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Student Setup

On this page:

The following data elements are required for state reporting.

To perform student-specific tasks, do one of the following:

  • To add a new student, on the Start Page, in the left panel, click Enroll New Student. The Enroll New Student page appears.
  • To open an existing student record, on the Start Page search for the student. If the search results show multiple students, under Current Student Selection, click the student's name. The last accessed student page opens for the student selected.
For more information on code values, see the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name


Used in these Reports

Name (last, first MI)

Enter the student's name.

Use the format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName





Max 35

Max 20

Max 15

Max 20

SSID Extract

Special Program (Export)

(GI) Student Demographic Record


Enter the address.





Max 60

Max 50


Max 10

SSID Extract

Home Phone

Enter the home phone.


Max 30

SSID Extract


Enter the date of birth.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY



SSID Extract

(GI) Student Demographic Record

Ethnicity: Is the student Hispanic or Latino?

Click ‘Yes’ if the student’s ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino.

Click ‘No’ if the student’s ethnicity is not Hispanic or Latino.

Click ‘Not Re-Collected’ if you have not collected the student’s ethnicity information since the Federal Ethnicity and Race reporting requirements were implemented.



SSID Extract

(GI) Student Demographic Record

(GJ) Student Race

Race: What is the student’s race?

Select the checkbox next to each race that applies to this student.

The codes selected are used to calculate the Race Ethnicity field.



SSID Extract

(GI) Student Demographic Record

(GJ) Student Race

Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity

This field contains the race code assigned to this student.



SSID Extract



Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu.

Female is stored as F and Male is stored as M.



SSID Extract

(GI) Student Demographic Record


Enter the SSN.


Max 12

SSID Extract

Student Number

Enter the student number.



All State Reports

District Entry Date

Enter the district entry date.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY




District Entry Grade Level

Enter the district entry grade level.




School Entry Date

Enter the school entry date.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY




School Entry Grade Level

Enter the school entry grade level.




Homeless Code

Enter the homeless code.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Date of Entry into USA

Enter the date of entry into the USA.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY




Primary Language Code

Enter the primary language code.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

SSID Extract

Secondary Language Code

Enter the secondary language code.




Entering Shared Absences for Tracking Truancy & Chronic Absenteeism

Truancy/Chronic - OH Page
Add Other Attendance

Click the link to add attendance from another district for a student who is shared between districts.

Link on Truancy/Chronic - OH page



Student Absences - Transferred/Shared - New

Source of data. Select Shared.



Absence DateEnter the date the absence took place.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Shared_C]Date_Absent10Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Summary
Hours AbsentEnter the total time the student was absent for this date.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Shared_C]Hours_Absent
Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Summary
District IRNSelect the shared district IRN from the list.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Shared_C]District_IRN6N/A
Excused/UnexcusedSelect the appropriate radio button to indicate if the absence is excused or unexcused[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Shared_C]Excused_Flag1Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Summary
Excluded from HB410 TruancyCheck the excluded box if this absence should be excluded from HB410 Truancy calculations.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Shared_C]Excluded_Flag1Truancy/Chronic Absenteeism Summary

Entering Transferred Absences for Tracking Truancy & Chronic Absenteeism

Truancy/Chronic - OH Page
Add Other AttendanceClick the link to add attendance from the district a transferred student previously attended.Link on Truancy/Chronic - OH pageN/AN/A
Total Excused Absence Hours from Previous DistrictEnter the total excused absence time from the previous enrollment at another district.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Transferred_C]Excused_hoursXX.XXTruancy/Chronic Absenteeism Summary
Total Unexcused Absence Hours from Previous DistrictEnter the total excused absence time from the previous enrollment at another district.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Transferred_C]Unexcused_hoursXX.XXTruancy/Chronic Absenteeism Summary
Total Hours Excluded from Truancy CalculationsEnter the total excused absence time from the previous enrollment at another district.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Transferred_C]Excluded_hoursXX.XXTruancy/Chronic Absenteeism Summary
District IRNSelect the IRN of the district the student previously attended.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Transferred_C]District_IRN
Fiscal YearEnter the four-digit fiscal year to which this absence data applies.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Transferred_C]Fiscal_Year


Event Date

Enter the date the event took place.



(FT) Student Truancy and Excessive Absence Record

Absence Event (EMIS Reportable Event)Select the absence event code from the list.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Events_C]Absence_Event


(FT) Student Truancy and Excessive Absence Record

Absence Action (Non-EMIS Reportable)Select the locally defined district action.


Define local district actions in Code Set: Absence Action Taken

Max 11Not reportable to EMIS
NotesEnter locally tracked information for district reference.[S_OH_STU_Truancy_Events_C]notesMax 4,000Not reportable to EMIS

Mother’s Name

Enter the mother’s name.

Use the format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName


Max 60

SSID Extract

Father’s Name

Enter the father’s name.

Use the format: LastName, FirstName MiddleName


Max 60

SSID Extract

Guardian’s Name

Enter the guardian’s name.





Physical Location Address section required, other address types optional. The Mailing/Other Home Address sections are not addressed in this section. Data can be entered as appropriate, but not used for EMIS reporting. ‘*’ denotes a required field for EMIS purposes.

Name Prefix

Enter the appropriate name prefix.



(FF) Student Contact Record

First Name*

Enter the first name of the contact.



(FF) Student Contact Record

Middle Name

Enter the middle name the contact.



(FF) Student Contact Record

Last Name*

Enter the last name of the contact.



(FF) Student Contact Record

Name Suffix

Enter appropriate suffix, if applicable.



(FF) Student Contact Record


Enter the gender of the contact.




Home Address (Line 1)*

Enter the street number and street name of the contact.



(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Home Address (Line 2)*

Enter any further defining address information, such as the apt number.



(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Home City*

Enter the city associated with the address.



(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Home State*

Enter the State associated with the address.



(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Home Zip*

Enter the zip code associated with the address.



(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Home County

Enter the county associated with the address.



(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Home Country

Enter the country associated with the address.



(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Home Start Date*

Leave this field blank, unless an address and district of residence change has occurred after the school year has started. The Home Start Date should coincide with the FS History record date.



(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Home Phone

Enter the home phone number of the contact.





(FF) Student Contact Record

Cell Phone

Enter the cell phone number of the contact.





(FF) Student Contact Record

Work Phone

Enter the work phone number of the contact, if applicable.





(FF) Student Contact Record

Other Phone

Enter another number used by the contact, if provided.





(FF) Student Contact Record

Personal Email

Enter the personal email address of the contact, if provided



(FF) Student Contact Record

Work Email

Enter the work email address of the contact, if provided



(FF) Student Contact Record

Home Email

Enter the home email address of the contact, if provided



(FF) Student Contact Record

Other Email

Enter another email address of the contact, if provided



(FF) Student Contact Record


Enter the employer for the contact, if provided.




Job Title

Enter the employee title for the contact, if provided.




Associated Students*

Enter the last name, first name, or student number to associate a student with this contact.

Add additional family members at this time.


(FF) Student Contact Record

(FG) Student Contact Address Record


Enter the relationship of the contact to the student for each associated student.



(FF) Student Contact Record


This number defaults to ‘1’. If there are multiple contacts entered for a student, a ‘1’ must be associated with the contact to be used for EMIS reporting.



(FF) Student Contact Record


Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ if the contact has custodial rights for the associated student.



(FF) Student Contact Record

Legal Guardianship*

Select ‘Yes’ or No if the contact is the legal guardian for the associated student.

The contact must be the legal guardian if Sequence number is ‘1’

[S_OH_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP_S] Legal_Guardianship_Flag


(FF) Student Contact Record

Copy of Correspondence

Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’if the contact can receive correspondence for the associated student.

[S_OH_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP_S] Copy_Of_Correspondence



Emergency Contact

Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ if the contact is the Emergency contact for the associated student.




Can Pickup

Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ if the contact can pick the associated student up from school.




Start Date*

Defaults to the current date. Update if the contact was effective before this date.




End Date*

Enter the date the contact is no longer considered to be a valid contact.

Note: The sequence number will need to be updated as well if it was a ‘1’.




Users can enter required state reporting information into Core PowerSchool Contacts and report to the state. The report, (FF, FG) Student Contact Record with Core Power School Contacts, will use the Core Contacts for the report if the data source parameter Core Contacts is selected.

Contact Sequence Order Number

This field contains the call sequence number for the contact. The person listed first in the sort order on the page is considered call sequence 01.



(FF) Student Contact Record

Contact Relationship Code

This field contains the value defining the student/contact relationship. Select a relationship from the EMIS Reportable section of the list.



(FF) Student Contact Record

Legal Guardianship Flag

This field contains the value defining the student contact relationship regarding legal guardianship.



(FF) Student Contact Record

Custodial Flag

This field contains the value defining the student/ contact relationship regarding custody.



(FF) Student Contact Record

First Name

This field contains the contact’s first name.


23(FF) Student Contact Record

Prefix Name

This field contains the contact’s name prefix.


3(FF) Student Contact Record

Middle Name

This field contains the contact’s middle name.


18(FF) Student Contact Record

Last Name

This field contains the contact’s last name.


30(FF) Student Contact Record

Suffix Name

This field contains the contact’s name suffix.


30(FF) Student Contact Record

Telephone Number

This field contains the contact’s telephone number.

[PhoneNumber]PhoneNumber30(FF) Student Contact Record

Telephone Extension

This field contains the contact’s telephone number extension.

[PhoneNumber]PhoneNumberExt30(FF) Student Contact Record

Email Address

This field contains the contact’s email address.

[EmailAddress]EmailAddress33(FF) Student Contact Record

Type of Email Address

This field contains the email address type.

[Codeset]ReportedValue3(FF) Student Contact Record

Type of Telephone Number

This field contains the telephone number type.

Defaults to blank.

1(FF) Student Contact Record

Contact Sequence Order Number

This field contains the call sequence number for the contact. The person listed first in the sort order on the page is considered call sequence 01.


2(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Address Type

This field contains the value defining the student/contact relationship.

Home is reported as Physical.

Mailing is reported as Mailing.

Blank is reported as Other.


4(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Address Line 1

This field contains the contact’s street address.


60(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Address Line 2

This field contains the contact’s address line 2.


60(FG) Student Contact Address Record


This field contains the contact’s address city.

[PersonAddress]City30(FG) Student Contact Address Record

County Code

This field contains the contact’s address county code.


2(FG) Student Contact Address Record

State Province Code

This field contains the contact’s address state code.

[Codeset]Code2(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Postal Code

This field contains the contact’s address zip code.


11(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Country Code

This field contains the contact’s address country code.

[Codeset]Code2(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Effective Start Date

This field contains the contact’s address effective start date.


8(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Effective End Date

This field contains the contact’s address effective end date.


8(FG) Student Contact Address Record

Entering Ohio State Information

Exclude this student from all state reports

Mark whether or not to exclude the student from state reports.



All State Reports

Building IRN

Select the building name from the pop-up menu that this student attends, if different than the school building identified on the Schools > School Info page.

If this field is left blank, the value entered in the Alternate School ID on the Schools > School Info page is extracted for the (GI) Student Demographic Record report.

If the Alternate School ID field is also blank, the value entered in the School Number field on the Schools > School Info page is extracted for the (GI) Student Demographic Record report.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

(GQ) Student Program

(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Assessment Type

Select the appropriate assessment type from the list.

Note: Value must be blank, STR, or ALT.




Distance Transported

Community/STEM School Only

Select the appropriate value for a student who is being transported.

If no transportation is being provided, use the default, ‘**’.



(FP) Student Transportation

Student Transportation

Community/STEM School Only

Enter a Y or N for each day of the first full week in October for a student who is transported.

If no transportation is provided this may be left blank.



(FP) Student Transportation

Building IRN

Select the building name from the pop-up menu that this student attends, if different than the school building identified on the Schools > School Info page.

If this field is left blank, the value entered in the Alternate School ID on the Schools > School Info page is extracted for the (GI) Student Demographic Record report.

If the Alternate School ID field is also blank, the value entered in the School Number field on the Schools > School Info page is extracted for the (GI) Student Demographic Record report.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

EMIS Student ID

This field displays the value entered in the Student Number field on the Demographics page.



(GI) Student Demographic Record


This field displays the value entered in the DOB field on the Demographics page.

Click the link to go to the Demographics page to edit.



(GI) Student Demographic Record


This field displays the value entered in the Gender field on the Demographics page.

Click the link to go to the Demographics page to edit.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

Summative Racial/Ethnic Group

This value is calculated based on the student’s Federal Ethnicity and Race values defined on the Demographics page.

Below are the calculation rules.

To edit the information used in the calculation, click on the link to go to the Demographics page.

If the Is the student Hispanic or Latino value is Y, the Summative Racial/Ethnic Group is H – Hispanic/Latino.

If the Is the student Hispanic or Latino value is N, the What is the Student’s Race value displays in this field. If multiple race values are selected on the Demographics page, this field defaults to M for Multi-racial.

If the Is the student Hispanic or Latino value is Not Re-collected, this value defaults to the Scheduling/ Reporting Ethnicity value on the Demographics page.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

Native Language

Enter the native language code.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

First Name

This field displays the value entered in the First Name field on the Demographics page.

Click the link to go to the Demographics page to edit.


Max 15

(GI) Student Demographic Record

Middle Name

This field displays the value entered in the Middle Name field on the Demographics page.

Click the link to go to the Demographics page to edit.


Max 20

(GI) Student Demographic Record

Last Name

This field displays the value entered in the Last Name field on the Demographics page.

Click the link to go to the Demographics page to edit.


Max 20

(GI) Student Demographic Record

Birthplace City

This field displays the value entered in the Birthplace City field on the SSID tab.

Click the link to go to the SSID tab to edit.


Max 30

(GI) Student Demographic Record

Home Language

Enter the primary language spoken in the student’s home environment.


Max 3

(GI) Student Demographic Record

Hispanic/Latino Element

This field displays the value entered for the Ethnicity: Is the student Hispanic or Latino? field on the Demographics page.

Click the link to go to the Demographics page to edit.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

This tab is an overview of the student’s current standing and historical records for data required for the FS (Student Standing Record) report. The first column is a list of fields. The second column displays the current values for the fields saved in the Students table. Other columns represent history records in chronological order for changes to FS Student Standing fields. The default view is Current Year FS Records – current year means records from July 1 of the current year to June 30. To view all FS records, click the All FS Records button. To see the student’s transfer and enrollment history, click the Transfer Info link. A pop-up of the Transfer Info page will appear. Close the pop-up by clicking on the ‘X’ at the top right. Edits cannot be made on this page. To edit current values, click on the blue Current link. To edit a history record click on the appropriate blue date link.

This page allows for editing FS (Student Standing Record) fields.

District IRN

This field displays the District IRN code that identifies the school district. This field displays from the District Setup page, District > District Info.

[Prefs]Name= districtnumber


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

District Entry Date (Admission Date)

Enter the date of the student’s first day of attendance for the most recent entry or re-entry into the school district.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Admission Reason

Select the student’s admission reason.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

State Student ID (SSID)

Enter the student’s State Student ID (SSID).


Max 9

(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Percent of Time in Student Participates in district instruction

Enter the percentage of time that the student participates in district instruction. This value is used as a multiplier when attendance is calculated on the (FS) Student Standing Record – Hours/FS Student Standing report.


Max 3

(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Tuition Type

Enter the manner in which the student is paying tuition to the reporting district.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

District Relationship

Enter the educational relationship between the student and the district.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

District of Residence

Enter the district of residence by typing the district IRN or using the District List link.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Attending Building IRN

Select the building within the district that the student attends between the effective dates, inclusive, of the record being reported.

This field defaults to the school IRN for this enrollment record.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Assigned Building Area IRN

Select the building the student would normally attend according to the standard district attendance policy.

This field defaults to six asterisks on the FS report if left blank.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

How Received

Enter the value identifying how the student arrived at the district.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

How Received IRN

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN from which a student is received.

This field defaults to six asterisks on the FS report if left blank.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent Reason 1

Enter the reason a student is sent to another district.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent to IRN 1

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN of the district to which a student is sent.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent To Percent of Time 1

Enter the percentage of time as required by EMIS reporting. This is dependent upon reporting requirements for the Sent Reason 1.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent Reason 2

Enter the reason a student is sent to another district if the student is sent to a second district.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent to IRN 2

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN to which a student is sent, if the student is simultaneously being sent to a second district



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent To Percent of Time 2

Enter the percentage of time as required by EMIS reporting. This is dependent upon reporting requirements for the Sent Reason 2.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Admitted From IRN

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN from which the student was last in attendance.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Withdrawn To IRN

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN of the district the student is withdrawing to.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

County of Residence

Enter the county of residence for the student.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Most Recent Exit Code (Withdrawal Reason)

Informational – no entry permitted. Indicates the most recent reason from the Transfer Info page.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Most Recent Exit Date

Informational – no entry permitted. Indicates the most recent exit date from the Transfer Info page.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Hours Present

Enter the number of hours the student was present during the effective start and end dates. Use this field only if attendance calculations are not appropriate.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Hours Excused

Enter the number of hours the student was absent - excused during the effective start and end dates. Use this field only if attendance calculations are not appropriate.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Hours Unexcused

Enter the number of hours the student was absent – unexcused - during the effective start and end dates. Use this field only if attendance calculations are not appropriate.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

ExcludeCheck to exclude a record from the FS report.[S_OH_STU_FS_X]Exclude1

(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Create History Record (only create history for changes after initial enrollment)

When you change a field that requires tracking based on effective dates, this checkbox displays at the top and bottom of the page.

The default value is unchecked.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

History Record Effective End Date

When you change a field that requires tracking, this date defaults to the current system date but can be changed. Enter a valid date, or use the date picker icon.

[S_OH_STU_History_C]Effective_end_date - this table is obsolete as of the August 28, 2019 release.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

This page allows for editing FS (Student Standing Record) History Records.

To access this page click on the date link for the history to be edited on the State/Province-Ohio > FS (Student Standing Record) page.

District IRN

This field displays the District IRN code that identifies the school district. This field displays from the District Setup page, District > District Info.

[Prefs]Name= districtnumber


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Effective End Date

Edit the Effective End Date for the history record if needed.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

District Entry Date (Admission Date)

Enter the date of the student’s first day of attendance for the most recent entry or re-entry into the school district.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Admission Reason

Select the student’s admission reason.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Admitted From IRN

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN from which the student was last in attendance.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Withdrawn To IRN

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN of the district the student is withdrawing to.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

State Student ID (SSID)

Enter the student’s State Student ID (SSID).


Max 9

(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Percent of Time in Student Participates in district instruction

Enter the percentage of time that the student participates in district instruction. This value is used as a multiplier when attendance is calculated on the FS Student Standing report.


Max 3

(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Tuition Type

Enter the manner in which the student is paying tuition to the reporting district.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

District Relationship

Enter the educational relationship between the student and the district.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

District of Residence

Enter the district of residence by typing the district IRN or using the District List link.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

County of Residence

Enter the county of residence for the student.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Attending Building IRN

Select the building within the district that the student attends between the effective dates, inclusive, of the record being reported.

This field defaults to the school IRN for this enrollment record.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Assigned Building Area IRN

Select the building the student would normally attend according to the standard district attendance policy.

This field defaults to six asterisks on the FS report if left blank.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

How Received

Enter the value identifying how the student arrived at the district.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

How Received IRN

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN from which a student is received.

This field defaults to six asterisks on the FS report if left blank.


(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent Reason 1

Enter the reason a student is sent to another district.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent to IRN 1

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN of the district to which a student is sent.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent To Percent of Time 1

Enter the percentage of time as required by EMIS reporting. This is dependent upon reporting requirements for the Sent Reason 1.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent Reason 2

Enter the reason a student is sent to another district if the student is sent to a second district.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent to IRN 2

Enter the district IRN or select from the District List link the district IRN to which a student is sent, if the student is simultaneously being sent to a second district



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Sent To Percent of Time 2

Enter the percentage of time as required by EMIS reporting. This is dependent upon reporting requirements for the Sent Reason 2.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Most Recent Exit Code (Withdrawal Reason)

Informational – no entry permitted. Indicates the most recent reason from the Transfer Info page.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Most Recent Exit Date

Informational – no entry permitted. Indicates the most recent exit date from the Transfer Info page.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Hours Present

Enter the number of hours the student was present during the effective start and end dates.

Use this field only if attendance calculations are not appropriate.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Hours Excused

Enter the number of hours the student was absent - excused during the effective start and end dates.

Use this field only if attendance calculations are not appropriate.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

Hours Unexcused

Enter the number of hours the student was absent – unexcused - during the effective start and end dates.

Use this field only if attendance calculations are not appropriate.



(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

ExcludeCheck to exclude a record from the FS report.[S_OH_STU_FS_History_C]Exclude1

(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours

This tab is an overview of the student’s current standing and historical records for data required for the FD (Student Attributes – Effective Date Record) report. The first column is a list of fields. The second column displays the current values for the fields saved in the Students table. Other columns represent history records in chronological order for changes to FD Student Attributes – Effective Date Record fields. The default view is Current Year FD Records – current year means records from July 1 of the current year to June 30. To view all FD records, click the All FD Records button. To see the student’s transfer and enrollment history, click the Transfer Info link. A pop-up of the Transfer Info page will appear. Close the pop-up by clicking on the ‘X’ at the top right. Edits cannot be made on this page. To edit current values, click on the blue Current link. To edit a history record, click on the appropriate blue date link.

This page allows for editing FD (Student Attributes- Effective Date Record) fields.

District IRN

This field displays the District IRN code that identifies the school district.

This field displays from the District Setup page, District > District Info.

[Prefs]Name= districtnumber


(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

EMIS Student ID

This field displays the value entered in the Student Number field on the Demographics page.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

State Grade Level Equivalent

Select the student’s state grade level equivalent, used for reporting purposes.

If this field is left blank, the grade level is extracted from the student’s current enrollment record. Students who have a grade level 14 will be reported as State_Grade_Level as 23.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Local Attendance Pattern

Select the attendance pattern for the student.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record


Select the code that identifies the student’s economic and/or academic disadvantagement, if applicable.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Preschool Poverty Level

Select the student’s preschool poverty level, if the student is a preschool student.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record


Enter the code that identifies the student’s disability, if applicable.


Max 9

(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Section 504 Plan

Select Yes if this student qualifies for Section 504.

This field defaults to NO on the FD report if left blank.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Homeless Status

Select student’s homeless status if applicable.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Homeless Unaccompanied Youth

If the Homeless Status is not set to Not Applicable, select Yes if the homeless student is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Select No if the homeless student is in the custody of a parent or guardian.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Limited English Proficiency

Select student’s limited English proficiency status.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Migrant Status

Select Yes if the student meets the criteria for a migrant student.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Foreign Exchange Student Graduation Plan

Select the foreign exchange status of a student as it relates to the student’s graduation plans.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Immigrant Status

Select Yes if this student meets the immigrant status criteria.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

ExcludeCheck to exclude a record from the FD report.[S_OH_STU_FD_X]Exclude1

(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Attendance Pattern (Pre FY15 only)

Select the attendance pattern for the student.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Create History Record (only create history for changes after initial enrollment)

When you change a field that requires tracking based on effective dates, this checkbox displays at the top and bottom of the page. The default value is unchecked.

Note: This is a significant change from prior functionality. You must check the box to create history if you need a history record.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

History Record Effective End Date

When you change a field that requires tracking, this date defaults to the current system date but can be changed. Enter a valid date, or use the date picker icon.

[S_OH_STU_History_C]Effective_end_date - this table is obsolete as of the August 28, 2019 release.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

This page allows for editing FD (Student Attributes- Effective Date Record) History Records.

District IRN

This field displays the District IRN code that identifies the school district.

This field displays from the District Setup page, District > District Info.

[Prefs]Name= districtnumber


(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Effective End Date

If the effective end date needs to be edited, enter the date or use the date picker icon.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

EMIS Student ID

This field displays the value entered in the Student Number field on the Demographics page.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

State Grade Level Equivalent

Select the student’s state grade level equivalent,.

If this field is left blank, the grade level is extracted from the student’s current enrollment record.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Local Attendance Pattern

Select the attendance pattern for the student.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record


Select the code that identifies the student’s economic and/or academic disadvantagement, if applicable.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Preschool Poverty Level

Select the student’s preschool poverty level, if the student is a preschool student.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record


Enter the code that identifies the student’s disability, if applicable.


Max 9

(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Section 504 Plan

Select ‘(Y) True’ if this student qualifies for Section 504.

This field defaults to ‘N’ on the FD report if left blank.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Homeless Status

Select student’s homeless status if applicable.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Homeless Unaccompanied Youth

If the Homeless Status is not ‘Not Applicable’, select ‘(Y) True’ if the homeless student is not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.

Select ‘(N) False’ if the homeless student is in the custody of a parent or guardian.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Limited English Proficiency

Select student’s limited English proficiency status.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Migrant Status

Select ‘(Y) True’ if the student meets the criteria for a migrant student.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Foreign Exchange Student Graduation Plan

Select the foreign exchange status of a student as it relates to the student’s graduation plans.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Immigrant Status

Select ‘(Y) True’ if this student meets the immigrant status criteria.



(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

ExcludeCheck to exclude a record from the FD report.[S_OH_STU_FD_History_C]Exclude1

(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

District IRN

This field displays the District IRN code that identifies the school district.

This field displays from the District Setup page, District > District Info.

[Prefs]Name= districtnumber


(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

EMIS Student ID

This field displays the value entered in the Student Number field on the Demographics page.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Retained Status

Select the student’s retention status.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Grade Level, Next Year

Select the code that indicates the grade level to which a student is expected to be promoted, or the grade level in which a student will be retained, the following school year.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Diploma Date

Enter the date the student received a diploma.


Max 14

(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Diploma Type

Select the type of diploma the student received.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Fiscal year student began 9th grade

Enter the year the student entered the 9th grade for the first time.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Grad Pathways

Math Diagnostic Result Code

Select the code that corresponds to the student’s results for the math diagnostic assessment.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Reading Diagnostic Result Code

Select the code that corresponds to the student’s results for the reading diagnostic assessment.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Writing Diagnostic Result Code

Select the code that corresponds to the student’s results for the writing diagnostic assessment.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

OGT Graduation Alternative (used for one test not yet passed)

Click ‘Yes’ if the student’s passage on one graduation test was met using the alternative criteria.

‘No’ is the default.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Accountability IRN

Enter an IRN when the students ‘Attending Building IRN’ on the FS tab is not the building to be used for accountability purposes.

If left blank this field is reported as six asterisks for the FN report.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Year and Month Reclassified from LEP

Enter the year and month that the student was no longer considered an LEP student.


Max 6

(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Majority of Attendance IRN

If left blank, this field is calculated for the FN report based on the student’s current and previous enrollments.

If an IRN is entered, the report will use that IRN and not calculate the value.

Note: This field is calculated when the State EOY processes are run; if it has been left blank.


Max 6

Student Attributes — No Date Record

Attending Building IRN, Next Year (Override)

This field can remain blank if the value in Attending Building IRN, Next Year (Default) is accurate.

If the value in Attending Building IRN, Next Year (Default) is the district IRN, enter a valid building IRN.

If the value in Attending Building IRN, Next Year (Default) is a number associated with a building that is marked to exclude from EMIS reporting, then the report will return six asterisks.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Attending Building IRN, Next Year (Default)

This field represents the value found on the Scheduling Setup page in the field Next School Indicator. If this is accurate, leave Attending Building IRN, Next Year (Override) blank.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

State Student ID (SSID)

This field defaults to the student’s state ID (SSID).



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Year End Reported State Student ID (SSID)

Enter the SSID for the most recent Yearend reporting of the student, if the SSID is different from the currently reported SSID.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

CORE Economics and Financial Literacy Requirement Met (overrides calculated value when set)

Leave this field blank to calculate this value based on whether or not the student has met the Graduation Requirement set up for this CORE requirement.

Select ‘(Y) Yes’ if the student has met the CORE Economics and Financial Literacy requirement.

Select ‘(N) No’ if the student has not met the CORE Economics and Financial Literacy requirement.

NOTE: This field is not calculated when State EOY processes are run. If the value is to be stored, the correct code must be entered prior to the State EOY process has been run.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

CORE Fine Arts Requirement Met (overrides calculated value when set)

Leave this field blank to calculate this value based on whether or not the student has met the Graduation Requirement set up for this CORE requirement.

Select ‘(Y) Yes’ if the student has met the CORE Fine Arts requirement.

Select ‘(N) No’ if the student has not met the CORE Fine Arts requirement.

NOTE: This field is not calculated when State EOY processes are run. If the value is to be stored, the correct code must be entered prior to the State EOY process has been run.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Exempted from Physical Education Graduation Requirement

Select ‘(Y) Yes’ if the student is exempt from meeting the Physical Education Graduation requirement.

Select ‘(N) No’ if the student is not exempt from meeting the Physical Education Graduation requirement.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Updated October 31 IEP Outcome

Select the code that identifies the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) outcome as of December 1. You select this code for a student whose IEP currently on file with ODE does not reflect the current LRE for a student with a disability.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

CTE Program of Concentration

Select the code that identifies the primary CTE Workforce Development Program for which a student has met the requirements to be considered a concentrator.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

CORE Graduation Requirement Exemption Code

Select the code that identifies the reason for the Core Graduation Requirement exemption.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Military Compact Graduation Alternative Count

Select the number of Ohio Graduation Tests that the student will be meeting requirements for from another State.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record


Enter the IRN of the public or non-public school that the student would have attended, or did attend, the prior school year; if the student was not enrolled in an EMIS reporting entity the prior year.



(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Courses Completed Date
The month and year in which the student completed the course requirements for a diploma.
(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record
Courses Completed IRN
The IRN of the district in which the student completed the course requirements for a diploma.
(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record
Military Student Identifier
Identifies a student with a parent or legal guardian who is an active member of the Armed Forces or National Guard.
[S_OH_STU_FN_X]Military_student1(FN) Student Attributes – No Date Record

Expected Graduation Date (E-Transcript)

Enter the date of the student’s expected graduation.




State Student ID (SSID)

To edit click on the link to go to the FS tab.


Max 9

SSID Extract

Include this student in the SSID batch file

Select the checkbox to export the student on the next SSID batch file.



SSID Extract

Might the student already have an SSID from previous OH enrollment?

Select ‘True (Y)’ if the student might have an SSID from a previous enrollment.



SSID Extract

Mother's Maiden Name

Enter the Mother's Maiden Name of the student.


Max 30

SSID Extract

Admission Reason*

To edit, click on the link to go to the FS tab.



SSID Extract

IRN of Previous District

Enter the IRN of the previous district.


Max 6

SSID Extract

IRN of Original District

Enter the IRN of the original district.


Max 6

(GI) Student Demographic Record Report

SSID Extract

Native Language

To edit, click on the link to go to the GI tab.



(GI) Student Demographic Record Report

SSID Extract

Birthplace City

Enter the student’s city of birth.


Max 30

(GI) Student Demographic Record Report

SSID Extract

Birthplace Zip Code

Enter the student’s birthplace zip code.


Max 11

SSID Extract

Called Name

Enter the student’s called name.


Max 30

SSID Extract

Given Name

Enter the student’s given name.


Max 30

SSID Extract

County of Residence

To edit, click on the link to go to the FS tab.



SSID Extract

(FS) Student Standing Record – Hours Report

Country of Residence

Enter the student’s country of residence.


Max 30

SSID Extract

Polio Immunization Date

Enter the student’s Polio Immunization Date.


Max 10


MMR Immunization Date

Enter the student’s MMR Immunization Date.


Max 10


DTaPI Immunization Date

Enter the student’s DTaPI Immunization Date.


Max 10


Alternate State Student ID

This is used for Non-Public schools only



Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

PID Room Number

Type the room number where the student will take the test, if applicable.



Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Accelerated Testing – Reading

Select the grade level for the reading test, if the student is accelerated in reading.



Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Accelerated Testing – Writing

Select the grade level for the writing test, if the student is accelerated in writing.



Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Accelerated Testing – Mathematics

Select the grade level for the mathematics test, if the student is accelerated in mathematics.



Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Accelerated Testing – Social Studies

Select the grade level for the social studies test, if the student is accelerated in social studies.



Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Accelerated Testing – Science

Select the grade level for the science test, if the student is accelerated in science.



Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Accommodation (LEP, IEP, 504)

Select the assessment area, ELA, Math, Social Studies, and/or Science, a student is to have accommodation(s).






Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Science Override

Identify the science assessment the student is required to take. This can also be used to identify students who are not required to take an HS science assessment.



Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

OGT Test Subjects RequiredIdentify a subject area for a student required to take a section(s) of the Ohio Graduation Tests.






1Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract
ELPA21 ScreenerIdentify a student who is to take the English Language Proficiency Screener referred to as ELPA21 Screener.[S_OH_STU_PREID_X]ELPA21Screener1Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Student is Gifted

Select if this student meets the criteria for a gifted student. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if the student does not meet the criteria for a gifted student. A value of 0 is assigned to this field.




Student is Served

Select if this student is being served for giftedness. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if the student does not meet the criteria for a gifted student. A value of 0 is assigned to this field.




Superior Cognitive Ability - Screening

Select if the student was screened for giftedness in the area of Superior Cognitive Ability during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Mathematics - Screening

Select if the student was screened for giftedness in the area of Mathematics (SAA) during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Science - Screening

Select if the student was screened for giftedness in the area of Science (SAA) during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Reading/ Writing - Screening

Select if the student was screened for giftedness in the area of Reading/ Writing (SAA) during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Social Studies - Screening

Select if the student was screened for giftedness in the area of Social Studies (SAA) during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Creative Thinking Ability - Screening

Select if the student was screened for giftedness in the area of Creative Thinking Ability (SAA) during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Visual/Performing Arts - Screening

Select if the student was screened for giftedness in the area of Visual/ Performing Arts (SAA) during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Superior Cognitive Ability –Assessment

Select if the student was assessed in the Superior Cognitive Ability area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Mathematics - Assessment

Select if the student was assessed in the Mathematics (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Science - Assessment

Select if the student was assessed in the Science (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Reading/ Writing - Assessment

Select if the student was assessed in the Reading/ Writing (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Social Studies - Assessment

Select if the student was assessed in the Social Studies (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Creative Thinking Ability - Assessment

Select if the student was assessed in the Creative Thinking Ability (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Visual/Performing Arts - Assessment

Select if the student was assessed in the Visual/Performing Arts (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Superior Cognitive Ability – Service

Select if the student received services in the Superior Cognitive Ability area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Mathematics - Service

Select if the student received services in the Mathematics (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Science - Service

Select if the student received services in the Science (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Reading/ Writing - Service

Select if the student received services in the Reading/ Writing (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Social Studies - Service

Select if the student received services in the Social Studies (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Creative Thinking Ability - Service

Select if the student received services in the Creative Thinking Ability (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Visual/Performing Arts - Service

Select if the student received services in the Visual/Performing Arts (SAA) area of giftedness during the current school year. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Superior Cognitive Ability – Identification

Select if the student was identified as gifted in the Superior Cognitive Ability area under Ohio law. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Mathematics - Identification

Select if the student was identified as gifted in the Mathematics (SAA) area under Ohio law. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Science - Identification

Select if the student was identified as gifted in the Science (SAA) area under Ohio law. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Reading/ Writing - Identification

Select if the student was identified as gifted in the Reading/ Writing (SAA) area of under Ohio law. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Social Studies - Identification

Select if the student was identified as gifted in the Social Studies (SAA) area under Ohio law. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Creative Thinking Ability - Identification

Select if the student was identified as gifted in the Creative Thinking Ability (SAA) area of under Ohio law. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Visual/Performing Arts - Identification

Select if the student was identified as gifted in the Visual/Performing Arts (SAA) area of under Ohio law. A value of 1 is assigned to this field.

Clear this field if it does not apply to the student. A value of 0 is assigned to the field.

Note: When you create the Student Gifted Education Extract file:

A value of 1 is extracted as a Y value.

A value of 0 is extracted as an N value.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Pre-ID Ohio State Assessment Extract

Superior Cognitive Ability – Identification Date

If Superior Cognitive Ability Identification is selected, enter the date the student was identified as gifted in the Superior Cognitive Ability area.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Mathematics - Identification Date

If Mathematics Identification is selected, enter the date the student was identified as gifted in the Mathematics (SAA) area.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Science - Identification Date

If Science Identification is selected, enter the date the student was identified as gifted in the Science (SAA) area.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Reading/ Writing - Identification Date

If Reading/ Writing Identification is selected, enter the date the student was identified as gifted in the Reading/ Writing (SAA) area.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Social Studies - Identification Date

If Social StudiesIdentification is selected, enter the date the student was identified as gifted in the Social Studies (SAA) area.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Creative Thinking Ability - Identification Date

If Creative Thinking Ability Identification is selected, enter the date the student was identified as gifted in the Creative Thinking Ability (SAA) area.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Visual/Performing Arts - Identification Date

If Visual/Performing Arts Identification is selected, enter the date the student was identified as gifted in the Visual/ Performing Arts (SAA) area.





(GG) Student Gifted Education

Store Code

Enter any valid store code value.


Max. 2


Include in Transfer Course

Select if you want the historical grade to be included in the Transfer Course Report.


Max. 1


Earned credit hours

Enter the high school credit the student received for the class.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

(GC) Student Graduation Core Record

Subject Code

Enter the subject code for the class.

Note: If the field is blank, the (GC) Student Graduation Core Record report will use the Subject Code of the specified course. For this to work, the Course number field needs to be set for the Historical Grade record.


Note: This field is stored in a semi-colon delimited list.

i.e. ;SCode=[SUBJECT_CODE];SArea=XXX;CSrc=X;PrvDist=XXXXXX;

Max 6

(GC) Student Graduation Core Record

Subject Area for Credit

Enter the subject area for credit for the class.

Note: If the field is blank, the Student Transfer Course (GC) report will use the Subject Area for Credit of the specified course. For this to work, the Course number field needs to be set for the Historical Grade record.


Note: This field is stored in a semi-colon delimited list.


Max 3

(GC) Student Graduation Core Record

Credit Source

Enter the student’s credit source.


Note: This field is stored in a semi-colon delimited list.


Max 1

(GC) Student Graduation Core Record

Credit Transferred from – District IRN

Enter the district IRN for the class.

Note: If the field is left blank, the (GC) Student Graduation Core Recordreport will be set to the current District Number.


Note: This field is stored in a semi-colon delimited list.

i.e. ;SCode=XXXXXX;SArea=XXX;CSrc=X;PrvDist=[DISTRICT_IRN];

Max 6

(GC) Student Graduation Core Record

School Year

Enter the year the student received credit for the class.




Exclude from FR ReportingCheck this box if the stored grade should be excluded from FR-Student Course Grade reporting.[S_OH_SGR_StoredGrades_X]Exclude_From_FR1(FR) Student Course Grade

Date & Time

Enter the log entry Date & Time. Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY





(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Log Type

Choose Discipline from the list.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!


Choose the log entry subtype from the pop-up menu.


Max 20


Log Entry Text

Enter a description of the incident


First Day of Discipline

Enter the date the action begins. This is a required field. The Action Date is used as the Discipline date as required by the Ohio EMIS Manual. Format: MMDDYYYY.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Type of Discipline

Select the type of discipline administered to the student.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Discipline Reason

Select the reason the student was disciplined.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Discipline Reason (Second)

Select the second reason the student was disciplined, if applicable.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Discipline Reason (Third)

Select the third reason the student was disciplined, if applicable.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Discipline Reason (Fourth)

Select the fourth reason the student was disciplined, if applicable.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Discipline Reason (Fifth)

Select the fifth reason the student was disciplined, if applicable.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Discipline Sequence Number

Enter the order in which the discipline incidents occurred, if the incidents occurred on the same day and the Type of Discipline administered was the same for all incidents. The valid sequence options are from one to nine. A value of 1 is returned in the GD report if this is left blank.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Total Discipline Days

Enter the length of the discipline, in Full Time Equivalency (FTE), for each discipline occurrence. The report will return INV if invalid days (such as zero, alpha characters, null, too many days, etc.)


5 with 2 decimal positions

(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Discipline modified on a per exception basis

Select Yes if the Chief Administrating Officer modified, in writing, the one-year expulsion requirement for possession of a firearm at school.

Select No if the one-year expulsion discipline was not modified.

Select Not Applicable if the discipline incident did not result in a one-year expulsion or did not involve a firearm.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.


(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Referred for Alternative Program

Select Yes if the student, for whom the Chief Operating Officer modifies as part of a case-by-case basis the one-year expulsion requirement for possession of a firearm, was recommended for alternate educational services.

Select No if this student was not recommended for alternate educational services.

The default is Not Applicable.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!

Building IRN Where Discipline Incident took Place

Type the state-assigned IRN of the building where the incident took place.



(GD) Student Discipline Record - New!


Information about the class of enrollment.






(GN) Student Course

Enroll Date

Enter the enrollment date.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY



(GN) Student Course

Exit Date

Enter the exit date.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY



(GN) Student Course

High School Credit Earned

Select the code that indicates if a student earned high school credit for the course.



(GN) Student Course

Partial Override Credit

If the High School Credit Earned field equals P, enter the amount of high school credit that the student received for the course.



(GN) Student Course

Note: Use this page to identify students who are participating or did participate in a special education program.

You can use the Special Program Import option to import special program records for students. This option is located at District > Data Imports > Special Program Import. Use the following Data Import option to import outside data into PowerSchool.

  • Special Programs Import

The data import process explained in this chapter is not the same as the Quick Import Process. It is not part of the standard PowerSchool Importing & Exporting functionality.

You can import only CSV or TXT files, with or without a header row. Dates must be mm/dd/yyyy format.


Enter comments about this special program enrollment.



Special Program (Export)

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the special program.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY

Note: The date is the first day of special program enrollment.



(GQ) Student Program

Special Program (Export)

Exit Date

Enter the entry date for the special program.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY

Note: The date is the day after the last day of special program enrollment.



(GQ) Student Program

Special Program (Export)

Exit Reason

Enter the exit reason for the special program.


Max 15

(GQ) Student Program

Special Program (Export)

Grade Level

Enter the grade level for the special program.



(GQ) Student Program

Special Program (Export)


Choose the program type for the special program from the list.

Note: Please refer to the (GE) Student Special Education setup instructions and the setup instructions for further information.



(GQ) Student Program

(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

Program Record Status

Select Add unless instructed otherwise.



(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

Program Provider IRN

Enter the district IRN of the entity in contract with the reporting school district where applicable



Student Program Record (GQ)


If the Program selected is a special education program, the student’s disability code entered on the Ohio State Information – Effective Date Record (FD) tab displays in this field.



(GE) Student Special Education

IEP Date

No longer used.



Date Type

Select the type of date that identifies the special education event.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

Outcome ID

Select the outcome of the special education event.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

Non-compliance ID

Select the reason the special education student has not met federally mandated timelines.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

Outcome Beginning Date

Enter the date on which the outcome of the event became effective.


This date is only collected for AIEP, IIEP, NIEP, RIEP, TIEP, or TETR event types.



(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

Outcome End Date

Enter the last day on which the outcome of the event will be effective.


This date is only collected for AIEP, IIEP, NIEP, RIEP, TIEP, or TETR event types.



(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

IEP Test Type

If the student has an IEP, select the format of the tests that the student is required to take.

This field is only reported for students with disabilities when a Date Type of IIEP, RIEP, AIEP, or TIEP is reported. The IEP Test Type format reported is the required format for all assessments taken by a student with a disability.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

Secondary Planning

Select the result of transition planning on the IEP for students age 14 and above.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GE) Student Special Education

Special Program (Export)

Next Year Grade

Enter the student’s grade level for the next school year.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



(GI) Student Demographic Record

Year of GraduationEnter the expected year of graduation.[Students]Sched_YearOfGraduation4Graduation Pathways

Entry Date

Enter the entry date for the school enrollment. The date is the first day of school enrollment.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY




(GN) Student Course

(GI) Student Demographic Record

(GQ) Student Program

(GG) Student Gifted Education

(GC) Student Graduation Core Record

(FS) Student Standing Record - Hours

(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Exit Date

Enter the exit date for the school enrollment. The date is the day after the last day of school enrollment.

Format: [M]M/[D]D/[YY]YY




(GN) Student Course

(GI) Student Demographic Record

(GQ) Student Program

(GG) Student Gifted Education

(FS) Student Standing Record - Hours

(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record

Exit Code

Choose the exit code for the school enrollment.

You must choose an exit code for school enrollments where the exit date is in the past.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.



Max 20

(GI) Student Demographic Record

(FS) Student Standing Record - Hours

Full-Time Equivalency

Choose the full-time equivalency for the school enrollment.




(GI) Student Demographic Record

Grade Level

Choose the grade level for the school enrollment.

Refer to the Ohio EMIS Manual for more information.




(FD) Student Attributes – Effective Date Record


Choose a track for the school enrollment.



Max 20


District of Residence

Choose the district of residence for the school enrollment.



Max 20

(GI) Student Demographic Record

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