Student Setup
The following data elements are required for student setup.
On the Start Page select the School link at the top of the page.
Choose the appropriate school from the pop-up menu.
Select the first letter of the student’s last name.
Select a student from the list. The last accessed student information page opens for the student selected.
Note: For more information on code values, see the Appendix.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports |
Entering Demographics InformationDemographics | ||||
Name (last, first MI) | Enter the student’s name. Format: LastName, FirstName, MiddleName, and Suffix | [Students]LastFirst [Students]Last_Name [Students]First_Name [Students]Middle_Name [S_ID_STU_X]Suffix | N/A 25 20 20 | ISAT IRI Gifted Students Student Attendance Student Course Enrollment Special Education Students |
Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix) | This field overrides student name on state reports. This field is only required if legal name does not match preferred name. If the student's legal name matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. If the student's legal name does not match the student's preferred name, enter the student's legal name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix | 100 100 100 10 | Student Demographics Student Attendance Student Course Enrollment Special Education Students Gifted Students |
Address | Enter the student’s address. | [Students]Street [Students]City [Students]State [Students]Zip | N/A N/A N/A 9 | Student Demographics |
DOB | Enter the student’s date of birth. | [Students]DOB | 10 | Student Demographics ISAT IRI |
Federal Ethnicity and Race: Ethnicity | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the student is Hispanic or Latino. Note: Decline to State is not a valid option for Idaho. Valid values:
| [Students]Fedethnicity | 1 | Student Demographics ISAT IRI |
Federal Ethnicity and Race: Race | Select one or more checkboxes for the appropriate federal race category. Note: Decline to specify is not a valid option for Idaho. | [StudentRace]Racecd=01, 02, 03, 04, 05 | 1 | Student Demographics ISAT IRI |
Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity | Choose the student’s ethnicity, to be used in PowerSchool reports. | [Students]Ethnicity | N/A | Not Used |
Father | Enter the name of the student’s father. | [Students]Father | N/A | N/A |
Gender | Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [Students]Gender | 1 | SDFS Incident Tracking Student Demographics ISAT IRI Student Attendance Student Course Enrollment Special Education Students Gifted Students |
Legal Gender | This field overrides student gender on state reports. This field is only required if legal gender does not match preferred gender. If the student's legal gender matches the student's preferred gender, click Copy to populate the legal gender field. If the student's legal gender does not match the student's preferred gender, choose the student's legal gender from the pop-up menu. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender | 10 | Student Demographics |
Mother | Enter the name of the student’s mother. | [Students]Mother | N/A | N/A |
SSN | Enter the student’s social security number. | [Students]SSN | N/A | Not Used |
Student Number | Enter the locally assigned student number. | [Students]Student_Number | 15 | Student Demographics Student Attendance Student Course Enrollment Special Education Students Gifted Students ISAT IRI |
State Student ID | Enter the student's unique Idaho student educational identification number (EDUID) Note: This field is required. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 9 | Student Attendance Student Demographics Student Course Enrollment Special Education Students Gifted Students ISAT IRI |
Graduation Date | Enter the student’s graduation date. | [S_ID_STU_X]GraduationDate | N/A | N/A |
Is Bus Rider | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Note: If field is blank, a Y – Yes, will be extracted in the Students Demographics report. | [S_ID_STU_X]BusRider | 1 | Student Demographics |
Is Border Student | Choose the student’s crossing state lines status from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]BorderStudent | 1 | Student Demographics |
Other Border District ID | Enter the SDE assigned ID for the other district for this border student. | [S_ID_STU_X]BorderID | 10 | Student Demographics |
ID Resident | Select the applicable option with regards to the student’s Idaho residency.
| [S_ID_STU_X]US_Citizen | N/A | Student Demographics |
At-Risk Indicators | Click on the At-Risk Indicator to indicate the student belongs in At-Risk Behavior Group A (indicators A-F) and/or B (indicators G-M) For a list of at-risk indicators, see At-Risk Indicators. | [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskA [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskB [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskC [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskD [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskE [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskF [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskG [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskH [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskI [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskJ [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskK [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskL [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskM | Boolean | Student Demographics |
Military Connected Student | Choose from the pop-up menu to indicate if student has connections to the military:
| [S_ID_STU_X]MilitaryConnected | 3 | Student Demographics |
Native Language | Enter the student's native language. | [S_ID_STU_X]NativeLanguage | 3 | Student Demographics |
County of Residence | Select the student’s county of birth. A value only needs to be entered here if the student’s county differs from that of the school they are enrolled in. Note: Start typing to search by Country code or description. | [S_ID_STU_X]County_Of_Residence [S_ID_REN_X]County_of_Residence | 2 | Student Demographics |
On School Grounds
| Select Yes or No to indicate whether the current year enrolled K-12 students received majority of their instruction at a physical facility owned or leased by the reporting LEA. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ON_SCH_GROUNDS | 1 | Student Demographics |
Deprecated Fields | ||||
Student is Participating in the 8 in 6 Program. | Select Yes or No if the student is participating in the 8 in 6 program. Note: The Student Demographaics and Student Course Enrollments reports will derive the 8 in 6 elements if the student is enrolled in a section that is flagged as an 8 in 6 section (the section level 8 in 6 Course Cost field contains a numeric value). This field, if populated, will act as an override to the Student Demographics calculation. | [S_ID_STU_X]Eightin6 | 1 | No longer used |
Is PTE Concentrator | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_STU_X]Concentrator | 1 | No longer used |
Entering Immunization InformationHealth > Immunizations Note: See the Health Management User Guide on PowerSource for general health setup. Health functionality requires PowerSchool 7.1 or higher. | ||||
[Vaccine] | Click the vaccine name and, if applicable, choose an Exemption type. Optionally, select Out of compliance and enter a comment. Note: Vaccines and associated doses are set up at the District. For a list of valid vaccines, see Health Immunization: Vaccine Codes. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudImmRec]HealthImmExemptID (Exemption Type) [HealthStudImmRec]ComplianceyStatus [HealthStudImmRec]ExemptionComment | N/A | Immunization |
Date each dose was given | Click the dose cell for the appropriate vaccine. Choose a date using the calendar icon, and then choose a Certificate Type from the pop-up menu. When you click Submit for the page, if the vaccine is bound to a compliance rule, then the student’s compliance is evaluated. Vaccines are set up and bound to a rule at the district level. Immunization Certificate Types are set up at the District via Health Setup. For a list of valid certificate types, see the Health: Certification Status Codes. Enter dosage dates for the following vaccines:
| [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthStudDoseRec]HealthImmSourceID (Certificate Type) | N/A | Immunization |
Description of Change | Enter the reason for updating the student’s immunization information. | [HealthStudChngRsn]ChngRsnDesc | N/A | Not Required |
Student Conditionally Admitted | Select the checkbox to indicate a conditional vaccination was completed for the student. | [HealthScreenLookup]HealthCategory = Cond | 1 | Immunization |
Student conditionally admitted | Check the box if the student was conditionally admitted. If this is checked, the appropriate vaccination check-boxes below must be checked. | [S_ID_STU_X]IMM_Conditional | 1 | Immunization |
View Change History | Click to view the student’s immunization change history. | [HealthStudChngRsn]ChngRsnDesc [HealthStudChngRsn]WhoModified | N/A | Not Required |
Modifying InformationModify Information | ||||
District Entry Date | Enter the student’s first date of entry in the district. | [Students]DistrictEntryDate | N/A | ISAT |
School Entry Date | Enter the student’s first date of entry in the school. | [Students]SchoolEntryDate | N/A | ISAT |
Entering Idaho State Information | ||||
Adding Student InformationState/Province – Idaho > Student Information | ||||
Legal Name (Last, First Middle Suffix) | This field overrides student name on state reports. This field is only required if legal name does not match preferred name. If the student's legal name matches the student's preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields. If the student's legal name does not match the student's preferred name, enter the student's legal name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Suffix | 100 100 100 10 | Student Demographics Student Attendance Student Course Enrollment Special Education Students Gifted Students |
Name Suffix | Enter the suffix for the student name if different from the student's legal name. | [S_ID_STU_X]Suffix | 8 | Student Demographics |
Former Legal Name | Enter the student’s former legal name if one exists. | [S_ID_STU_X]Former_Legal_Name | N/A | Student Record Exchange |
Alias Name | Enter the student’s alias if one exists. Note: This field is no longer used. | [S_ID_STU_X]AliasName | N/A | Student Record Exchange |
Citizenship Status | Enter the citizenship status of the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]Citizenship_Code | N/A | Student Record Exchange |
City of Birth | Enter the student’s city of birth. | [S_ID_STU_X]City_Of_Birth | N/A | No Longer Used |
Home Country Code | Select the appropriate home country code for the student. Note: Start typing to search by country or code description. | [S_ID_STU_X]Country | 2 | Student Demographics |
Counselor ID | Enter the student’s counselor ID. | [S_ID_STU_X]Counselor | N/A | No Longer Used |
County of Residence | Select the student’s county of birth. A value only needs to be entered here if the student’s county differs from that of the school they are enrolled in. Note: Start typing to search by Country code or description. | [S_ID_STU_X]County_Of_Residence | 2 | Student Demographics |
Parent-Country of Birth | Select the country of birth of the parents of the student. Note: Start typing to search by Country code or description. | [S_ID_STU_X]Parent_Country_Of_Birth | 2 | Student Record Exchange |
Parent-Languages other than English | Select Yes or No if the parents of the student have a home language other than English. | [S_ID_STU_X]PLOE | N/A | Student Record Exchange |
Proof of Age Code | Select which method of verification was used for the student’s age. | [S_ID_STU_X]Proof_Of_Age | N/A | Student Record Exchange |
Permission to release student information | Select Yes or No if you have permission to release this student’s information. | [S_ID_STU_X]Release_Info | N/A | No Longer Used |
Permission to ride a bicycle to/from school. | Select Yes or No if the student has permission to ride a bicycle to/from school. | [S_ID_STU_X]Ride_Bike | N/A | No Longer Used |
Permission to walk to/from school. | Select Yes or No if the student has permission to walk to/from school. | [S_ID_STU_X]Walk_Home | N/A | No Longer Used |
Public School Resident Status | Select the student’s resident status. | [S_ID_STU_X]PSRS | No Longer Used | |
State/Province of Birth | Choose the student’s state/province of birth from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_STU_X]State_of_Birth | N/A | Student Record Exchange |
ID Resident | Select the applicable option with regards to the student’s Idaho residency.
| [S_ID_STU_X]US_Citizen | N/A | Student Demographics |
Exclude this student from state reporting? | Check the box to exclude this student from the Idaho state reports. | [Students]State_ExcludefromReporting | N/A | All |
Exclude this student from enrollment reporting? | Check the box to exclude the student from the Idaho enrollment based reports. | [S_ID_STU_X]ExcludeStudEnrlReporting | N/A | No Longer Used |
ID Transcript Rank Override | Enter a value for the student’s rank and their class size. Use these fields to override any class rank calculations. | [S_ID_STU_X]RankOverride [S_ID_STU_X]RankOutOfOverride | N/A | No Longer Used |
District CalendarID | Select the applicable District Calendar for this student. Note: This is a student-level override that only needs to be set if the student is on a different calendar than the rest of the school. A Kindergartener would be a common example of this. | [S_ID_STU_X]CalendarID | Student Daily Attendance | |
In GEARUP | Choose the student’s GEARUP status from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]GearUp | 1 | Student Demographics |
Is Receiving GEARUP Tutoring | Choose the student’s GEARUP tutoring status from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]Tutoring [S_ID_STU_X]GearUp [Students]Grade_Level Note: Logic varies if student is in grade 7 or higher. | 1 | Student Demographics |
GEARUP Tutored Subject 1 | Enter the name of the first GEARUP tutored subject for the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]TutorSubj1 | 10 | Student Demographics |
GEARUP Tutored Subject 2 | Enter the name of the second GEARUP tutored subject for the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]TutorSubj2 | 10 | Student Demographics |
GEARUP Tutored Subject 3 | Enter the name of the third GEARUP tutored subject for the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]TutorSubj3 | 10 | Student Demographics |
GEARUP Tutored Subject 4 | Enter the name of the fourth GEARUP tutored subject for the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]TutorSubj4 | 10 | Student Demographics |
GEARUP Tutored Subject 5 | Enter the name of the fifth GEARUP tutored subject for the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]TutorSubj5 | 10 | Student Demographics |
Viewing Deprecated FieldsState/Province - ID > Student Deprecated Fields | ||||
Typically Developing Peer (TDpeer) | No longer used | [S_ID_STU_X]TDPeer | 1 | No longer used |
Kindergarten Schedule Code | Choose the type of Kindergarten schedule. See the Appendix for valid values. Note: This field only applies to kindergarten students. | [S_ID_DistrictCalendar_S]kSessionType | 1 | No longer used |
Responsible for Parent/Guardian | No longer used | [S_ID_STU_X]ResponsibleParentGuardian | 25 | No longer used |
Country of Birth | No longer used | [S_ID_STU_X]Country_of_Birth | 80 | No longer used |
Country of Citizenship | No longer used | [S_ID_STU_X]Country_of_Citizenship | 80 | No longer used |
Is Early Completer | Select Yes if this student is an early completer. | [S_ID_STU_X]ErlyComp [S_ID_REN_X]ErlyComp | 1 | No longer used |
Student is Participating in the 8 in 6 Program. | Select Yes or No if the student is participating in the 8 in 6 program. Note: The Student Demographaics and Student Course Enrollments reports will derive the 8 in 6 elements if the student is enrolled in a section that is flagged as an 8 in 6 section (the section level 8 in 6 Course Cost field contains a numeric value). This field, if populated, will act as an override to the Student Demographics calculation. | [S_ID_STU_X]Eightin6 | 1 | No longer used |
First Year Limited English Proficient: LA Participation Excused | Select the student’s language arts participation excused status. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]FYILAPart | 1 | No longer used |
First Year Limited English Proficient: LA Performance Excused | Select the student’s language arts performance excused status. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]FYILAPerf | 1 | No longer used |
First Year Limited English Proficient: Math Performance Excused | Select the student’s math performance excused status. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]FYIMathPerf | 1 | No longer used |
First Year Limited English Proficient: Science Performance Excused | Select the student’s science performance excused status. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]FYISciPerf | 1 | No longer used |
Early Childhood Transition Date | If the student received early childhood services, the date the student transitioned to these school age services. | [S_ID_STU_X]ECTransDate | 10 | No longer used |
Adding Enrollment InformationState/Province – Idaho > Enrollment Information | ||||
Student Information – Section 1 | ||||
State Student ID | The student’s state assigned ID number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | 9 | Student Attendance Student Demographics Student Course Enrollment Special Education Students Gifted Students ISAT IRI |
Local Student Number | The student’s locally assigned student number. | [Students]Student_Number | 15 | Student Demographics Student Attendance Student Course Enrollment Special Education Students Gifted Students ISAT IRI |
District Entry Date | The date the student entered the district. | [Students]DistrictEntryDate | N/A | ISAT |
School Entry Date | Enter the student’s first date of entry in the school. | [Students]SchoolEntryDate | N/A | ISAT |
Private School Student | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student attends private school. | [S_ID_STU_X]PrivateSchoolStudent | N/A | ISAT |
Enrollment Information – Section 2 | ||||
Enrollment Status | Choose the student’s enrollment status from the pop-up menu. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_STU_X]Enrollment_Status | 2 | No Longer Used |
Meets IRI 90% Criteria | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Note: Default value is blank. | [S_ID_STU_X]IRI_90Perc | N/A | IRI |
Admission Status | Enter the student’s admission status. | [S_ID_STU_X]Admission_Status | N/A | No Longer Used |
Admission Date | Enter the student’s admission date | [S_ID_STU_X]Admission_Date | N/A | No Longer Used |
Expulsion Cause | Enter the cause for the expulsion | [S_ID_STU_X]Expulsion_Cause | N/A | No Longer Used |
Expulsion Date | Enter the date of the expulsion. | [S_ID_STU_X]Exulsion_Date | N/A | No Longer Used |
Expulsion Return Date | Enter the date the student returned from the expulsion. | [S_ID_STU_X]Expulsion_Rdate | N/A | No Longer Used |
Special Program Information – Section 3 | ||||
Student is Title 1 Eligible | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_STU_X]Title1 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Student is Homeless | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_STU_X]Homeless | N/A | No Longer Used |
Student qualifies as Gifted | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_STU_X]Gifted | N/A | No Longer Used |
Student qualifies as 504 | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_STU_X]Section504 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Student qualifies as Special Ed | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu. | [S_ID_STU_X]SpecialEd | N/A | No Longer Used |
Language Code | Select the appropriate language code. | [S_ID_STU_X]Language_Code | No Longer Used | |
Language Name | Enter the name of the language. | [S_ID_STU_X]Name_Of_Language | No Longer Used | |
Adding Student ServicesState/Province – Idaho > Student Services | ||||
Referred to the Infant Toddler Program by DHW | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the child was referred by the Department of Health and Welfare Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECRefAgency | 3 | Special Education Students |
Early Childhood Eligibility Decision | Select the student early childhood eligibility. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECEligDec | 1 | Special Education Students |
EC Eligibility Decision Timeliness (Made prior to third birthday?) | Was the student’s early childhood eligibility decided before their third birthday? Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECDecTim | 1 | Special Education Students |
Eligibility Determination - Number of Days Late | If applicable, enter the number of days the decision was late. | [S_ID_STU_X]ECDecLate | 3 | Special Education Students |
Eligibility Determination Late Reason | If applicable, select the reason the decision was late. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECLateRea | 2 | Special Education Students |
Late Reason of Other - Explanation | If the decision was late due to a reason that is not listed above, please describe. | [S_ID_STU_X]ECLROther | 250 | Special Education Students |
Editing Immigrant and LEP InformationState/Province – Idaho > Immigrant and LEP Information | ||||
Is Immigrant | Select Yes or No if the student is an immigrant. | [S_ID_STU_X]Immigrant | 1 | Student Demographics |
Immigrant US Entry Date | Enter the date the student entered the US. | [S_ID_STU_X]ImmigrantEntry | 10 | Student Demographics |
Home Country Code | Select the appropriate home country code for the student. Note: Start typing to search by country or code description. | [S_ID_STU_X]Country | 2 | Student Demographics |
EL Entry Date | Enter the student’s first entry date into the EL program. Note: This field is only used as an override. The report will calculate the student’s first entry date into EL from the EL program enrollments if this field is blank. | [S_ID_STU_X]LEPEntDate | 10 | Student Demographics |
EL Exit Date | Enter the student’s last day in the EL program. Note: This field is only used as an override. The report will calculate the student’s last day in EL from the EL program enrollments if this field is blank. | [S_ID_STU_X]LEPExitDate | 10 | Student Demographics |
Editing Civil Rights Data CollectionState/Province – Idaho > Civil Rights Data Collection | ||||
Exclude Student from CRDC | Check box to exclude student from CRDC reporting. Note: This will NOT exclude the student from ISEE reporting. | [S_STU_CRDC_X]ExcludeFromCRDC_TF | N/A | Civil Rights Data Collection |
Adding Course Enrollment DataState/Province – Idaho > Course Enrollment Data | ||||
Course Exit Reason | Select the course exit reason. Valid values:
Note: The Course Exit Reason field only needs to be set if the student’s course enrollments do not fit a scenario outlined in Student Course Enrollment report – Course Exit Reason Logic. | [S_ID_CC_X]CourseExitReason | 2 | |
Dual Credit | The course’s dual credit status. | [S_ID_CRS_X]DualCredit | 1 | |
$ per credit paid for class | Enter the dollar amount per credit that was paid for the class. | [S_ID_CC_X]AmtCredit | 2 | |
College Credit Issued | Select Yes or No if college credit was awarded for the class. | [S_ID_CC_X]CCIssued | 1 | |
Credit Recovery | An indicator of whether the school has any students who participate in at least one credit recovery program. | [S_ID_CRS_X]creditrecovery | 5 | |
Verifying AttendanceAttendance | ||||
Attendance | Verify that attendance data is entered for the student. | [Attendance]Code_ID | N/A | Student Attendance |
Entering Stored Grade InformationHistorical Grades > Edit/New Stored Grade | ||||
School | Enter the school associated with this historical grade. | [StoredGrades]SchoolName | N/A | N/A |
School year (Term) | Enter the TermID associated with this historical grade. | [StoredGrades]TermID | N/A | N/A |
Store code | Enter the store code associated with this historical grade. | [StoredGrades]StoreCode | N/A | N/A |
Hist. grade level | Enter the grade level associated with this historical grade. | [StoredGrades]Grade_Level | N/A | N/A |
Course Number – Section Number | Enter the course and section number associated with this historical grade. The Basic Transcript report references the course number, but no the section ID. | [StoredGrades]Course_Number [StoredGrades]SectionID | N/A | N/A |
Course Name | Enter the course name for this historical grade. | [StoredGrades]Course_Name | N/A | N/A |
Grade | Enter the alpha grade value for this historical grade. | [StoredGrades]Grade | N/A | Student Course Enrollment |
GPA Points | Enter the GPA points associated with this grade. | [StoredGrades]GPA_Points | N/A | N/A |
Earned Credit Hours | Enter the earned credit hours awarded for this historical grade. | [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs | N/A | Student Course Enrollment |
Potential Credit Hours | Enter the potential credit hours for this historical grade. | [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs | N/A | Student Course Enrollment |
Exclude from GPA? | Choose Include or Exclude to determine whether this historical grade is included in GPA calculations. | [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromGPA | N/A | N/A |
Editing Test Score InformationTest Scores > Edit/New Test | ||||
Test | Choose the appropriate test from the “Enter New Test” pop-up menu on the Test Scores page. The name of the test appears on the Edit/New Test page. Otherwise, click the name of an existing test record. | [StudentTest]TestID | N/A | N/A |
Date | Enter the date the test was taken. | [StudentTest]Test_Date | N/A | N/A |
Term | Choose the term associated with the test record from the pop-up menu. | [StudentTest]TermID | N/A | N/A |
Grade Level | Enter the grade level associated with this test record. | [StudentTest]Grade_Level | N/A | N/A |
Number | Enter the numeric score. The numeric score is reported on the Basic Transcript for the ACT, SAT, ISAT and IAA tests. | [StudentTestScore]NumScore | N/A | N/A |
Percent | Enter the percent score, if applicable. | [StudentTestScore]PercentScore | N/A | Not Reported |
Alpha | Enter the alpha score, if applicable. | [StudentTestScore]AlphaScore | N/A | Not Reported |
Defining Student Lunch StatusLunch | ||||
Lunch Status | Choose the student’s lunch status from the pop-up menu. See the Appendix for valid values. | [Students]LunchStatus | N/A | ISAT IRI Student Demographics |
Household Survey | Choose the status of the student's household survey from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]HouseholdSurvey [S_ID_REN_X]HouseholdSurvey | 1 | ISAT IRI Student Demographics |
Viewing Discipline IncidentsIncidents | ||||
Incident List | Discipline Incidents that involve the selected student can be viewed on this page. Note: It is recommended to create discipline incidents at the school or district level. See Incident Setup for more information. | N/A | N/A | SDFS Incident Tracking |
Verifying Enrollment InformationAll Enrollments | ||||
Course | Information about the class of enrollment. Format: COURSENAME (COURSENUMBER.SECTIONNUMBER) | [Courses]Course_Name [CC]Course_Number [Sections]Section_Number | N/A | Student Course Enrollment Staff Assignments ISAT IRI |
Enroll Date | Enter the enroll date. | [CC]DateEnrolled | 10 | Student Course Enrollment IRI |
Exit Date | Enter the exit date. | [CC]DateLeft | 10 | Student Course Enrollment IRI |
Course Exit Reason | Select the course exit reason. Valid values:
Note: The Course Exit Reason field only needs to be set if the student’s course enrollments do not fit a scenario outlined in Student Course Enrollment report – Course Exit Reason Logic. | [S_ID_CC_X]CourseExitReason | 2 | Student Course Enrollment |
$ per credit paid for class | Enter the dollar amount per credit that was paid for the class. | [S_ID_CC_X]AmtCredit | 2 | Student Course Enrollment |
College Credit Issued | Select Yes or No if college credit was awarded for the class. | [S_ID_CC_X]CCIssued | 1 | Student Course Enrollment |
College Issuing Credit | Enter the College ID of the college issuing the credit. | [S_ID_CC_X]CollegeID | 5 | Student Course Enrollment |
Entering Certification Examinations Attempts and ResultsAll Enrollments > Certification Examinations Attempts/Results (New/Edit) | ||||
Certification Examination ID | The ID of the exam the student took. | [S_ID_CC_ExamCert_C]examID | 10 | Student Course Enrollment |
Certification Examination Date | The date the exam was taken. Note: The report will use date, and the report start and end dates, to determine which result records to extract. | [S_ID_CC_ExamCert_C]examDate | 10 | Student Course Enrollment |
Certification Examination Result | The result of the course certification examination. Note: If a result record already exists for a specific certification exam, and a new one is entered, the “Retaken” result options will be the only options that display. | [S_ID_CC_ExamCert_C]examResults | 2 | Student Course Enrollment |
Cerification Examination Cost Override | This field can be used to override the district level cost of this exam if the student paid a different amount than what is displayed. | [S_ID_CC_ExamCert_C]ExamCostOverride | 3 | Student Course Enrollment |
Special Programs | ||||
Entry Date | Enter the entry date for the special program. Notes:
| [SpEnrollments]Enter_Date | 10 | Student Demographics Special Education Students Gifted Students ISAT IRI |
Exit Date | Enter the exit date for the special program. Notes:
| [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date | 10 | Student Demographics Special Education Students Gifted Students ISAT IRI |
Exit Reason | Choose the reason the student exited the special program.
| [SpEnrollments]ExitCode | 2 | Special Education Students Gifted Students |
Grade Level | Enter the grade level for the special program. | [SpEnrollments]GradeLevel | N/A | Not Used |
Program | Choose the special program type from the pop-up menu. See the Special Program Names for valid program names and program names rules. | [SpEnrollments]ProgramID | N/A | Student Demographics Special Education Students ISAT IRI |
In District for Mathematics Assessment | If the student attends your district for Mathematics AND should be included in your districts Mathematics assessments, which assessment type? The student must be enrolled in a special program with a name that contains HMS. | [S_ID_SEN_X]MathematicsHS [SpEnrollments]ProgramID [Gen]Name | N/A | ISAT Student Demographics |
In District for English Language Arts Assessment | If the student attends your district for ELA AND should be included in your districts ELA assessments, which assessment type? The student must be enrolled in a special program with a name that contains HMS. | [S_ID_SEN_X]LanguageHS [SpEnrollments]ProgramID [Gen]Name | N/A | ISAT Student Demographics |
In District for Science Assessment | If the student attends your district for Science AND should be included in your districts Science assessments, which assessment type? The student must be enrolled in a special program with a name that contains HMS. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ScienceHS [SpEnrollments]ProgramID [Gen]Name | N/A | ISAT Student Demographics |
Defining Special Programs | ||||
Defining Student Settings Export InformationSpecial Programs > Student Settings Export Note: The Student Setting Export extract (to be released in March of 2016) will be programmed to look at students with SPED and 504 active program records. A new program type with “SSE – “ in the first part of the program name (“SSE – Student Settings Export” for example) will be required for students who are not in either of theseprograms. If a student has more than one active enrollment, for the above mentioned programs (SPED, 504, or SSE), the extract will look for the SSE data in the following order:
| ||||
Print Size | Student’s print-size accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]PrintSizeELA [S_ID_SEN_X]PrintSizeELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]PrintSizeMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Color Contrast | Color of text and background for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ColorContELA [S_ID_SEN_X]ColorContELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]ColorContMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Masking | Allows masking for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]MaskingELA [S_ID_SEN_X]MaskingELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]MaskingMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Permissive Mode | Permissive mode setting for tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]PermModeELA [S_ID_SEN_X]PermModeELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]PermModeMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Streamlined Mode | Streamlined interface setting for tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]StreamModeELA [S_ID_SEN_X]StreamModeELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]StreamModeMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Text-To-Speech | Student’s text-to-speech accommodation for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]TTSELA [S_ID_SEN_X]TTSELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]TTSMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Language | Language in which the tests in the indicated subject appear. | [S_ID_SEN_X]LangELA [S_ID_SEN_X]LangELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]LangMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
ASL | Indicates if the American Sign Language videos accommodation is available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ASLELA [S_ID_SEN_X]ASLELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]ASLMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Translation (Glossary) | Indicates which glossary, if any, is available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_X]TransELA [S_ID_SEN_X]TransELAPT [S_ID_SEN_X]TransMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Closed Captioning: ELA | Indicates if Closed Captioning is available for ELA tests. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ClosedCapELA | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Editing Non-Embedded Supports, Accommodations, and Print on Demand InformationSpecial Programs > Student Settings Export > Non-Embedded Supports, Accommodations, and Print on Demand Data entered here is saved to the S_ID_SEN_SSE_C table extension | ||||
Non-Embedded Designated Supports | Indicates which nonembedded designated supports are available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C] sse_NonEmbDesSupportsELA [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C] sse_NonEmbDesSupportsELAPT [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C] sse_NonEmbDesSupportsMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Non-Embedded Accommodations | Indicates which nonembedded designated supports are available for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]sse_NonEmbAccomELA [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]sse_NonEmbAccomELAPT [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]sse_NonEmbAccomMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Print on Demand | Indicates students can print a copy of test questions for all tests in the indicated subject. | [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]sse_PoDELA [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]sse_PoDELA [S_ID_SEN_SSE_C]sse_PoDMath | 40 | Student Settings Export |
Primary Exceptionality | Select the primary exceptionality type. Note: Set Exceptionality flag if Program = SPE. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Exceptionality | 2 | Special Education Students |
Tested – Ineligible for Special Education | Check the box if the student was tested and found ineligible for Special Education. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Tested_Ineligible | 1 | Student Demographics Special Education Students |
Early Childhood Referred by DHW | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the child was referred by the Department of Health and Welfare Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECRefAgency | 10 | Special Education Students |
EC Eligibility Decision Timeliness (Made prior to third birthday?) | Was the student’s early childhood eligibility decided before their third birthday? Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECDecTim | 1 | Special Education Students |
Eligibility Determination - Number of Days Late | If applicable, enter the number of days the decision was late. | [S_ID_STU_X]ECDecLate | 3 | Special Education Students |
Eligibility Determination Late Reason | If applicable, select the reason the decision was late. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECLateRea | 2 | Special Education Students |
Late Reason of Other - Explanation | If the decision was late due to a reason that is not listed above, please describe. | [S_ID_STU_X]ECLROther | 250 | Special Education Students |
Active IEP Date* | Enter the date the student’s current IEP became active. | [S_ID_SEN_X]IEPDate | 10 | Special Education Students |
60-day timeline compliant? * | Select Yes or No if the determination for special education was completed in 60 days. | [S_ID_SEN_X]SixtyDTLine | 1 | Special Education Students |
Days Late | If determination was not completed within the required 60-day timeline, indicate the number of days late. | [S_ID_SEN_X]DaysLate | 4 | Special Education Students |
Late Determination Reason | The reason the determination was late. Valid values:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]LDRea | 2 | Special Education Students |
If late due to State Exception Rule | Explanation for choosing "SE" as the reason determination was late. Valid values:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]ExRule | 2 | Special Education Students |
SPED Eligibility* | Select Eligible or Not Eligible or Undetermined if the student was found eligible for special education services | [S_ID_SEN_X]SpedEligible | 1 | Special Education Students |
Undetermined Reason | Select the Reason for selecting undetermined for eligibility of special education services. Valid values:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]UndetRea | 2 | Special Education Students |
Initial Determination Date (Eligible or not) | Enter the date the student first qualified for SPED services. | [S_ID_SEN_X]IDSpedDate | 10 | Special Education Students |
Special Education Environment | Choose the environment type from the pop-up menu. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Environment | 2 | Special Education Students |
Minutes Per Week: Enter Number of Minutes | Enter the total minutes per week for all services related to this program enrollment. | [S_ID_SEN_X]MinPerWeek | 4 | Special Education Students Gifted Students |
Service School ID: | Enter the service school ID. Note: Used only when services are provided at a different school. The School ID and name associated with the record display for reference purposes only. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ServiceSchoolID | 4 | Special Education Students Gifted Students |
Case Manager: Idaho Staff ID | Enter the Idaho staff ID of the case manager. Note: If the case manager is a contractor, or someone that is not directly employed by your district, enter the ID of the district employee that will be overseeing the contractor. | [S_ID_SEN_X]CaseManager | 10 | Special Education Students |
First Identified as Gifted/Talented* | Enter the date the student was first identified as Gifted/Talented | [S_ID_SEN_X]GTIdDate | 10 | Gifted Students |
Gifted and Talented: Academically Gifted | Choose Yes or No to indicate the gifted status. Note: Default value is No. | [S_ID_SEN_X]GTIdDate | 1 | Gifted Students |
Gifted and Talented: Creatively Gifted | Choose Yes or No to indicate the gifted status. Note: Default value is No. | [S_ID_SEN_X]CreativeGift | 1 | Gifted Students |
Gifted and Talented: Intellectually Gifted | Choose Yes or No to indicate the gifted status. Note: Default value is No. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Intellectualgift | 1 | Gifted Students |
Gifted and Talented: Leadership Gifted | Choose Yes or No to indicate the gifted status. Note: Default value is No. | [S_ID_SEN_X]LeadershipGift | 1 | Gifted Students |
Gifted and Talented: Visual/Performing Arts Gifted | Choose Yes or No to indicate the gifted status. Note: Default value is No. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ArtsGift | 1 | Gifted Students |
EL Status | Choose the student’s English language learner status from the pop-up menu. Note: This field is required if the special program is LEP. Valid values:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]LEPStatus | 1 | Student Demographics ISAT |
EL Language | Choose the EL student’s language spoken at home from the pop-up menu. Note: This field is required if the special program is LEP. | [S_ID_SEN_X]LEPLanguage | 3 | Student Demographics |
If homeless, is an unaccompanied youth | If the student is homeless, select Yes or No if they are an unaccompanied youth. | [S_ID_SEN_X]HomelessUAY | 1 | Student Demographics |
Homeless Residence | Choose the homeless student’s residence status from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]HomelessResidence | 1 | Student Demographics |
Reading Home School | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether the student is home schooled in reading. The student must be enrolled in a special program with a name that contains HMS. | [S_ID_SEN_X]ReadingHS [SpEnrollments]ProgramID [Gen]Name | N/A | ISAT |
Exceptionality 2 | Select any additional exceptionality types. Note: Set Exceptionality flag if Program = SPE. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Exceptionality2 | 2 | No longer Used |
Exceptionality 3 | Select any additional exceptionality types. Note: Set Exceptionality flag if Program = SPE. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Exceptionality3 | 2 | No longer Used |
Exceptionality 4 | Select any additional exceptionality types. Note: Set Exceptionality flag if Program = SPE. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Exceptionality4 | 2 | No longer Used |
Exceptionality 5 | Select any additional exceptionality types. Note: Set Exceptionality flag if Program = SPE. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Exceptionality5 | 2 | No longer Used |
Referred to the Infant Toddler Program by DHW | Choose Yes or No to indicate if the child was referred by the Department of Health and Welfare Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECRefAgency | 3 | No Longer Used |
Early Childhood Eligibility Decision | Select the student early childhood eligibility. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]ECEligDec | 1 | No Longer Used |
Related Service Special Education | Select the related or ancillary service type. Up to 10 related service types can be selected for a student. Note: This field is required if the special program is SPE. See the Appendix for valid values. | [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ1 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ2 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ3 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ4 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ5 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ6 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ7 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ8 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ9 [S_ID_SEN_X]relServ10 | 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 | Special Education Students |
Alternately Assessed | Check the box for each subject the student is eligible to take the ISAT Alternate Assessment for. Note: These fields only need to be populated if the program enrollment is for one of the following programs:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]LanguageAA [S_ID_SEN_X]ReadingAA [S_ID_SEN_X]MathAA [S_ID_SEN_X]ScienceAA | N/A | ISAT Student Demographics |
Accommodation 1 Form | Select the type of form to be used by the student as a type of accommodation for each respective subject assessment. Note: These fields only need to be populated if the program enrollment is for one of the following programs:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]LanguageFormAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]ReadingFormAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]MathFormAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]ScienceFormAcmd | N/A | ISAT Student Demographics |
Additional Accommodation(s) | Check the box if the student is approved for and uses accommodations for each respective subject other than form accommodation or LEP student dictionary use. Note: These fields only need to be populated if the program enrollment is for one of the following programs:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]LanguageOtherAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]ReadingOtherAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]MathOtherAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]ScienceOtherAcmd | N/A | ISAT Student Demographics |
LEP Only: Word-for-Word Dictionary | Check the box if the Limited English Proficient student used a word-for-word dictionary for each respective subject. Note: These fields only need to be populated if the program enrollment is for one of the following programs:
| [S_ID_SEN_X]LanguageDictAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]ReadingDictAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]MathDictAcmd [S_ID_SEN_X]ScienceDictAcmd | N/A | ISAT Student Demographics |
Adaptation | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate the student’s reading adaptation status. | [S_ID_SEN_X]Adapt | N/A | ISAT Student Demographics |
Editing Current/Previous EnrollmentsTransfer Information | ||||
Entry Date | Enter the entry date for the school enrollment. Note: The date is the first day of school enrollment. | [Students]EntryDate [ReEnrollments]EntryDate | 10 | Student Demographics Student Attendance Immunization ISAT |
Entry Code | Choose the entry code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: You must choose an entry code for all school enrollments. | [Students]EntryCode [ReEnrollments]EntryCode | 2 | Student Demographics |
Exit Date | Enter the exit date for the school enrollment. Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY Note: The date is the day after the last day of school enrollment, even if that day occurs during a weekend. | [Students]ExitDate [ReEnrollments]ExitDate | 10 | Student Demographics Student Attendance Immunization ISAT |
Exit Code | Choose the exit code for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. Note: You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past. | [Students]ExitCode [ReEnrollments]ExitCode | 2 | Student Demographics |
Full-Time Equivalency | Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]FTEID [ReEnrollments]FTEID | N/A | Required Setup |
Grade Level | Choose the grade level for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]Grade_Level [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level | 2 | SDFS Incident Tracking Student Demographics Student Attendance Immunization ISAT IRI |
Track | Choose track for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]Track [ReEnrollments]Track | N/A | Required for schools that used tracks |
District of Residence | Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment from the pop-up menu. | [Students]DistrictOfResidence [ReEnrollments]DistrictOfResidence | N/A | Required Setup |
Exclude this student from state reporting? | Select the checkbox to exclude the student from the reports listed in the “Used in these Reports” column. This field can also be populated on the Idaho Student Information page. | [Students]State_ExcludefromReporting [ReEnrollments]State_ExcludefromReporting | 1 | Student Demographics Student Attendance Student Course Enrollment Gifted Students Special Education Students Immunization ISAT |
Exclude this student from enrollment reporting? | Select the checkbox to exclude the student’s current school enrollment and related records from the reports listed in the “Used in these Reports” column. This field can also be populated on the Idaho Student Information page. | [S_ID_STU_X]ExcludeStudEnrlReporting [S_ID_REN_X]ExcludeStudEnrlReporting | 1 | Student Demographics Student Attendance Student Course Enrollment Gifted Students |
District CalendarID | Choose the type of district calendar for the student. Note: Required only for Kindergarten or Alternative students who do not follow the school’s default district calendar. | [S_ID_STU_X]CalendarID [S_ID_REN_X]CalendarID | 10 | Student Attendance |
Resident School ID | If desired, enter the resident school ID as an override field for resSchoolID on the Special Education Students template. | [S_ID_STU_X]ResSchoolID [S_ID_REN_X]ResSchoolID | 4 | Special Education Students |
Base School ID | The school ID. Note: This field is required only as an override when the student’s base school is not their currently enrolled school. | [S_ID_STU_X]BaseSchoolID [S_ID_REN_X]BaseSchoolID | 4 | Student Demographics |
Private or Home Schooled | Indicate whether the student is private or home schooled. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]PH_Code [S_ID_REN_X]PH_Code | 1 | Student Demographics |
Report this student as a "No Grade" student | Check the box if the student is to be reported as a “No Grade” (NG) student. | [S_ID_STU_X]No_Grade [S_ID_REN_X]No_Grade | 1 | Student Demographics |
Exit Code Mass Population Flag | Indicates the student’s exit code was set using the Student Exit Code Mass Population Report. | [S_ID_STU_X]ExitCode_Set_Date | 10 | N/A |
Household Survey | Choose the status of the student's household survey from the pop-up menu. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]HouseholdSurvey [S_ID_REN_X]HouseholdSurvey | 1 | ISAT IRI Student Demographics |
Open Enrolled | Select to indicate if the student is open enrolled. Valid values:
| [S_ID_STU_X]OpenEnrolled [S_ID_REN_X]OpenEnrolled | 3 | Student Demographics |
On School Grounds | Select Yes or No to indicate whether the current year enrolled K-12 students received majority of their instruction at a physical facility owned or leased by the reporting LEA. Valid values:
| [S_ID_REN_X]ON_SCH_GROUNDS | 1 | Student Demographics |
Entering At-Risk Indicators InformationTransfer Information > At-Risk Indicators | ||||
At-Risk Indicators | Click on the At-Risk Indicator to indicate the student belongs in At-Risk Behavior Group A (indicators A-F) and/or B (indicators G-M) For a list of at-risk indicators, see the Appendix. | [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskA [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskB [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskC [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskD [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskE [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskF [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskG [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskH [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskI [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskJ [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskK [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskL [S_ID_STU_X]atRiskM [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskA [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskB [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskC [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskD [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskE [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskF [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskG [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskH [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskI [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskJ [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskK [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskL [S_ID_REN_X]atRiskM | Boolean | Student Demographics |
Viewing Deprecated FieldsDeprecated Fields | ||||
Kindergarten Schedule Code | Choose the type of Kindergarten schedule. See the Appendix for valid values. Note: Only for Kindergarten students. | [S_ID_DistrictCalendar_S]kSessionType | 1 | No longer used |
Current CMDA Date* | Enter the date the latest CMDA was administered and completed. | [S_ID_SEN_X]CMDADate | 10 | Special Education Students |
Conditional Vaccinations | Select the checkbox to indicate the type of vaccination completed for student. Valid values:
Required if the Student Conditionally Admitted option is checked. | [S_ID_STU_X]IMM_Conditional_DTap [S_ID_STU_X]IMM_Conditional_Polio [S_ID_STU_X]IMM_Conditional_MMR [S_ID_STU_X]IMM_Conditional_HepB [S_ID_STU_X]IMM_Conditional_VAR [S_ID_STU_X]IMM_Conditional_HepA [S_ID_STU_X]IMM_Conditional_Men | 1 | Immunization |
DTP Dates | Enter the dates the student received the dtp vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]dtp1 [S_ID_STU_X]dtp2 [S_ID_STU_X]dtp3 [S_ID_STU_X]dtp4 [S_ID_STU_X]dtp5 | N/A | No Longer Used |
DTP Status | Select the student’s dtp vaccination status. | [S_ID_STU_X]dtp | N/A | Immunization (Deprecated) |
Td/Tdap Dates | Enter the dates the student received the td/tdap vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]td1 [S_ID_STU_X]td2 [S_ID_STU_X]td3 [S_ID_STU_X]td4 [S_ID_STU_X]td5 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Td/Tdap Status | Select the student’s td/tdap vaccination status. | [S_ID_STU_X]td | N/A | Immunization (Deprecated) |
Polio Dates | Enter the dates the student received the polio vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]Polio1 [S_ID_STU_X]Polio2 [S_ID_STU_X]Polio3 [S_ID_STU_X]Polio4 [S_ID_STU_X]Polio5 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Polio Status | Select the student’s polio vaccination status. | [S_ID_STU_X]Polio | N/A | Immunization (Deprecated) |
Measles, Mumps, Rubella Dates | Enter the dates the student received the mmr vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]mmr1 [S_ID_STU_X]mmr2 [S_ID_STU_X]mmr3 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Measles, Mumps, Rubella Status | Select the student’s MMR vaccination status. | [S_ID_STU_X]mmr | N/A | Immunization (Deprecated) |
HIB Dates | Enter the dates the student received the HIB vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]hib1 [S_ID_STU_X]hib2 [S_ID_STU_X]hib3 [S_ID_STU_X]hib4 | N/A | No Longer Used |
HIB Status | Select the student’s HIB vaccination status. | [S_ID_STU_X]hib | N/A | No Longer Used |
Hepatitis B Dates | Enter the dates the student received the hepatitis b vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]hepatitis1 [S_ID_STU_X]hepatitis2 [S_ID_STU_X]hepatitis3 [S_ID_STU_X]hepatitis4 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Hepatitis B Status | Select the student’s hepatitis B status | [S_ID_STU_X]hepatitis | N/A | Immunization (Deprecated) |
Varicella Dates | Enter the dates the student received the varicella (chicken pox) vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]var1 [S_ID_STU_X]var2 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Varicella Status | Select the student’s varicella (chicken pox) status. | [S_ID_STU_X]varicella | N/A | Immunization (Deprecated) |
Hepatitis A Dates | Enter the dates the student received the hepatitis A vaccination. | [S_ID_STU_X]hepatitis_a1 [S_ID_STU_X]hepatitis_a2 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Hepatitis A Vaccination Status | Select the student’s hepatitis A vaccination status. | [S_ID_STU_X]hepatitis_a | N/A | Immunization (Deprecated) |
Influenza | Enter the dates the student received the influenza vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]Inf1 [S_ID_STU_X]Inf2 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Pneumococcal Conjugate | Enter the dates the student received the pneumococcal conjugate vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]PVC1 [S_ID_STU_X]PVC2 [S_ID_STU_X]PVC3 [S_ID_STU_X]PVC4 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Meningococcal | Enter the dates the student received the meningococcal vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]PPV1 [S_ID_STU_X]PPV2 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Date re-entering the U.S. if gone for more than 1 year | Enter the date the student re-entered the U.S. if they left for more than one year. | [S_ID_STU_X]DateOfEntryIntoUSA | N/A | No Longer Used |
TB Dates | Enter the dates the student received the tuberculosis vaccinations. | [S_ID_STU_X]tb1 [S_ID_STU_X]tb2 [S_ID_STU_X]tb3 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Other Optional Tests | Enter any other test information for the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]med_other1 [S_ID_STU_X]med_other2 [S_ID_STU_X]med_other3 [S_ID_STU_X]med_other4 [S_ID_STU_X]med_other5 | N/A | No Longer Used |
Allergies | Enter any known allergies for the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]allergies | N/A | No Longer Used |
Other Medical Information | Enter any pertinent medical information for the student. | [S_ID_STU_X]Medical_Considerations | N/A | No Longer Used |
Hearing Test Data | Enter the student’s necessary hearing exam information. | [S_ID_STU_X]hearing_data | N/A | No Longer Used |
Eye Exam Data | Enter the student’s necessary eye exam information. | [S_ID_STU_X]eye_data | N/A | No Longer Used |
Weight Data | Enter the student’s weight. | [S_ID_STU_X]weight_data | N/A | No Longer Used |
Height Data | Enter the student’s height. | [S_ID_STU_X]height_data | N/A | No Longer Used |