Master Schedule Collection (MSC)
Report Description
Use this extract to create the Master Schedule Collection (MSC) file. The MSC is required to satisfy federal Indicators (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF). The MSC provides data previously collected through Instructional Personnel (IPAL) and Math and Science Course Enrollment (CEDC) and incorporates enrollments of non-traditional students in Career and Technical Education classes.
This extract must be submitted to the Virginia DOE twice a year:
End of Year (August)
Fall (October)
The MSC is comprised of the following components:
A Records - Header: The File Submission Type, School Year, District Number, and a list of the sections included in the extract.
B Records - IPAL: One record for each Provider Id with a Virginia Teacher/Administrator License or for each Provider Id with a Provider Description of 4 (unlicensed teacher/pupil personnel service provider/administrator) from the E Records. Due for Fall Submission only.
C Records - Courses: One record for each section taught within the LEA (includes summer school, fall, spring, and year-long courses).
D Records - Teachers: One record for each teacher that is connected to each section (include all teachers).
E Records - Other: One record for each private provider that provides education services to the student for whom the LEA is responsible.
F Records - Students: One record for each student assigned to the combination of a section and a teacher.
G Records - Administrators: One record for each Administrator or Pupil Personnel Service Provider; Fall Submission only.
I Records - Connection Record: Required for CTE and optional for other connected classes; One record is needed for each link between two sections.
J Records - Co-Op: One record is needed per Local Provider overseeing Co-op.
K Records - Interdisciplinary Connected Sections: Required for Interdisciplinary connected classes (1 to 1); One record is needed for each link between two sections. Must have a corresponding C record.
Trailer Record - Number of A,B,C,D,E,F,G,I,J, and K records included in the file.
Trailer Record |
RecordCount=<number of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, and K records included in this file (A record plus all B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, and K records)> |
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
B Records - IPAL
The report selects records from the Users and SchoolStaff tables based on the following criteria:
The teacher must be assigned to a school included in the extract.
The teacher must not be excluded from the Master Schedule Collection extract via Start Page > Staff > Edit Information.
The teacher must be assigned a valid state license number.
The teacher's current Staff Status must be Staff or Teacher and employment status must be Current via Start Page > Staff > Edit Information.
The teacher must not be excluded from B Records.
For G records, the teacher must be assigned a role code equal to 7 – Pupil Personnel Service Provider or 8 – Administrator, 10 - Other Staff Not Connected to a Section
C Records - Courses
The report selects records from the Courses table based on the following criteria:
The course must not be excluded from the Master Schedule Collection extract via District Setup > Courses.
C and D records are excluded if students are not enrolled for 20 or more school days.
C records are not included if the Teacher is excluded from the MSC.
D Records - Teachers
The report selects records from the Sections table based on the following criteria:
The section must be assigned to a school included in the extract.
The Course must not be excluded from the MSC.
The section must not be excluded from the Master Schedule Collection extract via Start Page > School Setup > Sections.
The section must be taught in a term that falls within the report date range.
A teacher that meets the Teacher Selection criteria must be assigned to the section.
The teacher cannot be excluded from the MCS.
If the Local Provider ID is populated at the section level this ID will override the teacher ID on the D records.
E Records - Other Providers
The report selects records from the Section table based on the following criteria:
The Local Provider ID ([S_VA_SEC_X]Provider_Id) must be populated in sections or on the edit enrollment page for students.
The local provider name ([S_VA_SEC_X]Provider_Name) must be populated in sections or on the edit enrollment page for students.
The local provider description ([S_VA_SEC_X]Provider_Description_Code) must be populated in sections or on the edit enrollment page for students.
You must create a staff record at the school level with a matching local provider ID if you used code 4 –(Unlicensed individual teacher, pupil personnel service).
F Records - Student
The report selects records from the Students table based on the following criteria:
The student is not excluded from state reporting (Exclude this student from State reporting is No).
The student had an active enrollment record at the school selected for the extract that fell within the report date range.
The student was enrolled in the course section during the report date range for 20 days or more.
The Responsible Division field is a mandatory field. If this field is blank then the value is extracted from the Division Number field. If both fields are blank then 0 is reported.
The store code indicator for the MSC, which is located in District Setup > Schools/School Info, must be populated.
IMPORTANT: For Fall submission - If the student is dropped from a class before or on October 1, even though they were enrolled for 20 days or more, the class enrollment will not be extracted, except when the student was enrolled into a class for the entire length of the class, which is scheduled to end before October 1. These types of records will be extracted.
G Record - Administrator
The report selects records from the Users table based on the following criteria:
The licensed staff person is not excluded from state reporting.
The Admin Role Code ([S_VA_USR_X]Admin_Role_Code) of 7, 8, or 10.
I Record - Connection Record
Required for CTE and optional for other connected classes. The report selects records from the Courses and Sections Table based on the following criteria:
CTE Indicator field must be checked either at the Course or Section level for records to be included.
CTE Connected Section ID filed must be populated on the edit Sections page. The value entered is the internal section ID of the 'parent section'
J Record - Co-op
The report selects records from the SchoolStaff and Student tables based on the following criteria:
A teacher must be defined as the 'CoOp Coordinator' This field is located on the Staff Information page.
The 'Average minutes per Day Spent with CoOp Students' field located on the Staff Information page must be populated.
Students must be defined as CoOp Students. This field is located on the State/Province – VA > CTE Tab.
A CoOp Coordinator must be connected to the student. This field is located on the State/Province – VA > CTE Tab.
K Record - Interdisciplinary
The report selects records from Sections Table based on the following criteria:
Interdisciplinary Flag must be set to Yes.
Interdisciplinary Section ID is not null.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Students to Include | Select which students should be included in the report. Choose between running the report for a preselected group of students or to run the report for all students on the roster. |
School Year | Select the school year for which to run the report from the pop-up menu. The school year which is auto-populated is driven off of the term that the user is currently viewing PowerSchool. |
Report Start Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enter the start date of the report date range. This date should be the same start date as the earliest term you have set up in PowerSchool in School Setup > Years and Terms. |
Report End Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enter the end date of the report date range. For Fall submission, use the first school day in October as the Report End Date. For EOY submission, use the last day of the term. |
Sender’s Email Address | Enter the email address of the person sending the file to the Virginia DOE. |
File Submission Type | Choose Fall or as of the End-of-Year to determine the submission type. |
Record Types to Include | Choose the components of the MSC extract to include in the extract file: AB, AC, ADE, AF, AG, A, ACDEF, or ABCDEFGIJ. The I and J records are optional. If there is no data to be extracted for these records, then choose the option ABCDEFG for the Fall and EOY submission. |
Include B Record for All Staff | If this option is enabled, the B records for all staff in the selected school are listed in the output. When run from the District office then B records display for all schools in the district. |
Percent or Letter Grade (F records only) | Choose Percent or Letter to extract either the final grade or the final grade percent. |
Report Blank Grades or ‘NG’ for student in 6-12 with no grade (F records only) | Option to extract ‘NG’ or leave blank the value for the final grade for those students without grades. Grades 5 and under the value of ‘NG’ is always extracted. |
Passing Minutes to add to each Section (C records only) | Select the value that will be applied to the minutes per course. For example, if Periods are 45 minutes and Passing Time is 4 minutes, choose 4, which results in a total of 49 minutes. |
Extract Archived Course State Information | Select Yes if the report should use Archived Course State Information, select No if the information should not be used. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item# | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Field Length | Fall Y/N |
A Records: Header | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant A | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Data Collection Type | A value of “MSC_IPAL” is reported. | Derived | A/N | 8 | Y |
3 | File Submission Type | The File Submission Type selected when running the report. Valid values:
| Derived | N | 1 | Y |
4 | Beginning School Year | Four-digit year for the beginning of the school year. For example, 2013 for the 2013-2014 school year. | Derived | Numeric | 4 | Y |
5 | Division Number | Leading zero(s) must be included, i.e. 005 | [Prefs]VA_DistrictNumber | A/N | 3 | Y |
6 | Section Type | Code to describe the data included in the submission.
| Derived | Alpha numeric | 9 | Y |
B Records: IPAL | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant B | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Local Provider ID | The locally defined identification number must be unique within the division (i.e. employee id, teacher id, tax id). Do not use SSN for this ID. | [Users]TeacherNumber | Alpha numeric | 20 | Y |
3 | Teacher/Administrator License Prefix | Includes the characters preceding the dash on the teacher's license.
| [Users]SIF_StatePrid | Alpha numeric | 9 | Y |
4 | Teacher/Administrator License Number | Includes the numbers after the dash on the teacher's license.
| [Users]SIF_StatePrid | Alpha numeric | 11 | Y |
5 | Social Security Number | Only required if the individual does not have license information. | [Users]SSN | Numeric | 9 | Y |
6 | First Name | The teacher’s first name, extracted from Start Page > Staff > Edit Information. | [Users]First_Name | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
7 | Middle Name | The teacher’s middle name, extracted from Start Page > Staff > Edit Information. | [Users]Middle_Name | Alpha- numeric | 30 | Y |
8 | Last Name | The teacher’s last name, extracted from Start Page > Staff > Edit Information. | [Users]Last_Name | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
9 | Filler | Filler field | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A |
10 | Ethnic Flag | A flag to identify if the individual is Hispanic/Latino. | [Users]FedEthnicity | Alpha-numeric | 1 | Y |
11 | RaceCode | The Race Code is used to identify one or more races of the staff member. | Calculated from [TeacherRace]RaceCD | Alpha-numeric | 2 | Y |
12 | Gender | A code that identifies gender. | [UsersCoreFields]Gender | Alpha-numeric | 1 | Y |
13 | FTE | The full-time equivalent.
| [S_VA_USR_X]FTE | Alpha-numeric | 4 | Y |
14 | Title I Funded Position | Does this individual have a position that is funded by Title I?
| [S_VA_USR_X]Title_I_Funded_Position_TF | Alpha-numeric | 1 | Y |
15 | High-Quality Professional Development | Has this teacher received high-quality professional development?
| [S_VA_USR_X]High_Quality_Professional_Dev | Alpha-numeric | 1 | Y |
16 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
17 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
18 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
19 | First Year Teacher Flag | Does this individual have less than one year of full-time teaching experience in a public or an accredited non-public school?
| [S_VA_USR_X]First_Year_Teacher_Flag | Alpha-numeric | 1 | Y |
20 | Division Teaching Experience | Number of completed years of experience as a teacher in the current school division. If the teacher is in the first year of teaching, this number should be zero. If the individual has not completed a full year of teaching as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]Teacher_Division_Experience | Numeric | 1 | Y |
21 | Total Years Teaching Experience | Number of completed years of experience as a teacher in any public, private, or out of state school. If the teacher is in the first year of teaching, this number should be zero. If the individual has not completed a full year of teaching as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]Teacher_Years_Experience | Numeric | 1 | Y |
22 | Division Administrative Experience | Number of completed years as an administrator in the current school division. If the administrator is in the first year of administration, this number should be zero. If the individual has not completed a full year in administration as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]Admin_Division_Experience | Numeric | 1 | Y |
23 | Total Years Administrative Experience | Number of completed years as an administrator in any public, private, or out of state school. If the administrator is in the first year of administration, this number should be zero. If the individual has not completed a full year in administration as of October 1 of the current schools year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]Admin_Years_Experience | Numeric | 1 | Y |
24 | Division Pupil Personnel Experience | Number of completed years as pupil personnel in the current school division. If the individual has not completed a full year as pupil personnel as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]Division_Pupil_Exp_Comp | Numeric | 1 | Y |
25 | Total Years Pupil Personnel Experience | Number of completed years as pupil personnel in any public, private, or out of state school. If the individual has not completed a full year as pupil personnel as of October 1 of the current schools year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]Total_Pupil_Exp_Comp | Numeric | 1 | Y |
26 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
27 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
C Records: Courses | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant C | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Section Id | A locally defined number that identifies a particular section. When coupled with the division and school, Section ID creates a unique identifier for the section. | [Sections]ID [CC]SectionID | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
3 | Serving Division | The three-digit, state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center, or agency that provided the course (or the resources to the course) to the students:
| [Prefs]value where [Prefs]name=DistrictNumber [Prefs]VA_DistrictNumber [S_VA_STU_X]Responsible_Division [S_VA_REN_X]Responsible_Division | Numeric | 3 | Y |
4 | Serving School | The four-digit, state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program, or placement that provided the course (or the resource to the course) to the students:
| [S_VA_STU_X]Serving_School [S_VA_STU_X]Serving_School or [Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [CC]SchoolID | Numeric | 4 | Y |
5 | SCED Code | The NCES-assigned number that represents a course by its SCED Subject Area immediately followed by its SCED Course Identifier. Grade 3 Reading will be reported as 1043. In this instance when then SCED Subject Area = 01 and SCED Course Identifier = 043 they should be concatenated and reported as a single number. | [S_VA_CRS_X]SCED_Subject_Area | Numeric | 5 | Y |
6 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
7 | SCED Course Level | The code that indicates the level of rigor of the course. | [S_VA_CRS_X]SCED_Course_Level | Alpha-numeric | 1 | Y |
8 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
9 | SCED Sequence | Code to describe the manner in which school systems may "break up" single courses.
| [S_VA_CRS_X]SCED_Sequence | Alpha-numeric | 5 | Y |
10 | VA Extended Description | Used to distinguish between two or more classes within the same SCED Course Code where the SCED does not delineate.
| N/A | Alpha-numeric | 5 | Y |
11 | Associated SOL Test Code | What, if any, SOL test will be administered to students enrolled in this course. Courses that need this code are identified in the list of approved SCED Codes for Virginia. Can be blank. Must have a valid code. | N/A | Alpha-numeric | 8 | Y |
12 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
13 | Local Course code | Locally defined
| [Courses]Course_Number [CC]Course_Number | Alpha numeric | 20 | Y |
14 | Local Course Title | Locally defined
| [Courses]Course_Name | Alpha numeric | 50 | Y |
15 | Semester | The calendar time during the school year that the current course is taken.
| [S_VA_SEC_X]MSC_Semester_Code | Numeric | 1 | Y |
16 | Minutes Per Course | The time in minutes that the course section teacher is delivering instruction to students for the duration of the course. Required for CTE courses and must be set at the course or section level in order for the "Minutes Per Course" to be extracted for the C records.
| Calculated or use the below field to override normal calculation [S_VA_SEC_X]MSC_Minutes_Per_Course | Numeric | 5 | Y |
17 | MOP ID | The code that indicates that the course curriculum and delivery are provided by an approved Multi-division Online Provider (MOP). | [S_VA_CRS_X]MOP_ID | Numeric | 1 | Y |
18 | Interdisciplinary Flag | A flag that indicates the Section ID is paired with another Section ID (that has a different SCED code) which together form a comprehensive course.
| [S_VA_SEC_X]Interdisciplinary_Flag | Alpha-numeric | 1 | Y |
19 | Filler | Filler Field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
20 | Filler | Filler Field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
21 | Filler | Filler Field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
D Records: Teachers | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant D | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Section Id | A locally defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. When coupled with the division and school, Section ID creates a unique identifier for the section.
| [Sections]ID [CC]SectionID | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
3 | Serving Division | The three-digit, state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center, or agency that provided the course to the students.
| [Prefs]value where [Prefs]name=DistrictNumber [Prefs]VA_DistrictNumber | Numeric | 3 | Y |
4 | Serving School | The four-digit, state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program, or placement that provided the course to the students.
| [Schools]School_Number [Schools]Alt_Schoolnumber [CC]SchoolID | Numeric | 4 | Y |
5 | Teacher/Administrator License Prefix | Includes the characters preceding the dash on the teacher's license.
Section E is required if a teacher or teaching entity does not have a valid VA License. | [Users]SIF_StatePrid | Alpha-numeric | 9 | Y |
6 | Teacher/Administrator License Number | Includes the numbers after the dash on the teacher's license. Section E is required if a teacher or teaching entity does not have a valid VA License. | [Users]SIF_StatePrid | Alpha-numeric | 11 | Y |
7 | Local Provider ID | The locally defined identification number. Must be unique within the division. (i.e. employee ID, teacher ID, tax ID). Do not use SSN for this ID.
| [Users]TeacherNumber [S_VA_SEC_X]Local_Provider_Override_Lead [CC]TeacherID | Alpha-numeric | 20 | Y |
8 | Teacher Role Code | A code to describe the teacher’s role in this section.
If there is more than one teacher with a Role Code of 1, 2, or 3 for a section, all must have the same students in the F Record. If Teacher Role Code=1, 4, 6, or 9, F Records must be present. | [S_VA_SEC_Additional_Staff_C]Teacher_Role_Code | Numeric | 1 | Y |
9 | Defined Class Type | Formerly Assignment Codes Only codes that define the audience or recipient of the instruction can be used here. Who is receiving instruction/services, not what is being taught. This is a necessary element to determine if the teacher in the section is "Highly Qualified" to teach the section.
Warning if SCED Code is 73039 and a Defined Class Type is not present. | [S_VA_SEC_Additional_Staff_C]Defined_Class_Type | Numeric | 4 | Y |
10 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
12 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
13 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
14 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
E Records: Other - One record for each private provider that provides education services to the student for whom the LEA is responsible. | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant E | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Local Provider ID | The locally defined identification number must be unique within the division (i.e. employee id, teacher id, tax id). Do not use SSN for this ID.
Required if State License Number is blank. | [S_VA_STU_X]Provider_Id [S_VA_REN_X]Provider_Id [S_VA_SEC_X]Provider_Id [S_VA_SEC_X]Local_Provider_Override_Lead Required if State License Number is blank | Alpha numeric | 20 | Y |
3 | Provider Name | The name of the other provider.
For individuals, the first and last name is included. For all others, the company name is included. | [S_VA_STU_X]Provider_Name [S_VA_REN_X]Provider_Name [S_VA_SEC_X]Provider_Name | Alpha-numeric | 50 | Y |
4 | Provider Description | Description of the services provided.
Fatal error if 4 does not have B Records. Fatal error if 1, 3, or 5 have B Records. Warning if 7 does not have B Records. | [S_VA_STU_X]Provider_Description_Code [S_VA_REN_X]Provider_Description_Code [S_VA_SEC_X]Provider_Description_Code | Numeric | 1 | Y |
F Records: Students | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant F | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Section Id | The internal section ID, extracted from Start Page > School Setup > Sections > Edit Section. A locally defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. When coupled with the division and school create a unique identifier for the section. | [Sections]ID [CC]SectionID | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
3 | Local Provider ID | The ID of the person or agency that provides instruction to this student, if applicable, extracted from Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > Edit Enrollment. | [S_VA_STU_X]Provider_Id [S_VA_REN_X]Provider_Id [S_VA_SEC_X]Provider_Id | Alpha-numeric | 20 | Y |
4 | State Testing ID | The state-assigned testing ID assigned through EMIS, extracted from Start Page > Student > State/Province – VA. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Numeric | 10 | Y |
5 | Local Student Id | The locally assigned student number, extracted from Start Page > Student > Demographics. | [Students]Student_Number [CC]StudentID | Alpha-numeric | 12 | Y |
6 | Final Grade | The stored/historical grade earned by the student for this section, extracted from Start Page > Student > Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade. If this is being run at the EOY and includes Final Grades in the F records, the StoreCodes will be obtained from the school in which the class was taken, not the school where the grades are stored. | [StoredGrades]Grade for the stored code from report interface | Alpha-numeric | 3 | N |
7 | Virtual Course Identifier | Indicates if this is an online course or a course that is provided between schools via satellite. Valid values:
This field is blank for a non-virtual course. This field is extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [S_VA_CRS_X]VirtualCourseInd | Numeric | 1 | Y |
8 | Dual Enrollment Flag | Indicates (Y/N) if the course is taken as a dual enrollment course, extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [S_VA_CRS_X]DualEnrollment | Alpha-numeric | 1 | Y |
9 | Work-Based Learning Code (All Courses) | From the VA DOE: "Work-based learning is defined as a coordinated, coherent sequence of career-development experiences, based on instructional preparation, related to students’ career interests or goals. It involves partnerships with local business/industry and other community organizations; enables students to apply classroom instruction in a real-world business or service-oriented environment; and assists teachers and program leaders in helping students understand the relevance of classroom learning to their present and future development as workers, entrepreneurs, and citizens."
A blank value is reported if the student override field has a value of ‘NP’. | [S_VA_CC_X]Worked_Based_Learning_Code, if not populated then [S_VA_SEC_X]Worked_Based_Learning_Code, if not populated then [S_VA_CRS_X]Worked_Based_Learning_Code | Numeric | 1 | Y |
10 | Governor's Academy Code | Indicates whether or not the course taken is at a Governor's Academy.
| [S_VA_CRS_X]Governors_Academy_Code - if not populated then [S_VA_SEC_X]Governors_Academy_Code - if not populated then [S_VA_CC_X]Governors_Academy_Code | Alpha | 1 | Y |
11 | Responsible Division (for regional center use only) | Indicates the division responsible for the student.
| [S_VA_STU_X]Responsible_Division | Alpha-numeric | 3 | Y |
12 | Credit Awarded Flag | A flag that indicates that the student passed the classroom portion of the course and received credit for passing the course.
| Derived; For the given class, there must be at least one stored grade where potentialCrHrs > 0 and earnedCrHrs > 0 | Alpha | 1 | Y |
13 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
14 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
G Records: Administrators | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant G | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Local Provider ID | The locally assigned teacher number, extracted from Start page > Staff > Edit Information. | [Users]TeacherNumber | Alpha-numeric | 20 | Y |
3 | Serving Division | The district number, extracted from Start Page > District Setup > District Info. | [Prefs]value where [Prefs]name=districtnumber [Prefs]VA_DistrictNumber [S_VA_STU_X]Responsible_Division [S_VA_REN_X]Responsible_Division | Numeric | 3 | Y |
4 | Serving School | The school number, extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School. | [Schools]School_Number [Schools]Alt_SchoolNumber | Numeric | 4 | Y |
5 | Teacher/Administrator License Prefix | The characters preceding the hyphen (-) in the teacher’s state license number, extracted from Start Page > Staff > Edit Information. This field is blank if the teacher does not have an assigned state license number. Acceptable values:
| [Users]SIF_StatePrid | Alpha-numeric | 9 | Y |
6 | Teacher/Administrator License Number | The characters following the hyphen (-) in the teacher’s state license number, extracted from Start Page > Staff > Edit Information. This field is blank if the teacher does not have an assigned state license number. | [Users]SIF_StatePrid | Alpha-numeric | 11 | Y |
7 | Teacher Role Code | The administrator’s role in this section, extracted from Start Page > School Setup > Sections > Edit Section. Valid values:
| [S_VA_SEC_Additional_Staff_C]Teacher_Role_Code | Numeric | 1 | Y |
8 | VA State Assignment Code | The four-digit state-assigned course code. The IB or DE prefix is not included in this value. This field is extracted from Start Page > District Setup > Courses > Edit Course District Information. | [S_VA_CRS_X]State_Assignment_Code | Numeric | 4 | Y |
9 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
10 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
12 | First Year Administrative Flag | Does this individual have less than one year of full-time experience in this role in a public or an accredited non-public field?
| [S_VA_USR_X]First_Year_Admin_Flag | Alpha | 1 | Y |
13 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
14 | Filler | Filler field | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
I Records: Connection Record - Required for CTE and optional for other connected classes; One record is needed for each link between two sections. | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant I Must be I Must be Alpha Must be one character | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Serving Division | Three-digit state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center or agency that provided the course to the students. | [Prefs]value where [Prefs]name=DistrictNumber [Prefs]VA_DistrictNumber [S_VA_STU_X]Responsible_Division [S_VA_REN_X]Responsible_Division | Alpha-numeric | 3 | Y |
3 | Serving School | Four-digit state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program, or placement that provided the course to the students. | [Schools]School_number [Schools]Alt_Schoolnumber | Alpha-numeric | 4 | Y |
4 | SectionID | A locally defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. When coupled with the division and school, Section ID creates a unique identifier for the section. The section should be the highest level taught during that section. If no sequence, use the section with the most students. | [Sections]ID | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
5 | Connected SectionID | A locally defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. When coupled with the division and school, Section ID creates a unique identifier for the section. The Connected Section should be the lowest level taught during that section. If no sequence, use the section with the least students. | [S_VA_SEC_X]MSC_CTE_Connected_Section_Id | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
J Records: Co-op One record is needed per Local Provider overseeing Co-op. | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant J | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Serving Division | Three-digit state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center, or agency that provided the course to the students.
| [Prefs]value where [Prefs]name=DistrictNumber | Numeric | 3 | Y |
3 | Serving School | Four-digit state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program, or placement that provided the course to the students.
| [Schools]School_number [Schools]Alt_Schoolnumber | Numeric | 4 | Y |
4 | Local Provider ID | The locally defined identification number; must be unique within the division. (i.e. employee ID, teacher ID, tax ID). Do not use SSN for this ID.
| [S_VA_STU_COOP_X]Provider_Id | Numeric | 20 | Y |
5 | Number of Student in Co-op Program | The number of Co-op students overseen by the Local Provider during the school year.
| Calculated based on >[S_VA_STU_COOP_X]IsCoOp_TF | Numeric | 2 | Y |
6 | Minutes of Co-op Period | Average length in Minutes of the Teacher’s Co-op Periods.
| [S_VA_SSF_COOP_X]Minutes | Numeric | 2 | Y |
K Records: Interdisciplinary Connection Record | ||||||
1 | Record Type | Constant K | Derived | Alpha | 1 | Y |
2 | Serving Division | Three-digit state-assigned Division number that identifies the division, center or agency that provided the course to the students | [Prefs]VA_DistrictNumber [S_VA_SEC_X]Serving_Division | Alpha-numeric | 3 | Y |
3 | Serving School | Four-digit state-assigned School number that identifies the school, center, program, or placement that provided the course to the students. | [Schools]School_Number [Schools]Alt_Schoolnumber [S_VA_SEC_X]Serving_School | Alpha-numeric | 4 | Y |
4 | Section ID | A locally defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. When coupled with the division and school, Section ID creates a unique identifier for the section. | [Sections]ID | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
5 | Connected Section ID | A locally defined number that identifies a particular section of a course. | [S_VA_SEC_X]Paired_Interdiscipline_Sec | Alpha-numeric | 30 | Y |
6 | Interdisciplinary Course Title | The course title where two different SCED codes are combined to create one course. | Selected from Courses.Course_Name from the primary record associated with the "connected section id" | Alpha- numeric | 50 | Y |
Trailer Record | ||||||
1 | Record Count | RecordCount=<number of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, and K records included in this file (A record plus all B, C, D, E, F, G, I, J, and K records)> | Calculated B Record - Count distinct Local Provider ID, First Name, and Last Name from [bRecordTable] C Record - Count distinct Section ID from [cRecordTable] D Record - Count distinct Section ID, Local Provider ID, and Serving School from [dRecordTable] J Record - Count from [jRecordTable] K Record - Count from [kRecordTable]