State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-236243 | (FR) Student Course Grade Record | (FR) Student Course Grade Record: Version 1.0 You can now collect and report Student Course Grades for courses that are associated with a core area code, as required by the state of Ohio. To facilitate the collection of student course grades, the following fields have been added: - District > Grade Scales > Edit Academic Grade Scale > Grade for EMIS Reporting (Required for grade scales for courses that are associated with a core area code)
- School > Final Grade/Reporting Term Setup > Edit Final Grade > Grade Status and Reporting Term (Required in all buildings with courses associated with a core area code)
- The option to exclude a grade is available at the Course, Section, and/or Student Historical Grade level - Exclude from FR Reporting.
- For districts who report grades via PGfinalgrades, a report parameter is added to Include PGfinalgrades. This parameter is used only for districts that do not store grades throughout the year in the StoredGrades table (for example interim, quarter, etc.).
Details for setting up the new fields are available under District Setup, School Setup, and Student Setup. |