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Immunization Reporting Guidance

This article discusses the immunization reporting timeline, providing guidance and links to additional reporting resources.


July - August:

Collect Immunization records for all incoming students.

September - October:

Distribute immunization rates by 30 days after the start of school.

Review records to determine if students are missing immunizations

Contact parents/guardians of children missing shots

Due by January 12th:

Turn in Primary Review Summary (PRS) Pages 1 and 2, and copies of the Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) for children with incomplete records to the local health department.

  • Use the Immunization Audit Report to find students who are out of compliance, correcting students who have missing or invalid data

  • Run the Immunization Primary Review Summary report, entering the appropriate 'Student Inclusion' and 'Compliance Evaluation' dates (typically the same date for the January 12th deadline submission)

    • Unzip the output and send ImmuSumPage1 (Section A) and ImmuSumPage2 (Section B,C,D) to the local health department.

  • Note: Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) is not typically stored in PowerSchool

February 16th - Exclusion Day

Send home children whose exclusion orders are not canceled by the time class starts on this date. 

  • Use the Student Health > Immunization screen to flag applicable students as: 'Excluded from School on Exclusion Day' (Check the box.)

Due by February 28th

Turn in page 3 and page 4 and an updated page 2, of the PRS to the local health department.

  • Run the Immunization Primary Review Summary report, entering the appropriate 'Student Inclusion' and 'Compliance Evaluation' dates

    • Use the same Student Inclusion Date as was used for the January 12th submission, with a Compliance Evaluation Date of the current day.

    • Unzip the output and send ImmuSumPage3 (Sections E,F,G) and ImmuSumPage2 (Section H) to the local health department.

Due by March 18

Distribute school and county immunization rates.

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