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Virginia State Reporting Extracts

Report Descriptions

Following is a description of the Virginia State Reporting Extracts available in PowerSchool. For detailed information about a particular report, such as the input required and the resulting report output, click the report name link.

Report NameDescriptionDue Date/Cycle
Student Record Collection ExtractsThis report is used to extract student data related to with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) reporting requirements.Fall, PearsonAccessNEXT, Dec 1, Spring, EOY, Summer
Enrollment Data ExtractThis report is used to extract student data to indicate if students are considered eligible for free and reduced meals.As needed
Master Schedule Collection
  • A Records – Report Header
  • B Records – IPAL Record
  • C Records – Course, Section Record
  • D Records – Teacher Report
  • E Records – Other Providers Record
  • F Records – Student Records
  • G Records – Administrator Records
  • I Records –CTE Connection Records
  • J Records – Co-op Records
  • K Records - Interdisciplinary Records

EOY Late September for the end of the previous school year


Discipline, Crime and Violence ExtractCreates the extract file for the Discipline, Crime and Violence Report in accordance with the Code of Virginia.Late July
Career and Technical Education Credential Collection (CTECC) ReportGenerates the Career and Education Technical Credential Collection report for the June reporting period.July 31st
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