Cumulative ADM Student File
The Cumulative ADM Student File (CumADM) combines the ADM, Fall Membership, Spring Membership, Early Leaver and High School Completer collections into a single collection. One row exported for each student. The report may be run at the district or school-level.
This report uses PS_Membership_Defaults, which is a database table. This table provides student membership information for each day that they have an active enrollment on valid in-session school days. It includes potential periods and minutes as well as actual periods and minutes absent.
This report uses PS_AdaAdm_Defaults_All, which is a reporting view. This view supports ADA/ADM calculation using default settings for all valid attendance mode and conversion mode combinations.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
Student Selection
The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables that occurred during the current school year, based on the following criteria:
- When a selection of students is provided to the report then that selection is used.
- When a start date and end date are provided to the report then students with enrollments within the date range are selection for report inclusion.
- When a list of entry code or exit codes is provided to the report then students with enrollments using these entry or exit codes are selected for report inclusion.
- The Start Date must be on or before the last day of the current term.
- The End Date must be on or after the last day of the current term.
- The Start Date must be before the End Date.
Report Input
To generate the Cumulative ADM Student File Collection report, do the following:
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools* | If run at the district level, choose one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Students to Include* | Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Report Start Date | Enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy |
Report End Date | Enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy |
Restrict students and their school enrollments to the following Entry Codes | Check to box for the Entry Code(s) to be used as student selection criteria. Example: E1, E2, R4 |
Restrict students and their school enrollments to the following Exit Codes | Check the box for the Exit Code(s) to be used as student selection criteria. Example: 1A, 4A, 5C |
Conditional Operator | Choose a conditional operator from the pop-up menu:
Calculate Full Academic Year | Choose to run the report with full academic year calculated for school and district from the pop-up menu:
Attendance Conversion Method | Choose the attendance conversion method by which this report should calculate:
Note: For more information on setting up attendance conversions, see School Setup. |
Scheduling | Choose a time to run the report from the following options:
Output File Name | OR_CUMADM.csv |
Destination | The report defaults to the Reporting Queue. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
This report is a student-level Consolidated Collections report using the “core fields query” to gather student details and assure consistent data submissions to ODE.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Data Type | Field Length |
48 | Talented and Gifted Flag | Indicates that the student is identified as Academically Talented or Intellectually Gifted as determined by school district policy. | [S_OR_STU_X]TAGFg | char | 1 |
49 | Additional Language Code | Code indicating any additional language a student uses to communicate that is not the language of origin. | [S_OR_STU_X]AddnLangCd | varchar | 4 |
50 | Demographic Filler | Reserved for future use. | DemogFill | varchar | 11 |
51 | Enrolled Program Type Code | Code indicating the program type the student is enrolled in during the reporting period. | ADMProgTypCd | varchar | 2 |
52 | Enrolled Date | First calendar day of the reporting period or the date the student began attending a school or program within the district. | ADMEnrlDtTxt | datetime | 8 |
53 | Enrollment End Date | Day after the last date the student was enrolled if they were not enrolled for the entire reporting period. | ADMEndDtTxt | datetime | 8 |
54 | Enrollment End Date Code | Code describing the student's enrollment status on the Enrollment End Date. | ADMEndDtCd | varchar | 2 |
55 | Diploma Issued Type Code | Code indicating the type of diploma issued by the district. | ADMDiplomaTypCd | char | 1 |
56 | Withdrawal Factor Code | Code indicating the primary factor influencing the student's decision to withdraw. | ADMWthdrFctrCd | varchar | 2 |
57 | Session Days | Number of school district calendar days that students are in classrooms under instruction for the reporting period. | ADMSessDays | int | 3 |
58 | Days Present | Number of days the student was recorded as attending school during the reporting period, in half-day increments. | ADMPrsntDays | numeric | 5 |
59 | Days Absent | Number of days the student was recorded as absent from school during the reporting period whether excused or unexcused, in half-day increments. | ADMAbsntDays | numeric | 5 |
60 | Instructional Hours | Number of hours of instruction received by a student during the reporting period, to the tenth of an hour. | ADMInstrctHrs | numeric | 7 |
61 | Full Time Equivalency | Full Time Equivalency (FTE) level for the student in half-FTE increments. | ADMFTE | numeric | 3 |
62 | Enrolled Tuition Type Code | Code indicating the tuition type the student is enrolled under during the reporting period. | ADMTuitionTypCd | char | 1 |
63 | Reading Assessment of Essential Skill Code | Code indicating how the assessment of essential skill requirement to "Read and comprehend a variety of texts" was met. | RdEsntlSkillCd | char | 1 |
64 | Reading Assessment of Essential Skill Administration Date | Date the test was administered that serves as evidence of proficiency for the Reading Essential Skill. | RdEsntlSkillDtTxt | datetime | 8 |
65 | Writing Assessment of Essential Skill Code | Code indicating how the assessment of essential skill requirement to "Write clearly and accurately" was met. | WrEsntlSkillCd | char | 1 |
66 | Writing Assessment of Essential Skill Administration Date | Date the test was administered that serves as evidence of proficiency for the Writing Essential Skill. | WrEsntlSkillDtTxt | datetime | 8 |
67 | Speaking Assessment of Essential Skill Code | Code indicating how the assessment of essential skill requirement to "Listen actively and speak clearly and coherently" was met. | SkEsntlSkillCd | char | 1 |
68 | Speaking Assessment of Essential Skill Administration Date | Date the test was administered that serves as evidence of proficiency for the Speaking Essential Skill. | SkEsntlSkillDtTxt | datetime | 8 |
69 | Mathematics Assessment of Essential Skill Code | Code indicating how the assessment of essential skill requirement to "Apply mathematics in a variety of settings" was met. | MaEsntlSkillCd | char | 1 |
70 | Mathematics Assessment of Essential Skill Administration Date | Date the test was administered that serves as evidence of proficiency for the Mathematics Essential Skill. | MaEsntlSkillDtTxt | datetime | 8 |
71 | Essential Skill Filler | Reserved for future use. | EsntlSkillFill | varchar | 90 |
72 | District Special Education Program Flag | Indicates that the student was enrolled in a district special education program during the school year and received general education classroom instruction for less than 40% of the time (Federal Placement Codes 32-41), including non-regular education settings. | DistSpEdProgFg | char | 1 |
73 | Resident School Full Academic Year (FAY) Flag | Indicates that the student has been enrolled for more than 50% of the days in the school year as of the first school day in May at the school where the student is attending on the first school day in May. | FullAcdmYrSchlFg | char | 1 |
74 | Resident District Full Academic Year (FAY) Flag | Indicates that the student has been enrolled for more than 50% of the days in the school year as of the first school day in May at the district where the student is attending on the first school day in May. | FullAcdmYrDistFg | char | 1 |
75 | Calculated Average Daily Membership (ADM) Amount | Calculated Average Daily Membership (ADM) for the student record. Based on one of the following formulae: (ADMDaysPrsnt + ADMDaysAbsnt) / ADMSessDays * ADMFTE) or (ADMInstrctHrs * ADMProgRate / DefaultSessionDays) | CalcADMAmt | numeric | 4 |
76 | Calculated Enrollment End Date Code | Calculated code describing the student's enrollment status on the Enrollment End Date. | CalcEndDtCd | varchar | 2 |
77 | Military Connected Student Flag | Indicates a student that had a parent or guardian who was a member of the Armed Forces on active duty or full-time National Guard | MltryCnctFg | char | 1 |
78 | Average Daily Membership (ADM) Filler | Reserved for future use. | ADMFill | varchar | 20 |