Discipline Log Entries Verification Report
The Discipline Log Entries Verification Report extracts state-reportable discipline records from log entries in order to verify the completeness and accuracy of records. The report outputs a .CSV file.
Selection Criteria
This report has no specified selection criteria.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Select one, all, or a selection of schools from the multi-select list. Use Ctrl+Shift on your keyboard to select multiple schools. If running the report from District Office, all schools in the district are available. If running the report from a school, only that school is available. |
Select Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report. |
Log Start Date | Enter the report start date. |
Log End Date | Enter the report end date. |
Log Entries to Include | Indicate which log entries to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Sort Order | Choose the sort order for the report output:
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Max Length |
1 | Local ID | The locally assigned student identifier. | [Students]Student_Number | A | 20 |
2 | State ID | The student’s state assigned identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | N | 10 |
3 | Last Name | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | A | 60 |
4 | First Name | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name | A | 60 |
5 | Middle Name | The student's middle name. | [Students]Middle_Name | A | 60 |
6 | Grade Level | The student’s grade level at the time of the incident. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | A | 2 |
7 | Log Date | The date of the log entry. | [Log]Entry_Date | D | N/A |
8 | Incident Date | The date the incident took place. | [Incident]Incident_TS | D | 6 |
9 | Log Author | The incident log entry author. | [Incident]Entry_Author | A | 50 |
10 | Title | A short description of the incident. | [Incident]Incident_Title | A | 80 |
11 | School # | The school number. If the report outputs no school number, the incident is a district incident. | [Incident]School_Number | A | 4 |
12 | E0005 Incident Number | The behavior incident number. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Behavior_Incident_Number | A | 10 |
13 | Log Subtype | The log subtype code for this violation. | [Log]Subtype | A | 20 |
14 | E0022 Problem Behavior | The problem behavior that caused the action. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Problem_Behavior | I | 2 |
15 | E0032 - Assault | Indicates if the incident involved assault. Valid values:
| [S_IA_LOG_X]Incident_Assault | A | 1 |
16 | E0034 - Property Damage | Indicates if the incident involved property damage. Valid values:
| [S_IA_LOG_X]Incident_Prop_Damage | A | 1 |
17 | E0036 - Bodily Injury | Indicates if the incident involved bodily injury. Valid values:
| [S_IA_LOG_X]Incident_Body_Injury | A | 1 |
18 | E0032 - Assault | Indicates whether the incident involved assault. Valid values:
| [S_IA_LOG_X]Incident_Assault | A | 1 |
19 | E0034 - Property Damage | Indicates whether the incident involved damage to property. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Incident_Prop_Damage | A | 1 |
20 | E0036 - Bodily Injury | Indicates whether the incident involved bodily injury. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Incident_Body_Injury | A | 1 |
21 | Consequence | The consequence the offender received for the behavior. | [Log]Consequence | A | 20 |
22 | E0012 Action Taken | The action taken against the offender. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Action_Taken | I | 2 |
23 | Duration Assigned | The duration of the disciplinary action. | [Incident_Action]Duration_Assigned | N | 10 |
24 | E0040 Length of Removal | The duration of the assigned removal. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Duration_Assigned | N | 5 |
25 | Action Date | The date the disciplinary action began. | [Incident_Action]Action_Plan_Begin_DT | D | N/A |
26 | E0050 Date of Removal | The date the student was removed. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Date_Of_Removal | D | 10 |
27 | E0025 Zero Tolerance | Indicates if the expulsion was due to a zero tolerance policy. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Zero_Tol_Expulsion | I | 2 |
28 | E0060 Weapon Type | The type of weapon involved in the incident. Valid values:
| [Log]Discipline_WeaponType | A | 1 |
29 | Incident Location | The location where the incident took place. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Incident_Location | I | 2 |
30 | Motivation | The reason the offender displayed problem behavior. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Motivation | I | 2 |
31 | Restrained/Seclusion | Indicates whether the student was restrained/secluded after the behavior. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Restrained_Or_Seclusion | I | 2 |
32 | Major/Minor | Indicates whether the referral was for a major or minor incident. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Major_Or_Minor | I | 2 |
33 | Instructional Format | The instructional format at the time of the behavior. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Instructional_Format | I | 2 |
34 | Victim 1 ID | The student number for the first victim. | I | 10 | |
35 | Victim 1 Name | The first victim student's name. (Last, First, Middle Initial). | [S_IA_LOG_VICTIM_C]StudentName | A | 135 |
36 | Victim 1 Grade | The first victim student's grade level. | [S_IA_LOG_VICTIM_C]Grade_Level | I | 2 |
37 | Victim 1 School of Enrollment | The school number of the first victim. Additional victims involved in the incident appear as Victim 2, Victim 3, etc. | [S_IA_LOG_VICTIM_C]SchoolID | I | 2 |