Staff Setup
The following data elements are required for staff setup.
Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member]
On the Start Page, click Staff.
Select a staff member or New Staff Entry
Select Edit Information for existing staff members.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports |
Entering InformationEdit Information | ||||
Name (Last, First MI) | Enter the name. Format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName | [Users]LastFirst [Users]Last_Name [Users]First_Name [Users]Middle_Name | N/A 25 20 20 | Student Course Enrollment Staff Assignments Staff Demographics Program Contacts ISAT IRI Calculate Section Level FTE |
Email Address | Enter the teacher’s email address. | [Users]Email_Addr | N/A | Program Contacts IRI |
Title | Enter the name prefix for the staff member, if appropriate. | [Users]Title | 8 | Staff Demographics IRI |
Gender | Choose Male or Female from the pop-up menu. | [UsersCoreFields]Gender | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity | Choose Yes or No for the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. Note: Decline to specify is not a valid option for Idaho. Valid values:
| [Users]Fedethnicity | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race | Select one or more checkboxes for the appropriate federal race category. Note: Decline to specify is not a valid option for Idaho. | [TeacherRace]Racecd=01, 02, 03, 04, 05 | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Reporting Ethnicity | Choose the staff ethnicity, to be used in PowerSchool reports. | [Users]Ethnicity | N/A | Not Used |
ID | Enter the teacher’s ID. | [Users]TeacherNumber | 15 | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments ISAT Calculate Section Level FTE |
School | Choose the school from the pop-up menu. | [SchoolStaff]SchoolID | 4 | Staff Demographics |
School Phone # | Enter the student’s school phone number. | [Users]School_Phone | N/A | IRI |
SSN | Enter the teacher’s social security number. | [Users]SSN | N/A | Not Used |
DOB | Enter the teacher’s date of birth. | [UsersCoreFields]DOB | 10 | Staff Demographics |
Staff Status | Choose the staff status. Valid values:
| [SchoolStaff]StaffStatus | 1 | Not Used |
Status | Choose the employment status. Valid values:
| [SchoolStaff]Status | 1 | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments |
Idaho Staff ID | Enter the teacher's unique Idaho staff educational identification number (EDUID). | [S_ID_USR_X]IdahoStaffID | 10 | Student Course Enrollment Staff Assignments Staff Demographics Program Contacts |
Contract Employee | Select the checkbox if the employee is a contract employee. Note: This field is used by PowerSchool Special Education. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractEmployee | N/A | |
New/Edit Idaho Program ContactNavigation: Start Page, Select Staff, Compliance, Program Contacts | ||||
Start Date | The date when the staff is added in the contact. | [S_ID_USR_ProgramContacts_C]StartDate | Program Contacts | |
End Date | The last date when the staff stops being a contact. | [S_ID_USR_ProgramContacts_C]EndDate | Program Contacts | |
School/Building ID | The idaho assigned school or building identifier for which this role applies. | [S_ID_USR_ProgramContacts_C]schoolID | Program Contacts | |
Role Code | The code assigned to the staff role. | [S_ID_USR_ProgramContacts_C]RoleCode | Program Contacts | |
Role Title | The title to the staff role. | [S_ID_USR_ProgramContacts_C]RoleTitle | Program Contacts | |
Job Title | The staff member's primary job title. | [S_ID_USR_ProgramContacts_C]JobTitle | Program Contacts | |
Primary Contact | Select to indicate the staff is primary contact | [S_ID_USR_ProgramContacts_C]IsPrimaryContact | Program Contacts | |
Adding Idaho Staff Demographics and EmploymentEdit Information > Idaho Staff Demographics and Employment Note: Select the Staff Demographics and Employment link on the Edit Information page. | ||||
Primary Staff Record | Choose Yes from the pop-up menu to indicate the primary record for staff with assignments at multiple schools. | [S_ID_SSF_X]IsPrimaryStaff | N/A | Staff Demographics |
Location Code | Enter the location code for the staff. Note: Overrides assigned school number. | [S_ID_SSF_X]Location | 4 | Staff Assignments Staff Demographics Program Contacts |
Prefix (Ex: Mr., Mrs., Dr.) | Enter the prefix for the staff member | [S_ID_USR_X]Staffprefix | N/A | Staff Demographics |
Former Name(s) | Enter the former name of the staff. | [S_ID_USR_X]FormerNames | 50 | Staff Demographics |
Legal First Name | The staff’s first name. | [S_ID_USR_X]LegalFirstName | 35 | Staff Assignments Staff Demographics |
Legal Middle Name | The staff’s middle name. | [S_ID_USR_X]LegalMiddleName | 30 | Staff Assignments Staff Demographics |
Legal Last Name | The staff’s last name. | [S_ID_USR_X]LegalLastName | 35 | Staff Assignments Staff Demographics |
Previous Teacher ID | Enter the previous teacher ID for the staff. | [S_ID_USR_X]PreviousTeacherID | N/A | TBD |
Idaho Staff ID | Enter the teacher's unique Idaho staff educational identification number (EDUID). | [S_ID_USR_X]IdahoStaffID | 10 | Student Course Enrollment Staff Assignments Staff Demographics Program Contacts |
Is Citizen | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_USR_X]Citizen | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Has Certified Assignments* | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Note: If this field is Yes, then the Is Paraprofessional field must be N – Not Paraprofessional. | [S_ID_USR_X]IsCertified | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Is Paraprofessional* | Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu.
Note: If this field is R or T, then the Has Certified Assignments field must be No. | [S_ID_USR_X]IsParaPro | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Initial Certification Year | Enter the year in which the staff member received the certification. Leave blank if not certified. | [S_ID_USR_X]CertificationYear | 4 | Staff Demographics |
Initial Certification State | Select the state in which the staff member received the certification. Leave blank if not certified. | [S_ID_USR_X]CertificationState | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Degree Claimed* | Choose the highest degree to be claimed for reporting purposes. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_USR_X]HighestDegree [S_ID_USR_X]Addldegree1 [S_ID_USR_X]Addldegree2 [S_ID_USR_X]Addldegree3 [S_ID_USR_X]Addldegree4 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Year of Degree | Enter the date of the highest degree to be claimed for reporting purposes. | [S_ID_USR_X]DegreeYear [S_ID_USR_X]Degree1Year [S_ID_USR_X]Degree2Year [S_ID_USR_X]Degree3Year [S_ID_USR_X]Degree4Year | 4 | Staff Demographics |
Institution | The name of the institution that granted the degree the employee has Claimed for funding purposes. Note: Smart search; start typing by name to search. | [S_ID_USR_X]CaimDegreeInst [S_ID_USR_X]Degree1Institution [S_ID_USR_X]Degree2Institution [S_ID_USR_X]Degree3Institution [S_ID_USR_X]Degree4Institution | 3 | Staff Demographics |
State of Institution | The two character postal code where the Institution of degree is based. | [S_ID_USR_X]ClaimDegreeState [S_ID_USR_X]Degree1State [S_ID_USR_X]Degree2State [S_ID_USR_X]Degree3State [S_ID_USR_X]Degree4State | 2 | Staff Demographics |
CIP Code | Enter the program name for the degree claimed. Note: Smart search; start typing by name to search. | [S_ID_USR_X]ClaimedMajor [S_ID_USR_X]Degree1Major [S_ID_USR_X]Degree2Major [S_ID_USR_X]Degree3Major [S_ID_USR_X]Degree4Major | 7 | Staff Demographics |
Additional Credits beyond the claimed highest degree | Enter the college transcript credit earned beyond the highest degree claimed. | [S_ID_USR_X]AddlCredits | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Student Performance Considered | Choose if student performance was considered in the evaluation. Valid values:
| [S_ID_USR_X]StuAchieveRating | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Non Cert Minimum Credits Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enter the date the minimum credits were completed. | [S_ID_USR_X]MinCreditsDate | 10 | Staff Demographics |
Minimum Credits Institution | For non-certified parapro instructional assistants, the institution granting the credits. Note: Smart search; start typing by name to search. | [S_ID_USR_X]MinCreditsIHE | 3 | Staff Demographics |
Minimum Credits Institution State | For non-certified parapro instructional assistants, the state where the institution that granted the credit is based. Note: Smart search; start typing by name to search. | [S_ID_USR_X]MinCreditsIHEState | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Parapro High School Diploma Type | Choose the diploma type earned by non-certified paraprofessional. Valid values:
| [S_ID_USR_X]ParaHSDiplomaType | 1 | Staff Demographics |
ParaPro Exam Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enter the date ETS paraprofessional exam was earned. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaExamdate | 10 | Staff Demographics |
ParaPro Exam Score | Enter the score from the ETS paraprofessional Exam. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaExamScore | 4 | Staff Demographics |
Is ParaPro Praxis | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaPraxis | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Is ParaPro Out of State | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_USR_X]ParaExamOS | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Transcript Year | Enter the most recent year the staff member received college transcript credits | [S_ID_USR_X]TranscriptYear | 4 | Staff Demographics |
Years of prior teaching experience (Leave blank for non-certified staff) | ||||
In an Idaho public K-12 school | Enter the years of prior teaching experience in an Idaho public K-12 school. Note: Leave blank for non-certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]IdahoK12Experience | 4 | Staff Demographics |
In any public K-12 school in another state (excluding Idaho) | Enter the years of prior teaching experience in any public K-12 school in another state (excluding Idaho) Note: Leave blank for non-certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]K12PublicExperience | 4 | Staff Demographics |
In any non-public K-12 school in any state - private or parochial | Enter the Years of prior teaching experience in any non-public K-12 school in any state - private or parochial. Note: Leave blank for non-certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]K12PrivtaeExperience | 4 | Staff Demographics |
In an Idaho institution of Higher Education | Enter the years of prior teaching experience in an Idaho institution of Higher Education. Note: Leave blank for non-certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]IdahoHEExperience | 4 | Staff Demographics |
In any institution of Higher Education in another state (excluding Idaho) | Enter the years of prior teaching experience in any institution of Higher Education in another state (excluding Idaho). Note: Leave blank for non-certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]HEExperience | 4 | Staff Demographics |
Employment Date (MM/DD/YYYY)* | Enter the date first hired by school district. | [S_ID_USR_X]HireDate | 10 | Staff Demographics |
Years in District working under contract (including current year) | The number of annual contracts the employee has signed and been employed by the school district. | [S_ID_USR_X]YearsInDistrict | 4 | Staff Demographics |
Employment Status | Choose the employment status type. Valid values:
| [S_ID_USR_X]EmploymentStatus | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Inactive/Termination Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enter the staff inactive/termination date. | [S_ID_USR_X]TerminationDate | 10 | Staff Demographics |
Inactive/Termination Reason | Choose the staff inactive/termination reason. See the Appendix for valid values. Note: Required if Inactive/Termination Date is populated. | [S_ID_USR_X]TerminationReason | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Deprecated Fields | ||||
Evaluation Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enter the date of the evaluation. Note: If populated, Evaluation Results must be selected. | [S_ID_USR_X]EvalDate | 10 | No longer used |
Professional Practice Rating | For Teachers and Pupil Personnel Certificate Holders and Principals, the professional practice level of performance from the evaluation Valid values:
| [S_ID_USR_X]profPractRating | 1 | No longer used |
Professional Performance Criteria Met | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate if the staff member meets all performance criteria | [S_ID_USR_X]profPerfCriteriaMet | 2 | No longer used |
Professional Endorse Date | Enter the date the staff member received their professional endorsement. | [S_ID_USR_X]profEndorseDate | 10 | No longer used |
Editing Contract InfoEdit Information > Idaho Staff Demographics and Employment> Contract Info | ||||
Entering a New Contract RecordEdit Information > Idaho Staff Demographics and Employment> Contract Info> Create New Contract Record | ||||
Contract Number | Select the contract number that represents this contract. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractNumber | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Type | For certified staff, the type of contract that was actually signed for the current school year. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractType | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Start Date | The effective start date of the contract | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractStartDate | 10 | Staff Demographics |
Contract End Date | The effective end date of the contract. In most cases, this should reflect the last day of school. It can be left blank throughout the school year. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractEndDate | 10 | Staff Demographics |
Base Salary | For Certified staff, the base salary on the Contract rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]BaseSalary | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Days | For certified staff, The annual number of days based on a five day work week contracted in this contract. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractDays | 3 | Staff Demographics |
Hours | For certified staff, the total annual hours contracted in the contract for the year. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractHours | 4 | Staff Demographics |
FTE | The full-time equivalent for contract 1. FTE is calculated by dividing the amount of time employed by the time normally required for a full-time position. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractFTE | 4 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Funding Code 1 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 1 | [S_ID_USR_X]FundSource1 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Percent Source 1 | The percentage of funding from source 1 Format: 99.99 | [S_ID_USR_X]PercentSource1 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Funding Code 2 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 2 - if any | [S_ID_USR_X]FundSource2 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Percent Source 2 | The percentage of funding from source 2 Format: 99.99 | [S_ID_USR_X]PercentSource2 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Funding Code 3 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 3 - if any | [S_ID_USR_X]FundSource3 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Percent Source 3 | The percentage of funding from source 3. Format: 99.99 | [S_ID_USR_X]PercentSource3 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Funding Code 4 | The code for how the employee is funded - source 4 - if any | [S_ID_USR_X]FundSource4 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Contract Percent Source 4 | The percentage of funding from source 4 Format: 99.99 | [S_ID_USR_X]PercentSource4 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Extra Pay 1 Code | Select the code for the special or supplemental duties performed which are not in the base pay. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPay1 | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Extra Pay 1 Amount | Enter the amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPayAmount1 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Extra Pay 2 Code | Select the code for the special or supplemental duties performed which are not in the base pay. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPay2 | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Extra Pay 2 Amount | Enter the amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPayAmount2 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Extra Pay 3 Code | Select the code for the special or supplemental duties performed which are not in the base pay. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPay3 | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Extra Pay 3 Amount | Enter the amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPayAmount3 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Extra Pay 4 Code | Select the code for the special or supplemental duties performed which are not in the base pay. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPay4 | 1 | Staff Demographics |
Extra Pay 4 Amount | Enter the amount of extra pay received rounded to the nearest dollar. | [S_ID_USR_X]ExtraPayAmount4 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Non Certified Funding Code 1 | The code for how this non-certified assignment is funded - source 1 | [S_ID_USR_X]ncFundSource1 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Non Certified Percent Source 1 | The percentage of funding from source 1 (format: 999.99) | [S_ID_USR_X]ncPercentSource1 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Non Certified Funding Code 2 | The code for how this non-certified assignment is funded - source 2 | [S_ID_USR_X]ncFundSource2 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Non Certified Percent Source 2 | The percentage of funding from source 2 (format: 999.99) | [S_ID_USR_X]ncPercentSource2 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Non Certified Funding Code 3 | The code for how this non-certified assignment is funded - source 3 | [S_ID_USR_X]ncFundSource3 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Non Certified Percent Source 3 | The percentage of funding from source 3 (format: 999.99). | [S_ID_USR_X]ncPercentSource3 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
TNon Certified Funding Code 4 | The code for how this non-certified assignment is funded - source 4 | [S_ID_USR_X]ncFundSource4 | 2 | Staff Demographics |
Non Certified Percent Source 4 | The percentage of funding from source 4 (format: 999.99) | [S_ID_USR_X]ncPercentSource3 | 6 | Staff Demographics |
Editing Idaho Staff AssignmentsEdit Information > Idaho Staff Assignments > New/Edit Idaho Staff Assignments Note: Select the Staff Assignments link on the Edit Information page. | ||||
Start Date | Enter the date the staff assignment began. Format: MM/DD/YYYY | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] EffectiveDate | N/A | Staff Assignments |
End Date | Enter the date the staff assignment ended. Note: Not required for active assignments. Format: MM/DD/YYYY | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C]EndDate | N/A | Staff Assignments |
Period/Assignment Number | Enter the period number. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] PeriodNumber | 10 | Staff Assignments |
Teaching Role | Choose the primary role for the teacher of the class. Valid values:
Note: Default value for section based assignments is T. Virtual table based assignments will default to null if there is no saved value. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] TeachingRole | 1 | Staff Assignments |
Assignment Code | Enter the assignment code number or description. Note: Smart search; start typing by code number or description to search. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] AssignmentCode | 6 | Staff Assignments |
FTE | Enter the staff member’s FTE. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C]FTE | 4 | Staff Assignments |
School ID | Choose the school ID. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C]SchoolID | Staff Assignments | |
Contract Number | Choose the contract number. Valid values:
| [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C]ContractNo | 1 | Staff Assignments |
Non-certified Rate | Enter the non-certified rate. Valid values: 0 – 999.99 | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] NoncertRate | 6 | Staff Assignments |
Non-certified Hours per week | Enter the number of non-certified hours per week. Valid values: 0 – 99.99 | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] NoncertHours | 4 | Staff Assignments |
Non-certified Week | Enter the number of non-certified weeks. Valid values: 0 – 52 | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] NoncertWeek | 2 | Staff Assignments |
Defining HQTEdit Information > HQT Use this page to track HQT data for teachers and other staff members. Teachers and staff members that have multiple endorsements will need multiple records on this page (one record per endorsement). These records can span multiple years. If a teacher is teaching a section/course that is set to an assignment/state course code that requires HQT, and that teacher is NOT HQT, an HQT must be created and it should reflect that the teacher is not yet HQT. If a section/course is set to an assignment/state course code that does NOT require HQT, an HQT record does NOT need to be created. Note: If a teacher/staff member goes from Not HQT to HQT during the course of the school year, the Not HQT record should be kept and a new record should be created to reflect the teacher’s/staff member’s new HQT status. | ||||
Endorsement | Select the endorsement that the teacher/staff member. A record will be created for each endorsement a teacher/staff member has. | [S_ID_SSF_HQT_C]endorsementcode | 4 | Staff Assignments |
Qualification Reason | If the teacher/staff member is HQT, select the method in which they obtained that status. Note: Required for HQT teachers/staff. Not required for non HQT teachers/staff. | [S_ID_SSF_HQT_C]qualreason | 1 | Staff Assignments |
Record Start Date | Enter the Certification date. Note: Required for all records. | [S_ID_SSF_HQT_C]hqtstartdate | 10 | Staff Assignments |
Record End Date | Enter the certification end date. This date can be left blank if there is no known end date. Note: Required for records that are no longer current. | [S_ID_SSF_HQT_C]hqtenddate | 10 | Staff Assignments |
Means to HQT | If the teacher/staff member is not HQT, select the means by which they will obtain HQT status. Note: Required for non HQT teachers/staff. | [S_ID_SSF_HQT_C]hqtmeans | 1 | Staff Assignments |
Expected Date for HQT | Enter the date the teacher/staff member is expected to become HQT Note: Required for non HQT teachers/staff. | [S_ID_SSF_HQT_C]hqtdate | 10 | Staff Assignments |
Entering FTE ValidationEdit Information > FTE Validation | ||||
Adding Staff AssignmentsEdit Information > FTE Validation> Staff Assignments | ||||
Assignment Code | The assignment code for the assignment record being displayed. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] AssignmentCode [S_ID_CRS_X]CourseCode [S_ID_SEC_X]CourseCode [S_ID_SEC_X]AssignmentCode [S_ID_SEC_X]CoTeachAssignmentCode [S_ID_SEC_X]CoTeach2AssignmentCode | N/A | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments |
Section | The course-section number of the assignment. Note: Only applicable to sectio- based assignments and is blank for virtual record staff assignment records. | [Courses]Course_Number [Sections]Section_Number | N/A | Staff Assignments Calculate Section Level FTE |
Start Date | The assignment start date of the assignment record | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] EffectiveDate [S_ID_SEC_X]StartDate [S_ID_SEC_X]CoTeachStartDate [S_ID_SEC_X]CoTeach2StartDate | N/A | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Calculate Section Level FTE |
End Date | The assignment end date of the assignment record. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C]EndDate [S_ID_SEC_X]EndDate [S_ID_SEC_X]CoTeachEndDate [S_ID_SEC_X]CoTeach2EndDate | N/A | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Calculate Section Level FTE |
School | The number of the school to which the assignment is tied. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C]SchoolID [Sections]SchoolID [Schools]Alternate_School_Number [Schools]School_Number [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = ID_BuildingNumber | N/A | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Calculate Section Level FTE |
FTE | The FTE value for the assignment. Note: The value in this field may be entered manually or calculated. For calculation details, see Calculate Section Level FTE. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C]FTE [S_ID_SEC_X]FTE [S_ID_SEC_X]CoTeachFTE [S_ID_SEC_X]CoTeach2FTE | N/A | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Calculate Section Level FTE |
Requires Staff Level HQT Record | Indicates whether the displayed assignment code (first column) requires HQT and therefore requires a staff level HQT record be entered for the staff member. Note: If the displayed value is blank or N, the staff member does not need to have a staff level HQT record for this assignment. | [S_ID_ASGMTENDORSEMT_S]HQT | 1 | N/A |
Endorsements | A list of the endorsement(s) a teacher has that count towards the assignment code in the first column. Note: Only endorsements that count towards an assignment code will be displayed here. If the assignment code in the first column does not require HQT, this will be blank. | [S_ID_SSF_HQT_C]EndorsementCode | N/A | N/A |
Editing Staff DemographicsEdit Information > FTE Validation > Staff Demographics | ||||
Contract | The contract number. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractType1 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractType2 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractType3 | 10 | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Calculate Section Level FTE |
School | The school number for the contract. | [SchoolStaff]SchoolID | 10 | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments |
FTE | The FTE value of the contract. Note: The value in this field may be manually entered or calculated. For calculation information, seeCalculate Section Level FTE. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractFTE1 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractFTE2 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractFTE3 | 10 | Staff Demographics Staff Assignments Calculate Section Level FTE |
Viewing Deprecated FieldsEdit Information > Deprecated Fields | ||||
Competency Checklist Date (MM/DD/YYYY) | Enter the date competency checklist requirements were met. | [S_ID_USR_X]CompetencyDate | 10 | N/A |
Grade Level Override | Choose the grade level override for the class. See the Appendix for valid values. Note: This will default to MX if there is no specified value. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] GradeLevel | 2 | N/A |
Instructional Setting | Choose the instructional setting type for the class. Valid values:
Note: Default value for section based assignments is RC. For virtual table based assignments, this will default to blank if there is no saved value. | [S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] InstructionalSetting | 2 | N/A |
Evaluation Results | Choose the evaluation result. Valid values:
Note: Default value is blank. | [S_ID_USR_X]EvalResults | 1 | Staff Demographics v5 |
Student Performance Considered | Choose if student performance was considered in the evaluation. Valid values:
| [S_ID_USR_X]IncStuPerf | 1 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The calculated row on the state salary schedule where this staff member is placed | Enter the calculated row on the state salary schedule where this staff member is placed. | [S_ID_USR_X]Schedulerow | 2 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The calculated column on the state salary schedule where this staff member is placed | Enter the calculated column on the state salary schedule where this staff member is placed. | [S_ID_USR_X]ScheduleColumn | 2 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The calculated index from the state salary schedule where this staff member is placed | Enter the calculated index from the state salary schedule where this staff member is placed. | [S_ID_USR_X]ScheduleIndex | 7 | Staff Demographics v5 |
Contract Type | Select the type of contract that was signed for the current school year. Note: This is only required for certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractType1 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractType2 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractType3 | 2 | Staff Demographics v5 |
Base Salary | Enter the base salary for each applicable contract type. Note: This is only required for certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]BaseSalary1 [S_ID_USR_X]BaseSalary2 [S_ID_USR_X]BaseSalary3 | 6 | Staff Demographics v5 |
Days | Enter the annual number of days if any, based on a five day work week contracted on for the applicable contract. Note: This is only required for certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractDays1 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractDays2 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractDays3 | 3 | Staff Demographics v5 |
Hours | Enter the total annual hours contracted for the applicable contract, if any, for the year. Note: This is only required for certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractHours1 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractHours2 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractHours3 | 4 | Staff Demographics v5 |
FTE | Enter the full time equivalent for the applicable contract. Note: This is only required for certified staff members. | [S_ID_USR_X]ContractFTE1 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractFTE2 [S_ID_USR_X]ContractFTE3 | 4 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The code for how the employee is funded - source 1* | Select the code for how the employee is funded. | [S_ID_USR_X]FundSource1 | 2 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The percentage of funding from source 1* | Enter the percentage of funding from source 1. | [S_ID_USR_X]FundedFTE1 | 4 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The code for how the employee is funded - source 2 | Select the code for how the employee is funded. | [S_ID_USR_X]FundSource2 | 2 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The percentage of funding from source 2 (format: 999.99) | Enter the percentage of funding from source 2. | [S_ID_USR_X]FundedFTE2 | 4 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The code for how the employee is funded - source 3 | Select the code for how the employee is funded. | [S_ID_USR_X] FundSource3 | 2 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The percentage of funding from source 3 (format: 999.99) | Enter the percentage of funding from source 3. | [S_ID_USR_X]FundedFTE3 | 4 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The code for how the employee is funded - source 4 | Select the code for how the employee is funded. | [S_ID_USR_X]FundSource4 | 2 | Staff Demographics v5 |
The percentage of funding from source 4 (format: 999.99) | Enter the percentage of funding from source 4. | [S_ID_USR_X]FundedFTE4 | 4 | Staff Demographics v5 |
Is Title 1 ParaProfessional* | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_USR_X]IsTitleParaPro | 1 | Staff Demographics |