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Nebraska Start of Year Checklist

Use the following checklist to track your progress through the Start of Year tasks for State Reporting. 


District Setup

  • Review Calendar Membership
  • Review Courses setup
    • Review AP course information
    • Review Graduation Planner Setup
  • Review Incident Management/log Entries setup
  • Review District info
    • Review District of Residence
    • Review CRDC setup
    • Review and update school information
      • Review Student Summary Attendance Periods
      • Review Reporting store codes
      • Review CRDC setup
  • Review Enrollments
    • Review entry, exit, and ethnicity codes
    • Review Special Program Information
  • Review eScholar Assessment Item 

School Setup

  • Review Attendance Codes, Categories, and Conversions
  • Review full-time equivalencies
  • Complete Calendar Setup
  • Review Bell Schedule
  • Pre-Register Students
  • Review Grading
  • Review Scheduling 
    • Review Years & Terms
    • Review Periods and Cycle Days
    • Review Sections

Staff Setup

  • Review staff member demographic information
  • Update Staff Assignment records. 

Student Setup

  • Review student demographic information
  • Review NE State Information 
    • Student Information 
    • LEP Information
    • Special Ed Information
    • Title1 Information
    • CRDC
    • eScholar Stduent Assessments Data Elements
  • Review school enrollment
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