NJ Student Health History and Appraisal Report (A45)
This report contains student health history information. The report produces a two-page PDF containing vaccination, health screening, and physical examination information for each student for whom the report is run. Vaccines and screenings must be setup at the District Office prior to running the report. Improper setup may lead to unexpected results. For setup information, see Setup for the NJ Student Health History and Appraisal Report.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
Student Selection
The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:
- The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The student must have an immunization or screening record that is not excluded from state reporting.
- The student must be enrolled during the report date range.
- The student must be enrolled in the selected school if the report is run for a single school or a selection of schools.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Schools to Include | Choose the schools to run the report for. If run at the district level, select one of the following:
If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list. |
Students to Include | Select one of the following:
Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report. |
Report Start Date | Enter the start date for the reporting period. |
Report End Date | Enter the end date for the reporting period. |
Run Now | Leave Run Now selected to run the report now. |
Schedule | Click the Schedule button to schedule this report to run nightly. Select the weekdays only checkbox. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Field Length |
1 | Name of Child (Last, First, Middle) | The student's last name, first name, and middle initial. Note: If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name. | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [Students]Last_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_First_Name [Students]First_Name [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name [Students]Middle_Name | 2 |
2 | Student Number | This field contains the number used to identify the student. | [Students]Student_Number | N/A |
3 | Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year) | The student's date of birth, formatted as month/date/year. | [Students]DOB | N/A |
4 | Gender | The student's gender. Note: If populated, the student's legal gender overrides the student's preferred gender. | [StudentsCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender [Students]Gender | 1 |
5 | Parent or Guardian Name(s) | The name(s) of the student's parent(s)/guardian(s). | [Students]Mother [Students]Father [Students]Guardian_LN [Students]Guardian_FN | 60 |
6 | Parent or Guardian Address | The address of the student's parent/guardian. | [Students]Street [Students]City [Students]State [Students]Zip | 60 50 2 10 |
7 | Telephone No. | The parent/guardian's telephone number. | [Students]Home_Phone | 30 |
8 | Student Immunization Registry Number | The student's Health Identification Number. | [S_STU_X]Health_Identification_Number | N/A |
Vaccine Type Each row of the table indicates the vaccine type and the dates that the student received vaccine doses. The columns of the table include the date (month/day/year) that the student received vaccine doses from first dose to fifth dose. If the student did not receive an additional dose for that vaccination, the column is blank for that vaccine. For example, if a student received two doses of varicella, only the boxes for first and second dose are populated. | ||||
8 | Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) | The dates that the student received vaccine doses of DTaP. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
9 | Tdap | The dates that the student received vaccine doses of Tdap. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
10 | Polio – Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) | The dates that the student received vaccine doses for polio. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
11 | Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) | The dates that the student received vaccine doses of MMR. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthStudDoseRec]TiterMEA [HealthStudDoseRec]TiterRUB [HealthStudDoseRec]TiterMUM | 10 |
12 | Haemophilus B (HIB) | The dates that the student received vaccine doses for HIB. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
13 | Hepatitis B | The dates that the student received vaccine doses for hepatitis B. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthStudDoseRec]TiterHEPB | 10 |
14 | Varicella | The dates that the student received vaccine doses for varicella. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered [HealthStudDoseRec]TiterVAR | 10 |
15 | Pneumococcal Conjugate | The dates that the student received vaccine doses of pneumococcal conjugate. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
16 | Meningococcal | The dates that the student received vaccine doses for meningococcal. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
17 | Hepatitis A | The dates that the student received vaccine doses for hepatitis A. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
18 | HPV (Human Papillomavirus) | The dates that the student received vaccine doses for HPV. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
19 | Other: YF | The dates that the student received doses of another vaccine. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
20 | Other: BCG | The dates that the student received doses of another vaccine. | [HealthStudImmRec]HealthVaccineID [HealthStudDoseRec]Dose [HealthStudDoseRec]DateAdministered | 10 |
Health Screening Health screening codes:
This section indicates the student's basic health information based on health screenings. The table contains 15 columns, each documenting the results of a different health screening. The columns are only populated if the student received that number of health screenings. For instance, if the student has only had three health screenings up to the end of the reporting period, only three columns are populated. The rest are blank. | ||||
21 | Grade / Age | The grade and age of the student on the date of the health screening. | [HealthVitalSigns]GradeLevelAtScreen [Students]DOB | 6 |
22 | Screening Date | The date of the health screening. | [HealthVitalSigns]ScreenDate | 10 |
23 | Height | The student's height on the date of the health screening. | [HealthVitalSigns]Height | 12 |
24 | Weight | The student's weight on the date of the health screening. | [HealthVitalSigns]Weight | 12 |
25 | BMI | The student's BMI on the date of the health screening. | [HealthVitalSigns]BMI | 12 |
26 | Blood Pressure | The student's systolic and diastolic blood pressure on the date of the health screening. | [HealthVitalSigns]SystolicBloodPressure [HealthVitalSigns]DiastolicBloodPressure | 6 6 |
27 | Vision – Right Eye | The results of the student's vision exam for their right eye. See the health screening codes above for valid values. | [HealthStudVision]RightEyeTestLuID [HealthStudVision]VisionScreenOutcomeLuID [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode [HealthStudVision]ScreenComment [HealthStudVision]VisionScreeningWithCorrection [HealthStudVision]VisionScreeningWithoutCorrection [HealthStudVision]VisionScreeningMuscleBalanceResults | 1 |
28 | Vision – Left Eye | The results of the student's vision exam for their left eye. See the health screening codes above for valid values. | [HealthStudVision]LeftEyeTestLuID [HealthStudVision]VisionScreenOutcomeLuID [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode [HealthStudVision]ScreenComment [HealthStudVision]VisionScreeningWithCorrection [HealthStudVision]VisionScreeningWithoutCorrection [HealthStudVision]VisionScreeningMuscleBalanceResults | 1 |
29 | Color Perception Date | The date the student took a color perception screening. Note: The student takes this screening only once, so this row does not have multiple columns. | [HealthStudVision]ColorBlindTestLuID [HealthStudVision]ScreenDate [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode | 10 |
Color Perception Result | The result of the student's color perception screening See the health screening codes above for valid values. | [HealthStudVision]ColorBlindTestLuID [HealthStudVision]VisionScreenOutcomeLuID [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode [HealthStudVision]ScreenComment | 1 | |
30 | Hearing Screening Date | The date of the student's hearing screening. | [HealthStudHearing]ScreenDate | 10 |
31 | Hearing – Right Ear | The results of the student's hearing exam for their right ear. See the health screening codes above for valid values. | [HealthStudHearing]RightEarTestLuID [HealthStudHearing]HearingScreenOutcomeLuID [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode [HealthStudHearing]ScreenComment | 1 |
32 | Hearing – Left Ear | The results of the student's hearing exam for their right eye. See the health screening codes above for valid values. | [HealthStudHearing]LeftEarTestLuID [HealthStudHearing]HearingScreenOutcomeLuID [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode [HealthStudHearing]ScreenComment | 1 |
33 | Biennial Scoliosis Screening (Beginning at Age 10) | The dates the student took a scoliosis screening. The screenings are done every two years beginning when the student is ten years old. | [HealthStudScolio]ScreenDate | 10 |
34 | Referred for Abnormal Result | If the student was referred to a specialist due to an abnormal result of the scoliosis screening on that date, this field is populated with an X. | [HealthStudScolio]ScolioScreenOutcomeLuID [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode | 1 |
TB Screening (Mantoux or IGRA Test) This section is required for students enrolled in day care/child care, from the time the student is 2 months old to the student's fifth birthday. This section contains two columns for up to two screenings. | ||||
35 | Tested | The date(s) the student was tested. | [HealthStudTB]ScreenDate | 10 |
36 | Read | The date(s) the test was read. | [HealthStudTB]SkinTestReadDate | 10 |
37 | Mantoux Result (mm) | The result of the Mantoux skin test. | [HealthStudTB]SkinTestTypeLUID [HealthStudTB]ImpressionResultLUID [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode | 1 |
38 | IGRA Result | The result of the IGRA skin test. | [HealthStudTB]SkinTestTypeLUID [HealthStudTB]ImpressionResultLUID [HealthScreenLookup]StateReportCode | 10 |
39 | Chest X-Ray Film Date | The date on which chest X-ray film date | [HealthStudTB]ChestX-rayFilmDate | 10 |
40 | Chest X-Ray Impression | N- Normal A- Abnormal | [HealthStudTB]ChestX-rayImpression | 10 |
Medication This section indicates the most recent medication recorded for the student as recorded in the PowerSchool Advanced Health Module. If multiple medications have the same start date, the most recently created record is selected. If there are no medications entered in PowerSchool, this section will remain blank. | ||||
39 | Medication | The name of the medication the student takes, if applicable. | Health Medication Module | 7 |
40 | Date Started | The second medication the student takes, if applicable. | Health Medication Module - Start Date | Date |
41 | Date Completed | The third medication the student takes, if applicable. | Health Medication Module - End Date | Date |
Physical Examinations This section includes any physical examinations that the student took. Each row contains information for one physical. The section should be entered manually and is not populated by the PowerSchool system. | ||||
42 | Date | The date of the physical exam. | Health Physical Exam Module - Date | Date |
43 | Grade/Age | The student's grade and age on the date of the exam. | Health Physical Exam Module - Grade | 2 |
44 | Type of Exam | The type of physical exam. | Manual Entry | N/A |
45 | Significant Findings | Any significant findings based on the physical exam. | Health Physical Exam Module - Referral | 100 |
46 | Medical Provider | The medical provider of the physical exam. | Health Physical Exam Module - Examiner | 20 |
47 | Date | The date of the examination. | same as above | Date |
48 | Comments | The findings and recommendations were made by the physician. This may include recommendations for medications; operations or injuries; modifications to the school program; referrals and follow-ups; conferences with parents or teachers; counseling with the student. Please attach the individual nurse's notes. | Health Physical Exam Module - Comments | 500 |
49 | Signature | The physician's/nurse's signature. | Manual Entry | N/A |