Fall/Spring Submission Report - DELETE (obsolete)
The Fall/Spring Submission report generates a tab-delimited file containing demographic, enrollment, course, and discipline removal records for students from the current school year who are not excluded from state reporting.
This report is submitted in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. The Fall submission includes all active students from the previous Spring except those who graduated. The Winter submission includes High School curriculum data. The Spring submission includes inactive and graduated students.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria if the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection for EP Records
The report selects records from the [Students] or [ReEnrollments] table that meet all of the following criteria:
- The student is not excluded from state reporting.
- The student’s school Exit Date must occur on or after the first day of the current school year.
- The student's school Exit Date must not equal the As of Date specified on the report page at runtime.
- The student’s school Entry Date must occur on or before the As of Date specified on the report page at runtime.
Student Selection for SD Records
The report selects records from the [Students], [ReEnrollments], [Sections], and [Courses] tables that meet all of the following criteria:
- The student is not excluded from state reporting.
- The student’s school Exit Date must occur on or after the first day of the current school year.
- The student’s school Entry Date must occur on or before the As of Date specified on the report page at runtime.
Log Entry Selection for ES Records
The report selects records from the [Log] table that meet all of the following criteria:
- The log entry must be associated with the appropriate student.
- The log entry must be associated with the appropriate school.
- Note: When running the report from the district, if the Log SchooID field = 0, the student's school of enrollment on the Log Entry Date is extracted. If the student was already withdrawn on the Log Entry Date, the student's most recent enrollment, prior to the Log Entry date, is extracted.
- The log entry date must occur on or before the last day of the school, as defined in Years & Terms
- The log entry state-reportable Action Type (E0012) must be for a removal: codes 1-6.
- The log entry must occur on or before the As of Date specified on the report page at runtime.
Course Selection for CR Records
The report selects records from the [Courses], [Sections], [CC], and [StoredGrades] tables that meet the following criteria:
For active students as of the count date:
- Courses in which the student is currently enrolled.
- Courses in which the student is scheduled in a future term.
- Courses completed by the student in a past term.
For inactive students as of the count date:
- Courses completed by the student in a past term.
- Courses in which the student was enrolled on the day the student transferred out.
- The report does not include courses scheduled in a future term for inactive students. PowerSchool removes future courses from the student's schedule when the student transfers out.
- The report always outputs CR records based on the user-specified As of Date. For example, if a student drops a course on October 15 and the report As of Date is October 1, the student’s schedule as of October 1 is reported and a record for the course is reported. If the As of Date is set to October 20, the submission reports the student’s schedule as of October 20 and excludes the dropped course from the output.
- The report always outputs a single CR record per unique course, even if the student is enrolled in both semester-length and trimester-length courses.
Term Store Code Mapping
The Fall/Spring Collection has a new field for the 2015/2016 school year named “C0143 Section Final Grade”. To accommodate all scenarios that districts and high schools use to gather their final grade, Term Store Code Mapping is provided in order to allow the report to identify the grades to be extracted.
Note: The C0143 Section Final Grade field is only required for students in grades 9-12. If your school does not have students in grades 9-12, mapping is not required.
To map your school’s store codes go to District Office > District > > Schools/School Info page. Scroll down to the Other Information section to locate the store code mapping link, “Iowa Term Store Code Mapping”. Use this page to edit, add or delete store codes. When “New” is selected, a new page appears where the Term Name and Store Codes are entered. Each Store Code must be entered one at time.
For year-long courses with a single final grade will have the Term Name for the year-long term. The Store Code will be YR if your school only gives a final grade at the end of the year.
For year-long courses with semester final grades, two records need to be created. Both of these will have the Term Name for the year-long term. One record will have the Store Code of S1 and the other record will have a Store Code S2.
For year-long courses with quarter final grades, four records need be created. All of these will have the Term Name for the year-long term. One record will have the Store Code of Q1; another record will have a Store Code of Q2; another record will have a Store Code of Q3 and the last record will have a Store Code of Q4.
Semester-long courses with semester final grades will have a Term Name for the semester-long term and a Store Code of S1. Semester 2 courses will have a Store Code of S2.
Trimester-long courses with trimester final grades will have a Term Name for the trimester-long term and a Store Code of T1. Trimester 2 courses will have a Store Code of T2 and trimester 3 course will have a Store Code of T3.
You will see a line for each Store Code that has been mapped:
- To Edit a mapping, click on the Iowa Term Store Code Mapping link in District Office > District > Schools/School Info page. Select a school, then select Iowa Term Store Code Mapping. Select the term you wish you edit, edit the Store Code and select Submit.
- To Delete a mapping, click on the Iowa Term Store Code Mapping link in District Office > District > Schools/School Info page. Select a school, then select Iowa Term Store Code Mapping. Select the term you wish you delete. Select the Delete button then select Submit. Contact PowerSchool Support should you have any questions or problems.
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Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Select Students* | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
As of Date* | Select or input the As of Date for the report. The date cannot be after the end date in Years and Terms. |
Output File Options | Indicate which type of output file to run:
Scheduling | Select Run Now or Schedule If applicable, select schedule settings:
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Max Length |
Transmission Header – TH A Transmission Header (TH) is the first record in the Fall/Spring Submission extract. | |||||
1 | K0010 Record Type | Always extracted as TH. | N/A | A | 2 |
2 | H0010 Date Stamp | The date the report was run, extracted in the format MM/DD/YYYY. | N/A | D | 10 |
3 | H0020 Time Stamp | The time the report was run, extracted in the format HH:MM:SS. | N/A | T | 8 |
4 | H0030 Transmission ID | The report extracts a combination of the date stamp and time stamp with forward slashes and colons removed, in the format MMDDYYHHMM. | N/A | A | 10 |
5 | H0050 File Version | Always extracted as the ending year of the current school year for SRI, such as 2017. | N/A | A | 4 |
6 | H0060 Delimiter | Always extracted as delimiter=0x09. | N/A | A | 14 |
7 | H0070 Submitting Entity | The district number. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Name=districtnumber | A | 8 |
8 | H0080 Student Information System | Reported as a null effective 2013/2014 school year. | N/A | ||
9 | H0090 Student Information System Version | The version of the Student Information System. | [Prefs]lastversionnumber | A | 20 |
Student Demographics – SD Student Demographic (SD) records are grouped by each building a student is enrolled in for the current school year. For example, students whose enrollment for the entire year was in one building will have one set of records and students enrolled in two buildings will have two sets of records. | |||||
1 | K0010 Record Type | Always reported as SD. | N/A | A | 2 |
2 | K0020 State Student ID | The student’s state assigned identifier. This value remains the same for the student from year to year. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | N | 10 |
3 | K0030 School Number | The report extracts one of the following values using the priority listed:
| [S_IA_STU_X ]School_Override [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Students]SchoolID = [Schools]School_Number | A | 4 |
4 | D0010 Local Student ID | The locally assigned student identifier. | [Students]Student_Number | A | 20 |
5 | D0060 Student First Name | The student’s first name. | [Students]First_Name | A | 60 |
6 | D0080 Student Last Name | The student’s last name. | [Students]Last_Name | A | 60 |
7 | D0020 Birth Date | The student’s date of birth. | [Students]DOB | D | 10 |
8 | D0030 Grade Level | The student’s grade level. Note: The report extracts the value entered for this field, with the following exceptions:
| [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | A | 2 |
9 | D0042 Hispanic/Latino | Indicates whether the student is Hispanic or Latino. Valid values are:
| [Students]FedEthnicity = 0 or 1 | N | 1 |
10 | D0043 American Indian or Alaska Native | Indicates whether the student is American Indian or Alaska Native. Valid values are:
| [StudentRace]RaceCd = I | N | 1 |
11 | D0044 Asian | Indicates whether the student is Asian. Valid values are:
| [StudentRace]RaceCd = A | N | 1 |
12 | D0045 Black or African American | Indicates whether the student is Black or African American. Valid values are:
| [StudentRace]RaceCd = B | N | 1 |
13 | D0046 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | Indicates whether the student is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Valid values are:
| [StudentRace]RaceCd = P | N | 1 |
14 | D0047 White | Indicates whether the student is White. Valid values are:
| [StudentRace]RaceCd = W | N | 1 |
15 | D0050 Gender | The student’s gender. | [Students]Gender | A | 1 |
16 | D0055 Homeroom Teacher Folder Number | The report extracts the homeroom teacher folder number, if populated, and if the checkbox for D0055 This course is a homeroom course, is selected on the Edit Course District Information page. | [Users]SIF_StatePRID | N | 7 |
17 | D0210 Entry Date into District | The date the student first enrolled in a school in this district, extracted in the format MM/DD/YYYY. | [Students]DistrictEntryDate [ReEnrollments]DistrictEntryDate | D | 10 |
18 | D0780 Preschool Attendance | Indicates whether the kindergarten student attended preschool prior to entering kindergarten. Note: For Kindergarten students, this field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Attendance_Indicator [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Attendance_Indicator | N | 2 |
19 | D0250 Title I Reading | Indicates whether the student receives Title I assistance for reading. The default value is 0. Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_X]TI_Target_Assist_Reading [S_IA_REN_X]TI_Target_Assist_Reading | N | 1 |
20 | D0252 Title I Math | Indicates whether the student receives Title I assistance for math. The default value is 0. Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_ X]TI_Target_Assist_Math [S_IA_REN_X]TI_Target_Assist_Math | N | 1 |
21 | D0270 Free Lunch Eligible | Indicates whether the student is eligible for free lunch. Valid values are:
Note: The output is 1 if the Lunch Status code is F or FDC. For any other value, the output is 0. | [Students]LunchStatus [ReEnrollments]LunchStatus | N | 1 |
22 | D0280 Reduced Lunch Eligible | Indicates whether the student is eligible for reduced lunch. Valid values are:
Note: The output is 1 if the Lunch Status code is R or RDC. For any other value, the output is 0. | [Students]LunchStatus [ReEnrollments]LunchStatus | N | 1 |
23 | D0292 IEP Placement Date | Date of the students most recent IEP placement. | [S_IA_STU_X]IEP_Placement_Date [S_IA_REN_X]IEP_Placement_Date | Date | 10 |
24 | D0294 IEP Staffed Out Date | Date of the most recent IEP staff out. | [S_IA_STU_X]IEP_Staffed_Out_Date [S_IA_REN_X]IEP_Staffed_Out_Date | Date | 10 |
25 | D0760 Coordinated Early Intervening Services | Indicates whether the student receives early intervening services. Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_X]Early_Services_Indicator | N | 1 |
26 | D0300 Section 504 | Indicates whether the student participates in Section 504. Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 0. Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_X]Section_504 [S_IA_REN_X]Section_504 | N | 1 |
27 | D0310 Gifted/Talented | Indicates whether the student is qualified as Gifted/Talented. Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 0. Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_X]Gifted [S_IA_REN_X]Gifted | N | 1 |
28 | D0330 Immigrant | Indicates whether the student is an immigrant. Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 0. Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_X]Immigrant [S_IA_REN_X]Immigrant | N | 1 |
29 | D0490 First Enrollment Date in US School | The student’s first day in a U.S. school, reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Note: This field is required if the student’s ELL Status is 1, 2, or 3, and the first day in a U.S. School is after 8/1/2006. This field is recommended for all ELL students. | [Students]DateOfEntryIntoUSA | D | 10 |
30 | D0340 Initial Homeless Type | The student’s homeless status. Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. | [Students]Homeless_Code | N | 2 |
31 | D0341 Unaccompanied Homeless Youth | Indicates whether the student is an unaccompanied youth. Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. | [S_IA_STU_X]Homeless_Youth | N | 2 |
32 | D0800 Homeless Student Served Through McKinney-Vento | Indicates whether the student is homeless and served through McKinney-Vento funds. Note: This data element applies only to McKinney-Vento sub-grant recipient districts: Ames, Cedar Rapids, College Community, Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque, Iowa City, Ottumwa, and Sioux City. Note: This field is required if the student’s Homeless Status is 1, 2, 3, or 6. This field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. | [S_IA_STU_X]Homeless_Student_Served | N | 2 |
33 | D0095 Military Connected Status | Indicates whether any of the student's parents or guardians on active military duty at the time of submission. Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_X]Military_Connected_Status | A | 2 |
34 | D0410 Native Language | The student’s native language. Default is “eng”. Note: If the field is blank, an “eng” will be reported. | [Students]PrimaryLanguage [ReEnrollments]PrimaryLanguage | A | 3 |
35 | D0420 ELL Status | The student’s English Language Learner (ELL) status. Valid values are:
Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. | [S_IA_STU_X]ELL_Status [S_IA_REN_X]ELL_Status | N | 2 |
36 | D0460 LIEP Placement Date | The date the student was placed in an ELL program/service in this district. Note: This field is reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY if the student’s ELL Status is one of the following:
| [S_IA_STU_X]ELL_Placement_Date [S_IA_REN_X]ELL_Placement_Date | D | 10 |
37 | D0425 Date Parent Waived LIEP Services | The date the parent waived LIEP services. Note: This field is reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY if the student’s ELL Status is “2 - Identified as ELL but parent waived LIEP Services”. This value may change over time if a parent initially waives LIEP services, and then changes his/her mind, or vice versa. A re-enrollments-level field is provided for this historical tracking. | [S_IA_STU_X]LEP_Waived_Service [S_IA_REN_X]LEP_Waived_Service_Date | D | 10 |
38 | D0465 LIEP Exit Date | The date the student was removed from ELL program/service. Note: This field is reported in the format MM/DD/YYYY if the student’s ELL Status is (4) Exited. | [S_IA_STU_X]ELL_Exit_Date [S_IA_REN_X]ELL_Exit_Date | D | 10 |
39 | D0470 LIEP Instructional Program | The program in which the student was placed for ELL instruction. Note: This field is reported if the student’s ELL Status is not (1) Student is in an English Language Instruction Program. This field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. | [S_IA_STU_X]ELL_Program [S_IA_REN_X]ELL_Program | N | 2 |
40 | D0483 ELL Monitor Year 1 End Date | The Date the Year 1 monitoring ended for the ELL students Note: This field only appears when the D0465 LIEP Exit Date is populated. It is automatically calculated 1 year from the LIEP Exit Date. | [S_IA_STU_X]ELL_YR1_End_Date [S_IA_REN_X]ELL_YR1_End_Date | D | 10 |
41 | D0484 ELL Monitor Year 1 Decision | Decision for monitoring the ELL Student after 1 year. | [S_IA_STU_X]ELL_YR1_Decision [S_IA_REN_X]ELL_YR1_Decision | N | 2 |
42 | D0487 ELL Monitor Year 2 End Date | Date the Year 2 monitoring will end for the ELL Student. Note: Only appears when the ELL Monitor Year 1 Decision is Yes, and the D0465 LIEP Exit Date is populated. It is automatically calculated 2 years from the LIEP Exit Date. | [S_IA_STU_X]ELL_YR2_End_Date [S_IA_REN_X]ELL_YR2_End_Date | Date | 10 |
43 | D0488 ELL Monitor Year 2 Decision | Decision for monitoring the ELL Student after 2 years. | [S_IA_STU_X]ELL_YR2_Decision [S_IA_REN_X]ELL_YR2_Decision | N | 2 |
44 | D0489 Date Re-entered LIEP Program | Date the ELL student re-entered the LIEP program. | [S_IA_STU_X]LEP_ReEntry_Date [S_IA_REN_X]LEP_ReEntry_Date | D | 10 |
45 | D0550 Diploma | Indicates whether the student received a district diploma by meeting a set of board-approved graduation requirements /credits. This field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. | [S_IA_STU_X]Diploma [S_IA_REN_X]Diploma | N | 2 |
46 | D0560 Post-graduation Location | Indicates whether the student’s post-graduation location is in or out of state. Note: This field is required if the D0550 Diploma Type = 1 This field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. | [S_IA_STU_X]Post_Grad_Location | N | 2 |
47 | D0570 Post-graduation Plan | The student’s plans after graduation. Note: This field is required if the D0550 Diploma Type = 1 This field cannot be blank. The default value is 99. | [S_IA_STU_X]Post_Grad_Plan | N | 2 |
48 | D0555 Extracurricular Activities | Indicates whether the student is involved in extracurricular activities. Note: This field is required if the D0550 Diploma Type = 0 or 1 Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_X]Xtra_Curricular | N | 2 |
49 | D0557 Paying Job | Indicates whether the student has a paying job. Note: This field is required if the D0550 Diploma Type = 0 or 1 Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_X]Paying_Job [S_IA_REN_X]Paying_Job | N | 2 |
50 | D0571 Biliteracy Seal 2nd Language | The second language for which the student received the Biliteracy Seal. | [S_IA_STU_X]Biliteracy_Lang2 | A | 3 |
51 | D0572 Biliteracy Seal 3rd Language | The third language for which the student received the Biliteracy Seal. | [S_IA_STU_X]Biliteracy_Lang3 | A | 3 |
52 | D0834 Preschool Program 1 Type | The type of program for the primary enrollment of a preschool student. Valid values are:
The default value is 99. Note: This field examines student fields first, then section fields, then course fields. If none of these fields are populated, the report outputs the default value of 99. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Program_1_Type [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Program_1_Type [S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_1_Type [S_IA_CRS_X]PK_Program_1_Type | N | 2 |
53 | D0836 Preschool Program 1 Hours | Number of hours a preschool student is attending Preschool Program 1. The default value is 0.0. Note: This field examines student fields first, then section fields, then course fields. If none of these fields are populated, the report outputs the default value of 0.0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Program_1_Hours [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Program_1_Hours [S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_1_Hours [S_IA_CRS_X]PK_Program_1_Hours | N | 2 |
54 | D0838 Preschool Program 1 Session | The user defined code for this preschool session. The default value is blank. Note: This field examines student fields first, then section fields. If none of these fields are populated, the report outputs the default blank value. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Program_1_Session [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Program_1_Session [S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_1_Session | A | 4 |
55 | D0835 Preschool Program 2 Type | Type of program for the secondary enrollment of a preschool student, if applicable. Valid values are:
The default value is 99. Note: This field examines student fields first, then section fields, then course fields. If none of these fields are populated, the report outputs the default value of 99. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Program_2_Type [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Program_2_Type [S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_2_Type [S_IA_CRS_X]PK_Program_2_Type | N | 2 |
56 | D0837 Preschool Program 2 Hours | Number of hours a preschool student is attending a Preschool Program 2. The default value is 0.0. Note: This field examines student fields first, then section fields, then course fields. If none of these fields are populated, the report outputs the default value of 0.0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Program_2_Hours [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Program_2_Hours [S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_2_Hours [S_IA_CRS_X]PK_Program_2_Hours | N | 4 |
57 | D0839 Preschool Program 2 Session | The user defined code for this preschool session The default value is blank. Note: This field examines student fields first, then section fields. If none of these fields are populated, the report outputs the default blank value. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Program_2_Session [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Program_2_Session [S_IA_SEC_X]PK_Program_2_Session | A | 4 |
58 | D0821 PK Funded by Head Start | Indicates whether PK student is funded by Head Start. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_HS [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_HS | N | 1 |
59 | D0822 PK Funded by Shared Visions | Indicates whether PK student is funded by CDCC. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_CDCC [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_CDCC | N | 1 |
60 | D0823 PK Funded by Early Childhood | Indicates whether PK student is funded by Early Childhool The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_EPWM [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_EPWM | N | 1 |
61 | D0824 PK Funded by Parent | Indicates whether PK student is funded by parents. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_Parent [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_Parent | N | 1 |
62 | D0825 PK Funded by Title 1 | Indicates whether PK student is funded by Title 1. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_Title_I [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_Title_I | N | 1 |
63 | D0826 PK Funded By SWVPP | Indicates whether PK student is funded by SWVPP. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_SWVPP [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_SWVPP | N | 1 |
64 | D0827 PK Funded by Other | Indicates whether PK student is funded by other sources. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_Other [S_IA_REN_EC_X]PK_Funded_By_Other | N | 1 |
65 | D0752 Reason No State Reading Assessment Score | The reason the student does not have a reading assessment. Note: Required for all PK-12 students. Default value is 99, if blank. | [S_IA_STU_X]No_State_Read_Reason | N | 2 |
66 | D0754 Reason No State Math Assessment Score | The reason the student does not have a math assessment. Note: Required for all PK-12 students. Default value is 99, if blank. | [S_IA_STU_X]No_State_Math_Reason | N | 2 |
67 | D0756 Reason No State Science Assessment Score | The reason the student does not have a science assessment. Note: Required for all PK-12 students Default value is 99, if blank. | [S_IA_STU_X]No_State_Sci_Reason | N | 2 |
Enrollment Period – EP At least one Enrollment Period (EP) record documents the student’s initial entry into the current school year. If the student ends or changes that enrollment, an Exit Code and Exit Date are included in the same record. The other data elements in the EP record refer to that specific enrollment period. Any change in the type of Entry Code, FTE, or Resident District results in a new EP record. | |||||
1 | K0010 Record Type | Always reported as EP. | N/A | A | 2 |
2 | K0020 State Student ID | The student’s state assigned identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | N | 10 |
3 | K0030 School Number | The report extracts one of the following values using the priority listed:
| [S_IA_STU_X ]School_Override [S_IA_REN_X ]School_Override [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Students]SchoolID = [Schools]School_Number [ReEnrollments]SchoolID = [Schools]School_Number | A | 4 |
4 | D0185 Entry Date | The start date of the student’s school enrollment. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | D | 10 |
5 | D0175 Entry Type | The process by which a student enters a school. | [S_IA_STU_X]Entry_Type [S_IA_REN_X]Entry_Type | A | 5 |
6 | D0180 Entry Code | The reason the student started the school enrollment. | [Students]EntryCode [ReEnrollments]EntryCode | N | 2 |
7 | D0244 CPI Dual Enrollment | The student’s CPI dual enrollment status. | [S_IA_STU_X]CPI_Dual_Enrollment [S_IA_REN_X]CPI_Dual_Enrollment | N | 2 |
8 | D0187 Junior Senior Rule | Is the student continuing enrollment under the Junior Senior Rule | [S_IA_STU_X]Junior_Senior [S_IA_REN_X]Junior_Senior | N | 1 |
9 | D0495 Full-Time Equivalency (FTE) | If the field is blank, the report extracts 1.0. | [S_IA_STU_X]FTE [S_IA_REN_X]FTE | N | 4 |
10 | D0500 Days Enrolled | The number of days the student was enrolled during the attendance period. The start date of the attendance period is the student’s Entry Date on the Transfer Info page for the school enrollment active on the count date unless that date is before the first day of the current school year. In this case, the report uses the first day of the current school year as the attendance start date. The end date of the attendance period is the student’s Exit Date on the Transfer Info page for the school enrollment active on the count date unless that date is after the count date. In this case, the report uses the count date as the attendance end date. The attendance end date must occur on or after the attendance start date. Note: Report as 0.00 to xxx.00 with a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 6 characters including the decimal and report the tenth and hundredth decimal places as .00 if the student has no fractional days. To troubleshoot membership, follow guidance for troubleshooting attendance. | Calculated [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [Terms]FirstDay [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | N | 6 |
11 | D0510 Days Present | The number of days the student was present during the attendance period. The value is calculated based on the hours the student was present during the day, rounded to the nearest half day. If the student is present for half a day or less, the value 0.5 is reported. If the student is present for more than half of a day, then 1.0 is reported. If the student is absent for the entire day, count as 0.0. See D0500 Days Enrolled above for an explanation of the attendance period start and end dates. See guidance for troubleshooting attendance. Note: Report as 0.00 to xxx.00 with a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 6 characters including the decimal. Round days present to the nearest hundredth place. | Calculated [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate [Terms]FirstDay [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate [Attendance]Att_Date [Attendance]Attendance_CodeID [Attendance]Att_Mode_Code | N | 6 |
12 | D0200 Resident District | The district in which the student resides. | [Students]DistrictOfResidence [ReEnrollments]DistrictOfResidence | A | 4 |
13 | D0215 Resident County | The county in which the student resides. | [S_IA_STU_X]Resident_County [S_IA_REN_X]Resident_County | A | 2 |
14 | D0207 Accountable District | The student's accountable district. | [S_IA_STU_X]Accountable_District [S_IA_REN_X]Accountable_District | A | 8 |
15 | K0040 Non-Public School Number | The state-assigned code for the nonpublic school of the student's primary enrollment. | [S_IA_STU_X]Non_Public_School_Number [S_IA_REN_X]Non_Public_School_Number | A | 8 |
16 | D0230 Foster Care | Indicates whether the student participates in foster care. Note: This field cannot be blank. The default value is 0. | [S_IA_STU_X]Foster_Care [S_IA_REN_X]Foster_Care | N | 1 |
17 | D0296 IEP level | Special education weighting for the student. The default value is 99. | [S_IA_STU_X]IEP_Level [S_IA_REN_X]IEP_Level | N | 2 |
18 | D0217 Service Provider Facility | The identifier for the student’s residential facility or service provider facility. | [S_IA_STU_X]Resident_Facility [S_IA_REN_X]Resident_Facility | A | 8 |
19 | D0218 Service/Facility Type | The service or facility provided to the student. See Service / Facility Codes for valid values. | [S_IA_STU_X]Facility_Type [S_IA_REN_X]Facility_Type | N | 2 |
20 | D0220 Exit Date | The report extracts the exit date for the student’s school enrollment in the format MM/DD/YYYY if it occurs after the current date. | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | D | 10 |
21 | D0190 Exit Code | The reason the student ended the school enrollment. | [Students]ExitCode [ReEnrollments]ExitCode | N | 2 |
22 | D0195 Tuitioned Out Accountable School | The student's tuitioned-out accountable school. Notes:
| [S_IA_STU_X]Tuition_Out_Acc_School [S_IA_REN_X]Tuition_Out_Acc_School | A | 4 |
23 | D0228 Receiving Educational Services | Indicates whether the student receives educational services. This element only applies when Exit Code = 5, 9 or 29. Valid values are:
| [S_IA_STU_X]Receiving_Ed_Services [S_IA_REN_X]Receiving_Ed_Services | N | 2 |
24 | D0224 Destination Code | If the student is leaving the school, indicates the student’s destination. See Destination Code for valid values. | [S_IA_STU_X]Destination_Code [S_IA_REN_X]Destination_Code | N | 2 |
25 | D0225 Destination Location | The student’s physical destination location, either a state or school. | [S_IA_STU_X]Destination_Location [S_IA_REN_X]Destination_Location | A | 8 |
26 | E0130 Enrollment Record Sequence | Indicates whether the school associated with this Enrollment Period (EP) is different than the school associated with the previous EP. The report refers to field K0030. If the school number is different for this EP, a Student Demographics (SD) record is included for the new school number. | Calculated | N | 2 |
Removal Record – ES A Removal Record (ES) identifies a discipline record for a student. The ES record pulls log entries that fall within the time frame of the first day of school and the user defined count date. | |||||
1 | K0010 Record Type | Always reported as ES. | N/A | A | 2 |
2 | K0020 State Student ID | The student’s state assigned identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | N | 10 |
3 | K0030 School Number | The report extracts one of the following values using the priority listed:
| [S_IA_STU_X]School_Override [S_IA_REN_X]School_Override [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Students]SchoolID = [Schools]School_Number [ReEnrollments]SchoolID = [Schools]School_Number | A | 4 |
4 | E0005 Behavior Incident Number | The behavior incident number. Note: The format must be numeric. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Behavior_Incident_Number | N | 10 |
5 | E0012 Action Taken | The action taken by adults because of the problem behavior incident. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Action_Taken | N | 2 |
6 | E0022 Problem Behavior | The problem behavior that caused the action to be taken. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Problem_Behavior | N | 2 |
7 | E0040 Length of Removal | The length of time the student was removed from school, in the format 0.0. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Duration_Assigned | N | 5 |
8 | E0050 Date of Removal | The date the student was removed from school. This value is reported if greater than 0/0/0, in the format MM/DD/YYYY. | [S_IA_LOG_X]Date_Of_Removal | D | 10 |
9 | E0060 Weapon Type | The type of weapon involved in the incident. | [Log]Discipline_WeaponType | A | 1 |
10 | E0025 Zero Tolerance Policy Expulsion | Was the expulsion due to the district policy of zero tolerance? | [S_IA_LOG_X]Zero_Tol_Expulsion | N | 2 |
Course Record – CR A Course Record (CR) documents the courses for a student in grades PK-12. For active students as of the count date, the courses are included:
For inactive students as of the count date, courses are included in which the student earned a grade. Duplicate course records are not reported. For example, only one course record is reported if a student transfers to a different section of the same course. | |||||
1 | K0010 Record Type | Always reported as CR. | N/A | A | 2 |
2 | K0020 State Student ID | The student’s state assigned identifier. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | N | 10 |
3 | K0030 School Number | The report extracts one of the following values using the priority listed:
| [S_IA_STU_X ]School_Override [S_IA_REN_X ]School_Override [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Students]SchoolID = [Schools]School_Number [ReEnrollments]SchoolID = [Schools]School_Number | A | 4 |
4 | C0010 Local Course Title | The locally assigned course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | A | 60 |
5 | C0020 Local Course Number | The locally assigned course number. | [Courses]Course_Number | A | 30 |
6 | C0150 Credit Recovery Course | Is this course a credit recovery course? | [S_IA_CRS_X]Credit_Recovery | N | 1 |
7 | C0120 Course Origination | Indicates where the course originated. if no value is entered, or if obsolete code 9 remains populated, a default value of 1 is output. See Course Origination Codes for valid values. | [S_IA_CRS_X]Course_Origination [S_IA_SEC_X]Course_Origination | N | 2 |
8 | C0035 SCED Course Code | The SCED Course Code. The default value for this field is 0 if it is not populated. | [S_IA_CRS_X]SCED_Course_Code | A | 11 |
9 | C0025 Common Course Number | The state assigned course number. | [S_IA_CRS_X]Common_Course_Number | A | 6 |
10 | C0040 Accreditation Program Area | The accreditation program area for the course. The default value for this field is 0 if it is not populated. | [S_IA_CRS_X]Accreditation_Program_Area | N | 1 |
11 | C0022 Local Course Section | The locally assigned section number. | [Sections]Section_Number | A | 6 |
12 | C0140 Section Start Indicator | Indicates whether the section started on or before October 1 of the current school year. | Calculated | N | 1 |
13 | C0141 Section Start Date | The the section started. | Calculated using [Terms]FirstDay for the scheduled term of the class | D | 10 |
14 | C0055 Section Teacher Folder Number | The report extracts the folder number of the teacher assigned to the section. | [Users]SIF_StatePRID | N | 7 |
15 | C0050 Institution Providing Section | The institution or the district providing the course. The default value for this field is the four-digit district number unless another value is populated on the Courses page. | [S_IA_CRS_X]PSEOA_Provider [S_IA_CRS_X]PSEOA_District
| A | 8 |
16 | C0130 Section FTE for Supplementary Weighting | The numeric value of less than 1.000 expressed to three decimal places for the section FTE for supplementary weighting. | [S_IA_SEC_X]FTE_Supplemental_Weight [S_IA_CRS_X]FTE_Supplemental_Weight | N | 5 |
17 | C0143 Section Final Grade | The final grade that will appear on the transcript for this section of a course. Applies to 9-12 students only. For PK-8 students, this field will be null. Term StoreCode Mapping must be completed in order to report the Section Final Grade. See Term Store Code Mapping for instructions. | [StoredGrades]Grade | A | 5 |
18 | C0045 Section Delivery Method | The delivery method of this section of the course. If not populated, the value for this field is 1. | [S_IA_SEC_X]Section_Delivery_Method | N | 1 |
Transmission Trailer – TT | |||||
1 | K0010 Record Type | Always reported as TT. | N/A | A | 2 |
2 | H0030 Transmission ID | This value must match field H0030 in the Transmission Header. | N/A | A | 10 |
3 | H0040 Number of Records | The total count of records in the transmission, including the Transmission Header and Trailer records. | N/A | N | 10 |