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Idaho Start of Year Checklist

Use the following checklist to track your progress through the Start of Year tasks for Idaho State Reporting. Please see the PowerSchool Start of Year Guide for additional updates. For detailed setup information, refer to Idaho State Reporting documentation.

On this page:

District Administration

  • Review and update Idaho District Information.
    • Ensure the latest Incident Management codes have been loaded.
    • Ensure all Idaho specific information is entered.
    • Ensure all Civil Rights Data Collection is entered.
  • Confirm that all Entry and Exit Codes required for ISEE have been set up.
  • Confirm the Federal Race/Ethnicity have been set up.
  • Review and update Idaho state reporting School Information.
  • Review and update Idaho state reporting information on Courses.
    • Update ISEE Course Codes/Assignment Codes as necessary.
    • Update Idaho Specific Information.

School Administration

  • Review and update all other Attendance Settings.
    • Attendance Code Categories
    • Attendance Conversions
    • Bell Schedules
    • FTE's
    • Calendar Setup
  • Review and update Idaho state reporting information on Course and Sections.  
  • Review the Years and Terms

Staff Setup

  • Review and update staff member  Information.
  • If using the ISEE Staff Templates in PowerSchool:
    • Update Idaho specific information at the bottom of the Information page. 
      • Ensure all necessary staff members have EDUID's.
    • Update the Staff Demographics and Employment page.
      • Update Program Contact information.
    • Review and update  Staff Assignment records for all necessary staff.
      •  Pay special attention to:
        • Position Code
        • Assignment Start/End Dates
        • Staff FTE
        • Associated School 

Student Setup

  • Review and update the student's Demographics information
  • Review and update ID State/Province Information. 
  • Review the student's All Enrollments information.
    • Pay special attention to course Entry/Exit Dates
  • Review the student's Transfer Info information.
    • Ensure Entry/Exit Dates are correct.
    • Ensure the FTE is correct.
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