School Setup
The following data elements are required for school setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:
Start Page > School Setup.
- On the Start Page, click the School link and choose a school.
- In the left pane, click School under Setup.
Note: School-level attendance setup - correct Attendance setup is required for days of attendance, days of absence, and days of membership calculations used in the CumADM, CTE Student, and CTE Course reports. Detailed setup is not provided in the Oregon State Reporting to allow flexibility to locally determine the method of attendance desired, such as Meeting-Period to Day, Meeting-Time to Day, Daily-Code to Day, etc.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]FieldName | Length | Used in these Reports |
Entering Attendance CodesAttendance Codes | ||||
Code | Enter the attendance code abbreviation. | [Attendance_Code]Att_Code | Max 10 | CumADM |
Description | Enter the attendance code description. | [Attendance_Code]Description | Max 60 | Not Required |
Presence Status | Select Present or Absent as the presence status. | [Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_CD | Max 10 | CumADM |
Points | Enter the number of points associated with the attendance code – can be used to withhold credit when awarding grades. | [Attendance_Code]Course_Credit_Points | Max 6 | Not Required |
Teacher can assign | Choose Yes or No to determine whether the teacher can assign the attendance code. | [Attendance_Code]Assignment_Filter_YN | 1 | Not Required |
Earns ADA credit | Select whether the attendance code affects attendance calculation. | [Attendance_Code]Calculate_ADA_YN | 1 | CumADM |
Counts toward membership | Select whether the attendance code affects membership calculation. | [Attendance_Code]Calculate_ADM_YN | 1 | Not Required |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [Attendance_Code]SortOrder | Max 3 | Not Required |
Defining Attendance Code CategoriesAttendance Code Categories Note: Attendance code categories are associated with a specific school, but not a specific school year; i.e. they are copied from year to year. | ||||
Code | Enter the attendance code category abbreviation. | [Code_Entity]CE_Code | Max 10 | Not Required |
Name | Enter the name of the attendance code category. | [Code_Entity]External_Name | Max 80 | Not Required |
Description | Enter a description for the attendance code category. | [Code_Entity]Description | Max 80 | Not Required |
Sort Order | Choose the sort order to determine where the attendance code category displays on the page. | [Code_Entity]SortOrder | Max 6 | Not Required |
Configuring Attendance Conversion Settings | ||||
Defining Attendance ConversionsAttendance Conversions > New/Edit > Attendance Conversion | ||||
Name | Enter the attendance conversion name. | [Attendance_Conversion]Name | Max 80 | CumADM |
Defining Period-To-Day Attendance ConversionsAttendance Conversions > Period-To-Day Attendance Conversion | ||||
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for the period-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=periodday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value | Max 10 | CumADM |
AM Attendance Value | Enter the attendance value that students receive for the AM portion of the day. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value [Attendance_Conversion_Items]DayPartID = [DayPart]ID where [DayPart]Name = ‘AM’ | N/A | |
PM Attendance Value | Enter the attendance value that students receive for the PM portion of the day. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value [Attendance_Conversion_Items]DayPartID = [DayPart]ID where [DayPart]Name = ‘PM’ | N/A | |
Defining Code-To-Day Attendance ConversionsAttendance Conversions > Code-To-Day Attendance Conversion | ||||
Code | The code for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=codeday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Input_Value Note: The value in the Input_Value field is the ID of an attendance code in the [Attendance_Code] table. | Max 10 | CumADM |
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for the code-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=codeday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value | Max 10 | CumADM |
Defining Attendance TimeAttendance Conversions > Time | ||||
Minutes Present | Enter the minutes present for the time-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=timeday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Input_Value | Max 10 | CumADM |
Day Attendance Value | Enter the day attendance value for the time attendance conversion for the FTE. | [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Conversion_Mode_Code=timeday [Attendance_Conversion_Items]Attendance_Value | Max 10 | CumADM |
Adding Full-Time EquivalenciesFull-Time Equivalencies (FTE) | ||||
Name | Enter the FTE name. | [FTE]Name | Max 80 | CumADM |
Default Attendance Mode | Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE. | [FTE]Dflt_Att_Mode_Code | Max 13 | CumADM |
Default Attendance Conversion | Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE. | [FTE]Dflt_Conversion_Mode_Code | Max 11 | CumADM |
Setting Up Attendance PreferencesAttendance Preferences | ||||
Attendance Recording Methods | Select the Meeting checkbox to enable meeting attendance. Select the Daily checkbox to enable daily attendance. Note: Time and Interval methods are not supported for Oregon state reporting. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ATT_RecordModeMeeting [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ATT_RecordModeDaily | 1 | CumADM |
Use Default Settings in FTE | Select to use default settings in FTE. | [Prefs]Value [Prefs]Att_Calc_Use_Defaults | 1 | CumADM |
Count these codes for period conversion | Choose [Absences/Presents] to determine whether or not to count present or absent codes for period-to-day attendance conversions. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=ATT_CalcCntPresentsAbsences | N/A | Not Required |
Defining Bell SchedulesBell Schedules | ||||
Name | Enter the bell schedule name. | [Bell_Schedule]Name | Max 60 | Not Required |
Attendance Conversion Method | Choose the attendance conversion method for the bell schedule. | [Bell_Schedule]Attendance_Conversion_ID | N/A | Not Required |
Defining Bell Schedule Items | ||||
Period | Select the number for the Period with which this record is associated. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]Period_ID | N/A | |
Start time | Enter the time of day this period starts for this Bell Schedule. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]Start_Time | N/A | |
End time | Enter the time of day this period ends for this Bell Schedule. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]End_Time | N/A | |
Counts for ADA | Select the checkbox if this bell schedule idem should count for Average Daily Attendance calculations. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]ADA_Code | N/A | |
Day Part | Choose AM or PM to indicate which part of the day this bell schedule item is associated with. | [Bell_Schedule_Items]DayPartID | N/A | |
Setting Up the School CalendarCalendar Setup | ||||
Date | The date is view-only on this page. The days included in the calendar are determined by the start date and end date of the current school year. | [Calendar_Day]Date | N/A | Not Required |
Day | Choose the appropriate cycle day. | [Calendar_Day]Cycle_Day_ID | N/A | Not Required |
Schedule | Choose the appropriate bell schedule. | [Calendar_Day]Bell_Schedule_ID | N/A | Not Required |
Tracks | Check the appropriate tracks. | [Calendar_Day]A, B, C, D, E, F | N/A | Not Required |
In Sess | Check the checkbox to count the calendar day in attendance calculation. | [Calendar_Day]InSession | N/A | Not Required |
Memb Value | Enter the membership value for the calendar day to use when calculating membership. Note: The value is normally 1 for each day. | [Calendar_Day]MembershipValue | N/A | Not Required |
Type | Choose the appropriate calendar membership type. | [Calendar_Day]Type | N/A | Not Required |
Note | Enter a note to describe the calendar day. | [Calendar_Day]Note | N/A | Not Required |
Defining Cycle DaysCycle Days | ||||
Day Letter | The day letter is view-only on this page. To edit the number of days associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year. | [Cycle_Day]Letter | N/A | Not Required |
Day Abbreviation | Enter the day abbreviation. | [Cycle_Day]Abbreviation | N/A | Not Required |
Day Name | Enter the day name. | [Cycle_Day]Day_Name | N/A | Not Required |
Creating/Editing Course SectionsSections Sections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit Section | ||||
Course Number | Enter the course number for the section. | [Sections]Course_Number | Max 17 | CTE Course |
Schedule | Select the meeting schedule for the section. | [Sections]Expression [Section_Meeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID | N/A | Not Required |
Term | Choose the term for the section. | [Sections]TermID | N/A | Class Roster |
Teacher - Section Lead | Choose the lead teacher for the section. | [Sections]Teacher | N/A | Class Roster |
Teachers/Staff - Additional | Add additional staff for the section. Note: Roles Administration > Co-Teaching must be set up. Roles to be included in state reports must include a Reference Code of 'O'. | [ROLEAVAILABLEPROPERTYID]propname = 'com.pearson.powerschool.coteach.code' ROLEAVAILABLEPROPERTY[propvalue] = 'OR' | N/A | Class Roster |
Room | Enter the classroom identifier. | [Sections]Room | Max 10 | Class Roster |
Section Number | Enter the section number. | [Sections]Section_Number | Max 10 | CTE Course |
Grade Level | Enter the grade level for the content of the section. | [Sections]Grade_Level | Max 10 | Staff Asgnmnt |
Distance-Learning course that is taught by the web | Select the checkbox to indicate the course is a distance-learning course. | [S_OR_SEC_X]WebOnlyFg | 1 | IUID |
Alternative Education Setting Flag | Select the checkbox to indicate the section is an alternative education section. | [S_OR_SEC_X]AltEdSettingFg | 1 | IUID |
Special Education Setting Flag | Select the checkbox to indicate the section is a special education settings section. | [S_OR_SEC_X]SpEdSettingFg | 1 | IUID |
Instructional Unit Identifier | ODE assigned Instructional Unit Identifier (IUID). | [S_OR_SEC_X]InstrctUnitID | 10 | Class Roster |
Average Daily Minutes Scheduled | Course value: Displays the average daily minutes scheduled for the course. Section value: If the section average daily minutes scheduled are different than the course minutes, enter the section minutes; otherwise, leave blank and the course minutes will be reported. | [S_OR_CRS_X]SchdldInstrctMinCnt [S_OR_SEC_X]ClassInstructHours | 10 | Staff Asgnmnt |
Yearly Course Instructional Hours | Course value: Displays the yearly course instructional hours for the course (if a value exists for the course). Section value: If the section yearly instructional hours are different than the course instructional hours, enter the section minutes; otherwise, leave blank and the course minutes will be reported. If both Course and Section are blank, the value will be calculated at run-time. | [S_OR_CRS_X]YearlyCourseInstructionalHours [S_OR_SEC_X]YearlyCourseInstructionalHours | 10 | Staff Asgnmnt |
Low Grade Responsibility Code (Obsolete as of 2017-2018) | Enter grade indicating the lowest grade level of content that is being taught in the section. Note: This Data Element is obsolete as of 2017-2018. | [S_OR_SEC_X]LoGrdCd | 2 | Staff Asgnmnt |
High Grade Responsibility Code (Obsolete as of 2017-2018) | Enter grade indicating the highest grade level of content that is being taught in the section. Note: This Data Element is obsolete as of 2017-2018 | [S_OR_SEC_X]HiGrdCd | 2 | Staff Asgnmnt |
Defining Years & TermsYears & Terms > New Years & Terms > Edit Terms | ||||
Name | Enter the name of the term. | [Terms]Name | 30 | Required Setup |
Abbreviation | Enter an abbreviation for the term. | [Terms]Abbreviation | 6 | Required Setup |
First Day of Term | Enter the first day of the term. | [Terms]FirstDay | 10 | Required Setup |
Last Day of Term | Enter the last day of the term. | [Terms]LastDay | 10 | Required Setup |
Creating/Editing Staff Qualification Subject Areas | ||||
Oregon State Information > Staff Qualification Subject Area > New This area is used to define Subject Areas. Select New to add a subject area. Select an existing subject area to edit it. Use the Edit feature to associate courses with each Subject Area. | ||||
Subject Area Description | Enter a descriptive name for the subject area being defined. Recommendation: Use names similar to ODE Certification names, such as Advanced Math or English/LA. It will be helpful to add grade level or school level naming also, such as MS ELA. | [S_OR_CourseSubjArea_S]SubjAreaDescription | 200 | Staff Asgnmnt |
Number of Associated Courses | Displays number of course currently associated with the Subject Area Description. | Calculated | NA | Not Required |
Oregon State Information > Staff Qualification Subject Area > Edit Use the Subject Area Description link to associate courses to the Subject Area. | ||||
Associate Another Course | Start typing a course name to invoke the search. All course names that include the search criteria are listed, followed by the course number in parenthesis. Select the desired course and click the green plus sign to add as a Related Course. You can disassociate a course from the Subject Area by clicking the red minus sign on the corresponding row in the Related Courses area. | [S_OR_SubjArea_RelCrs_C]coursesDCID | 10 | Staff Asgnmnt |