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Additional Setup for Charter Schools

Charter school organizations require additional setup so that the system can publish the district and school references correctly to the state.

  1. Enable and configure the Sub-district feature in PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting.

  2. Configure the Sub-district feature in the PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) framework.

This may or may not require separate keys/secrets for the districts that they support and depends on the state’s configuration.

Steps to Enable the Sub-district Feature

  1. You need to notify your account executive that you will be enabling this feature for PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting.

  2. You need to put in a support ticket to enable this feature in PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting.

Usually, this feature is enabled during PowerSchool SIS implementation.

Steps to Configure Sub-districts

  1. Under District Management, District Setup, click on Sub-District Configuration.

  2. Click on the New Sub-District button.

  3. Enter the Sub-District Number, Name, and Abbreviation. These fields are required.

  4. Enter the address, phone, fax, and other information on the page which is required to submit to the state.

  5. Identify the schools that are assigned to this district.

  6. Enter website address.

  7. Click Create.

  8. Click on the Sub-District Configuration breadcrumb and then repeat steps 2 - 7 for additional districts in the organization.

Steps to Configure the PowerSchool Data Exchange (DEX) for Sub-districts

The instructions are the same as described in the Configuring DEX for MSIS 2.0 section. However, customers have to follow these steps for each district.

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