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The Transports settings control how the Agent communicates with the Zone Integration Server over the HTTP or HTTPS transport protocols.
Note: For additional information on configuring HTTPS and using the Certificate Manager, refer to the Security section of this guide.


Choose the networking protocol to communicate with the Zone Integration Server when the Agent is running in Push mode. (In Pull mode, the protocol setting is used; however, the port setting is not used.) The default is HTTP. When the Agent starts up, it will establish a networking socket on the specified port to "listen" for incoming messages sent by the Zone Integration Server.
Note: The protocol chosen here must match the protocol used in the Zone URL field of each Zone. In other words, you cannot send messages to the ZIS over HTTPS but configure the Transports settings to receive messages over HTTP. The protocols must match.


This is the port the Agent will listen on for incoming HTTP traffic when the Protocol field is set to HTTP. The factory default is 60032. Change the port number only if another application on the computer is already using this port.


This is the port the Agent will listen on for incoming HTTPS traffic when the Protocol field is set to HTTPS. The factory default is 60033. Change the port number only if another application on the computer is already using this port.

Certificate Manager

From the Certificate Manager, view or select Agent and Server certificates to be trusted by the Zone Integration Server.
Note: For detailed instructions on importing Agent and Server security certificates, consult the Security section of this guide.

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