Ed-Fi Categories and Resources
Category | Description | Resource |
Descriptor | The Descriptor category is used to describe metadata about the descriptors and their structure. Descriptors define enumeration vocabularies that are not fixed within the Ed-Fi schema, and vary according to the specific state implementation. | |
Education Organization | The Education Organization category includes education organizations, their structure, and their education offerings. It is used to exchange education organization information about a state's Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Schools. | |
State Courses | The State Courses category represents the official course catalog for the state of Wisconsin, including state Course Codes, Course Titles, and other related information as downloaded from the state. | courses |
Special Education Downloads | The Special Education category represents the download of Special Education (SPED) data from WISEdata. The Special Education download is used to determine if a student is receiving Special Education services for Discipline reporting and October Count Date Status reporting. Requests will only be made if SPED data publishing is disabled on this system. | studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociations |
Student Demographics | The Student category describes students and contains all their identifying information. | |
Student Enrollment | The Student Enrollment category includes student enrollments in schools, along with additional Wisconsin-specific student data. | |
Student Transcript | The Student Academic Record category carries information about the diplomas and certificates earned by students in a given academic year and term. | |
Organization Setup | The Organization Setup category represents information about organization class periods and locations (rooms defined in sections). | |
Organization Calendars | The Organization Calendars category represents information about organization calendars including calendar dates, terms, and grading periods. | |
Organization Schedules | The Organization Schedules category captures the course and section information for the school year. | |
Student Teacher Sections | The Student Teacher Sections category captures section teachers and student section enrollments. | |
Grades | The Grades category captures student grades. | grades |
Student Programs | The Student Programs category carries information about the programs that a student participates in or is served by. | |
Student Discipline | The Student Discipline category carries information about discipline incidents and discipline actions. |