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Student Grade (SG) Table Import File Layout

To import historical grade records in to the StoredGrades table, you must create a tab-delimited file with the following column headers and field sequence. It is necessary to delete fields from the Stored Grade report text file to complete the import.

You must run the Stored Grades report to create an extract file for import. The Stored Grades DCID field is required for the import. You must modify the file layout with the information to be imported. The existing data in the fields is lost if a file is imported with missing information in any of the custom fields.

Column Header


Related PowerSchool Field


Record Identifier for the record. DO NOT MODIFY



Verified credits earned by the student for this course.



Value should be 1 if this course is a substitute credit course or 0 if this course is not a substitute credit course.



Value should be 1 if this is a distance learning course or 0 if this course is not a distance learning course.



Value should be 1 if this is a dual enrollment course or 0 if this course is not a dual enrollment course.



Value should be 1 if this is an advanced placement course or 0 if this course is not an advanced placement course.



Value should be 1 if this is an accelerated course or 0 if this course is not an accelerated course.



Value should be 1 if this is an honors course or 0 if this course is not an honors course.



Value should be 1 if this is an International Baccalaureate course or 0 if this course is not an International Baccalaureate course.



School ID for a course taken in another district.



NCES course number for a course taken at another district.


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