selected for this school.
      3. The Exit Reason sets based on one of the following:
        • If the student is being promoted to another building that is NOT excluded from the copy functionality and is NOT the graduated student’s school, the Exit Reason sets to 12.
        • If the student's school exit code for the closed-out school enrollment is 4C or mapped to the 4C code, the Exit Reason sets to 02 for Special Education programs and 01 for Gifted and Talented programs.
        • If the student is being promoted to a school in which the 'Exclude this building from the EOY process "Program Copy" functionality for incoming students?' field is selected, the Exit Reason sets to 06.

Copy Program - The process creates a new program enrollment record and copies information for the new school year if:

  1. The EOY process is run with the following two parameters selected: 'Also copy eligible program enrollments to the new school year' and 'Also create applicable schoolwide program enrollments in the new school year'.
  2. The student’s next year grade level and next school indicator are set.
  3. The student’s next school is NOT excluded from the copy functionality.
  4. The student is continuing in a special program that is flagged to be closed/copied by the EOY process.
  5. The special program Exit Date is blank or 0/0/0 (for the school year that’s being closed out).
    1. If your district has closed out programs prior to running the EOY process, PowerSchool cannot determine which records to copy based on the special program enrollment exit date being blank or 0/0/0. In this case, the copy functions based on the following:
      1. The program enrollment records meet criteria 1-4 above.
      2. The program End Date is equal to the student's Exit Date or the student's Exit Date minus one day.
      3. The Exit reason is null or 12. If exit reason is null, the process sets the Exit Reason to 12 for the closed-out records.
    2. The program enrollment record created by this functionality for the new school year meets the following criteria:
      1. The Entry Date for the new program enrollment matches the student’s school Entry Date.
      2. The program Exit Date is blank.
      3. The student's grade level in the program enrollment record matches the student’s grade level for the new school enrollment.
      4. The School ID of the program enrollment record matches the School ID of the new school enrollment.
      5. All other data within the closed out special program record is copied to the newly created record.

Note: The process does NOT copy the program enrollment record if the student is being promoted to a building for which the 'Exclude this building from the EOY process "Program Copy" functionality for incoming students?' is selected.

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