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PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) for MSIS 2.0

What is MSIS 2.0?

The new and modernized version of the Mississippi Student Information System (MSIS) is called MSIS 2.0. The original Mississippi Student Information System (MSIS) was created in 2000 to meet the data collection and reporting needs of the state’s public school districts and the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE). MSIS 2.0 is designed to provide better and near real-time data to more users in user-friendly ways. For more information refer to MSIS 2.0 Project on the MDE Website.

What is the CEDS Initiative?

CEDS is an education data management initiative whose purpose is to streamline the understanding of data within and across prekindergarten through grade 20 institutions and sectors. The CEDS data model defines the structure and the format and uses standard JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to handle the data exchange. These are called resources or objects. For more information refer to

What is PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX)?

PowerSchool Data Exchange is an electronic data interchange (EDI) plug-in built for PowerSchool SIS. This framework enables PowerSchool SIS to send and receive data to and from external data sources securely near real-time. It supports various data formats and integrates with external data models like:

Data is securely transferred between PowerSchool and the education agency's systems using secure HTTP with security credentials as specified by the education agency. It uses the OAuth 2.0 Web Authorization Protocol for digital authentication.

DEX supports:

  • Downloading data into PowerSchool

  • Publishing data from PowerSchool

  • Syncing data between PowerSchool and education agencies

External agencies like state education agencies (SEAs) have no way of initiating contact or sending data requests to PowerSchool SIS. All data is published, like state reports, as configured and scheduled from within PowerSchool SIS.

DEX for MSIS 2.0

PowerSchool DEX with CEDS-JSON implementation enables Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to sync PowerSchool SIS data with the MSIS 2.0 operational data store (ODS) near real-time. This includes basic student profile information, attendance records, academic records, program participation, and other information.

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