Staff Setup
To complete the tasks required for Staff Setup, you must have the permissions to work with school or district-level data. For further information, see Help > System Help > Sign In to PowerSchool.
To enter staff member information:
To add a new staff member, on the Start Page in the left panel, click New Staff Entry. The New Staff Member page appears.
To open an existing staff member page, click the Staff tab and search for the staff member.
If the Select A Staff Member page appears, choose a staff member from the list. The Staff page appears.
Note: The following information describes the setup required for Virginia State Reporting. For information about general staff setup, see Help > System Help.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table] Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Adding Staff Member InformationStaff > Information | ||||
Name (Last, First MI) | Enter the staff member’s name. Note: Use the format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName | [Users]LastFirst [Users]Last_Name [Users]First_Name [Users]Middle_Name | 40 20 20 15 | SOL Student Data Upload Master Schedule Collection SRI Report SRI Exclusion |
Title | Enter the title that precedes the teacher’s name. Examples include Mr., Mrs., Dr., and Ms. | [Users]Title | 10 | |
Gender | Choose the staff member’s gender. Valid values:
| [UsersCoreFields]Gender | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
Ethnicity: Is the staff member Hispanic or Latino? | Chose Yes or No to indicate if the staff member’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino. | [Users]FedEthnicity | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
Race: What is the staff members race? | Select the checkbox for the appropriate federal race category. | [TeacherRace]RacecdRaceCD | 20 | Master Schedule Collection |
Reporting Ethnicity | Select the race code previously assigned to this staff member. | [Users]Ethnicity | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
ID | Enter the teacher’s ID. | [Users]TeacherNumber | 20 | Master Schedule Collection |
StatePrid | Enter the teacher or administrator’s state license number in 9999-99999999999 format. This number consists of the following separated by a hyphen (-):
The prefix and license number are extracted individually on the Master Schedule Collection extract. | [Users]SIF_StatePrid | 16 | Master Schedule Collection SRI Report SRI Exclusion |
SSN | Enter the staff member’s social security number. | [Users]SSN | 9 | Master Schedule Collection |
DOB | Enter the staff member’s date of birth in the format MM/DD/YYYY. | [UsersCoreFields]DOB | 10 | Master Schedule Collection |
Staff Status | Choose the staff status from the pop-up menu. This value must be Teacher for the staff member to be included in the Master Schedule Collection. | [SchoolStaff]StaffStatus | N/A | Master Schedule Collection |
Status | Choose the teacher’s employment status from the pop-up menu. This value must be Current for the Master Schedule Collection. | [Users]Status | N/A | Master Schedule Collection |
Exclude teacher from Master Schedule Collection | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether to exclude this staff member record from the Master Schedule Collection extract. Note: If the teacher is no longer active but needs to be included in the MSC this flag must be set to Yes, then turned back to No after the MSC has been run. | [S_VA_USR_X]Exclude_From_MSC_TF | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
Requirements for B Records- IPAL | ||||
Exclude this teacher from B Records | Set to Yes to exclude teacher that should not be included in the MSC B Records. | [S_VA_USR_X]MSC_Exclude_B_Records_TF | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
First Year Teacher Flag | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether this current year is the first year the teacher has ever taught in any capacity. | [S_VA_USR_X]First_Year_Teacher_Flag | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
Full Time Equivalent (FTE) | Enter the staff member’s full time equivalency value in 9.99 format. | [S_VA_USR_X]FTE | 3 | Master Schedule Collection |
Title I Funded Position | Choose Yes from the pop-up menu if this staff member’s position is funded by the Title 1 program. | [S_VA_USR_X]TitleI_Funded_Position_TF | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
Teacher Division Experience | Enter the number of completed years of experience as a teacher in the current school division. If the teacher is in the first year of teaching, this number should be zero. If the individual has not completed a full year of teaching as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]VA_division_exp | 2 | Master Schedule Collection |
Teacher Years’ Experience | Enter the number of completed years of experience as a teacher in any public, private, or out of state school. If the teacher is in the first year of teaching, this number should be zero. If the individual has not completed a full year of teaching as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]VA_total_exp | 2 | Master Schedule Collection |
Administrative Division Experience | Enter the number of completed years as an administrator in the current school division. If the administrator is in the first year of administration, this number should be zero. If the individual has not completed a full year in administration as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]VA_ad_division_exp | 2 | Master Schedule Collection |
Administrative Years’ Experience | Enter the total number of completed years as an administrator in any public, private, or out of state school. If the administrator is in the first year of administration, this number should be zero. If the individual has not completed a full year in administration as of October 1 of the current schools year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]VA_ad_total_exp | 2 | Master Schedule Collection |
Division Pupil Personnel Experience | Enter the number of completed years as pupil personnel in the current school division. If the individual has not completed a full year as pupil personnel as of October 1 of the current school year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]Division_Pupil_Exp_Comp | 2 | Master Schedule Collection |
Total Years Pupil Personnel Experience Completed | Enter the total number of completed years as pupil personnel in any public, private, or out of state school. If the individual has not completed a full year as pupil personnel as of October 1 of the current schools year, this number should be zero. | [S_VA_USR_X]Total_Pupil_Exp_Comp | 2 | Master Schedule Collection |
Requirements for G Records – Administrator | ||||
First Year Administrator Flag | Choose Yes or No from the pop-up menu to indicate whether this current year is the first year the administrator has worked as an administrator. | [S_VA_USR_X]First_Year_Admin_Flag | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
Administrator Role Code | Select from the drop-down menu the state required values. | [S_VA_USR_X]Admin_Role_Code | 1 | Master Schedule Collection |
State Assignment Code | Select the course code from list of assignment codes. | [S_VA_USR_X]State_Assignment_Code | 4 | Master Schedule Collection |
Requirements for J Records – Co-Op > New/Edit Notes:
| ||||
Start Date | Enter the start date for the teacher's co-op instruction in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Notes: Must not overlap an existing co-op instruction period. | [S_VA_SSF_COOP_C]StartDate | 10 | Master Schedule |
End Date | Enter the end date for the teacher's co-op instruction in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Note: Must not overlap an existing co-op instruction period. | [S_VA_SSF_COOP_C]EndDate | 10 | Master Schedule |
Average Minutes per Day Spent with Co-Op Students | Enter the average length in minutes of the teacher’s co-op periods. | [S_VA_SSF_COOP_C]Minutes | 3 | Master Schedule |
Discontinued Staff Data Elements Obsolete Requirements for B Records (IPAL Records) | ||||
Teacher Virginia Experience | Discontinued per VADOE | [Teachers]VA_exp | N/A | N/A |
High-Quality Professional Development | Discontinued per VADOE | [Teachers]VA_hq_prof_dev | N/A | N/A |
Obsolete Requirements for Master Schedule Collection G Records (Administrator Records) | ||||
Administrative Virginia Experience | Discontinued per VADOE | [Teachers]VA_ad_exp | N/A | N/A |