Staff Setup
The following data elements are required for staff setup. The first three pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member].
- On the Start Page, click Staff.
- Select a staff member and click Information (for existing staff) or click New Staff Entry in the left panel.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table] Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports | |||
Enter Staff Information | |||||||
Name (Last, First MI) | Enter the staff member's name. Note: Use the format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName | [Users]LastFirst [Users]Last_Name [Users]First_Name [Users]Middle_Name | 40 20 20 20 | Staff Assignment Audit Staff Demographics Staff Position Assignment Ed-Fi: | |||
Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix) | Enter the staff member's legal name if different from the preferred name. The legal name overrides the staff member's preferred name. If the staff member's legal name matches the staff member's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. | [UsersCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [UsersCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [UsersCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [UsersCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix | 100 100 100 10 | ||||
Email Address | Enter the staff member’s email address. Do not enter a personal email address | [Users]Email_Addr | 50 | Staff Demographics Staff Position Assignment Ed-Fi: | |||
Title | Enter the staff member’s title. | [Users]Title | 40 | Ed-Fi: | |||
Gender | Choose the staff member's gender. | [UsersCoreFields]Gender | 6 | Staff Demographics Ed-Fi: | |||
Legal Gender | Choose the staff member's legal gender if different from the preferred gender. The legal gender overrides the staff member's preferred gender. If the staff member's legal gender matches the staff member's preferred gender, click Copy to populate the legal gender field. | [UsersCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender | 10 | ||||
Federal Ethnicity | Choose Yes or No for the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. Note: Decline to State is not a valid option for Nebraska. | [Users]FedEthnicity = 1 | 1 | Staff Demographics Ed-Fi: | |||
Federal Race | Select one or more options to indicate the staff member’s race. Note: Decline to State is not an option for Nebraska. Note: The values displayed on the page are the District ethnicity/race codes, however, each should be mapped to a Federal ethnicity/race category. See District Setup for more information. | [TeacherRace]RaceCd = AM, AS, BL, PI, WH | 2 | Staff Demographics Ed-Fi: | |||
Reporting Ethnicity | Choose an ethnicity from the pop-up menu. | [Users]Ethnicity | 2 | N/A Ed-Fi: | |||
ID | Enter the teacher’s local teacher number. | [Users]TeacherNumber | 12 | Staff Demographics Staff Position Assignment Ed-Fi: | |||
School Phone # | Enter the staff member’s work phone number | [Users]School_Phone | 20 | Ed-Fi: | |||
Address | Enter the staff member’s address. | [Users]Street [Users]City [Users]State [Users]Zip | 80 40 2 10 | Ed-Fi: | |||
SSN | Enter the teacher’s social security number. | [Users]SSN | 2 | Curriculum Student Grades Ed-Fi: | |||
DOB | Enter the staff member’s date of birth. | [UserCoreFields]DOB | 4000 | Ed-Fi: | |||
Staff Type | Choose the Staff Type from the pop-up menu. | [SchoolStaff]StaffStatus | 2 | Ed-Fi: | |||
Status | Choose Current or No longer here from the pop-up menu. Note: This field must be set to Current to include the teacher in the Staff Demographics extract. | [SchoolStaff]Status | N/A | Staff Demographics | |||
Edit Faculty Information | |||||||
Completed a full credential / licensing program | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
Endorsed as ESL | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
Endorsed as Bilingual | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
Certified ESL/Bilingual teacher (Has LEP students in the classroom) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
Receives in-service or pre-service (Specific to ESL or bilingual education) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
Qualification Status - Paraprofessional (Position Assignment Code indicates Paraprofessional) | Choose the paraprofessional assessment passed value from the pop-up menu. This field applies to instructional paraprofessionals only. Valid values:
| [S_NE_USR_X]ParaAssess_Code | 20 | Staff Demographics | |||
Early Childhood Rule 11 Requirements | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
Paraprofessional Assessment passed for NCLB | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |||
Highest Degree Earned | Choose the highest degree earned by the teacher from the pop-up menu. | [S_NE_USR_X]Highest_Degree_Code | 20 | Staff Demographics | |||
Current Service Date | Enter the date the staff member was most recently contracted by the district/system for the current school year. | [S_NE_USR_X]Service_Date | 10 | Staff Demographics | |||
Total Years’ Experience | Enter the teacher’s total number of years’ experience attained by this staff member in education, including the current school year. The minimum value is 1. This value must be reported in whole years. | [S_NE_USR_X]TotalYrsExp | 2 | Staff Demographics | |||
Years’ Experience in District | Enter the teacher’s total number of years of experience attained by this staff member in this district/system, including the current school year. The minimum value is 1. This value must be reported in whole years. This is not required for paraprofessionals. | [S_NE_USR_X]DistrictYrsExp | 2 | Staff Demographics | |||
Basic Annual Salary | Enter the teacher’s gross pay for the district-wide FTE assignment before deductions in whole dollars. | [S_NE_USR_X]Salary | 10 | Staff Demographics | |||
Additional Compensation | Enter additional compensation in whole dollars provided to the staff member, as described in the NSSRS Staff Guide: | [S_NE_USR_X]AltSalary | 10 | Staff Demographics | |||
Benefits Value | Enter the value of annualized benefits, in whole dollars, as described in the NSSRS Staff Guide. This amount should include benefits and payroll costs paid by the district. | [S_NE_USR_X]BeneValue | 10 | Staff Demographics | |||
Local Contract | Select Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the staff member’s contract is held by the organization designated in the County District Number. | [S_NE_USR_X]LocalContract | 3 | Staff Demographics | |||
Contracting District Number, if Local Contract is 'No' | Enter the district number of the contracting district if it is not the current district. This field should be populated if Local Contract = No. | [S_NE_USR_X]Contract_District | 8 | Not Reported | |||
Contract Work Days | Enter the number of whole days contracted for each staff member. | [S_NE_USR_X]ContractDays | 4 | Staff Demographics | |||
Master Staff Record Indicator | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Note: This field must be set to Yes to include the staff member in the Staff Demographic extracts. | [Teachers]NE_MasterRecordInd | N/A | Staff Demographics | |||
Primary Subject Area | Teachers primary subject area | [S_NE_SSF_X]PrimarySubjectCode | 6 | Staff Demographics | |||
NE Staff ID | The identifier assigned to the staff member by the NDE. | [S_NE_USR_X]Staff_ID | N/A | Staff Demographics Staff Position Assignment | |||
Exclude from Ed-Fi | Select this checkbox to exclude the staff member from Ed-Fi publishing. | [S_USR_EDFI_X]ExcludeFromEdFi | 1 | Ed-Fi: StaffEducationOrganization StaffSchoolAssociation StaffSectionAssociation StaffCohortAssociation | |||
Dashboard Access Level | Determines what Dashboard Access is assigned: Staff = Metrics-Only views. Restricted from seeing any student or staff level information Specialist = Teacher or Specialist – Metrics-Only views. View only those students that are associated with the Staff ID. Leader = Metrics-Only views. View all students in the assigned school or district. Administration = All views including operational Principal = All views at the school including operational and may assign interventions. Intervention Specialist = All views at the school including operation and may assign interventions. Intervention Admin = May manage intervention catalog. No other access. Superintendent = All views including operation. Can manage district/school goals. System Admin or Data Steward = All views, all capabilities. | [S_NE_SSF_X]DashboardAccessLevel | 1 | NA | |||
Edit Staff Activities | |||||||
School | The school at which the staff member is located | [SchoolStaff]SchoolID | |||||
Activity | The activity the staff member is assigned to. | [GEN]DCID | |||||
Start Date | The start date of the activity of the assigned staff member. | [S_NE_SSF_ACTIVITIES_C]Start_Date | |||||
End Date | The end date of the activity of the assigned staff member. | [S_NE_SSF_ACTIVITIES_C]End_Date | |||||
Exclude from State Reporting | Is this activity excluded from state reporting. | [S_NE_SSF_ACTIVITIES_C]State_ExcludeFromReporting | |||||
Edit Staff Assignment | |||||||
Position Assignment Code | Choose a position assignment code from the pop-up menu. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Assign_Code | 8 | Staff Position Assignment | |||
Staff Classification | Choose a classification from the pop-up menu. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Staff_Classification | 30 | Staff Position Assignment | |||
Position Title | Choose a position from the pop-up menu. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]PositionTitle | 30 | Staff Position Assignment | |||
Assignment Date | Enter the date that the staff assignment began for the current term. | S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Assign_Date | 10 | Staff Position Assignment | |||
Completion Date | Enter the date that the staff assignment ended. This date must occur on or after the Assignment date. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Complete_Date | 10 | Staff Position Assignment | |||
Assigned Subject Code | Choose an assigned subject code from the pop-up menu. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Assign_Subject | 8 | Staff Assignment Audit Staff Demographics | |||
Percent Time Assigned, 0 to 100 | Enter a value between 1 and 100 representing the percentage of the staff member’s time allocated to the assignment. This is also known as the staff member’s Full-Time Equivalency (FTE). | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Assign_Percent | 4 | Staff Position Assignment | |||
Assignment Grade Level | Choose an assignment grade level from the pop-up menu. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Assign_Grade | 2 | Curriculum | |||
School | Choose the appropriate school from the pop-up menu. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]SchoolID [Schools]School_Number | 6 | Curriculum Staff Position Assignment | |||
Controlling District Code | Enter the six-digit code assigned by the NDE to identify the entity that holds the contract for this staff member. Enter the district code if the teacher's assignment is not associated with the current school. This value should only match the current District Code if the staff member is assigned to a different district. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Control_District | 20 | Staff Position Assignment | |||
Assignment District Code | Enter the six-digit code assigned by the NDE to identify the entity that holds the contract for this staff member. Enter the assignment district code. | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Assign_District | Staff Position Assignment | ||||
Assignment Location Code | Enter the Assignment Location Code | [S_NE_USR_ASSIGN_C]Assign_Location | Staff Position Assignment | ||||
Set Up Staff CRDC InformationInformation > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Refer to CRDC Staff Setup | |||||||
Define Security Settings | |||||||
Teacher Username | Enter the staff member’s username. | [Users]TeacherLoginID | 20 | Staff |