Course Template (EWS)
This template is used to store the attributes of each course at each school and maps local courses to the standardized state course codes. The Course template should include all courses with students enrolled during the school year.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Courses Selection
The report selects records from the [Courses] and [CC] tables based on the following criteria:
- The course must not be excluded from EWS Reporting.
- The course must be associated with a section taught during the current school year.
- Non-academic classes, such as study hall and lunch, are not required, but may be submitted at the discretion of the LEA.
Report Input
For help with report navigation and generation, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Schools to Include* | Indicate which schools to include in the report by selecting from the following options: If sub-districts are not enabled:
If sub-districts are enabled:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Select School Year* | Select the school year for which you wish to run the report. |
Field Delimiter | Choose the field delimiter for the extract file from the pop-up menu. |
Include Header Labels in output file? | Choose Yes or No to indicate whether to include column headings in the extract file. Including column headers provides a heading for each type of data extracted in the report. |
Scheduling | Select when to run the report.
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Type | Req’d |
1 | District Code | The unique, 9-digit Administrative Unit Number (AUN) assigned by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. For the list of all LEA and School codes, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education's wesite. | [Prefs]District_Number If sub-districts are enabled: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | Numeric | R |
2 | Location Code | The PDE-defined, 4-digit code identifying the school. For the list of all LEA and School codes, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education's wesite. | [Schools]School_Number If sub-districts are enabled: [CST_SchoolSubDistricts]SchoolID | Numeric | R |
3 | School Year Date | A single date indicating the whole school year. June 30, at the end of the standard school year, is used to designate a school year. Thus, the 2014-2015 school year would be indicated by 2015-06-30. | Derived from [TERMS] | Date | R |
5 | Course Name | The descriptive local course name given to a course of study offered in a school or other institution or organization. | [Courses]Course_Name | AlphaNumeric | R |
9 | Number of Credits | The number of college credit hours associated with a course. | [S_CRS_X]College_Credit_Hrs | AlphaNumeric | |
7 | Subject Area Code | A code specifying the subject area of the course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Subject_Area_Code | AlphaNumeric | R |
11 | Honors Indicator | This Y/N field is used to indicate advanced academic courses. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Honors_TF | Y/N | R |
27 | Course Code Long | The unique, local, LEA-specific COURSE CODE. | [Course]Course_Number | AlphaNumeric | R |
32 | Dual Credit | This field will be populated with Y only if the alternate course code is one of the College/High School Credit (Dual Enrollment) course codes. Otherwise, it will be populated with N. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Dual_Credit_TF | Y/N | O |
33 | Advanced Placement Indicator | An indication of whether a course can make a student eligible for Advanced Placement credits for a postsecondary institution. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Advanced_Placement_TF | Y/N | O |
34 | Career and Technical Indicator | An indication of whether a course is a career and technical course. | [Courses]Vocational | Y/N | O |
35 | Gifted Indicator | An indication of whether a course is intended for gifted students. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Gifted_TF | Y/N | O |
36 | English Language Learner Indicator | An indication of whether a course is intended for English language learners. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Eng_Lang_Learn_Indicator | Y/N | O |
37 | Remedial Indicator | An indication of whether a course is intended for remedial students. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Remedial_Indicator | Y/N | O |
38 | Basic Indicator | An indication of whether the course is considered a basic level course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Basic_Indicator | Y/N | O |
39 | Special Education Indicator | An indication of whether a course is considered a special education course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Special_Ed_Indicator | Y/N | O |
40 | International Baccalaureate Indicator | An indication of whether a course is part of an international baccalaureate program. | [S_PA_CRS_X]International_Baccalaureate_TF | Y/N | R |
41 | Core Indicator | An indication of whether a course is considered a core course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Core_Indicator | Y/N | O |
55 | Advanced Indicator | An indication of whether a course is considered advanced. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Advanced_Placement_TF | Y/N | O |
60 | Catalog Course Code | Pennsylvania’s Standardized Course Codes. For College/High School Credit (Dual Enrollment) courses, use the course code that best describes the content of the postsecondary course. See Appendix G in Volume 2 of the PIMS User Manual for a complete list of valid values. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Alternate_Course_Code | AlphaNumeric | O |
65 | Number of Parts | The number of parts identified for a course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Number_Of_Parts | Numeric | R |
69 | General Indicator | An indication of whether a course is considered a general education course. | Derived based on the following: If no other course characteristic indicators are set in the following fields - 11, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 55, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78) then the value extracted will be Y. | Y/N | O |
70 | College Level Indicator | An indication of whether a course is considered college level. | [S_PA_CRS_X]College_Level_Indicator | Y/N | O |
71 | Untracked Indicator | An indication of whether the course is not part of any particular track of learning, e.g., Honors track or AP track. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Untracked_indicator | Y/N | O |
72 | HS Equivalent Indicator | An indication of whether the course is considered a High School Equivalent course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]HS_Equivalen_Indicator | Y/N | O |
73 | Correspondence Indicator | An indication of whether the course is a correspondence distance learning course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Correspondence_Indicator | Y/N | O |
74 | Distance Learning Indicator | An indication of whether the course is offered through distance learning. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Dist_Learning_Indicator | Y/N | O |
75 | Graduation Credit Indicator | An indication of whether students completing the course receive credit towards graduation. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Grad_Credit_Indicator | Y/N | O |
76 | Magnet Indicator | An indication that the course is eligible to enroll students from outside the normal boundaries of the district. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Magnet_Indicator | Y/N | O |
77 | Pre-Advanced Placement Indicator | An indication of whether the course is a pre-requisite to an advanced placement course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Pre_Adv_Placement_Indicator | Y/N | O |
78 | Pre-International Baccalaureate Indicator | An indication of whether this course is a pre-requisite to an International Baccalaureate program/course. | [S_PA_CRS_X]Pre_Intl_Bcc_Indicator | Y/N | O |