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Adding Credential Exam Results to a Student



Once Credential Exams have been created, you can add credential exam results for students.

There are two methods for entering credential exam results for a student; you can enter a new credential exam result, or select a suggested exam from the student's enrollment history.

Entering a New Credential Exam Result

  1. On the Start page, search for and select a student.
  2. Click the State/Province - VA > CTE > CTECC tab. The CTECC Industry Certification page appears.
  3. In the Exam Name (Exam Code) field, search for a credential exam by entering in all or part of the credential exam name or code.
  4. Choose the applicable exam.
  5. Click the plus sign next to the exam.



    Exam Date

    Enter the date that the exam was taken- Required

    Exam Result

    Select either  Pass or Fail.

    Exam Cost

    If the credential exam (In District Setup) has a default exam cost, the value will be populated in the field. If blank enter the cost of the exam.

    Serving School

    Select the school that provided the exam.

    Credential Awarded

    Select the checkbox if a credential has been awarded

    Used for Verified Credit

    Select the checkbox if this exam counts towards a verified credit

    CTE COURSE CODE – Use this section to assign a CTE Course Code associated with the exam - required

    Student's Courses or Sections related to this Exam

    Based on the students class enrollments (previous and current), the pop-up menu will display courses or sections related to the exam that has been selected.

    All Courses Assigned to this Exam

    The pop-up menu will display all courses that have this exam assigned at the course level.

    Other CTE Courses

    The pop-up menu will display all courses that have designated as a CTE course (Vocational box checked on the edit courses page).

    CTE Course Code

    Auto populated based on the above three pop-up menu selections or the CTE Course Code can be manually entered. –required field.

    Exclude from State Reporting

    Select this box if the record should be excluded from state reporting- CTECC Industry Credential Report.

  6. Click Submit. The Credential Exam results appear on the page under the header 'Credential Exam Results'

Selecting a Suggested Exam from Student’s Enrollment History

  1. On the Start page, search for and select a student.
  2. Click the State/Province - VA > CTE > CTECC tab. The CTECC Industry Certification page appears.
  3. A list of exams associated with the student's previous and current class enrollments will be displayed.
  4. Click the Green Plus sign next to the desired Credential Exam where an exam result needs to be added. A dialog window opens to enter the details for the selected Credential Exam. For field descriptions, see above.
  5. Click Submit once the fields have been populated. The Credential Exam results will be displayed on the page under the header 'Credential Exam Results'

How to Edit or Delete Credential Exam Results

  1. In the Credential Exam Results section, click the pencil icon next to the exam record that needs to be edited or deleted.
    The details stored for this exam result are displayed in a dialog box. For field descriptions, see above.
  2. Make the desired updates to the exam result and click submit or click delete if the entire record needs to be deleted.
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