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Iowa Reports in PowerSchool

PowerSchool for Iowa provides a wide variety of Iowa-specific reports. The table below lists these reports by report type. Tip: Click a report type link to go to that report section.

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the state.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

Discipline Log Entries Verification ReportThe Discipline Log Entries Verification Report extracts state-reportable discipline records from log entries in order to verify the completeness and accuracy of records. The report outputs a .CSV file.On Demand

Iowa ELL Extract

The Iowa ELL Extract allows districts to send a file to the ELPA21 application to create student test records. This is a district-level report. The EL file is output in comma-delimted (CSV) format. If no data is present for a field, it is immediately followed by a comma.

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Fall/Spring Submission

The Fall/Spring Submission report (IA_DataSubmissionFile) generates a tab-delimited file containing enrollment, course, and removal records for students from the current school year who are not excluded from state reporting.

The purpose of this report is to generate a data collection file for BEDS, NCLS, PBDMI, and other programs. This report is submitted three times a year in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. The Fall submission includes all active students from previous Spring except students who did graduate. The Winter submission includes High School curriculum data. The Spring submission includes inactive and graduated students.

It is recommended that this report be run for each school individually, as opposed to the entire district.

Fall – October

Winter – January

Spring – mid-May to mid-June

Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress ExtractThe Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress Extract serves to register students for state testing. The report extracts current, active students in grades 3-11 who enrolled or re-enrolled in the district after October 1 of the current year, excluding students with Entry Code 16. Alternatively, the report can also be run for a user-defined selection of students.On Demand

Iowa Testing Bar Code

The Iowa Testing Bar Code Input Report (IA_BarCodeInputFile) generates a file to be sent to the Iowa Testing Program, which is used in the bar code generation system. The system returns bar code labels, to be affixed to a student's ITBS or ITED answer sheet.

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Legal Suffix ValidationThis report allows districts to verify the conversion of Student Legal Suffix values from text to a dropdown list of standardized values. The "invalid suffix" status displays for each student with a Legal Suffix whose value could not be converted to one of the standard dropdown list options. The validation also examines the student core and legal last name fields to identify the potential existence of suffix values within the last name. If either of the last name fields contains strings of characters separated by a space, the report searches for typical suffixes such as Jr., JR, II, III at the end of the last name. If potential suffixes are identified, the report outputs a status of "verify last name fields."On Demand

State ID Request

The State ID Request Report (IA_StateIDRequestFile) can be used to generate a file including all students with or without a State Student ID. The file including only students without a State Student ID can be submitted to the Iowa Department of Education (DOE). The DOE returns the same file with the Student State IDs populated. The file can be imported into PowerSchool using the Quick Import function via Start Page > Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Quick Import. Follow guidance for importing state student IDs.

This is a district level report.

On Demand

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