Student Snapshot Template (EWS)
The Student Snapshot template contains a snapshot of student information as of the snapshot date.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Students Selection
The report selects records from the Students and Schools tables based on the following criteria:
One record per District Code / School Year / Student ID / Snapshot Date.
School Selection
The report selects which records from the Schools table where the school is associated with a student included in the report.
Student Selection
The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:
- The student must be enrolled in a school included in the report.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student must have school enrollment that occurs during the reporting period.
a. Snapshot — The student must be active on the end date of the report (except for a snapshot run with a 6/30 end date).
b. The student cannot be a no-show; i.e. their school entry date cannot equal their school exit date.
Report Input
For help with report navigation and generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Schools to Include* | Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options: If sub-districts are not enabled:
If sub-districts are enabled:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Students to Include* | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report. |
Select School Year* | Select the school year for which you wish to run the report. |
Snapshot Date* | Enter the snapshot date using the format mm/dd/yyyy. |
Field Delimiter | Choose the field delimiter for the extract file from the pop-up menu. |
Include Header Labels in output file? | Choose Yes or No to indicate whether to include column headings in the extract file. Including column headers provides a heading for each type of data extracted in the report. |
Scheduling | Select when to run the report.
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Req’d |
1 | DISTRICT CODE | The unique, 9-digit Administrative Unit Number (AUN) assigned by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. For the list of all LEA and School codes, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education's wesite. | [Prefs]District_Number If sub-districts are enabled: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | Numeric | R |
2 | LOCATION CODE | The PDE-defined, 4-digit code identifying the school. For the list of all LEA and School codes, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education's wesite. | [Schools]School_Number If sub-districts are enabled: [CST_SchoolSubDistricts]SchoolID | Numeric | R |
3 | SCHOOL YEAR DATE | A single date indicating the whole school year. June 30, at the end of the standard school year, is used to designate a school year. Thus, the 2014-2015 school year would be indicated by 2015-06-30. | Static value derived from the year setup in [Terms]. | Numeric | R |
4 | STUDENT ID | The unique, 10-digit PAsecureID assigned to the student. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Numeric | R |
14 | BIRTH DATE | The birth date of the student. | [Students]DOB | Numeric | R |
15 | GENDER CODE | The code that represents the gender of the student. | [Students]Gender | Alpha | R |
16 | ADDRESS 1 | The street name and number of the student’s mailing address. | [Students]Mailing_Street | AlphaNumeric | R |
17 | ADDRESS 2 | Additional information concerning the street address of the student’s mailing address, such as apartment number. | [Students]Mailing_Street | AlphaNumeric | O |
18 | CITY | The city of the student’s mailing address. | [Students]Mailing_City | AlphaNumeric | R |
19 | STATE CODE | The official 2-character US Postal Service state abbreviation for the student’s mailing address. | [Students]Mailing_State | AlphaNumeric | R |
20 | FULL ZIP CODE | The official US Postal Service Code for the student’s mailing address. If this field is populated, the values should be in the format NNNNN or NNNNN-NNNN. | [Students]Mailing_Zip | AlphaNumeric | R |
21 | HOME PHONE | The home telephone number, including the area code and extension, if applicable. | [Students]Home_Phone | Numeric | R |
27 | RACE OR ETHNICITY CODE | A single code indicating the race and ethnicity of the student. | If [Students)FedEthncity is =1 Then student race = 4, Otherwise check the table- if no value leave blank. [studentRace]RaceCD
If there is more than one Race in the [studentRace]RaceCd table, then report a 6. This also applies when a student is Fed Ethnicity = 1 and another race is selected | AlphaNumeric | R |
32 | NATIVE LANGUAGE | The code for the native language to which the child is/was exposed. See Appendix F in Volume 2 of the PIMS User Manual for a complete list of valid NCES country and language codes. Use 0000 for U.S. English. | [S_PA_STU_X]Home_Language_Code | AlphaNumeric | O |
41 | LEP/ELL STATUS | This field indicates whether the student:
| [S_PA_STU_X]LEP_ELL_Status_Code | AlphaNumeric | O |
70 | ADA STATUS INDICATOR | Field identifies students who: (1) have a current Section 504 service agreement plan in place AND (2) are considered "disabled" and eligible for protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. ADA (as amended) defines “disability” as (1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity; (2) a record of such an impairment; or (3) being regarded as having such an impairment. Populate this data element, as appropriate, for all students. Consult appropriate LEA Section 504/ADA compliance officer(s) to determine those students with a current Section 504 service agreement plan in place. | [S_PA_STU_X]IS_504_YN | Y/N | O |
83 | SNAPSHOT DATE | For Dashboard Data Submissions this should always be the School Year Date. | Static value derived based on the year selected when running the report. | Date | R |
88 | ECONOMIC DISADVANTAGED STATUS | This field indicates the economically disadvantaged status of a student. To determine if a student is economically disadvantaged, poverty data sources such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families cases, census poor, Medicaid, children living in institutions for the neglected or delinquent, or those supported in foster homes may be used. If such data are not available, use the most recent reliable data available at the time of determination, such as free and reduced price lunch eligibility. Provision II Districts should not use “base year” Free and Reduced Eligibility data for reporting individual student poverty code data in “non-base years. | [S_PA_STU_X]Food_Participation_Code | Y/N | R |
93 | ALTERNATE STUDENT ID | An alternate student identifier. This could be the Local Student Identifier used in the LEAs SIS or the ID used in the School Wide Information System (SWIS). | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Numeric | R |
111 | HOMELESS STATUS CODE | An indicator of the student’s residential status. Children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. | [S_PA_STU_X]Food_Participation_Code | Y/N | O |
120 | STUDENT IS A SINGLE PARENT | Specifies whether the student is a single parent. A single parent is any individual who is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse and who has a minor child or children for which the parent has either custody or joint custody, or is pregnant. This is an element required for secondary and adult affidavit program CTE students only. | [S_PA_STU_X]Single_Parent_TF | Y/N | O |
121 | STUDENT IS PREGNANT | An indication of whether or not the student is pregnant as of the snapshot date | [S_PA_STU_X]Pregnancy_Indicator | Y/N | O |
123 | HOME LANGUAGE CODE | The NCES Code for the language a child uses to communicate in their residential home See Appendix F in Volume 2 of the EWS User Manual for a complete list of valid NCES country and language codes. Use 0000 for U.S. English. | [S_PA_STU_X]Home_Language_Code | Numeric | O |
124 | NEGLECTED OR DELINQUENT | An indication that the student is participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students | [S_PA_STU_X]Neglected_Indicator
| Y/N | O |
126 | NAME SUFFIX | An appendage, if any, used to denote an individual’s generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III) | [S_PA_STU_X]Legal_Name_Suffix | Alpha | O |
131 | FOOD PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY | The student’s eligibility to participate in the free/reduced lunch program | [S_PA_STU_X]Food_Participation_Code | Y/N | O |
133 | LAST NAME LONG | The legal last name (surname) of the student | [S_PA_STU_X]Last_Name_Long | Alpha | R |
134 | FIRST NAME LONG | The legal first name of the student | [S_PA_STU_X]First_Name_Long | Alpha | R |
142 | MIDDLE NAME | The middle name of the student. | [Students]Middle_Name | Alpha | 0 |
144 | HISPANIC ETHNICITY | An indication that the person traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race | [Students]FedEthncity | Y/N | R |
146 | RACE 2 CODE | A single code indicating the race and ethnicity of the student. | [StudentsRace]Racecd | Numeric | O |
147 | RACE 3 CODE | A single code indicating the race and ethnicity of the student. | [StudentsRace]Racecd | Numeric | O |
148 | RACE 4 CODE | A single code indicating the race and ethnicity of the student. | [StudentsRace]Racecd | Numeric | O |
149 | RACE 5 CODE | A single code indicating the race and ethnicity of the student. | [StudentsRace]Racecd | Numeric | O |
152 | IMMIGRANT INDICATOR | An indication that the student is an immigrant | [S_PA_STU_X]Immigrant_TF | Y/N | O |
153 | PRIMARY LANGUAGE CODE | The primary language in which the student communicates See Appendix F in Volume 2 of the EWS User Manual for a complete list of valid values. Use 0000 for U.S. English. | [Students]PrimaryLanguage | AlphaNumeric | O |
154 | ADDRESS 3 | Additional information concerning the street address of the student’s mailing address, such as a building or site number. Address information is needed for CTE secondary students and Perkins funded CTE adult affidavit program students. Note: For Special Education student, the parents’ home address is used. | [S_PA_STU_X]Address_3 | AlphaNumeric | O |
157 | MAILING ADDRESS 1 | The street number and street name or post office box number of the mailing address | [Students]mailing_street | AlphaNumeric | O |
158 | MAILING ADDRESS 2 | Additional mailing address information, if necessary | N/A | AlphaNumeric | O |
159 | MAILING ADDRESS 3 | Additional mailing address information, if necessary | N/A | AlphaNumeric | O |
160 | MAILING ADDRESS CITY | The name of the city in which the mailing address is located | [Students]mailing_city | AlphaNumeric | O |
161 | MAILING ADDRESS STATE CODE | The 2-character abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which the mailing address is located. | [Students]mailing_state | AlphaNumeric | O |
166 | DISPLACED HOMEMAKER | An indication of whether the student is considered a displaced homemaker. The term ‘displaced homemaker’ means an individual who, “(A)(i) has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; ‘‘(ii) has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or “(iii) is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) not later than 2 years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under such title; and “(B) is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. | [S_PA_STU_X]Displaced_Homemaker_TF | Y/N | O |
192 | EMAIL ADDRESS | The numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs | [Students] | AlphaNumeric | O |
197 | UNACCOMPANIED YOUTH CODE | An indication whether the homeless youth was unaccompanied by a parent, legal guardian or other adult. | [S_PA_STU_Homeless_X]Unaccompanied_Youth | AlphaNumeric | O |
207 | MILITARY FAMILY CODE | An indication of whether the student is a member of a military family. | [S_PA_STU_X]Military_Family-Indicater | Y/N | O |
208 | ASYLEE OR REFUGEE STATUS CODE | A code representing the student’s status as an asylee or refugee. Valid Values:
| [S._PA_STU_X]Refugee_Status_Code | Numeric | O |
209 | FOSTER CARE INDICATOR | An indication of whether the student is currently residing in foster care. | [S_PA_STU_X]Foster_Care_Indicator | Y/N | O |