Immunization Audit Report
This report returns immunization information and displays the summary of the number of students by vaccines by grade for students, based on the selected term.
In the report, Students Overall Status are categorized in the following priority order:
- A student who has no doses or exemptions for any vaccine is "No Record".
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "Report Error" is "Report Error".
- A student who has any vaccine with an 'Unsigned' Certificate is "Insufficient".
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "E: Medical (Perm)" is "E: Medical (Perm)".
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "E: Medical (Temp)" is "E: Medical (Temp)".
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "Insufficient" is "Insufficient".
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "Incomplete" is "Incomplete".
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "E: Nonmedical (Religious)" is "E: Nonmedical (Religious)".
This status is displayed as "E: Nonmedical" in the student section but it is counted towards the "Nonmed Ex - Religious < 3/1/14" category in the Summary section.
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "E: Nonmedical (Health Care Practitioner)" is "E: Nonmedical (Health Care Practitioner)".
This status is displayed as "E: Nonmedical" in the student section but it is counted towards the "Nonmed Ex - Health Care Prac." category in the Summary section.
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "E: Nonmedical (Online Module)" is "E: Nonmedical (Online Module)".
This status is displayed as "E: Nonmedical" in the student section but it is counted towards the "Nonmed Ex - Online Module" category in the Summary section.
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "E: Medical (Spec)" is "E: Medical (Spec)"
This status is counted towards the "Temporary Medical Ex" category in the Summary section.
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "E: Allergy" is "E: Allergy"
This status is not counted towards any category in the Summary section.
- A student who has any vaccine with the status "Up-To-Date" is "Up-To-Date".
- A student who has all vaccines in one of the categories of "Complete", "E: Immune (Complete)", "E: Disease (Complete)", "Not Required" is "Complete"
The Immunization Audit Report lists the vaccination dates, the vaccine status and Overall Status for all students for a selected term. The following are the different vaccines displayed for students who meet the selection criteria.
- MEASLES (when MMR vaccine information exists both MEASLES and MMR dates are considered together)
- MUMPS (when MMR vaccine information exists both MUMPS and MMR dates are considered together)
- RUBEL (when MMR vaccine information exists both RUBELLA and MMR dates are considered together)
- HEPA (Note: The Hepatitis A vaccine is only required for students in grade 9 or lower. Students in grades 10 and higher are automatically assessed as 'Not Required' for Hepatitis A.)
The following are the different statuses available for vaccines in the report. The overall status is calculated based on the vaccine individual status per the rules defined above.
- Complete - Student is immunized as per immunization rules.
- Incomplete - Student is not immunized as per immunization rules.
- Insufficient - Student with data entry issues. These issues may include unsigned records, duplicate dates, missing dates and dates out of order.
- Up-To-Date – Student vaccine information is up-to-date with immunization rules.
- E: Nonmedical (Religious) - Student was exempt from the vaccine for religious reasons prior to 3/1/14.
This status is displayed as "E: Nonmedical" in the student sections but it is counted toward the "Nonmed Ex - Religious < 3/1/14" category in the Summary section.
- E: Nonmedical (Health Care Practitioner) - Student is exempt from the vaccine, verified by the parent/guardian being counseled by a health care practitioner.
This status is displayed as "E: Nonmedical" in the student sections but it is counted towards the "Nonmed Ex - Health Care Prac." category in the Summary section.
- E: Nonmedical (Online Module) - Student is exempt from the vaccine, verified by the parent/guardian getting training/information by using the online module.
This status is displayed as "E: Nonmedical" in the student sections but it is counted towards the "Nonmed Ex - Online Module" category in the Summary section.
- E: Medical (Perm) - Student is permanently exempt from the vaccine for medical reasons.
- E: Medical (Temp) – Student is temporarily exempt from the vaccine for medical reasons.
- E: Medical (Spec) - Student is exempt from the vaccine for specific medical reasons.
This status is counted towards the "Temporary Medical Ex" category in the Summary section.
- E: Disease (Complete)- Student is exempt from the vaccine for disease reasons.
This status is displayed as "Complete (Immune)".
- E: Immune (Complete) - Student is exempt from the vaccine for immunity reasons.
This status is displayed as "Complete (Immune)".
- E: Allergy - Student is exempt from the vaccine for allergy reasons.
This status is not counted towards any category in the Summary section.
- Not Required – Vaccine is not required for the student.
- Report Error - Student is not included in any of the above categories or the student has duplicate vaccination records in the database. A Report Error indicates the student's immunization page needs to be thoroughly reviewed.
RECOMMENDATION: Run this report selecting only 'Report Error' for the 'Student Overall Vaccine Status' parameter; leave the other parameters set to default (All schools, All students, no checkboxes for Vaccines, no selection of Vaccine Status). The resulting report will be students who have data issues associated with their immunization records in the database. Please contact PowerSchool Support for assistance in cleaning and/or removal of the errant data. All Report Error statuses must be resolved before submission of the Immunization Audit to the Oregon state or county Health Department.
Rules Engine
Once the rules engine functionality is implemented, an automatic process will run nightly (or when an individual student's immunization data is updated) that checks and updates the compliancy status seen on the student page. The only values that will be stored by the rules evaluation process are the overall compliancy status for each immunization. The Immunization Audit report is not dependent on the rules engine for compliancy calculations.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following criteria:
- The student must have a current or previous school enrollment at the appropriate school on the Student Inclusion Date.
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
Report Input
To generate the Immunization Audit report, do the following:
For help with navigation and running the report, seeHow to Find and Generate a Report.
IMPORTANT: When one or more Vaccine Statuses are selected (NOT Default=All) then the Vaccine Statuses and Vaccines selections work together. When a student has at least one combination from the values selected in the Vaccine Statuses and Vaccines parameters, then that student will be included in the report when the student record also fulfills the Student Overall Vaccine Statuses parameter filter that has been used.
Field | Description |
Student Inclusion Date | Enter the student inclusion date. Students enrolled in school on this date will be included. |
Compliance Evaluation Date | Enter the compliance evaluation date. |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Note: The All Schools option is only available when running the report from the District Office. |
Current Selection Students | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
File Name | OR_Immunization_Audit_[SchoolID/DistrictNumber]_[Timestamp].pdf |
Scheduling | Choose a time to run the report from the following options:
Student Overall Vaccine Status | Indicates if the report results should be filtered by one or many Student Overall Statuses. (Default=All) |
Vaccine | Indicate which vaccines should be filtered by the selected Vaccine Status. If no Vaccine Status is selected, this parameter will have no impact on the report results. (Default=All) |
Vaccine Status | Filter the report by the selected vaccine and vaccine status. (Default=All) |
Sort By | Choose the report sort order.
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
1 | Report Date | The date for which a snapshot of data is collected for the report (Compliance Evaluation Date). This value is entered at report runtime. | N/A |
2 | Date | System date for the Report | From PowerSchool server. |
3 | Time | System Time for the Report | From PowerSchool server. |
4 | ID | ID of the Student. | [Students]Student_Number |
5 | Name | Name of the student | [Students]LastFirst |
6 | DOB | Date of Birth of Student | [Students]DOB |
7 | Grade | Grade | [Students]Grade_Level [Reenrollments]Grade_Level |
8 | Parents | Father and mother names | [Students]Father [Students]Mother |
9 | Address | Address of the Student | [Students]Street [Students]City [Students]State [Students]Zip |
10 | Dose1 | First dose date of vaccine | Calculated using [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered |
11 | Dose2 | Second dose date of vaccine | Calculated using [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered |
12 | Dose3 | Third dose date of vaccine | Calculated using [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered |
13 | Dose4 | Fourth dose date of vaccine | Calculated using [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered |
14 | Dose5 | Fifth dose date of vaccine | Calculated using [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered |
15 | Dose6 | Sixth dose date of vaccine | Calculated using [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered |
16 | Dose7 | Seventh dose date of vaccine | Calculated using [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered |
17 | Overall | Overall Status of the Student based on Immunization rules | Calculated per OR DHS rules. |