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Calculate Section Level FTE



The Calculate Section Level FTE report is a district-level report that calculates section-level, teacher FTE values. The report produces an output file and also populates the calculated values in the FTE fields on the staff and section pages. These FTE values are used for Staff Assignment reporting.

Required Setup


The staff member must be active and tied to at least one section, as well as have at least one contract record that is active on the snapshot date and created with a teaching contract type.

Start Page> [select staff]> Edit Information> Staff Demographics & Employment> Contract Info> New/Edit

  • The Contract record must list the FTE amount.

  • The Contract Type must be a teaching contract type.

  • The Contract record Entry Date is required but the End Date can be blank.


  • If the staff member has multiple, active contract records, the sections must be set with the applicable contract number. If the staff member only has a single contract record, it will be assumed all sections apply to that contract.

  • While there are additional data entry fields on the Enter New Contract Record page, only the following fields are required for the Teacher FTE Calculation report to work:

    • Contract Number

    • Contract Type

    • Contract Start Date

    • FTE


Start Page> School Setup> Sections> [select course]> [select section]

  • The Section must be active on the snapshot date

  • The Section cannot be excluded from:

    • ADA reporting

    • State Reporting

    • FTE Calculation functionality

  • The Staff's Teaching Role must be set to:

    • Teacher of Record

    • Co-Teacher

    • Lead Team Teacher

    • Note: This field can be blank and it will be assumed the staff is the Teacher of Record.


Start Page> School Setup> Courses> [select course]

The Course cannot be excluded from:

  • ADA reporting

  • State Reporting

  • FTE Calculation functionality

FTE Calculations

FTE is calculated for staff who have the role Teacher of Record, Lead Team Teacher, or Co-Teacher. A teacher's FTE is calculated per section, by contract number. The calculation considers the following:

  • The teacher's FTE in the Staff Contract record

  • The  teacher's Staff Contract record number value

  • The teacher's sections that are active on the report's user-defined snapshot date.

  • Manually entered FTE

  • Manually entered teaching assignments  

  • Previously entered FTE values

For multiple sections, the number of qualifying sections is divided by the teacher's FTE. Sections that meet for more periods during the week are not weighted more heavily  than those that meet for fewer periods. For example, if a teacher has five qualifying sections, and their FTE is 1, each section would be a .2 (regardless of how often a section meets).

Calculations for Manually Entered FTEs and Staff Assignments

Manually entered FTE values are not overridden by the calculated FTE; instead, these values are deducted from the overall FTE amount and the remainder is used for calculating FTE's for any remaining sections. For example, if a teacher has five qualifying sections and his or her FTE is 1, and one of the sections has a manually entered FTE value of .3, the report subtracts the manually entered .3 from the total FTE of 1 and the remaining .7 FTE is split between the remaining four sections.

If a teacher has a manually created Staff Assignment record with the same contract number as a Staff Contract record, the FTE amount in the manually created Staff Assignment record is subtracted from the Staff Contract FTE. The remainder is calculated in the same manner as a section with a manually entered FTE.

When a teacher has a manually created Staff Assignment record as well as a section with a manually entered FTE value, if the contract number is the same, the manually entered FTE amounts in both the Staff Assignment record and the section are subtracted from the overall FTE amount in the Staff Contract record.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Course, Section, and Staff Selection

  • Course or section must not be excluded from ADA

  • Course or section must not be excluded from state reporting

  • Course or section must not be excluded from FTE calculation

  • Course, section, and teacher must be active on the report's user-defined snapshot date.

Report Input

  For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report



Snapshot Date

Enter the snapshot date.

Note: Sections and staff contracts active on this date will be evaluated. The date that is used depends on the terms defined at the schools and districts will likely need to run this report at different times of the year to calculate/populate the FTE values for all sections.

For example: If all schools operate using semesters, this report will need to be run twice per year. Once in semester 1 and once in semester 2. If a district uses quarters, this report will need to be run four times a year (once per quarter).

Select Teacher (Blank for All)

Choose one or more teachers, or leave blank to generate the report for all teachers.

Report Mode

Choose one of the following report modes:

  • Validation - Calculates FTEs for the qualifying sections; however, no changes are made to the database. Instead, the proposed changes are outlined in the report output file.

  • Update - Calculates and populates the section-level FTE fields (for qualifying sections). The changes are outlined in the report output file.

  • Clear Calculated FTE - Clears any values in the three section-level FTE fields that were populated by this report. Manually entered FTE values are not cleared.

  • Clear All FTE - Clears all FTE values (populated by this report and manually entered values) from the three section-level FTE fields.

Run Now

Select this option to run the report immediately.


Select this option to run the report on a scheduled basis. The following choices are available:

  • Run Once

    • Start Date and Start Time to run the report.

  • Repeat

    • Select Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly for the appropriate re-occurrence for running the report.

      • If Daily is selected, check the Weekdays only box to limit to weekdays.

      • If Weekly is selected, check which weekday to run the report.

      • If Monthly is selected, check the month to run the report.

      • If Yearly is selected, select either the date or the weekday to run the report.

  • Date Range – Select No End Date or a date that the re-occurrence should end.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



Field Length



The number of the school to which the assignment is tied.





The teacher's ID number





The description for the teaching role in the course section.

Valid values:

  • L- Lead Team Teacher

  • C - Co-Teacher

  • T- Teacher of Record

[S_ID_USR_StaffAssignments_C] TeachingRole




The teacher's first name.





The teacher's last name.





The course number.





The course name.





The teacher's section assignment start and end date






The teacher's contract number.





The system-generated FTE value.







Indicates whether the FTE fields have been populated with the calculated FTE values.



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