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District Setup


The following data elements are required for district setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.

  2. Choose District Office from the pop-up menu. The district start page appears.

  3. In the left pane, click District under Setup. The District Setup page appears.

Note: For more information on codes, see the Appendix.

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Setting Up District Attendance


Set attendance preferences for all schools on this server. For more information, see PowerSchool Help.




Creating Calendar Membership Types

Calendar Membership Types > [Edit/New] > Calendar Membership Type

Define unique school day types. For more information, see PowerSchool Help.




Defining District Courses

Courses > Edit Course District Information

Associate courses to current school from district master list. For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

Enter the course name.


Max 40

TCS Section - Course

Enter the course number.


Max 11

TCS Section - Course

Select Yes to exclude this course from state reporting. No is the default.



TCS Submissions

Select the classification ID assigned to the course. You must assign a course classification ID to each course to be included in the report.



TCS Section - Course

Select the Course-Level of the course.

Select one of the following values:

  • Basic or Remedial - BR

  • Enriched or Advanced - EA

  • General or Regular - GR

  • Honors - H

  • No Specified Level - X



TCS Section - Course

Select Yes if the course credit is a required for a HS diploma. No is the default.



TCS Section - Course

Enter four-digit code identifying the intended grade span for which the course is appropriate. Two characters for each grade level ranging from 01-12, KG or PK, I.e., kindergarten to second grade = KG02.



TCS Section - Course

Select Yes if the course requires a student complete a technical assessment. This field applies to CTE courses and is required if a Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code is entered.



TCS Section - Course

Select the appropriate subject to indicate if ELA or Math development is provided through the course.



TCS Section - Staff

Enter the average number of minutes for the course, if the course does not meet for the same amount of time Mon-Fri. Otherwise leave this field blank and it will be calculated for each section.



TCS Section - Section

Select the Preschool - Service Delivery Model if this course is to be reported to TCS as a preschool course (RI Course Classification ID = 23002).

Select one of the following values:

  • SpEDInt - Public School SpEd Integrated

  • SpEDSC - Public School SpEd Self-Contained

  • IECSE - Spring Session

  • SLP – Speech Language Pathologist

  • PSES - Private SpEd School



TCS Section - Course

TCS Section -Section

Select the Preschool - Private Special Education School if this course is to be reported to TCS as a preschool course at a - Private Special Education School (RI Course Classification ID = 23002).

See the Appendix for a full list of the schools and their codes.



TCS Section - Course

TCS Section -Section

Select the CTE Program, if applicable, to be associated with the course.

See the Appendix for a full list of the CTE Program Codes. Only CTE Program codes set up for the specific school will display on the list.


CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Select the number (0-8) that specifically identifies the order in the sequence where the course falls within the number of required courses to complete the program of study.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Programs Submission

Select the appropriate CTE - Apprenticeship Code to be associated with the course.

See the Appendix for a full list of the CTE Apprenticeship codes.



CTE - Student Apprenticeship Programs Submission

Creating Advanced Coursework

District > Courses > Edit Course District Information > Advanced Coursework

Select the appropriate enrollment type for this course:

  • Dual

  • Concurrent

  • Other



Advanced Coursework

Enter the RIDE ID for the Provider.



Advanced Coursework

Enter the Course ID that is used by the Provider.



Advanced Coursework

Enter the Course Name that is used by the Provider.



Advanced Coursework

Enter the number of post-secondary credits that is available to a student who completes the course.



Advanced Coursework

Select the appropriate term for this course:

  • Fall Session - FALL     

  • Winter Session - WINTER        

  • Spring Session - SPRING

  • Year Long Course - YEARLONG

  • Term in between 2 Sessions - INTERSESSION

  • Other Term - Not Included Above - OTHER



Advanced Coursework

Check the box if this is an Advanced Network Course



Advanced Coursework

Defining Course CRDC Information

Courses > Edit Course District Information > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) – Refer to CRDC District Setup (2020-2021)

Entering District Info

District Information

Define names and general information for the district. For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

Enter the district name.



Max 40


Enter the two-digit district number.




All Reports

Defining District CRDC Information

District Information > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) – Refer to CRDC District Setup (2020-2021)

Creating Entry Codes

Entry Codes > [New/Edit] Entry Code

Define local global membership entry codes and definitions.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

Enter the entry code.





Enter the entry code meaning.



Max 40


Defining Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

District Information > Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings

Please reference the “RI District Setup of Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings” article for information on how to set up Federal Ethnicity and Race functionality per Rhode Island state requirements.

You can download this document from the PowerSource Web site (Home > Support > Knowledgebase > Rhode Island > Solutions & Resources).

Define federal ethnicity and race settings. Use these settings to define the sequence in which the federal race categories and race codes appear on the Demographics page, Student Selection > General Demographics.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

In the Sort box, type the order in which you want the federal race code check boxes to display on the Demographics page.

Note: Refer to PowerSchool Knowledge Base (KB) article 57914, which explains how to set up the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings.



Enrollment Census

In the Sort box, type the order in which you want the federal race code check boxes to display on the Demographics page.



Enrollment Census

Creating Exit Codes

Exit Codes > [New/Edit] Exit Code

Define global membership exit codes and definitions.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

Enter the exit code.

See the Appendix for a full list of the valid State Exit Type Codes and definitions.




Enrollment Census

Summer Withdrawal

Enter the exit code meaning.





Defining Grade Scales

Grade Scales > Edit > Edit Grade

Define the TCS Section - Student final letter grade earned equivalent.

Specify the TCS Grade Equivalent for the grade. This will be the grade that is submitted for the TCS Section - Student and Dual and Concurrent Enrollment Submissions.



TCS Section - Student

Defining CRDC Information for State Reporting

Rhode Island State Information > Discipline Mapping for CRDC and Discipline Reports – Refer to CRDC District Setup (2020-2021)

Setting Up Log Entry Fields

Log Entry Setup > Edit Log Entry Field

Define the fields that appear on the log entry page.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.




Defining Log Types

Log Types > Edit Log Type

Define log entry codes and edit subtypes.

To report discipline incidents, you must define a Discipline log type.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

Enter a log type of Discipline.

Note: You must create a Discipline Log Type record to add a discipline incident to a student’s record using the Student Log Entry option. The Discipline Log Type is used to retrieve the discipline fields required by the State of Rhode Island.



Max 20


Creating Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > [New/Edit] Ethnicity Code

Important Note: The legacy (outdated) ethnicity field used in scheduling and preconfigured system reports is labeled as Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity for students and Reporting Ethnicity for staff.

Please continue to use this field for the purpose of generating preconfigured (not state-specific) system reports and use with the Scheduler, as these will continue to use the Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity field.

Define Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity codes.  Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes are used only for PowerSchool Core reporting purposes. 

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

Enter the ethnicity code.




Enter the ethnicity description.



Max 50

Defining District Schools

Schools/School Info > Edit School

Create and define schools.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

Enter the school name.


Max 60


Enter the school abbreviation.


Max 20


Enter the school address.


Max 60


Enter the school city.


Max 35


Enter the school state/province.




Enter the school postal/zip code.


Max 10


Enter the school phone number.


Max 15


The school number.


[Enter the length. If none, enter N/A.]

Advanced Coursework

RI Census Extracts

RI CTE Submission

TCS Submissions

Select the checkbox to exclude the school from state reporting.



All Reports

Enter the principal’s name.


Max 35


Enter the school grades (lowest - highest).

Note: Grade levels must be in the range -10 to 20.




Enter the five-digit RIDE ID for the school that the student attends.

For a list of valid RIDE IDs, refer to the State Data Dictionary on the Rhode Island Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Information Services Web site.



Advanced Coursework

RI Census Extracts

RI CTE Submission

TCS Submissions

Defining CRDC Information for Schools

School/School Info > Edit School > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) – Refer to CRDC District Setup (2020-2021)

Setting Up Career and Technical Education Programs

School/School Info > Edit School > CTE Programs

Select the CTE Program Type code of the program.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

Enter the local Code for the CTE Program. Defaults to the Program Type code.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Programs Submission

CTE Recognized Credentials Submission

CTE - Student Apprenticeship Programs Submission

 CTE - Student Programs Submission

Enter the local Name for the CTE Program



CTE - Student Programs Submission

If the program takes place at a technical center, select the Technical Center where the program takes place.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

The Classification of Instructional Programs code for this program.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check this if the program offers the opportunity for students to earn-post secondary credit.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check this if the program has an agreement with Higher-Ed.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check this if the program offers the opportunity for students to receive recognized Credentials



CTE Recognized Credentials Earned

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check this if the program offers the opportunity for students to earn advanced standing in Rhode Island registered apprenticeship program.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check this if the program offers the opportunity for students to earn advanced standing in a training program.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

Select the specific number of courses required for the students to complete the program of study.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

Within the sequence of courses for this program, select the number of courses when the student is a concentrator.



CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check this if the program is not currently being offered.



RI CTE Submissions

Mapping Final Grade Store Codes

School/School Info > Edit School > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Final Grade Store Codes – Refer to CRDC District Setup (2020-2021)

Defining Years & Terms

Years & Terms

Define term names and abbreviations with term beginning and ending dates.

For more information, see PowerSchool Help.




Specify the PowerSchool final Grade Code to report as the final letter grade earned for the TCS Section – Student submission.

Final Grades are defined from School > Final Grade/Reporting Term Setup.



TCS Section - Student

Entering Rhode Island State Information

Setting Up TCS Codes

Rhode Island State Information > TCS Codes Setup

Before generating the Teacher Course Student (TCS) Snapshot File, you need to identify the courses in your district that you want to include in the file. To include a course in the TCS Snapshot, you can:

  • Click to select the Included check box that corresponds to each course.

  • Click the Check All button to include all courses in the TCS Snapshot.

Click to select the check box to include this course in the TCS Snapshot File.




TCS Submissions

Adding Course Classification Codes

Rhode Island State Information > Additional Course Classification Codes

Use the Additional Course Classification Codes option to define the course classification codes assigned to each course you want to include on the TCS Submissions.

Enter a classification ID to be assigned to a course. You must assign a course classification ID to each course you want to include on the TCS Submissions.



TCS Submissions

Enter a description of the Classification ID.



Defining Special Programs

Rhode Island State Information > Special Programs

Use Special Programs to setup the programs your district offers required for the Enrollment Census – Program Core report.

Enter a name for the program. The name of the report must contain the 4-digit Item Value for the program as defined by RIDE. To get a list of the programs, please go to the following website: 

Special Programs


Program Core

Enter the Program Code only, if the program is to be included in the Program Core report.



Program Core

Enable Student Contacts for State Reporting

District Management > Compliance > Student Contact Adoption Status

Select 'Yes' to use Student Contacts for State Reporting.

Note: This is a District setting and is applied to all schools.

Entering Student Contract Extract Fields

Rhode Island State Information > Student Contact Extract Fields

Use Student Contact Extract Fields to setup the fields you use to track information on students primary and secondary contacts.

Use this screen to map the fields you use for primary and secondary contact information.

[prefs]contact_PC_firstname, [prefs]contact_PC_lastname,
[prefs]contact_PC_relationship, [prefs]contact_PC_email,
[prefs]contact_PC_hphone, [prefs]contact_PC_cphone,
[prefs]contact_PC_wphone, [prefs]contact_PC_lang,
[prefs]contact_PC_addLine1, [prefs]contact_PC_addLine2,
[prefs]contact_PC_city, [prefs]contact_PC_state
[prefs]contact_PC_zip, [prefs]contact_PC_zip4
[prefs]contact_SC_firstname, [prefs]contact_SC_lastname
[prefs]contact_SC_relationship, [prefs]contact_SC_email
[prefs]contact_SC_hphone, [prefs]contact_SC_cphone
[prefs]contact_SC_wphone, [prefs]contact_SC_lang
[prefs]contact_SC_addLine1, [prefs]contact_SC_addLine2
[prefs]contact_SC_city, [prefs]contact_SC_state
[prefs]contact_SC_zip, [prefs]contact_SC_zip4
[prefs]contact_PC_firstname_format, [prefs]contact_PC_lastname_format,
[prefs]contact_SC_firstname_format, [prefs]contact_SC_lastname_format


Student Contact

Schools/School Info - CTE Programs Setup

District Setup > Schools/School Info > [School Selection] > CTE Programs

Select the CTE Program Type from the list.

See the Appendix for a full list of the CTE Program Codes.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Enter the Local Program Code. Defaults to the Program Type.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Enter the Local Program name.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Select the Tech Center from the list.

See the Appendix for a full list of the Tech Center Codes.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Enter the CIP Code



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check if program is a post-secondary credit.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check if there is an agreement with higher ed.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check if there are recognized credentials.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check if there is an advanced standing in a registered apprenticeship.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check if there is advanced standing in a training program.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Enter the number of courses in the sequence for the program.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Enter the number of courses in the sequence for the program when the student is a concentrator.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

Check if program is inactive.



CTE - Courses Submission

CTE - Student Programs Submission

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