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School Setup


To complete the tasks required for School Setup, you must have the permissions to work with school-level data. For further information, see Help > System Help > Sign In to PowerSchool.

To navigate to the School Setup page:

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
  2. Choose a school. The school Start Page appears.
  3. Under Setup, click School. The School Setup page appears.

Note: The following information describes the setup required for Virginia State Reporting. For information about general school setup, see Help > System Help.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name


Used in these Reports

Entering Attendance Codes

School Setup > Attendance: Attendance Codes > New/Edit


Enter the attendance code abbreviation.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary


Enter the attendance code description.




Presence Status

Select Present or Absent as the presence status.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary


Enter the number of points associated with the attendance code – can be used to withhold credit when awarding grades.



Not Required

Teacher can assign

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether the teacher can assign the attendance code.




Earns ADA credit

Select whether the attendance code affects attendance calculation.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Counts toward membership

Select whether the attendance code affects membership calculation.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Sort Order

Choose the sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.




School Setup > Attendance: Attendance Code Categories > New/Edit

Note: Attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a specific school year; i.e. they are copied from year to year.

Three attendance code categories are included with PowerSchool by default (Excused, Tardy, Unexcused). Set up one additional attendance code category to track unexcused absences to be used with Attendance Tracking and Notification.


Enter the attendance code category abbreviation.

Note: Create a code category named UnexcusedT to be used for truant unexcused absences, and an additional code category to be used for local unexcused absences, UnexcusedA.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to SuperintendentStudent Attendance Summary


Enter UnexcusedT and UnexcuedA as the attendance code category

Note: UnexcusedT must be used for truant unexcused absences reported in the SRC.  UnexcusedA must be used for local absences.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary


Enter a description for the attendance code category.




Sort Order

Choose the sort order to determine where the attendance code category displays on the page.




Configuring Attendance Conversion Settings

School Setup > Attendance: Attendance Conversions > New/Edit


Enter the attendance conversion name.


Max 50

Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

(NONE)/Defined > Period-To-Day Attendance Conversion

Periods [Absent/Present]

The periods [absent/present] appear for the period-to-day attendance conversion for this FTE.

Note: The setting for choosing to count absent or present codes for period conversion is set on the Attendance Preferences page for the current school and year.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=periodDay



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Day Attendance Value

Enter the day attendance value for the period-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=periodDay



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

(NONE)/Defined > Code-To-Day Attendance Conversion

Define code-to-day attendance conversions for “Name of Conversion” for FTE “Name of FTE”.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.


The code for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=codeDay



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Day Attendance Value

Enter the day attendance value for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=codeDay



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

(NONE)/Defined > Time

Define time-to-day attendance conversions for “Name of Conversion” for FTE “Name of FTE”.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

Minutes Present

Enter the minutes present for the time-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=timeDay



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to SuperintendentStudent Attendance Summary

Day Attendance Value

Enter the day attendance value for the time attendance conversion for the FTE.

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=timeDay



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Configuring Attendance Tracking and Notification - Attendance Mode

School Setup > Attendance: Attendance Tracking and Notification > Attendance Mode Setup > Edit/New

Only one tracking mode can be defined at a time.

Attendance Mode Value

Choose the attendance mode used as the default for your school:

  • MPTD Meeting Period to Day
  • MTTD – Meeting Time to Day
  • DCTD – Daily Code to Day
  • DTTD – Daily Time to Day

Note: If unsure of the default attendance mode at the school >Go To > School Setup > Full Time Equivalences (FTE) and make a note of the default attendance mode.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Configuring Attendance Tracking and Notification - Unexcused

School Setup > Attendance: Attendance Tracking and Notification > Unexcused Tracking Setup > Edit/New

Tracking Category

The Tracking Category displays "Unexcused". This field is read only.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Attendance Category

Choose the attendance code category dedicated to tracking unexcused absences; for example, UnexcusedA

Attendance code categories can be used only once; therefore, all attendance code categories set up for your school (with the exception of those codes already associated with an unexcused reporting category) are available from the dropdown list. A separate attendance code category should be set up for tracking unexcused absences using Attendance Tracking and Notification.





Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary


Select Absent to indicate that this unexcused tracking category is used to track absences.





Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

School Setup > Attendance: Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE)

Define student full-time equivalencies used when calculating ADA.

For more information, see the PowerSchool Help.


Enter the FTE name.


Max 80

Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Default Attendance Mode

Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Default Attendance Conversion

Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

School Setup > Attendance: Preferences

Attendance Recording Methods

Select the checkboxes for the type of attendance recorded at this school.






Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Count these codes for period conversion

Choose Absences or Presents] from the count these codes for period conversion pop-up menu.

Note: This option determines whether or not to count present or absent codes for period-to-day attendance conversions.




Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

School Setup > Calendaring: Bell Schedules > New/Edit


Enter the bell schedule name.


Max 50

Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Attendance Conversion Method

Choose the attendance conversion method for the bell schedule.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Bell Schedules > Edit Schedule > Edit Bell Schedule Item


Choose the period associated with the bell schedule item.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Start time

Enter the start time of the bell schedule item.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

End time

Enter the end time of the bell schedule item.

Note: Bell schedule items/period times must not overlap in the bell schedule.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Counts for ADA

Select the checkbox to include attendance recorded for the bell schedule item in attendance calculations.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Use for Daily Attendance

Select the checkbox if the bell schedule item is used to record daily attendance.


Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Default Time In

If the bell schedule item is used for Daily attendance, enter the default start time of the school day.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Default Time Out

If the bell schedule item is used for Daily attendance, enter the default end time of the school day.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

School Setup > Calendaring: Calendar Setup


The date is view-only on this page. The days included in the calendar are determined by the start date and end date of current school year.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary


Choose the appropriate cycle day.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary


Choose the appropriate bell schedule.



Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

In Session

Check the checkbox to count the calendar day in attendance calculation.


Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Memb Value

Enter the membership value for the calendar day to use when calculating membership.

Note: The value is normally 1 for each day.



Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Day Letter

The day letter is view-only on this page. To edit the number of days associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year.


Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Day Abbreviation

Enter the day abbreviation.




Day Name

Enter the day name.




School Setup > Scheduling: Periods

Period Number

The period number is view-only on this page. To edit the number of periods associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year.



Student Records Collection

Principal’s Report to Superintendent

Student Attendance Summary

Period Abbreviation

Enter the period abbreviation.




Period Name

Enter the period name.




Course Number

Enter the course number for the section.


Max 11

Student Records Collection


Select the meeting schedule for the section.


[Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID


Student Records Collection

Master Schedule Collection


Choose the term for the section.



Student Records Collection

Master Schedule Collection

Teacher - Section Lead

To choose the teacher for the section.Click Add and complete the fields.



Student Records Collection

Master Schedule Collection

Section Number

Enter the section number.


Max 10

Student Records Collection

Grade Level

Enter the grade level of students enrolled in this class.




Virginia State Information


Choose Yes if this section is a homeroom.



Student Record Collection

Include in 6-12 English Enrollment Report

Choose Yes or No as an override to the value set at the course level. The default value is Same as Course.



6-12 English Enrollment Report

Summer Course

If Section is taught during the summer, choose Yes. This will be indicated on the VA State Transcript and is used for the Summer MSC.



VA Transcript

Master Schedule Collection

CTE Indicator

Used to flag a course as CTE for both the MSC and the Industry Certification Reports.



Industry Certification

Master Schedule Collection

Virtual Course

If the section is an online course, choose the coordinator of the section.

Valid values:

  • [Default] - Same as Course
  • 1 - Virtual Only: School sponsored/coordinated
  • 2 - Virtual Only: Student coordinated
  • 3 - Blended Learning: A combination of virtual and face-to-face learning
  • 4 - Remote Learning that is NOT virtual



Master Schedule Collection

Interdisciplinary Flag

Interdisciplinary Section ID

Master Schedule Collection

Exclude section from Master Schedule Collection

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether to exclude this section from the Master Schedule Collection extract.



Master Schedule Collection

Teacher Role Code

Choose the code that describes the teacher’s role in this section.

See Teacher Role Code for valid values.



Master Schedule Collection

Defined Class Type

Choose a class type. This field is required if a Highly Qualified teacher teaches this section.

See Defined Class Type for valid values.



Master Schedule Collection

Dual Enrollment

Indicates whether the course is taken as a dual enrollment course.



Master Schedule Collection (F Records)

MSC Serving District Override

Use as an override for the serving district



Master Schedule Collection

Serving School Override

Use as an override for the serving school.



Master Schedule Collection

Worked Based Learning Code (All Courses)

"Work-based learning is defined as a coordinated, coherent sequence of career-development experiences, based on instructional preparation, related to students’ career interests or goals.

Choose. the appropriate values (All Courses)

See Work-Based Learning Codes for Values.



Master Schedule Collection

Governor’s Academy Code

Indicates whether the course taken is at a Governor's Academy.

Valid values:

  • S - Governor’s STEM Academies
  • H - Governor’s Health Sciences Academies



Master Schedule Collection

Semester Code (For Record C)

The calendar time during the school year that the current course is taken.


  • 1 - First Semester (Quarter 1 and/or Quarter 2)
  • 2 - Second Semester (Quarter 3 and/or Quarter 4)
  • 3 - Yearlong (Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3, and Qtr 4)
  • 4 - Summer school session



Master Schedule Collection

Minutes per course (For Record C)

 Total Minutes for Duration of Term [including passing time], e.g. 45 minutes, five days a week, 36 weeks = 8100. Enter only to override normal calculation which is derived from the Bell Schedules/Calendar.



Master Schedule Collection

CTE Connected Section ID (for Record I)

Enter the CTE "Connected Section ID Highest Level".

Note: Leave the Section ID for the CTE “Parent” Section blank.



Master Schedule Collection

Additional Staff Information
Additional Staff RecordsClick to enter additional staff for the Master Schedule Collection. For information about each field, see Additional Staff Records link > Enter Additional Staff.N/A

Local Provider ID

Use this field as an override for the lead teacher(s) assigned to the section. The locally defined identification number must be unique within the division (for example, employee ID, teacher ID, tax ID).

Do not use SSN for this ID.



Master Schedule Collections (E Records)

Local Provider Name

The name of the private education provider. Must be the name of a specific private school, contracting company, or unlicensed individual.



Master Schedule Collection (E records)

Local Provider Description

Choose a description of the services provided.

For valid values, see Local Provider Descriptions.



Master Schedule Collection (E Records)

Local Provider Override Lead

To use the local provider to override the lead teacher for the Master Schedule Collection or use the local provider as additional staff, choose an option.

Valid values:

  • 1 - Use Local Provider as OVERRIDE to Lead Teacher for MSC
  • 2 - Use Local Provider as Additional Staff for MSC (creates D and E records)
  • 3 - Use Local Provider as Additional Staff for MSC to create an E record only.
[S_VA_SEC_X]Local_Provider_Override_Lead10Master Schedule Collection (E Records)
Testing and Exams

SOL-SDU-Group Name

To use as an override, enter a group name; otherwise the Lead Teacher and Section Expression is extracted.


SOL- Student Data Collection

VGLA, VAAP, VSEP Student Data Upload

SOL-SDU-Group Code

If applicable, enter an SDU code to further identify or track group information.


SOL- Student Data Collection

VGLA, VAAP, VSEP Student Data Upload

Assign Associated Industry Credential Exams

Click to assign credential exams.

For instructions, see Associating Credential Exams with Courses and Sections


Assign SOL Tests

Click to assign SOL Tests.

For instructions, see Associating SOL, VAAP, VSEP Test with Courses and Sections


Additional Staff Records link > Enter Additional Staff

Additional Staff Member

Choose the name of the additional staff member.

Note: This is a required field. You cannot save the record unless there is a value in this field.



Master Schedule Collection

Teacher Role Code

Choose the role of the additional staff member.

See Teacher Role Code for valid values.



Master Schedule Collection

Defined Class Type

Choose the class type. This code is required if the staff member is flagged as highly qualified to teach this section.

See Defined Class Type for valid values.



Master Schedule Collection

Additional Staff Member for:

If the Teacher Role Code of 1, 4 or 7 has been defined then select students assigned to the additional staff member.



Master Schedule Collection

School Setup > Scheduling: Years & Terms > Edit/New Terms

Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.




Student Records Collection

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