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Student Enrollment

This resource publishes the student's enrollment information.

  • The students that are published must NOT be excluded from state reporting.

  • The school must not be excluded from reporting. No students will be published from a school that is excluded from reporting.

This resource is updated to support sub-district capabilities in MS MSIS 2.0 for charter schools and includes publishing of the correct District and School references across the system. For more information, refer to the Additional Setup for Charter Schools section. The resource is updated to ensure that the district number is propagated correctly.

Element Name



Code Set, if applicable

Technical Name

[Table]Field Mapping

Business Rules or Comments

Category - Enrollment

Directory Information Block Status


An indication of whether an individual requested a Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) block to withhold the release of the person's directory information.

Block - Block
RemoveBlock - Remove Block



Yes = RemoveBlock

No = Block

This is only available on the Students table.

Enrollment Entry Date


The month, day, and year on which a person enters and begins to receive instructional services in a school, institution, program, or class section during a given session.




Enrollment Exit Date


The year, month, and day on which the student officially withdrew or graduated, i.e. the date on which the student's enrollment ended.

For No-Show students, the exit date is now set to be the same as the entry date.




Extract the last in-session day based on the Exit Date only if the Exit Type (Exit Code) has a value.

Note: In PowerSchool SIS, the Exit Date is the day after the last in-session day.

Enrollment Status


An indication as to whether a student's name was, is, or will be officially registered on the roll of a school or schools.

MDE Option Set

01811 - Currently enrolled
01810 - Previously enrolled
01813 - Transferring (will enroll)

01814 - No-Show



Enroll Status is only available on the Students table.

  • If Enroll_Status = 0 then 01811

  • If Enroll_Status = 1, 3, and 4 then 01810

  • If Enroll_Status = 2 then extract 01813

  • For no-show enrollments extract as 01814. RECENTLY UPDATED

Entry Grade Level


The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session.

Note: The value IT and AE can be published. RECENTLY UPDATED

Refer to Entry and Exit Grade Levels.



Exit Grade Level


The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student exits a school, program, or educational institution.

Note: The value IT and AE can be published. RECENTLY UPDATED

Refer to Entry and Exit Grade Levels.



Same as Entry Grade Level

Gifted and Talented Indicator


An indication that the student is participating in and served by a Gifted/Talented program.




Yes = Yes

No = No

Blank = Unknown

Local Education Agency Identification System


A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a local education agency.

MDE Option Set

SEA - State Education Agency assigned number


Alternate Name: LEA Identification System

Default to SEA

Note: This is a mandatory field.

Local Education Agency Identifier


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a local education agency by a school system, a state, or other agency or entity.



[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name="DistrictNumber"

Extract the first 4 characters.

This value will be the same for all students in the district.

Note: This is a mandatory field.

Program Gifted Eligibility Criteria


State/local code used to determine a student's eligibility for a Gifted/Talented program.

MDE Option Set

13452 - General Intellectual Aptitude only
13453 - Specific Academic Aptitude only
13454 - Visual/Performing Arts only



If Intellectually Gifted then extract 13452 (General Intellectual Aptitude only).
If Academically Gifted then extract 13453 (Specific Academic Aptitude only).
If Creatively Gifted or Artistically Gifted then extract 13454 (Visual/Performing Arts only).
If None or Empty then don't extract this element.

Responsible District Identifier


The district responsible for specific educational services and/or instruction of the student.




If the district of residence is not null then extract, else extract the current district ID.

Note: This is a mandatory field.

Responsible District Type


The type of responsibility the district has for the student.

The default is set to Attendance.

MDE Option Set

Accountability - Accountability

Attendance - Attendance

Transportation - Transportation

Assessment - Assessment

Resident - Resident


The Responsible District Type is related to the Responsible District Identifier.

This field will extract value based on where the data is pulled from:

Resident when reporting District of Residence.

Accountability when reporting the district ID.

Note: This is a mandatory field.

Responsible School Identifier


The school responsible for specific education services and/or instruction of the student.



[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name="DistrictNumber" concatenated with

Format: School ID (0000-000)

4 character district number + - + 3 character school number.

Note: This is a mandatory field.

Responsible School Type


The type of services/instruction the school is responsible for providing to the student.

Note: The default is set to Attendance.

MDE Option Set

Accountability - Accountability

Attendance - Attendance

Transportation - Transportation

Assessment - Assessment

Resident - Resident


The Responsible School Type is related to the Responsible School Identifier.

Derived based on the Enrollment school ID.

Currently, default it to Accountability.

Note: This is a mandatory field.



A description of how a person relates to an organization.

AEStaff - AE Staff
AEStudent - AE Student
CTEStaff - CTE Staff
CTEStudent - CTE Student
ELChild - EL Child
ELStaff - EL Staff
K12Staff - K12 Staff
K12Student - K12 Student
ParentGuardian - Parent/Guardian
PSApplicant - PS Applicant
PSStaff - PS Staff
PSStudent - PS Student
WorkforceProgramParticipant - Workforce Program Participant



Not Applicable

School Identification System


A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to an institution.

Refer to School Identification System.


Default to SEA

Note: This is a mandatory field.

School Identifier


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an institution by a school, a school system, a state, or other agency or entity.




Translated to the correct format.

Format: School ID (0000-000)

4 character district number + - + 3 character school number.

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name="DistrictNumber" concatenated with [Schools]School_Number

Note: This is a mandatory field.

Truant Status


An indication that a student is identified as a truant as defined by state rules.




Not Applicable

Entry Type


The process by which a student enters a school during a given academic session.

Refer to the new Entry Type codes.



Refer to the Old vs New Entry Type Code Mapping page.

Exit or Withdrawal Type


The circumstances under which the student exited from membership in an educational institution. 

Refer to the new Exit or Withdrawal Type codes.



Refer to the Old vs New Exit Type Code Mapping page.

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