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Mass Assign Academic Plan Courses to Students

The Mass Assign Academic Plan Courses to Students feature allows you to mass plan courses for a selected group of students. To verify the procedure after running the function, click through the selection of students to see their updated Academic Plan.

Function Parameters

To run this special function:

  1. Click School in the upper right-hand corner, and select a school. The school's Start Page appears.
  2. On the Start Page, choose a selection of students to which the changes apply.
  3. Click Special Functions. The Special Function page appears.
  4. Click Mass Assign Academic Plan Courses to Students. The function page appears.
  5. Enter information in all the required fields.
  6. Click Submit.
Academic PlanChoose a plan which has been set up at the District Office.
Primary Plan?

Choose one of the following to indicate whether this plan should override existing primary plans:

  • Make this Plan the Primary Plan only if no other Plan is set as Primary (don't override existing)
  • Make this Plan the Primary Plan no matter what (override any other Primary Plan)
  • Don't set Primary Plan value
Grade Level

Choose the grade level that applies to this plan.

Note: This grade level is not necessarily the grade level of students assigned to the course.

Subject Area

Choose the subject area for the course.

Note: Only subject areas that correspond to the Academic Plan selected above can be chosen.


Choose a course for the assignment.

Note: Only courses that correspond to the Academic Plan selected above can be chosen.

Overwrite options

Choose one of the following:

  • Overwrite existing course(s) with this course
  • Add this course if it doesn't exist
  • Remove this course if it exists.
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