Student Setup
The following data elements are required for student setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > Student.
On the Start Page, district can search for the students using the child tables with the Student Number and State Student Number fields.
On the Start Page, select the School link at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school.
Select the first letter of the student’s last name.
Select a student from the list. The last accessed student information page opens for the student selected.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in These Reports |
Entering Student Address InformationAddresses | ||||
Home: Street, Apt/Suite | Enter the student’s street address. Enter the apartment/suite number as necessary. | [Students]Street | 45 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Home: City, State, Zip | Enter the student’s city, state and zip code. Preferred ZIP Format: Do not include hyphens. | [Students]City [Students]State [Students]Zip
| 20 2 5 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Mailing: Street, Apt/Suite | Enter the student’s street address. Enter apartment/suite number as necessary. | [Students]Mailing_Street | 45 | Not Required |
Mailing: City, State, Zip | Enter the student’s city, state and zip code. Preferred ZIP Format: Do not include hyphens. | [Students]Mailing_City [Students]Mailing_State [Students]Mailing_Zip | 20 2 5 | Not Required |
Entering General DemographicsDemographics | ||||
Name (last, first MI) | Enter the student’s name. Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName | [Students]LastFirst [Students]Last_Name [Students]First_Name [Students]Middle_Name | 35 20 15 20 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Class Roster Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner FIle OPK Recent Arrivers Schl Conflicts |
Home Address | Enter the home student’s address. Preferred ZIP Format: Do not include hyphens. | [Students]Street [Students]City [Students]State [Students]Zip | 45 20 2 5 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Mailing Address | Enter the mailing student’s address. Preferred ZIP Format: Do not include hyphens. | [Students]Mailing_Street [Students]Mailing_City [Students]Mailing_State [Students]Mailing_Zip | 45 20 2 5 | Not Required |
Home Phone | Enter the student’s home phone number. Note: Report output will strip dashes, spaces and parenthesis from the phone number. | [Students]Home_Phone | Max 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
DOB | Enter the student’s date of birth. Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [Students]DOB | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Immun Audit Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino. Federal race and ethnicity “decline to specify” settings are not required for Oregon. Valid values: (-1) Default, no value (0) No, not Hispanic or Latino (1) Yes, Hispanic or Latino (2) Decline to specify | [Students]Fedethnicity | N/A | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race | Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category(s). Federal race and ethnicity “decline to specify” settings are not required for Oregon. Valid values for state reporting: (A) Asian (B) Black or African American (I) American Indian or Alaska Native (P) Native Hawaiian or Other Pac Islander (W) White | [StudentRace]Racecd [Students]Fedracedecline [StudentRace]RaceCd = A [StudentRace]RaceCd = B [StudentRace]RaceCd = I [StudentRace]RaceCd = P [StudentRace]RaceCd = W | N/A | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity | Choose the student’s ethnicity, to be used in some non-state reporting PowerSchool reports. Note: This field is not used for state reporting. | [Students]Ethnicity | 2 | Not Required |
Gender | Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (F) Female (M) Male (X) Non-Binary | [Students]Gender | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Class Roster Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asgnmt English Learner File OPK Restraint-Seclusion Recent Arrivers |
SSN | Enter the student’s social security number. Note: Report output is the last four (4) digits of the Social Security Number. | [Students]SSN | 12 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Class Roster Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Student Number | Enter the locally assigned student number. | [Students]Student_Number | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Class Roster Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers Schl Conflicts |
Student Health Information | ||||
Entering Immunization RecordsHealth > Immunizations Note: See the Health Management user guide on PowerSource for general health setup. Health functionality requires PowerSchool 7.9.1 or higher. | ||||
[Vaccine] | Click the vaccine name and choose an Exemption type from the pop-up menu if applicable. Optionally, select the out of compliance checkbox and/or enter a comment. Notes:
| [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID (Exemption Type) [HealthStudImmRec]ComplianceyStatus [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionComment | N/A | Immun Audit Immun Review Immun Letter |
Date each dose was given | Click the dose cell for the appropriate vaccine. Choose a date using the calendar icon, and then choose a Certificate Type from the pop-up menu. When you click Submit for the page, if the vaccine is bound to a compliance rule, then the student’s compliance is evaluated. Vaccines are set up and bound to a rule at the district level. Immunization Certificate Types are set up at the District via Health Setup. | [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthStudDoseRec]HealthImmSourceID (Certificate Type) | N/A | Immun Audit Immun Review Immun Letter |
Excluded from School on Exclusion Day | Select this checkbox if the student was excluded from school due to inadequate immunizations by the exclusion day deadline. | [S_OR_STU_HIR_X]ExcludedOnExclusionDay | Immun Audit Immun Review Immun Letter | |
Description of Change | Enter the reason for updating the student’s immunization information. | [HealthStudChngRsn]ChngRsnDesc | N/A | Not Required |
View Change History button | Click to view the student’s immunization change history. | [HealthStudChngRsn]ChngRsnDesc [HealthStudChngRsn]WhoModified | N/A | Not Required |
OR State Information | ||||
Excluded from School or Exclusion Day | Select this option of the student was Excluded from School or Exclusion Day. | |||
Insufficient Parent Unsigned | Select this option if the the parent has refused the authenticity of the doses entered. If selected it will allow the Districts to overwrite the overall status of the student’s vaccine assessment to Insufficient if the parent has refused the authenticity of the doses entered. | [S_STU_X]ParentRefusalOfImmAccuracy | 1 | Immunization Reports |
Entering Grade Level Entry CertificationsHealth > Grade Level Entry Certification Note: See the Health Management user guide on PS Community for general health setup. | ||||
Grade Level | Choose 7th Grade from the pop-up menu. Note: The grade levels available in the pop-up menu are entered at the District level via Health Setup. | [HealthGradeLevel]GradeLevel | N/A | Not Required |
Certification Status | Choose the appropriate certification status from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
Note: Grade Level Certification values are set up at the District via Health Setup. | [HealthStudGradeLevel]CertificationStatusLUID [HealthGradeLevel]StateReportCode | N/A | Not Required |
Certifier | Enter the first and last name of the individual certifying the grade level entry. | [HealthStudGradeLevel]CertificationFirstName [HealthStudGradeLevel]CertificationMiddleName [HealthStudGradeLevel]CertificationLastName | N/A | Not Required |
Certification Date | Enter the certification date or click the Calendar icon to select a date. Use the Arrow icons to select a different month. | [HealthStudGradeLevel]CertificationDate | N/A | Not Required |
Comment | Enter additional information regarding the certification, as needed. | [HealthStudGradeLevel]CertificationComment | N/A | Not Required |
Defining Other Student InformationOther Information | ||||
Homeless Code | Enter the homeless code. This is the generic PowerSchool homeless indicator and not used for Oregon state reporting. | [Students]Homeless_Code | N/A | Not Required |
Date of Entry into USA | Enter the student’s date of entry into USA. | [Students]DateOfEntryIntoUSA | 10 | Not Required |
Primary Language Code | Enter the four-digit numeric ODE Language Origin Code (LangOrgnCd) for the student’s first or native language. Note: This value can also be populated on the Basic SSID Information page where an alphabetized pop-up list is available. | [StudentCoreFields]PrimaryLanguage | 4 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Secondary Language Code | Enter the secondary language code. | [StudentCoreFields]SecondaryLanguage | N/A | Not Required |
Entering Oregon State Information | ||||
Defining SSID InformationState/Province - OR > SSID Information General Information, first introduced on April 11, 2014: To improve consistency across student-level Consolidated Collections reports PowerSchool has developed a “core fields query”. The core fields query is used in student-level reports to gather student details and assure consistent data submissions to ODE. With the core fields query, consolidated field changes to reports need only be made one time, instead of updating the code for each individual student-level report. Past examples of field changes are the addition of American Indian tribal membership code and tribal enrollment number, also Teacher Filler instead of teacher’s USID and name. Each individual report continues to have its own query to determine the correct selection of students to be included. Note: The elements on the SSID Information page are the fields used in the “core fields query” for student-level Consolidated Collections Reports. Note: The fields on this page are saved for the current enrollment in the Students table only. To save values for previous school enrollments in the ReEnrollments table, navigate to Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > Edit Previous Enrollment. | ||||
Exclude this student from All Consolidated Student File Collections | Select the checkbox to exclude the student from All Consolidated Student File Collections. | [Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Exclude current enrollment from All Consolidated Student File Collections | Select the checkbox to exclude the current enrollment from All Consolidated Student File Collections. | [S_OR_STU_X]State_ExcludeEnrollment | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Student declines directory services | Select the checkbox when a student or parent/guardian has declined directory services. Declining means the school address will output instead of the student’s address in the Homeless report. | [S_OR_STU_X]StuDeclDirServ | 1 | Homeless |
1 Secure Student Identifier | Enter the secure student identifier (SSID) if the student has been assigned one by the ODE. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Class Roster Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
2 District/Local Student ID Number | The district or local student ID number is displayed if available. | [Students]Student_Number | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
3 Resident District Institution Identifier | Enter the district institution identifier for the school enrollment for the district the student resides. Note: If unspecified, the attending district institution identifier is used. | [S_OR_STU_X]ResdDistInstID | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
4 Resident School Institution Identifier | Enter the district institution identifier for the school enrollment for the school the student resides. Note: If unspecified, the attending school institution identifier is used. | [S_OR_STU_X]ResdSchlInstID | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Resident School ADM Override | If unspecified, Resident School Institution Identifier is used. Note: The guidance for ADM based on Senate Bill 923 now requires reporting students in district-level programs with the school they would attend if not in the program as their resident school, instead of using a district number as the resident school ID. This change applies only to ADM reporting, while other student-level state reports will still accept district numbers for students in district-level programs. The override field is available for both current and previous enrollment records. | [S_OR_STU_X]ResdSclOvrride [S_OR_REN_X}ResdSclOvrride | CumADM | |
5 Attending District Institution Identifier | Enter the district institution identifier for the school enrollment for the district the student is attending. Note: If unspecified, the district number from the district info page is used. | [S_OR_STU_X]AttndDistInstID | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
6 Attending School Institution Identifier | Enter the school institution identifier for the school enrollment for the school the student is attending. Note: If unspecified, the alternate school number or school number from the school info page is used. | [S_OR_STU_X]AttndSchlInstID | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
7 Institution Filler | Enter local Institution value. Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in reports listed under ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_X]InstFill | 20 | Not Required |
8 Legal Last Name | The student name as entered on the Demographics page. | [Students]Last_Name | 20 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
9 Legal First Name | The student name as entered on the Demographics page. | [Students]First_Name | 15 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
10 Legal Middle Name | The student name as entered on the Demographics page. | [Students]Middle_Name | 20 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
11 Generation Code | Enter the generation code used as the student’s name suffix. | [S_OR_STU_X]GenerationCd | 4 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
12 Preferred Last Name | Enter the preferred last name. | [S_OR_STU_X]Preferred_LNm | 50 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
13 Preferred First Name | Enter the preferred first name. | [S_OR_STU_X]Preferred_FNm | 40 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
14 Preferred Middle Name | Enter the preferred middle name. | [S_OR_STU_X]Preferred_MNm | 40 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
15 Date of Birth | The student date of birth as entered on the Demographics page. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY. Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [Students]DOB | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
16 Gender | The student’s gender as entered on the Demographics page. | [Students]Gender | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Class Roster Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Restraint-Seclusion Recent Arrivers |
17 Hispanic Ethnic Flag | Select the checkbox ifthe student has Hispanic origins. Indicates a student of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term, “Spanish origin,” can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino.” Valid values: (1) box is checked. Also can be updated on the student Demographics page. | [Students]Fedethnicity | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
18-22 Race | Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category(s). Note: More than one race flag can be selected if applicable. Race can be updated on the student Demographics page. Valid values for state reporting: (A) Asian (B) Black or African American (I) American Indian or Alaska Native (P) Native Hawaiian or Other Pac Islander (W) White | [StudentRace]RaceCd [StudentRace]RaceCd = A [StudentRace]RaceCd = B [StudentRace]RaceCd = I [StudentRace]RaceCd = P [StudentRace]RaceCd = W | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
23 Race Filler | Reserved for future use by ODE. Previously used as Declined Ethnic Flag. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in reports listed under ‘Used in these Reports’. | N/A | 1 | Not Required |
24 Language of Origin | Click the first letter of the student’s first or native language. The pop-up menu populates with languages and four-digit numeric ODE Language Origin Codes (LangOrgnCd). Choose the appropriate language from the pop-up menu. Note: This field is the same one used for Primary Language Code on the student Other Information page. | [StudentCoreFields]PrimaryLanguage | 4 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Student born outside the US or Puerto Rico | Select the checkbox if the student was born outside the US or Puerto Rico. Note: This field is used to select students for inclusion in the Recent Arrivers report. There is no output of this field value. | [S_OR_STU_X]BornOutsideUS [S_OR_REN_X]BornOutsideUS | 1 | Recent Arrivers |
Less than 3 years US schools education | Select the checkbox if the student has less than 3 years US school’s education. Note: This field is used to select students for inclusion in the Recent Arrivers report. There is no output of this field value. | [S_OR_STU_X]LT_3_YearsUSSch [S_OR_REN_X]LT_3_YearsUSSch | 1 | Recent Arrivers |
25 Social Security Number | The student’s social security number as entered on the Demographics page. | [Students]SSN | 12 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
26 Enrolled Grade | Choose the current grade from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (Blank) PK, KG, 01-12 (AE) Adult Education | [S_OR_STU_X]EnrlGrdCd | 2 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
27 Street Address | The student’s street address as entered on the Addresses or Demographics page. | [Students]Street | 45 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
28 City | The student’s city as entered on the Addresses or Demographics page. | [Students]City | 20 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
29 Zip Code | The first 5 digits of the student’s zip code as entered on the Addresses or Demographics page. | [Students]Zip | 5 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
30 Zip Plus Four Code | If entered, the sixth through ninth digit of the student’s zip code as entered on the Addresses or Demographics page. | [Students]Zip | 4 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
31 Resident County | Choose the resident county for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_X]ResdCnty | 2 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
32 Phone Number | The student’s phone number as entered on the Demographics page. Note: Report output will strip dashes, spaces and parenthesis from the phone number. | [Students]Home_Phone | Max 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
33 Teacher Fill | Enter local data for the teacher. Reserved for future use by ODE Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_X]TchrFill | 50 | Not Required |
34 HS Entry Cohort Year | Enter the school year the student entered high school. Indicates the ninth grade cohort group associated with the student. Format: XXYY (i.e. 1516 for the 2015-2016 school year). | [S_OR_STU_X]HSEntrySchlYr | 4 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
35 Filler | Can be used to enter local student data. Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will be limited to 16 characters and output in the student-level Consolidated Collection reports | [S_OR_STU_X]Fill | 16 | Not Required |
36 Economically Disadvantaged Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in an economically disadvantaged program during the school enrollment. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_X]EconDsvntg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Fields 37 - 42 | Fields 37 through 42 are located on the Programs and Participation page as checkboxes. Students may be assigned to state defined programs using Special Programs or by using the checkboxes on the Programs and Participation page at the student level. For state reporting, Programs and Participation page checkboxes take precedence over Special Program enrollments. | [S_OR_STU_X]Title1Fg [S_OR_STU_X]SpEdFg [S_OR_STU_X]Sect504Fg [S_OR_STU_X]MigrntEdFg [S_OR_STU_X]IndianEdFg [S_OR_STU_X]ELfg | N/A | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers Restraint-Seclusion |
43 Distance Learning Flag | Select the checkbox if the student’s participation in a distance learning program or a program that includes online coursework. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_X]DstncLrnFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
44 Homeschooling Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is registered to receive home school instruction. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_X]HomeSchlFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
45 Transition Program Flag | Indicates a Special Education student of high school or post high school age (up through the age of 21) who has not graduated with a regular diploma and are not working towards a regular or modified diploma. | [S_OR_STU_X]TrnstnProgFg | ||
46 Alternative Education Program Flag | Indicates that the student has been placed by the district in an Alternative Education Program(s) based on criteria described in OAR 581-022-1350 (5). | [S_OR_STU_X]AltEdProgFg | ||
47 American Indian Tribal Membership Code | Indicates a student having membership in any Federally recognized tribe. | [S_OR_STU_X]AmerIndianTrbMbrshpCd | ||
48 Talented and Gifted Flag | Indicates that the student is identified as Academically Talented or Intellectually Gifted as determined by school district policy. | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGFg | ||
49 Additional Language Code | Code indicating any additional language a student uses to communicate that is not the language of origin. | [S_OR_STU_X]AddnLangCd | ||
50 Filler | Filler | Filler | ||
51 Students with Interrupted Formal Education | Students with Interrupted Formal Education | [S_OR_STU_X]SIFEFg | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers | |
52 Foreign Exchange Student | Flag indicating that this student is a foreign exchange student | [S_OR_STU_X]FrgnExchStdnFg | CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers | |
Defining Cumulative ADM InformationState/Province - OR > CumADM Information This section begins with number 57; field definitions and values for fields numbered 1-56 can be found on the Basic SSID Information page. Note: The fields on this page are saved for the current enrollment in the Students table only. To save values for previous school enrollments in the ReEnrollments table, navigate to Start Page > Student > Transfer Ifno > Edit Previous Enrollment. | ||||
53 Program Type Code | The standard ADM program (code 01) is used if there are no Instructional Hours entered. Instructional Hours entered per program are separate records (codes 04-12). Additional records are created for each ESL (code 02) and PNP (code 03) special program enrollment. This value is calculated at runtime. | [SpEnrollments]ProgramID This value is calculated based on Instructional Hours entered per program. | 2 | CumADM |
54 Enrolled Date | The student’s entry date as entered on the Transfer Information page. | [Students]EntryDate | 10 | CumADM CTE Course CTE Student |
55 End (Exit) Date | The student’s exit date as entered on the Transfer Information page. | [Students]ExitDate | 10 | CumADM CTE Course CTE Student |
56 Enrollment End Date Code | The enrollment end date code. Note: CumADM report logic is when the Enrollment End Date Code is blank, use the Exit Code. If the Exit Code is blank, select 1A. Note: The ADM End Date code is required for students in grade 7 and above to provide information regarding student enrollment status at the end of the reporting period. It is also used for reporting students who are Early Leavers and High School Completers. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EndDtCd | 2 | CumADM |
57 Diploma Issued Type Code | The code representing the type of diploma issued to the student. Valid values:
| [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]DiplomaTypCd | 1 | CumADM |
58 Withdrawal Factor Code | The code indicating the primary factor influencing the student's decision to withdraw. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]WthdrFctrCd | 2 | CumADM |
59 Session Days | Number of school district calendar days that students are in classrooms under instruction for the reporting period. | Calculated at runtime | 3 | CumADM |
60 Days Present | Number of days the student was recorded as attending school during the reporting period, with one implied decimal point. | Calculated at runtime | 4 | CumADM |
61 Days Absent | Number of days the student was recorded as absent from school during the reporting period whether excused or unexcused, with one implied decimal point. | Calculated at runtime | 4 | CumADM |
62 Report Instructional Hours Only | Select the check box to indicate that instructional hours should be calculated for a student. When checked, the Instructional Hours for each specified group is considered. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]ReportInstructHoursOnly | 1 | CumADM |
Instructional Hours | The number of hours of instruction received by a student during the reporting period, with one implied decimal point. Note: This is calculated from the instruction hours groups:
| Calculated at runtime based on Program Type Code (#57) and Instructional Hours entered per program. | 7 | CumADM |
Large Group | Enter the number of hours of large group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_LargeGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Case Management | Enter the number of hours of case management instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_CaseMngmnt | 6 | CumADM |
Intermediate Group | Enter the number of hours of intermediate group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_InterGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Small Group | Enter the number of hours of small group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_SmallGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Employed Minors | Enter the number of hours of employed minor’s instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_EmpMinors | 6 | CumADM |
Shared Time | Enter the number of hours of shared time instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_SharedTime | 6 | CumADM |
Tutorial | Enter the number of hours of tutorial instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_Tutorial | 6 | CumADM |
Expanded Options | Enter the number of hours of Expanded options received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_Expanded | 6 | CumADM |
College Coursework NOT Expanded Options | Enter the number of hours of College Coursework not expanded options received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_NotExpanded | 6 | CumADM |
67 ADMFTE | Choose the FTE for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (1) 1.0 (.5) 0.5 (00 Not Applicable Note: The output has one implied decimal point. This value is used to calculate Average Daily Membership (ADM) Amount. | [Students]MembershipShare | 2 | CumADM CTE Course CTE Student |
68 Tuition Type Code | Choose the tuition type code from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (S) State Funded (P) Private Paid Tuition (F) Fully State Funded | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]TuitionTypCd | 1 | CumADM |
69 Reading Assessment of Essential Skill Code | Choose the reading assessment code from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_ReadCd | 1 | CumADM |
70 Reading Assessment of Essential Skill Administration Date | Enter the date the reading assessment was administered. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_ReadDt | 10 | CumADM |
71 Writing Assessment of Essential Skill Code | Choose the writing assessment code from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlEsntlSkill_WriteCd | 1 | CumADM |
72 Writing Assessment of Essential Skill Administration Date | Enter the date the writing assessment was administered. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_WriteDt | 10 | CumADM |
73 Speaking Assessment of Essential Skill Code | Choose the speaking assessment code from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_SpeakCd | 1 | CumADM |
74 Speaking Assessment of Essential Skill Administration Date | Enter the date the speaking assessment was administered. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_SpeakDt | 10 | CumADM |
75 Mathematics Assessment of Essential Skill Code | Choose the mathematics assessment code from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_MathCd | 1 | CumADM |
76 Mathematics Assessment of Essential Skill Administration Date | Enter the date the mathematics assessment was administered. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_MathDt | 10 | CumADM |
77 Essential Skill Filler | Enter the essential skill. Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_Fill [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_Fill | 90 | CumADM |
78 District Special Education Program Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a district SPED program during the school enrollment. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]DistSPEDPrgFg | 1 | CumADM |
79 Full Academic Year School | Indicates that the student has been enrolled for more than 50% of the days in the school year as of the first school day in May at the school where the student is attending on the first school day in May. Note: Not required by ODE. | Calculated at runtime | 1 | CumADM |
80 Full Academic Year School District | Indicates that the student has been enrolled for more than 50% of the days in the school year as of the first school day in May at the district where the student is attending on the first school day in May. Note: Not required by ODE. | Calculated at runtime | 1 | CumADM |
81 Calculated Average Daily Membership (ADM) Amount | Calculated Average Daily Membership (ADM) for the student record. Note: Not required by ODE. | Calculated at runtime. Based on one of the following formulae: (ADMDaysPrsnt + ADMDaysAbsnt) / ADMSessDays * ADMFTE) or (ADMInstrctHrs * ADMProgRate / DefaultSessionDays) | 4 | CumADM |
82 Calculated Enrollment End Date Code | Calculated code describing the student's enrollment status on the Enrollment End Date. Note: Not required by ODE. | Calculated at runtime | 2 | CumADM |
83 Military Connected Student Flag | If, at any time during the school year, the student had a parent or guardian who was a member of the Armed Forces on active duty or full-time National Guard, select this checkbox. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]MltryCnctFg | 1 | CumADM |
84 Filler | Enter local Average Daily Membership (ADM) information. Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]Fill | 20 | CumADM |
YDD Reengagement Data CollectionState/Province - OR > YDD Reengagement Data Collection | ||||
57 | Code indicating the type of grant received by the institution serving this student | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]GranteeTypCd | 2 | varchar |
58 | The date the student began this period of reengagement. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]RengmtBgnDt | 8 | datetime |
59 | The date the student withdrew from or completed this period of reengagement, or the last day in the reporting period, whichever is earlier. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]RengmtEndDt | 8 | datetime |
60 | Flag indicating student was homeless at any point during this period of enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]HmlssStdntFg | 1 | char |
61 | Flag indicating that the student is or has been served by a Vocational Rehabilitation program. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]VctnlRehabProgFg | 1 | char |
62 Entry code | Code indicating where the student is entering the program from. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]EntryCd | 2 | varchar |
63 | Code indicating how the student was referred to the program | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]ReflSrcCd | 2 | varchar |
Disengagement Flag | ||||
64 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Credit Deficiency. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]CrdDfcyDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
65 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Disciplinary reasons. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]DsplnDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
66 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Employment reasons. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]EmplyDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
67 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Family Caregiving. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]FamlyCaregvngDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
68 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Home Life. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]HomeLifeDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
69 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Student Health. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]StdntHthDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
70 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because they were Pregnant/Parenting Youth. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PrgntYthDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
71 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of Residential Care/Treatment. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]ResdtlTrtmtDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
72 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school for Social (Bullying) reasons. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]SclBlyngDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
73 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school for Social (Other) reasons. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]SclOthrDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
74 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school because of a Traumatic Life Event. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]TrmtcLifeEventDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
75 | Flag indicating the student disengaged from school for Other reasons. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]OthrDisengmtFg | 1 | char |
Reengagement reasons | ||||
76 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Credit Recovery. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]CrdRcvrEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
77 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Schedule Flexibility. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]SchdFlxbltyEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
78 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Individualized Services/Supports. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]IndvdlzdSrvcEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
79 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Family Services/Supports. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]FamlySrvcEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
80 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Pregnant/Parenting Program or Supports. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PrgntPrntEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
81 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Training and Employment Opportunities. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]TrngEmplyEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
82 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Behavioral/Mental Health Supports. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]BhvrlMntlHthSprtEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
83 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Accommodation of Health Issues or Disabilities. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]AcmdtnEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
84 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Class Size. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]ClsSzEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
85 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Alternative Education Setting. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]AltEdEdSettingEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
86 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of High School Diploma Completion Options. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]DiplomaCmpltnOptEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
87 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of GED Completion Options. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]GEDCmpltnOptEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
88 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Social Environment. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]SclEnvEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
89 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Culturally Relevant Programming. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]CRPEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
90 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Outreach Services. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]OutrchSrvcEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
91 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Academic and Career Coaching. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]AcdmCareerCoachingEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
92 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Profession and Job Skills Development. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]JobSkillEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
93 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program because of Post-Secondary Support/Access. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PstScndrySprtEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
94 | Flag indicating the student enrolled in this program for a reason not listed. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]OthrEnrlmntRsnFg | 1 | char |
95 | The total number of GED tests that the student passed this school year. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]NbrOfGEDTstPass | 1 | int |
96 | The total number of transcripted credits that the student earned this school year with two decimal places. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]NbrOfCrdEarnd | 7 | decimal(4,2) |
97 | Code describing the student's enrollment status on the Enrollment End Date. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]YDDEndDtCd | 2 | varchar |
98 | Code indicating the type of diploma earned. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]ADMDiplomaTypCd | 1 | varchar |
99 | Flag indicating the student had employment at some point during the school year. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]EmpDrngSchlYrFg | 1 | char |
100 | Flag indicating that the student enrolled in postsecondary education or training within 3 months of exiting the reengagement program. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PstScndryEnrlmntFg | 1 | char |
101 | Flag indicating that the student was employed within 3 months of exiting the reengagement program. | [S_OR_STU_YDD_X]PstEnrlmntEmplyFg | 1 | char |
Defining CTE CoursesState/Province - OR > CTE-Course Information | ||||
57 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code | The CIP code data is entered on the Courses page. | [Courses] | Max 3 | CTE Course |
58 Class Number | The class number data is entered on the Courses page. | [Courses]Course_Number | Max 11 | CTE Course |
59 Section | The section data is entered on the Sections page. | [Sections]Section_Number | Max 10 | CTE Course |
60 Course Grade | The course grade data is entered on the Historical Grades page. | [StoredGrades]Grade | 2 | CTE Course |
61 Credit Code | The credit code data is entered on the Historical Grades page. | N/A | 1 | Not Required |
62 Filler | This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. | N/A | N/A | Not Required |
Defining CTE Student DataState/Province - OR > CTE-Student Data Information This section begins with number 57; field definitions and values for numbers 1-56 can be found on the Basic SSID Information page. Note: The fields on this page are saved for the current enrollment in the Students table only. To save values for previous school enrollments in the ReEnrollments table, navigate to Start Page > Student > Transfer Info > Edit Previous Enrollment. | ||||
57 Academically Disadvantaged Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is academically disadvantaged and requires special services and assistance in order to succeed. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]AcdmDsvntgFg | 1 | CTE Student |
58 Year End Status Code | Choose the student's status as of the end of the school year from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (A) Graduated (B) Left School for a job (C) Left School for Other (D) Left For Another School (E) Returning (F) Returning Senior | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]YrEndStatus | 1 | CTE Student |
59 Career-Related Learning Experience 1 | Choose the first type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp1 | 1 | CTE Student |
60 Career-Related Learning Experience 2 | Choose the second type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp2 | 1 | CTE Student |
61 Career-Related Learning Experience 3 | Choose the third type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp3 | 1 | CTE Student |
62 Career-Related Learning Experience 4 | Choose the fourth type of Career-Related Learning Experience in which the student participated from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CareerRltdLrnExp4 | 1 | CTE Student |
63 Student Leadership Organization 1 | Choose the first type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg1 | 1 | CTE Student |
64 Student Leadership Organization 2 | Choose the second type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg2 | 1 | CTE Student |
65 Student Leadership Organization 3 | Choose the third type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg3 | 1 | CTE Student |
66 Student Leadership Organization 4 | Choose the fourth type of Student Leadership Organization to which the student belongs from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]StdntLdrOrg4 | 1 | CTE Student |
67 Assessment 1 Administration Date | Enter the date the first assessment was administered. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]Asmt1AdminDt | 10 | CTE Student |
68 Assessment 1 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (XX.XXXX) | Enter the first assessment CIP code. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CTEAsmt1CIPCd | 3 | CTE Student |
69 CTEAssessmentIDCode1 | Enter the first assessment Skill/Credential Identification Code, using ODE valid values. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]AssessmentIDCode1 | 10 | CTE Student |
70 Assessment 1 Pass Indicator Flag | Choose the first assessment pass status from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (M) Met (D) Did Not Meet | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]Asmt1PassCd | 1 | CTE Student |
71 Assessment 2 Administration Date | Enter the date the second assessment was administered. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]Asmt2AdminDt | 10 | CTE Student |
72 Assessment 2 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code (XX.XXXX) | Enter the second assessment CIP code. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]CTEAsmt2CIPCd | 3 | CTE Student |
73 CTEAssessmentIDCode2 | Enter the second assessment Skill/Credential Identification Code, using ODE valid values. | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]AssessmentIDCode2 | 10 | CTE Student |
74 Assessment 2 Pass Indicator Flag | Choose the second assessment pass status from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (M) Met (D) Did Not Meet | [S_OR_STU_CTE_X]Asmt2PassCd | 1 | CTE Student |
75 Filler | This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. | N/A | N/A | Not Required |
Defining Kindergarten AssessmentsState/Province - OR > Kindergarten Assessments This area lists the three types of Kingergarten Assessments, dislaying summary information once a record is created for an assessment. | ||||
Kindergarten Assessments > New/Edit Approaches to Learning Assessment | ||||
Assessment Attempt Code | Code describing the attempt made to complete the assessment. Valid values: (N) Student not given the opportunity to start the assessment (Y) Yes, student given the opportunity to start the assessment | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtAtmptCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Assessment Administration Code | Code describing circumstances around the assessment, including the reason a student did not participate. Valid values: (0) Not Applicable (1) Student Absent for extended period of time (2) Modified - Language (Obsolete as of 2017-2018) (3) Modified - Disability (4) Home schooled/Out of State (5) Not enrolled at current school on during district testing window for subject area (6) Medical Emergency during the testing window (7) Invalidated test with no opportunity to retest (8) Not Assessed due to Disability (Obsolete as of 2016-2017) (9) Not Assessed due to Parental Request (C) Student Refusal - Whole Test (Obsolete as of 2016-2017) (D) Repeat Kindergartener (E) Eligible Student - Not Tested in Spanish (specific only to Early Literacy) (Obsolete as of 2017-2018) | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtAdmnCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Assessment Administration Date | Date the assessment was administered to the student. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AdmnDt [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 10 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 1 Response | Observes rules and follows directions without requiring repeated reminders. Valid values: (1) The child never exhibits the behavior described by the item. (2) The child rarely exhibits the behavior described by the item. (3) The child sometimes exhibits the behavior described in by the item. (4) The child frequently or usually exhibits the behavior described by the item. (5) The child always exhibits the behavior described by the item. (6) The child was not assessed on item. (0) The child was not assessed. (Obsolete as of 2016-2017) (blank) This child was never assessed, period. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item1Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 2 Response | Completes learning tasks involving two or more steps (e.g., cutting and pasting) in an organized way. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item2Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 3 Response | Completes tasks successfully. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item3Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 4 Response | Attempts new challenging tasks. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item4Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 5 Response | Concentrates when working on a task; is not easily distracted by surrounding activities. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item5Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 6 Response | Responds to instructions and then begins an appropriate task without being reminded. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item6Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 7 Response | Takes time to do his/her best on a task. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item7Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 8 Response | Finds and organizes materials and works in an appropriate place when activities are initiated. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item8Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 9 Response | Sees own errors in a task and corrects them. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item9Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 10 Response | Returns to unfinished tasks after interruption. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item10Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 11 Response | Willing to share toys or other things with other children when playing; does not fight or argue with playmates in disputes over property. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item11Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 12 Response | Cooperative with playmates when participating in a group play activity; willing to give and take in the group, to listen to or help others. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item12Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 13 Response | Takes turns in a game situation with toys, materials, and other things without being told to do so. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item13Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 14 Response | Complies with adult directives, giving little or no verbal or physical resistance, even with tasks. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item14Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Item 15 Response | Does not fuss when he/she has to wait briefly to get attention from teacher or other adult; child may be asked once to wait by the teacher or adult. Valid values: See Item 1 Response values listed above. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item15Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 1 | Kinder-Approach |
Assessment Administration Notes | Additional assessment administration information. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AdmnCmnt [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Approaches to Learning' | 500 | Kinder-Approach |
Creating Kindergarten Literacy AssessmentsKindergarten Assessments > New/Edit Early Literacy Assessment | ||||
English Letter Name Recognition Uppercase Measure Assessment Attempt Code | Code describing the attempt made to complete the assessment. Valid values: (N) Student not given the opportunity to start the assessment (Y) Yes, student given the opportunity to start the assessment | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas4AsmtAtmptCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Name Recognition Uppercase Measure Assessment Administration Code | Code describing circumstances around the assessment, including the reason a student did not participate. Valid values: See values listed above under Legacy English Letter Names Measure. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas4AsmtAdmnCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Name Recognition Uppercase Measure Number Correct | Enter the number of English letter names the student correctly identified. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas4Score [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 3 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Name Recognition Uppercase Measure Assessment Administration Date | Enter the date of the English letter sounds assessment administration. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas4AdmnDt [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 10 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Name Recognition Lowercase Measure Assessment Attempt Code | Code describing the attempt made to complete the assessment. Valid values: (N) Student not given the opportunity to start the assessment (Y) Yes, student given the opportunity to start the assessment | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas5AsmtAtmptCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Name Recognition Lowercase Measure Assessment Administration Code | Code describing circumstances around the assessment, including the reason a student did not participate. Valid values: See values listed above under Legacy English Letter Names Measure. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas5AsmtAdmnCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Name Recognition Lowercase Measure Number Correct | Enter the number of English letter names the student correctly identified. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas5Score [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 3 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Name Recognition Lowercase Measure Assessment Administration Date | Enter the date of the English letter sounds assessment administration. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas5AdmnDt [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 10 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Sound Recognition Measure Assessment Attempt Code | Code describing the attempt made to complete the assessment. Valid values: (N) Student not given the opportunity to start the assessment (Y) Yes, student given the opportunity to start the assessment | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas6AsmtAtmptCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Sound Recognition Measure Assessment Administration Code | Code describing circumstances around the assessment, including the reason a student did not participate. Valid values: See values listed above under Legacy English Letter Names Measure. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas6AsmtAdmnCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Sound Recognition Measure Number Correct | Enter the number of English letter names the student correctly identified. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas6Score [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 3 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
English Letter Sound Recognition Measure Assessment Administration Date | Enter the date of the English letter sounds assessment administration. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]Meas6AdmnDt [S_OR_STU_KAsmtMeas_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 10 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
Assessment Administration Notes | Additional assessment administration information. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AdmnCmnt [S_OR_STU_ KAsmtMeas _C]AsmtType = ‘Early Literacy' | 500 | Kinder-EarlyLit |
Creating Kindergarten Early Mathematics AssessmentsKindergarten Assessments > New/Edit Early Mathematics Assessment | ||||
Assessment Attempt Code | Code describing the attempt made to complete the assessment. Valid values:
| [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtAtmptCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Assessment Administration Code | Code describing circumstances around the assessment, including the reason a student did not participate. See Assessment Administration Codes for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtAdmnCd [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Assessment Administration Date | Date the assessment was administered to the student. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AdmnDt [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 10 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 1 Response | Item 1 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item1Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 2 Response | Item 2 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item2Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 3 Response | Item 3 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item3Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 4 Response | Item 4 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item4Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 5 Response | Item 5 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item5Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 6 Response | Item 6 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item6Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 7 Response | Item 7 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item7Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 8 Response | Item 8 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item8Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 9 Response | Item 9 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item9Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 10 Response | Item 10 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item10Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 11 Response | Item 11 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item11Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 12 Response | Item 12 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item12Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 13 Response | Item 13 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item13Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 14 Response | Item 14 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item14Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 15 Response | Item 15 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item15Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Item 16 Response | Item 16 Response See Item Response Codes for valid values. Note: If the student's Assessment Attempt Code is Y and the student's Assessment Administration Code is C, this field can only be Blank or N. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]Item16Rspns [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 1 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Assessment Administration Notes | Additional assessment administration information. | [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AdmnCmnt [S_OR_STU_KAsmtItemRspns_C]AsmtType = ‘Early Mathematics' | 500 | Kinder-EarlyMath |
Defining English Learner InformationState/Province - OR > English Learner Information This section begins with number 57; field definitions and values for numbers 1-56 can be found on the Basic SSID Information page. | ||||
57 LEP Record Type | Choose the LEP student record type. See LEP Record Type Code for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]RecTypCd | 2 | English Learner File |
58 Proficiency Test Name Code | Choose the proficiency test used to evaluate the student’s English proficiency. See Proficiency Test Name Codes for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]ProfTstNmCd | 2 | English Learner File |
59 Proficiency Test Administration Date | Enter the date the proficiency test was administered. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]ProfTstAdmnDt | 10 | English Learner File |
60 Composite Scale Proficiency Level | Choose the composite scale proficiency level of the student at the time of the test. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]CmpScProfLvl | 2 | English Learner File |
61 Program Model Type Code | Choose the ESL instruction model used in the student’s program at the time of the test. See LEP Program Model Type Code 1 for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]PrgMdlTypCd1 | 2 | English Learner File |
62 LEP Start Date | Enter the date the student first started an English Language Development (ELD) program or the date the student was first identified as LEP and ELD services were declined. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]StartDt | 10 | English Learner File |
63 LEP Exit Date | Enter the date the student exited an English Language Development (ELD) program or the date the student demonstrated proficiency and was reclassified as English Proficient. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]ExitDt | 10 | English Learner File |
64 Program Model Type Code 2 | Choose the program model, other than ESL, in which the student was enrolled at the time of the test. See LEP Program Model Type Code 2 for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]PrgMdlTypCd2 | 2 | English Learner File |
65 Program Model Type Code 3 | Choose the program model, other than ESL, in which the student was enrolled at the time of the test. See LEP Program Model Type Code 3 for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]PrgMdlTypCd3 | 2 | English Learner File |
66 AMAO Unduplication Flag | Select the checkbox if this record was used for the Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) reporting. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]AMAO_InclsnFg | 1 | English Learner File |
67 Students with Interrupted Formal Education | Select the checkbox if this record was used for Students with Interrupted Formal Education. The data entry for SIFEFg also appears on the Recent Arrivers data entry page. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]SIFEFg | 1 | English Learner File |
68 Waiver Effective Date | Enter the date the waiver became effective. Format: Entry format is [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: Output is formatted as MMDDYYYY. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]WvrDt | 10 | English Learner File |
69 Reading Domain Code | Choose the student's English proficiency level in reading. See Domain Level Codes for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]RdDmnCd | 2 | English Learner File |
70 Writing Domain Code | Choose the student's English proficiency level in writing. See Domain Level Codes for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]WritingDmnCd | 2 | English Learner File |
71 Listening Domain Code | Choose the student's English proficiency level in listening. See Domain Level Codes for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]LstnngDmnCd | 2 | English Learner File |
72 Speaking Domain Code | Choose the student's English proficiency level in speaking. See Domain Level Codes for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]SpeakingDmnCd | 2 | English Learner File |
73 Additional Language Code | If the student has more than one language of origin, choose the additional language code. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]AddnLangCd | 4 | English Learner File |
74 Filler | This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. | N/A | N/A | Not Required |
Defining Program ParticipationState/Province - OR > Programs and Participation Assign students to the programs listed on this page by selecting the checkbox or by creating a special program enrollment on the Special Programs page. Special programs selected on the Special Programs page must be mapped to the appropriate state defined program at the district level. Use special program enrollments to track entry date and exit date for programs. The checkboxes on the Programs and Participation page take precedence over a special program enrollments and can be used as an override when needed for state reporting. | ||||
37 Title I Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a Title I program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_X]Title1Fg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
38 Special Education Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a special education program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_X]SpEdFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
39 Section 504 Flag | Select the checkbox if that the student is eligible for Section 504 services. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_X]Sect504Fg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
40 Migrant Education Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a migrant education program during the school enrollment. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_X]MigrntEdFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers Restraint-Seclusion |
41 Indian Education Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in an Indian education program during the school enrollment. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_X]IndianEdFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
42 English Learners Flag | Select the checkbox if the student displays limited proficiency with the English language. This flag is not required, but will report if populated. | [S_OR_STU_X]ELfg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
45 Potential Talented and Gifted Flag | Select the checkbox if the student demonstrated the potential to perform at the 97th percentile. | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGPotentialFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
46 Intellectually Gifted Flag | Select the checkbox if the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized test of mental ability. | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGIntlctGiftFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
47 Academically Talented Reading Flag | Select the checkbox if the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a standardized test of total reading. | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGAcdmTlnt_ReadFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
48 Academically Talented Math Flag | Select the checkbox if the student scored at or above the 97th percentile on a standardized test of total mathematics. Valid values: (1) box is checked | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGAcdmTlnt_MathFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
49 Creative Ability Flag | Select the checkbox if the student demonstrated original or nontraditional methods in thinking and producing. | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGCrtvAbltyFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asgmnt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
50 Leadership Ability Flag | Select the checkbox if the student demonstrated ability in motivating the performance of others either in educational or non-educational settings. | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGLdrshpAbltyFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asgmnt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
51 Visual and Performing Arts Ability Flag | Select the checkbox if the student demonstrated ability in dance, music or art. | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGPrfmArtsAbltyFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asgmnt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Defining Recent Arriver StatusState/Province - OR > Recent Arrivers | ||||
Students with Interrupted Formal Education | Flag indicating that this student has had interrupted formal education. The data entry for SIFEFg also appears on the LEP data entry page. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]SIFEFg [S_OR_REN_LEP_X]SIFEFg | 1 | Recent Arrivers |
Foreign Exchange Student Flag | Flag indicating the student is a foreign exchange student. | [S_OR_STU_LEP_X]FrgnExchStdntFg [S_OR_REN_LEP_X]FrgnExchStdntFg | 1 | Recent Arrivers |
Entering Historical GradesHistorical Grades Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade Historical Grades > Single New Entry Historical Grades > Multiple New Entries | ||||
School year (Term) | Verify or enter the term associated with the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]TermID | N/A | Not Required |
Store Code | Verify or enter the store code associated with the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]StoreCode | N/A | Not Required |
Grade | Verify or enter the grade level associated with the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]Grade | 2 | CTE Course |
GPA Points | Verify or enter the number of grade points awarded for the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]Grade_Points | N/A | Not Required |
Earned credit hours | Verify or enter the credit hours awarded for the historical grade. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs | 6,2 | Not Required |
Potential credit hours | Verify or enter the potential credit hours awarded for the historical grade. Valid range: 00.00 to 99.99 | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs | 6,2 | Not Required |
Credit Code | Choose the code from the pop-up menu to indicate how the student received credit for the course. Valid values: (A) Received credit based on a course taken at an out-of-state school. (X) Received credit prior to the 2003-2004 school year. (Z) Instructional course taken at the reporting school during current reporting period. | N/A | 1 | Not Required |
Override Credits | Enter the number of credits received when the student is given credit for an instructional unit or course that is different than the standard credit for the unit or course. This field may be used if different levels of credit are given for structured work experience, individualized curriculum experiences, and other related instructional units or courses. Note: There are two implied decimal positions for this field. Example: Entering 00150 will result in 001.50 being reported. | [S_OR_SGR_X]CTEOvrdCredits | 5 | CTE Course |
Choosing Student Lunch StatusLunch | ||||
Lunch Status | Choose the lunch status from the pop-up menu. | [Students]LunchStatus | N/A | Not Required |
Viewing Discipline IncidentsIncidents See Incident Management Quick Entryfor detailed steps to create incidents. | ||||
Incident List | Discipline incidents that involve the selected student can be viewed on this page. Note: It is recommended to create discipline incidents at the school or district level. See Incident Management Quick Entry for detailed steps to create incidents. | N/A | N/A | Discipline |
Defining General Enrollment InformationAll Enrollments | ||||
Course | Information about the class of enrollment. | [Courses]Course_Name [CC]Course_Number [Sections]SectionNumber | 12 Max 11 Max 10 | Class Roster |
Enroll Date | Enter the enroll date. | [CC]DateEnrolled | 10 | Class Roster |
Exit Date | Enter the exit date. | [CC]DateLeft | 10 | Class Roster |
Transferring a Student Out of SchoolFunctions > Transfer Out Of School Notes:
| ||||
Enrollment End Date Code | Choose the enrollment end date code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EndDtCd | 2 | CumADM |
Diploma Issued Type Code | Choose the diploma issued type code for the student from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]DiplomaTypCd | 1 | CumADM |
Withdrawal Factor Code | Choose the code indicating the primary factor influencing the student's decision to withdraw. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]WthdrFctrCd | 2 | CumADM |
Open Program List | Provides a warning message and link if the student has current LEP or Special Program records. | Calculated – Informational Only | N/A | Not Required |
Re-Enrolling a Student In SchoolFunctions > Re-Enroll In School | ||||
Exclude this student from All Consolidated Student File Collections | Select the checkbox to exclude the student from All Consolidated Student File Collections. | [Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting | 1 | SSID CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Exclude current enrollment from All Consolidated Student File Collections | Select the checkbox to exclude the current enrollment from All Consolidated Student File Collections. | [S_OR_STU_X]State_ExcludeEnrollment | 1 | CumADM CTE Course CTE Student |
Enrollment End Date Code | Choose the enrollment end date code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EndDtCd | 2 | CumADM |
Withdrawal Factor Code | Choose the code indicating the primary factor influencing the student's decision to withdraw. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]WthdrFctrCd [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]WthdrFctrCd | 2 | CumADM |
Report Instructional Hours Only | Select the checkbox to indicate that instructional hours only and not standard membership should be reported for the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]ReportInstructHoursOnly | 1 | CumADM |
Instructional Hours | The number of hours of instruction received by a student during the reporting period, with one implied decimal point. Note: This is calculated from the instruction hours groups:
| Calculated at runtime based on Program Type Code (#57) and Instructional Hours entered per program. | 9 | CumADM |
Large Group | Enter the number of hours of large group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_LargeGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Case Management | Enter the number of hours of case management instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_CaseMngmnt | 6 | CumADM |
Intermediate Group | Enter the number of hours of intermediate group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_InterGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Small Group | Enter the number of hours of small group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_SmallGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Employed Minors | Enter the number of hours of employed minor’s instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_EmpMinors | 6 | CumADM |
Shared Time | Enter the number of hours of shared time instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_SharedTime | 6 | CumADM |
Tutorial | Enter the number of hours of tutorial instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_Tutorial | 6 | CumADM |
Expanded Options | Enter the number of hours of Expanded options received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_Expanded | 6 | CumADM |
College Coursework NOT Expanded Options | Enter the number of hours of College Coursework not expanded options received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_NotExpanded | 6 | CumADM |
Creating a New School EnrollmentFunctions > Create New School Enrollment | ||||
ADMFTE | Choose the FTE for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (1) 1.0 (.5) 0.5 (00) Not Applicable Note: The output has one implied decimal point. This value is used to calculate Average Daily Membership (ADM) Amount. | [Students]MembershipShare | 2 | CumADM |
Defining Special ProgramsSpecial Programs Assign students to state defined programs by mapping special programs to the appropriate state defined program at the district level. Use special program enrollments to track entry and exit for programs. The checkboxes on the Programs and Participation page can be used as an override when needed for state reporting. | ||||
Comment | Enter a comment regarding the special program enrollment. | [SpEnrollments]Comment | N/A | Not Required |
Entry Date | Enter the entry date for the special program. Note: The date is the first day of special program enrollment. | [SpEnrollments]Enter_Date | 10 | CumADM Homeless |
Exit Date | Enter the exit date for the special program. Note: The date is the day after the last day of special program enrollment. | [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date | 10 | CumADM Homeless |
Exit Reason | Enter the exit reason for the special program. | [SpEnrollments]Exitcode | N/A | Not Required |
Grade Level | Enter the grade level for the special program. | [SpEnrollments]GradeLevel | N/A | Not Required |
Program | Choose the program type for the special program from the pop-up menu. Special programs should be mapped to the appropriate state defined program at the district level. | [SpEnrollments]ProgramID | N/A | CumADM Homeless |
Homeless/Unaccompanied (HUA) Program Only Entry required for HUA students. | ||||
Title X Homeless Services Flag (Obsolete as of 2016-2017) | Indicates student participation in a program funded by the McKinney-Vento Subgrant. Note: Obsolete as of 2016-2017 | [S_OR_SEN_X]HmlssSrvcFg | 1 | Homeless |
Unaccompanied Youth | Indicates a student who is 21 years of age, or younger, and is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. | [S_OR_SEN_X]UnacpydYthFg | 1 | Homeless |
Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence Code | Indicates student’s primary nighttime residence at the time they are identified as homeless. | [S_OR_SEN_X]HmlssNgtResdCd | 1 | Homeless |
Oregon Pre-Kindergarten (OPK) Program Only Entry required for OPK students. | ||||
Number of Early Head Start Months | Number of Early Head Start Months | [S_OR_SEN_X]OPKEHSMonths | 4 | OPK |
Model Identifer | Oregon Pre-Kindergarten (OPK) Model Identifiers | [S_OR_SEN_X]OPKModelID | 4 | OPK |
Class Session Attendance Quantity | Oregon Pre-Kindergarten (OPK) Class Session Attendance Quantity | [S_OR_SEN_X]OPKClsAttndQty | 4 | OPK |
Class Session Attendance Unit Code | Oregon Pre-Kindergarten (OPK) Class Session Attendance Unit Code | [S_OR_SEN_X]OPKClsAttndUnitCd | 1 | OPK |
Pre-Kindergarten Home Visits Attended | Pre-Kindergarten Home Visits Attended | [S_OR_SEN_X]OPKHomeVisitAttnd | 2 | OPK |
Editing Current or Previous EnrollmentsTransfer Info > Edit [Current/Previous Enrollment] | ||||
Entry Date | The entry date for the school enrollment. Note: The date is the first day of school enrollment. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | 10 | CTE Student Schl Conflict |
Entry Code | The entry code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: Required for all school enrollments. | [Students]EntryCode [ReEnrollments]EntryCode | 2 | CTE Course CTE Student |
Entry Comment (entry & exit) | Comments related to entry and/or exit. | [Students]TransferComment [ReEnrollments]EntryComment | Text | Not Required |
Exit Date | The exit date for the school enrollment. Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: The date is the day after the last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend. | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | 10 | CTE Course CTE Student Schl Conflict |
Exit Code | The exit code for the school enrollment from Note: School enrollments where the exit date is in the past must have an exit code. | [Students]ExitCode [ReEnrollments]ExitCode | 2 | CTE Course CTE Student |
Exit Comment | Comments related to the student's exit. | [Students]ExitComment [ReEnrollments]ExitComment | Text | Not Required |
Diploma Issued Type Code | The code representing the type of diploma issued to the student. Valid values:
| [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]DiplomaTypCd | 1 | CumADM |
Withdrawal Factor Code | The code indicating the primary factor influencing the student's decision to withdraw. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]WthdrFctrCd | 2 | CumADM |
Full-Time Equivalency | The full-time equivalency for the school enrollment. | [Students]FTEID [ReEnrollments]FTEID | Integer | Not Required |
Grade Level | The grade level for the school enrollment. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | 2 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner FIle OPK Recent Arrivers |
Track | The track for the school enrollment. | [Students]Track [ReEnrollments]Track | Integer | Not Required |
District of Residence | The district of residence for the school enrollment. | [Students]DistrictOfResidence [ReEnrollments]DistrictOfResidence | Max 10 | CTE Course CTE Student |
Updating Basic SSID InformationTransfer Info > Edit [Current/Previous Enrollment] > Edit Basic SSID Information Note: Click the Edit Basic SSID Information link to specify enrollment level data used by state reporting for the selected student enrollment. The Edit [Current/Previous] Enrollment State Information page appears. | ||||
Exclude this enrollment from All Consolidated Student File Collections | Select the checkbox to exclude the school enrollment from all consolidated student file collections. | [S_OR_STU_X]State_ExcludeEnrollment [S_OR_REN_X]State_ExcludeEnrollment | 1 | CumADM |
Resident District Institution Identifier | Enter the district institution identifier for the school enrollment for the district the student resides. Note: If unspecified, the attending district institution identifier is reported. | [S_OR_STU_X]ResdDistInstID [S_OR_REN_X]ResdDistInstID | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Resident School Institution Identifier | Enter the district institution identifier for the school enrollment for the school the student resides. Note: If unspecified, the attending school institution identifier is reported. | [S_OR_STU_X]ResdSchlInstID [S_OR_REN_X]ResdSchlInstID | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Attending District Institution Identifier | Enter the district institution identifier for the school enrollment for the district the student is attending. Note: If unspecified, the district number from the district info page is reported. | [S_OR_STU_X]AttndDistInstID [S_OR_REN_X]AttndDistInstID | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Attending School Institution Identifier | Enter the school institution identifier for the school enrollment for the school the student is attending. Note: If unspecified, the alternate school number or school number from the school info page is reported. | [S_OR_STU_X]AttndSchlInstID [S_OR_REN_X]AttndSchlInstID | 10 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Institution Filler | Enter local Institution value. Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in reports listed under ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_X]InstFill [S_OR_REN_X]InstFill | 20 | Not Required |
Enrolled Grade | Choose the enrolled grade for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: When this field is blank, the grade level field on the Edit Current Enrollment page, [Students]Grade_Level, is reported. Valid values: (Blank) PK, KG, 01-12 (AE) Adult Education | [S_OR_STU_X]EnrlGrdCd [S_OR_REN_X]EnrlGrdCd | 2 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Resident County | Choose the resident county from the pop-up menu. Note: If unspecified, the district county from the district info page is reported. | [S_OR_STU_X]ResdCnty [S_OR_REN_X]ResdCnty | 2 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Teacher Filler | Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in reports listed under ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_X] TchrFill [S_OR_REN_X]TchrFill | 50 | Not Required |
Filler | Rserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in reports listed under ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_X]Fill [S_OR_REN_X]Fill | 16 | Not Required |
Economically Disadvantaged Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in an economically disadvantaged program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_X]EconDsvntg [S_OR_REN_X]EconDsvntg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless Kinder Asmt English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Title I Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a Title I program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_X]Title1Fg [S_OR_REN_X]Title1Fg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Special Education Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a special education program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_X]SpEdFg [S_OR_REN_X]SpEdFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Section 504 Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a section 504 program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_X]Sect504Fg [S_OR_REN_X]Sect504Fg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Migrant Education Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a migrant education program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_X]MigrntEdFg [S_OR_REN_X]MigrntEdFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Indian Education Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in an Indian education program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_X]IndianEdFg [S_OR_REN_X]IndianEdFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
English Learners Flag | Select the checkbox if the student displays limited proficiency with the English language. This flag is not required, but will report if populated. | [S_OR_STU_X]ELfg [S_OR_REN_X]ELfg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Distance Learning Flag | Select the checkbox if the student’s participation in a distance learning program or a program that includes online coursework. | [S_OR_STU_X]DstncLrnFg [S_OR_REN_X]DstncLrnFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Homeschooling Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is registered to receive home school instruction. | [S_OR_STU_X]HomeSchlFg [S_OR_REN_X]HomeSchlFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Transition Program Flag | Select the checkbox if a Special Education student of high school or post high school age (through the age of 21) who has not graduated with a regular diploma and is not working towards a regular or modified diploma. | [S_OR_STU_X]TrnstnProgFg [S_OR_REN_X]TrnstnProgFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Alternative Education Program Flag | Select the checkbox if that the student is placed by the district in an Alternative Education Program(s) based on criteria described in OAR 581-022-1350 (5). | [S_OR_STU_X]AltEdProgFg [S_OR_REN_X]AltEdProgFg | 1 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
American Indian Tribal Membership Code | Enter the American Indian Tribal Membership Code associated with the student. | [S_OR_STU_X]AmerIndianTrbMbrshpCd | 3 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
American Indian Tribal Enrollment Number | Enter the American Indian Tribal Enrollment Number associated with the student. | [S_OR_STU_X]AmerIndianTrbEnrlmntNbr | 4 | SSID CumADM CTE Course CTE Student Discipline Freshman Homeless English Learner File OPK Recent Arrivers |
Demographic Filler | Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in reports listed under ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_X]DemogFill [S_OR_REN_X]DemogFill | 18 | Not Required |
Updating Cumulative ADM InformationTransfer Info > Edit [Current/Previous] Enrollment > Edit CumADM Information Note: Click the Edit CumADM Information link to specify enrollment level data used by state reporting for the selected student enrollment. The Edit [Current/Previous] Enrollment State Information page appears. | ||||
Enrollment End Date Code | Choose the enrollment end date code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: If unspecified, the district county from the district info page is reported. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EndDtCd [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]EndDtCd | 2 | CumADM |
Diploma Issued Type Code | The code representing the type of diploma issued to the student. Valid values:
| [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]DiplomaTypCd [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]DiplomaTypCd | 1 | CumADM |
Withdrawal Factor Code | The code indicating the primary factor influencing the student's decision to withdraw. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]WthdrFctrCd [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]WthdrFctrCd | 2 | CumADM |
Report Instructional Hours Only | Select the checkbox to indicate that instructional hours only and not standard membership should be reported for the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]ReportInstructHoursOnly [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]ReportInstructHoursOnly | 1 | CumADM |
Instructional Hours | The number of hours of instruction received by a student during the reporting period, with one implied decimal point. Note: This is calculated from the instruction hours groups:
| Calculated at runtime based on Program Type Code (#56) and Instructional Hours entered per program. | 7 | CumADM |
Large Group | Enter the number of hours of large group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_LargeGroup [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_LargeGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Case Management | Enter the number of hours of case management instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_CaseMngmnt [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_CaseMngmnt | 6 | CumADM |
Intermediate Group | Enter the number of hours of intermediate group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_InterGroup [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_InterGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Small Group | Enter the number of hours of small group instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_SmallGroup [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_SmallGroup | 6 | CumADM |
Employed Minors | Enter the number of hours of employed minors instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_EmpMinors [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_EmpMinors | 6 | CumADM |
Shared Time | Enter the number of hours of shared time instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_SharedTime [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_SharedTime | 6 | CumADM |
Tutorial | Enter the number of hours of tutorial instruction received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_Tutorial [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_Tutorial | 6 | CumADM |
Expanded Options | Enter the number of hours of Expanded options received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_Expanded [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_Expanded | 6 | CumADM |
College Coursework NOT Expanded Options | Enter the number of hours of College Coursework not expanded options received by a student during the reporting period. Note: This value is included in the calculation for field 66, Instructional Hours | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_NotExpanded [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]InstrctHrs_NotExpanded | 6 | CumADM |
ADMFTE | Choose the FTE for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (1) 1.0 (.5) 0.5 (00) Not Applicable Note: The output has one implied decimal point. This value is used to calculate Average Daily Membership (ADM) Amount. | [Students]MembershipShare [ReEnrollments]MembershipShare | 2 | CumADM |
Tuition Type Code | Choose the tuition type code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Valid values: (S) State Funded (P) Private Paid Tuition (F) Fully State Funded | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]TuitionTypCd [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]TuitionTypCd | 1 | CumADM |
Essential Skill | Enter local essential skill information. Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in reports listed under ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_Fill [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]EsntlSkill_Fill | 90 | Not Required |
District Special Education Program Flag | Select the checkbox if the student is in a district SPED program during the school enrollment. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]DistSPEDPrgFg [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]DistSPEDPrgFg | 1 | CumADM CTE Course CTE Student |
Military Connected Student Flag | If, at any time during the school year, the student had a parent or guardian who was a member of the Armed Forces on active duty or full-time National Guard, select this checkbox. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]MltryCnctFg [S_OR_REN_CumADM_X]MltryCnctFg | 1 | CumADM |
ADM Filler | Enter local Average Daily Membership (ADM) filler. Reserved for future use by ODE. Note: This field is reserved for future use; data entry is not required. Any text found in the filler will output in reports listed under ‘Used in these Reports’. | [S_OR_STU_CumADM_X]ADMFill | 20 | CumADM |