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Academic Planner



The Academic Career Plan Template extracts student demographic and academic plan data. 

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Students to Include

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Document Review Confirmation

Select the checkbox if the document has been reviewed with the student and the student's parent/guardian.

Show Primary Academic Plans Only

Select the checkbox to display only the student's primary academic plan if the student has more than one plan.


Select to Run Now to run the report immediately.

Select Scheduling to run the report on a specific date and time. In the widgets that appear, enter a date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. The incorrect format displays an alert and the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

Example: 7/29/2008 @ 10 AM : 05.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Field Length


Student Name

The student's last and first name.



Student ID#

The student's state ID number.


SchoolThe school where the student is enrolled.[Students]SchoolID4
Initiation DateThe date this academic plan went into effect.


Review DatesThe date(s) the plan is set to be reviewed.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Plan_Review_DateN/A
Anticipated Graduation DateThe date the student is expected to graduate.[S_VA_STU_X]Graduation_DateN/A
Career GoalThe student's career goal.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Career_Goal50
Career Cluster - PathwayThe career family and career pathway associated with the student's Career and Technical Education enrollment.



Secondary and Post-Secondary Career Pathways
Diploma Type

The type of diploma the student will earn at graduation.

Diploma Recognition

The student's diploma recognition.

Diploma Seal(s) EarnedThe diploma seal(s) the student earned.[S_VA_STU_X]Diploma_Seal5
4-Year College/UniversityIf the student plans to pursue a degree at a four-year college or university, the report outputs an X for this field.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]PostSeconday_Goal6
2-Year Community College/Technical ProgramIf the student plans to pursue a degree/certification at a two-year community college or technical program, the report outputs an X for this field.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]PostSecondary_Goal6
OtherIf the student plans to pursue a path other than a four-year degree, community college, or technical certification, this field displays the student's post-secondary goal.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]PostSecondary_Goal_Other50
Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Assessment?Indicates if the student has workplace readiness skills.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Workplace_Readiness1
Career Readiness Certificate (CRDC)?Indicates if the student received a career readiness certificate.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Career_Readiness1
ASVABIndicates if the student took the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Batter (ASVAB).[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Armed_Services_Apt1
ScoreIf the student took the ASVAB, the report displays the score the student earned.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Armed_Services_Apt_Score8

The student's highest ACT scores for up to five subcategories. The report outputs the numeric score first if defined, then the percentage score, then the alpha score.

Note: If no test results are defined as the highest scoring results, the report outputs the most recent test scores.







The student's highest SAT scores for up to five subcategories. The report outputs the numeric score first if defined, then the percentage score, then the alpha score.

Note: If no test results are defined as the highest scoring results, the report outputs the most recent test scores.







The student's highest PSAT scores for up to five subcategories. The report outputs the numeric score first if defined, then the percentage score, then the alpha score.

Note: If no test results are defined as the highest scoring results, the report outputs the most recent test scores.






Industry Credentials/Certification Exam CodeThe code for the exam the student took to earn the credential.[S_VA_CredentialExams_S]ExamCode20
Industry Credentials/Certification Exam CodeThe name of the exam the student took to earn the credential.[S_VA_CredentialExams_S]ExamName400
Date PassedThe date the student passed the credential exam.[S_VA_STU_CrdntlExamRslt_C]ExamDateN/A
Program of Study
Academic Plan TableThe report outputs a table with the student's academic course plan for grades 7-12. The table may contain up to 11 subject areas and each subject area has a column. The table displays each grade level for grades 7-12 in a row. In the cell where the row and column intersect, the report displays the planned course in the given subject area for that grade level.







Optional School Based and Non-School Based Activities
Extracurricular Activities (Clubs, Organizations, Offices Held)List the extracurricular activities in which the student participates and plans to participate.N/AN/A
Career and Technical Student OrganizationsList the career and technical organizations in which the student participates and plans to participate.N/AN/A
Work-Based Learning ExperienceList the work-based learning experience programs in which the student participates and plans to participate.N/AN/A
Community Service HoursList the community services hours the student completed and plans to complete.N/AN/A
Colleges/Universities of Interest
Name of College/University/OtherList the colleges, universities, or other post-secondary programs of interest to the student.N/AN/A

Early Decision/Application Deadline

List the deadlines for early decision or post-secondary education applications.N/AN/A
Date Transcript SentList the dates the student's transcript was sent to the college, university, or other post-secondary program.N/AN/A
CommentsNote any comments regarding the colleges, universities, or post-secondary programs of interest.N/AN/A
Document Review Confirmation
Student Signature LineA line for the student's signature.N/AN/A
Date InitiatedThe date the student initiated the plan.


Date ReviewedThe first date the student reviewed the plan.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Plan_Review_DateN/A
Date ReviewedThe most recent date the student reviewed the plan.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Plan_Review_DateN/A
Parent/Guardian Signature LineA line for the parent/guardian's signature.N/AN/A
InitiatedThe date the parent/guardian initiated the plan.


Date ReviewedThe first date the parent/guardian reviewed the plan.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Plan_Review_DateN/A
Date ReviewedThe most recent date the parent/guardian reviewed the plan.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Plan_Review_DateN/A
School Official Signature LineA line for the school official's signature.N/AN/A
Date InitiatedThe date the school official initiated the plan.


Date ReviewedThe first date the school official reviewed the plan.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Plan_Review_DateN/A
Date ReviewedThe most recent date the school official reviewed the plan.[S_VA_STU_ACP_X]Plan_Review_DateN/A

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