This group of settings controls the volume and level of diagnostic information written to the Agent and Zone logs. Log files are found in the Agent's "logs" sub-directory.
The Scope tab includes options for settings for the scope of diagnostic logging; SIF message logging; and low-level diagnostics.
These checkboxes control how much information is written to the log files. Simply check the box beside the information you want the log to include.
SIF Message Logging
This setting controls how much if any low-level SIF Messaging activity is written to the log files, independent of any PowerSchool-related activity. Experiment with these settings to determine how much logging is desired. For example, if you're interested in viewing the actual SIF infrastructure messages that are exchanged between the Agent and Zone Integration Server, choose the "4-Detailed" level or higher. If you're only interested in seeing the SIF message identifiers but not the actual payload of each message, decrease the logging level to "2-Moderate". To view all SIF activity logging, choose "6-All".
Low-Level Diagnostics
Use these checkboxes to choose the types of PowerSchool-related activities that will be written to the log files. For example, to view details about each change captured in the PowerSchool database whenever the Agent reports a SIF Event, check the "Log Event Reporting" and "Log Event Reporting Details" check boxes.
Note: The "Log Event Reporting Details" setting is considered a diagnostic log level, so "Diagnostics" must also be checked at the top of the page.
The default settings for each of these sections is:
Logging Setting | Default |
Errors | √ |
Info | √ |
Warnings | √ |
Diagnostics | √ |
SIF Message Logging | (Set to 6) |
Log database transactions | √ |
Log object and field mappings | √ |
Log Event Reporting | √ |
Log Event Reporting diagnostic information | √ |
Output Tab
The Logging > Output tab includes options for the management of log files.
Log to System Console / Files
Choose options for logging SIF messaging to the System Console and/or to designated files.
Roll Files by Size
Choose the maximum file count and size.
Roll Files by Date
Choose to roll files hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.
Server Log
The Logging > Server Log provides the option of reporting SIF_LogEntry events to zones.
SIF_LogEntry Support
Enables or disables the Agent's ability to report SIF_LogEntry events to the Zone's log.
Message Tracing
The Logging > Message Tracing tab provides options for enabling/disabling synchronization of message tracing, and archiving prior synchronizations.
Enables the Agent to write out and/or archive SIF responses received during synchronization. PowerSchool Support reviews these message tracing files to diagnose synchronization problems.
Archiving Prior Traces
Determines the number of prior synchronizations that will be archived.