Exit or Withdrawal Type - New
The following MDE option set is used:
Code | Description |
01907 | Student is in a different public school in the same local education agency |
01908 | Transferred to a public school in a different local education agency in the same state |
01918 | Transferred to home schooling |
01921 | Graduated with regular, advanced, International Baccalaureate, or other type of diploma |
01922 | Completed school with other credentials |
01924 | Withdrawn due to illness |
01925 | Expelled or involuntarily withdrawn |
01926 | Reached maximum age for services |
01927 | Discontinued schooling |
01928 | Completed grade 12, but did not meet all graduation requirements |
01931 | Not enrolled, unknown status |
03505 | Exited |
73060 | Officially withdrew and enrolled in ABE, adult secondary education, or adult ESL program |
73064 | Died |
73067 | Transferred to a school outside of the state |
73068 | Transfer to a private school in the state |