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NJ SMART SID Management Report


Use the NJ SMART SID Management Report option to generate the NJ SMART SID Management extract. You use this extract to request a State Student ID for newly enrolled students in your school.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. For the NJ SMART SID Management extract, student records are selected.

School Selection

The report selects which school records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The school must be associated with a student included in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The student was enrolled in school at some time between the report's start and end date selected for the report.
  • The student is included in NJ SMART state reporting ([S_NJ_STU_X]IncludeInNJSMART_TF equals Yes).
  • The Exclude this enrollment from NJ SMART SID as part of current enrollment must not be selected.
  • An additional record is extracted if the District Entry Date for an enrollment has changed during the reporting period.

Report Setup

The following attendance related fields are automatically calculated for active/inactive students when the report is generated:

  • Number of Days Present
  • Number of Days Absent
  • Number of State Excused Absences
  • Remote Days Present
  • Remote Days Present

You can override any of these calculated values by entering a value on the NJS SID tab or the previous enrollment page. If adding an override for Number of State Excused Absences, note that the report will subtract the value entered from Number of Days Absent. Note: These fields are required for inactive students only for the Fall Snapshot; They are required for all students for the EOY Snapshot (start of year through June 30)

To report the State Excused Absence Value:

  1. Create a new attendance category at School > School Setup > Attendance Code Categories and assign NJ_Excused to this attendance category.
  2. Navigate to School > School Setup > Attendance Code and select the checkbox for the newly created Code Category for any State Excused codes. These codes do not count in ADA or Membership.

To report Remote Days Membership & Remote Days Present:

  1. Create two new attendance categories at School > School Setup > Attendance Code Categories with names and codes RemoteA and RemoteP.
  2. Navigate to School > School setup > Attendance Code and select the Code Category checkbox for one of the new categories to indicate remote absent (RemoteA) and remote present (RemoteP) attendance.

The report output for Remote Days shows 0 if there are no days in membership or present for remote students. The values reported for each shows the actual number of days in membership and days present respectively based on the student attendance for the RemoteP and RemoteA attendance categories.

You must run the Refresh Premier Attendance option to refresh the daily attendance for the students before generating the NJ SMART SID report. The Refresh Premier Attendance option is scheduled to run automatically as part of the nightly run. To include attendance entered after the nightly run is complete, manually run the Refresh Premier Attendance option before running the NJ SMART SID Maintenance report. To run this option:

  1. Navigate to Start > Special Functions > Attendance Functions > Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data.
  2. Select All Students to calculate attendance for all students.
  3. Enter the Begin Date and Ending Date to define the attendance reporting period.
  4. Click Submit.

For Meeting Attendance, the student should be present half of their scheduled day to be considered present.

  • Two-session attendance reporting is no longer supported.
  • The attendance calculation is updated to report/calculate by enrollment. The Students/ReEnrollments Entry/Exit dates for the reporting enrollment record are used if there is no override value and the new SID Entry/Exit date fields are null. The calculation checks for values from the new SID Entry Date and SID Exit date fields ([S_NJ_STU_X]/[S_NJ_REN_X]SID_EntryDate and [S_NJ_STU_X]/[S_NJ_REN_X]SID_ExitDate).

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Schools to Include

If run at the district level, choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Default – District Wide. Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.
  • Current School Only – Includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria.
  • District-Wide – Includes all records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Report Start Date and End Date

Type the beginning and ending dates for the reporting period. Students enrolled anytime between these dates will be included in the extract. The Report End date is used for determining if the value was in effect at a certain point in time. For example, the Report End Date is used to determine the grade level, district status, and student status on that particular date. Attendance is determined using the student enrollment dates.

Fall SnapshotSelect Yes to include the Fall Snapshot
Student Name to Print

Choose the student name to print.

  • Legal Name
  • Preferred Name
Include students with unassigned SIDsSelect Yes to include students with unassigned SIDs, else No.
Date Report Last Submitted to the StateEnter the date when the report was last submitted to the state. To ensure the correct values are extracted for the Special Education Classification Codes, enter the date of the last successful SMART SID Report submission to the state. This date is compared with the dates in the fields Eligibility Determination Date and Reevaluation Date.
Include Graduated StudentsSelect Enable to include graduated students.
The Graduated School NumberEnter the Graduated School Number.
Include No-Show StudentsSelect Enable to include No-Show Students
Required Migration Done?Select Yes/No.
Required Migrations that are MissingEnter the Required Migrations that are missing.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item # or Position

Data Element



Field Type

Field Length


Local Identification Number

The number used by the district to identify the student. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.





State Identification Number

The number used by the state of New Jersey to identify the student. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.





First Name

The student's first name. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

If populated, the student's legal first name is extracted.






Middle Name

The student's middle name. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

If populated, the student's legal middle name is extracted.






Last Name

The student's last name. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

If populated, the student's legal last name is extracted.






Generation Code Suffix

If applicable, the generation code is appended to the student's last name. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

If populated, the student's legal suffix is extracted.







The code identifies the student's gender. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

If populated, the report will extract the [Students]Gender, which may differ from the Legal Gender.






Date of Birth

The student's date of birth. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





City of Birth

The city where the student was born. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

If the parent refuses to provide birthplace information on the NJ SID tab, a value of R is entered for the City Of Birth, State Of Birth, and Country Of Birth.





State of Birth

The state where the student was born. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

No State of Birth is extracted for foreign-born students, except for students in these states: AS, FM, GU, MH, MP, PQ, PR, and VI.

If the parent refuses to provide birthplace information on the NJ SID tab, a value of R is entered for the City Of Birth, State Of Birth, and Country Of Birth.





Country of Birth

The country where the student was born. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

If the parent refuses to provide birthplace information on the NJ SID tab, a value of R is entered for the City Of Birth, State Of Birth, and Country Of Birth. If Country of Birth is null, USA will extract.





Ethnicity – Hispanic or Latino

A value of Y indicates this student's ethnicity is Hispanic or Latino. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.





Race – American Indian

A value of Y indicates this student's race is American Indian. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

[StudentRace]RaceCd = I




Race – Asian

A value of Y indicates this student's race is Asian. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

[StudentRace]RaceCd = A




Race – Black

A value of Y indicates this student's race is Black. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

[StudentRace]RaceCd = B




Race – Pacific Islander

A value of Y indicates this student's race is Pacific Islander. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

[StudentRace]RaceCd = P




Race – White

A value of Y indicates this student's race is White. Extracted from the Demographics page, Student Selection > Demographics.

[StudentRace]RaceCd = W




District Status

It is a calculated value based on the student's status field.

If record from STUDENTS table - if the students.exitdate > report End Date and students.entrydate <= Report End Date then Status = 'A' else Status = 'I'

record from REENROLLMENTS table; if the Reenrollments.exitdate > report End Date and Reenrollments.entrydate <= Report End Date then Status = 'A' else Status = 'I'

if last insession day of school year is equal to the latest insession day the student is enrolled in during the report date range and student's current grade level is 99, then Status = 'I'





Enrollment Type

Extracted from the NJS Student tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS Student.

A value of S is displayed if the Shared Time field equals AM or PM

A value of F is displayed if the Shared Time field is blank.






County Code – Resident

The code identifies the county of residence for the student.

Extracted from the County Code Resident field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the county number defined on the Edit Schools page is extracted.

  • You can copy a set of Resident/Receiving/Attending CDS Codes into Accountable County/District/School codes and the NJSLA Testing Site County/District/School codes into the NJSLA Report.
  • You can click Reset to undo the changes.








District Code - Resident

The code identifies the district of residence for the student.

Extracted from the District Code Resident field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the District of Residence field value defined on the Transfer Info page is extracted. If the District of Residence field is also blank, the district number defined on the District Setup page is extracted.



OR [Prefs]District_Number




School Code – Resident

The code identifies the school of residence for the student.

Extracted from the School Code Resident field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the alternate school number defined on the Edit Schools page is extracted. If both the School Code – Resident and Alternate School Number fields are blank, extracted from the School Number field on the Edit School page.



OR [Schools]Alternate_School_Number

OR [Schools]School_Number




District Entry Date

The date the student entered the district. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Blanks are extracted if a student is classified as Non-Public and no District Entry Date is entered.





County Code – Receiving

The code identifies the county of residence for the student.

Extracted from the County Code Receiving field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the county number defined on the Edit Schools page is extracted.

  • You can copy a set of Resident/Receiving/Attending CDS Codes into Accountable County/District/School codes and the NJSLA Testing Site County/District/School codes into the NJSLA Report.
  • You can click Reset to undo the changes.








District Code - Receiving

The code identifies the district of residence for the student.

Extracted from the District Code Receiving field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the district number defined on the District Setup page is extracted.



OR [Prefs]District_Number




School Code – Receiving

The code identifies the school of residence for the student.

Extracted from the School Code Receiving field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the alternate school number defined on the Edit Schools page is extracted. If both the School Code – Receiving and Alternate School Number fields are blank, extracted from the School Number field on the Edit School page.



OR [Schools]Alternate_School_Number

OR [Schools]School_Number




County Code – Attending

The code identifies the county of residence for the student.

Extracted from the County Code Attending field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the county number defined on the Edit Schools page is extracted.

  • You can copy a set of Resident/Receiving/Attending CDS Codes into Accountable County/District/School codes and the NJSLA Testing Site County/District/School codes into the NJSLA Report.
  • You can click Reset to undo the changes.








District Code - Attending

The code identifies the district of residence for the student.

Extracted from the District Code Attending field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the district number defined on the District Setup page is extracted.








School Code – Attending

The code identifies the school of residence for the student.

Extracted from the School Code Attending field on the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID. If blank, the alternate school number defined on the Edit Schools page is extracted. If both the School Code – Attending and Alternate School Number fields are blank, extracted from the School Number field on the Edit School page.

NJ SMART SID Management Extract report creates a record for each different value in the School Code Attending field from the previous enrollment during the reporting period.



OR Schools]Alternate_School_Number

OR [Schools]School_Number




Year of Graduation

The year the student is expected to graduate. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID.





School Entry Date

The date the student entered the school. Extracted from the NJS SID tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SID for current enrollments. For a previous enrollment record, it is extracted from the Student Transfer Info > Previous Enrollment page. *Note: When creating a new enrollment for a different school building,

Format: MM/DD/YYYY

Blanks are extracted if a student is classified as Non-Public and no School Entry Date is entered.






School Exit Date

The date the student withdrew from the school. Extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Student Select > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment.

If a student is active "A," blank is extracted.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY






School Exit Withdrawal Code

The code identifies the reason the student withdrew from the school. Extracted from the Edit Current Enrollment page, Student Selection > Transfer Info > Edit Current Enrollment.

If a student is active "A," blank is extracted.






Tuition Code

The code identifies the source of payment for a tuition student. Extracted from the NJS Student tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS Student.

A blank is extracted when the student is flagged as NonPublic=REC or NonPublic=NREC.





Free and Reduced Rate Lunch Status

A value of "F" (Free) is displayed if the student qualifies for free lunch (lunch status is set to F, FDC, or T).

A value of "R" (Reduced) is displayed if the student qualifies for reduced lunch (lunch status is set to R).

A value of "N" is displayed field if the student does not qualify for free lunch (lunch status is set to P, E, or blank).

Extracted from the Lunch page, Student Selection > Lunch.

A blank is extracted when the student is flagged as NonPublic=REC or NonPublic=NREC.

A value of "S" is displayed if the Not Eligible at the Federal Level field is checked for the sample student on the NJ SID tab.






Grade Level

The student's grade level. Extracted from the NJ SMART Grade Level. Extracted from the Access for ELLs Tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > Access for ELLs.

If the Grade Level Code field is blank, the grade level is calculated based on the student's current grade level and the value entered in the Shared Time field.






Program Type Code

The program type code assigned to the student. Extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

If the Program Type Code field is blank, the Special Enrollments table is queried for the student between the start and end of the reporting period. The old Program Code value is extracted for this table and then translated to the new Program Code. The student's grade level is extracted if the New Program Code is blank.

A blank is extracted when the student is flagged as NonPublic=REC or NonPublic=NREC.












A value of Y indicates that the student is repeating the current grade level. N is displayed if not applicable to this student.

Extracted from the NJS Student tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS Student. If Yes (1) is selected, a value of Y is reported. Else N.

A blank is extracted when the student is flagged as NonPublic=REC or NonPublic=NREC.






Special Education Classification

The student's special education classification, if applicable. Extracted from the NJS SpEd tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS SpEd.

When Determined Ineligible is selected, 00 is extracted.






40Special Education Declassification DatePopulated from the same field in the NJS SpEd tab. [S_NJ_STU_X]DeclassificationSPEDDateAlpha-numeric8

ELL Identification Date

The date the student started participating in an English language learner (ELL) program, if applicable. Otherwise, this field is blank.

Extracted from the NJS Student tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS Student.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY





ELL Exit Date

The date the student completed the English language learner (ELL) program.

Extracted from the NJS Student tab, Student Selection > State/Province – New Jersey > NJS Student.

Format: MM/DD/YYYY






Indicates whether a student is receiving services under an individual service plan when that student has been placed into a sectarian or non-sectarian private school by a parent and has also been determined to be eligible for Sp Ed and related services.

Valid values:

  • Blank – Not Sp Ed and not parentally placed in private school.
  • REC – Yes, student determined eligible and is receiving services.
  • NREC – Yes, student determined eligible and is not receiving services.





44Resident Municipal Code
The resident municipality of the student. The code is unique to the municipality as defined by the NJ Department of the Treasury.



45Military Connected Student IndicatorIndicates that the student's parent or guardian is on Active Duty, in the National Guard, or in the Reserve components of the United States military services.[S_NJ_STU_X]Military_Connected_IndicatorAlpha-numeric1
46ELA Graduation Pathway Indicator

The recent graduate's pathway to graduation for ELA.

Valid values:

• B = NJSLA/PARCC Grade 10
• C = NJSLA/PARCC Grade 11
• D = SAT
• E = ACT
• F = ACT PLAN (Test is no longer administered but can be used for the graduation year)
• G = ACT Aspire (Test is no longer administered but can be used for the graduation year)
• H = AccuPlacer WritePlacer
• I = AccuPlacer WritePlacer ESL
• J = PSAT10
• M = Alternate requirements specified in IEP
• N = Portfolio appeals
• O = Denied graduation because of failure to pass high school end-of-course NJSLA/ PARCC, substitute
competency tests, or portfolio appeals
• P = Denied graduation for any other reason
• Q = Historical Statewide Assessment (MBS, HSPT 9, HSPT 11, SRA, HSPA, AHSA) for adult high school
students only
• R = Graduation assessment requirements not yet met

• S = New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA) (Class of 2023 Graduates Only

The biliterate field must be a Yes if the ELA graduation pathway indicator is not blank.

47Math Graduation Pathway Indicator

The recent graduate's pathway to graduation for Math.

• A = NJSLA/PARCC Algebra I
• B = NJSLA/PARCC Geometry
• C = NJSLA/PARCC Algebra II
• D = SAT
• E = ACT
• F = ACT PLAN (Test is no longer administered but can be used for the graduation year)
• G = ACT Aspire (Test is no longer administered but can be used for the graduation year)
• H = AccuPlacer Elementary Algebra (Test is no longer administered but can be used for the graduation year)
• I = QAS (Next-Generation ACCUPLACER Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics) (New Test -
administration began on January 28, 2019)
• J = PSAT10
• M = Alternate requirements specified in IEP
• N = Portfolio appeals
• O = Denied graduation because of failure to pass high school end-of-course NJSLA/PARCC, substitute
competency tests, or portfolio appeals
• P = Denied graduation for any other reason
• Q = Historical Statewide Assessment (MBS, HSPT 9, HSPT 11, SRA, HSPA, AHSA) for adult high school
students only
• R = Graduation assessment requirements not yet met

• S = New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA) (Class of 2023 Graduates Only)

48In District PlacementIndicates that the student is attending a school that is not the student's resident school within his/her resident district.



49Language Instruction Educational Program

The course in which an English language learner is placed to develop and attain English proficiency while meeting challenging State academic standards. Mandatory for students receiving ELL services or whose parents have refused ELL services after the Fall Snapshot for the EOY Snapshot.

Valid values:

  • Blank
  • 1 = Dual language
  • 2 = Full-Time Bilingual (Transitional)
  • 3 = Bilingual alternative Programs
  • 4 = English alternative Programs (Hi-Intensity, SEI)
  • 5 = ESL Only or ELS
  • 6 = Currently an ELL, but ELL Program Services refused by parent/guardian

Must be reported for all Special Education Non-Public students who have been identified as English language learners, whether the student is receiving services or whose parents have refused services.

50BiliterateIndicates whether the graduating high school senior achieved passing scores for both a World Language Assessment and an English Assessment to demonstrate that the student is biliterate as defined by the NJDOE[S_NJ_STU_X]BiliterateAlpha-numeric1
51World Language Assessment 1-5

The World Language Assessment taken by the student, other than English language assessment. For further information, refer to Student Setup.

Valid values:

  • AAPPL = Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages
  • ALIRA = ACTFL Latin Interpretive Reading Assessment
  • AP = Advanced Placement language and culture exams
  • ASLPI = (ASL) American Sign Language Proficiency Interview
  • IB = International Baccalaureate
  • OPIWPT = Oral Proficiency Interview/ Oral Proficiency Interview by Computer &reg; (OPIc) and Writing Proficiency Test &reg;
  • OPIOTHER = Oral Proficiency Interview/ Oral Proficiency Interview by Computer &reg; (OPIc) and Other Writing Assessment approved by DOE
  • SLPIASL = Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI: ASL)
  • STAMP = Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency
  • STAMP WS = Avant's language proficiency test of less commonly taught languages. This value is reported if STAMP WS or WORLDSPEAK is stored for a student.

If Biliterate is Yes, a value is required here.






52World Languages Assessed1-5

Identifies the specific language other than English that is being assessed. Mandatory for Grade 12 students who have taken a World Language Assessment.

If the language code is imported for a group of students, the language name must also be imported; the field will be blank if the code is imported and the name is not.







Identifies the student as gifted and talented.

  • Valid Value: Y/N



The chosen method for delivering instruction to the student - fulltime on premises, hybrid (partial in person on premises/partial remote), or fulltime remote.

The field should not be left blank unless NonPublic field= REC or NREC.

Valid Values:

• 1 = Fulltime on premises

• 2 = Hybrid (partial in person on premises/partial remote instruction)

• 3 = Fulltime remote—district choice

• 4 = Fulltime remote—parental or guardian choice

55Remote Days Present

The number of remote instruction days a student is marked as present during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30.

  • Remote attendance category setup is required for calculation.
  • If the Percentage of Day for Remote Learning has a value, then Remote Days Present will be extracted based on the following.
    • Remote Days Present * (Percentage of Day for Remote Learning/100)

    • A value of .5 is used to calculate RemoteDaysPresent to count the half-day attendance of a student.





56Remote Days Absent

The number of days a student is absent and scheduled to receive instruction in a remote learning environment (i.e., offsite of the school's premises) during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30.

Remote attendance category setup is required for calculation.





57Student Internet Connectivity

This field is used to identify the student's mechanism for home internet connectivity. Mandatory if StudentLearningEnvironment = 2, 3, or 4, except for Non-public students, preschool referral students, and shared time vocational school students being reported by the vocational school.

Valid Values:

• 1 = Personal access

• 2= School provided access through mobile hotspots with paid data plans

• 3 = School provided access through Internet-connected devices with paid data plans

• 4 = School provided access by paying the cost of home Internet subscription for student

• 5 = School provided access through a district-managed wireless network

• 6 = School provided access by another means

• 7 = Other

• 8 = Unknown



58Student Device Owner

The field should not be left blank unless NonPublic field= REC or NREC.

Valid Values:

• 1 = Personal, dedicated device (student is the sole user)

• 2 = Personal device, shared with others

• 3 = School provided, dedicated device (student is the sole user)

• 4 = School provided device, shared with others

• 5 = Other

• 6 = Unknown

• 7 = None



59Student Device Type

Field should not be left blank unless NonPublic field= REC or NREC.

Valid Values:

• 1 = Chromebooks/laptops

• 2 = iPads/tablets

• 3 = Other

• 4 = Unknown

• 5 = None



60Bridge YearIndicates whether the student plans to or is currently participating in the "Bridge Year Pilot Program."[S_NJ_STU_X]BridgeYearNumeric4
61Federal HSMath Testing RequirementIndicates whether a student has met the federal requirement to take Algebra I (or one of the exceptions noted below) while in high school.[S_NJ_STU_X]FirstHSMathAssessment_YNAlphaNumeric1
62IEP Graduation Course Requirement

Indicates whether the Individualized Education Program (IEP) of a student with a disability contains an exemption or modification to the state course requirement component of NJDOE graduation requirements.

Valid Values:

(1) The student did not meet the state course requirements for graduation because of an exemption or modification in their IEP.
(2) The student did meet the state course requirements.

63IEP Graduation Attendance

Indicates whether the Individualized Education Program (IEP) of a student with a disability contains an exemption or modification to the local attendance requirement component of NJDOE graduation requirements.

Valid Values:

(1) The student did not meet the local attendance requirements for graduation because of an exemption or modification in their IEP.
(2) The student did meet the local attendance requirements.

64LIEP Language Of InstructionThe language of instruction for the Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) course in which an English language learner (ELL) is placed to develop and attain English proficiency while meeting challenging State academic standards. Functional, Policy, or Legal Document



65City Of Residence

The name of the city or town (or comparable unit) of the student's permanent or other home address at the time of reporting or last known residence.

Blank is extracted for this field when a student is flagged as NonPublic=REC or NonPublic=NREC.



66Migrant StatusIndication of whether or not a student is a migrant student.[S_NJ_STU_X]Migrant_TFAlphaNumeric1
67Eighth Technological Literacy

Indication of whether the student has met the eighth-grade technological proficiency consistent with the NJ Student Learning Standards through district-level assessment or evaluation. Valid Values:

• Y = Deemed to be technologically proficient

• N = Deemed to not be technologically proficient

• NE = Not evaluated

68Health Insurance StatusIndication of whether the student has health insurance coverage.[S_NJ_STU_X]HealthInsStatus_YNAlphaNumeric1
69Health Insurance ProviderThe complete name of the health insurance coverage provider of the student, if applicable.[S_NJ_STU_X]HealthInsProviderAlphaNumeric50
70Home LanguageThe name of the primary language or dialect that students use to communicate at home.[S_NJ_STU_X]Home_LanguageAlphaNumeric3
71Immigrant StatusIndicator for individuals who: (A) are aged 3 through 21; (B) were not born in any State; and (C) have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more States for more than 3 full academic years.[S_NJ_STU_X]ImmigrantStatus_YNAlphaNumeric1
72First Entry Date Into AUS School

The month, day, and year of an individual's initial enrollment into a United States school.

This value prints blank if the student was born in the US or Puerto Rico.



Homeless status is an indication of whether a student is homeless. For further definition of Homeless, see field definition in NJSMART Handbook.

Valid Values:

• Y1 = Yes, student was homeless at any time during the school year and has been in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian.

• Y2 = Yes, student was homeless at any time during the school year and was NOT in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian (unaccompanied).

• N = No, student was not homeless.



74Homeless Primary Night-time Residence

An indication of the nighttime residence for homeless students.

Valid Values:

• 1 = Shelters, transitional housing

• 2 = Doubled-up; sharing the housing of other persons due to economic hardship, loss of housing, or other reasons (such as domestic violence)

• 3 = Unsheltered; includes cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailers including FEMA trailers, or abandoned buildings

• 4 = Hotels or Motels

75Homeless Instructional Service

Valid values:

(N) No, student does not receive instructional services 

(Y) Yes, student receives instructional services

76Homeless Support Service

Valid values:

(N) No, student does not receive support services 

(Y) Yes, student receives support services

77Alternative Education ProgramIndicator for a student is enrolled in an alternative education program defined as a comprehensive educational program delivered in a non-traditional learning environment that is distinct and separate from the existing general or special education program and designed to meet the needs of students at risk of school failure for his/her primary academic program whether in the school building or outside of the school building.[S_NJ_STU_X]AlternativeEducationProgram_YNAlphaNumeric1
78Title I Indicator

Valid values:

  • Public Targeted Assistance Program (01)
  • Public Schoolwide Program (02)
  • Non-public school students participating (03)
  • Local Neglected Program (04)
  • Was not served (05)
79School StatusThis is a calculated entry and exit dates. A value of A (Active) displays if the Student is active during the reporting period (based on the student's enrollment dates). Otherwise, a value of I (Inactive) displays.N/AN/A1
80School EntryCodeAn enrollment classification code is given to a student at the beginning of each school year. For a list of valid values, see the Entry Codes page in the Appendix.[Students]EntryCodeAlphaNumeric3
81Days Open

The number of days the program of instruction was in session for the entire year, this is the number of days during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30.

Field must be a whole number between 180 and 250.






Number of Days Present

The number of school days in session a student is recorded as present during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30. This value is calculated if the Cumulative Days Present value is blank on the NJ SMART Student page. Else, the value is extracted from the Start Page > Student Selection > New Jersey State Information> NJS SID/Previous Enrollment Tab.

Unless EnrollmentType = S, the value must be reported as a whole number between 0-366.

Field is not required for the Fall Snapshot for active students.

Calculated from ADA/ADM






83Number Of Days Absent

The number of days a student is absent during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30. This field includes the days students were absent and scheduled to receive instruction in a remote learning environment. This field does not include absences for a State-excused reason.

Field is not required for the Fall Snapshot for active students.

Calculated from ADA/ADM




84Number Of State Excused Absences

The number of days a student is absent for a State-excused reason during the annual reporting period from July 1 through June 30.

Attendance Setup for NJ_Excused required. A value of 0 is required if the student has 0 qualifying absences.





85Reported SharedVoc

An indication that the student is a shared-time vocational school student being reported by the county vocational school.

Valid Values:

  • County vocational schools should report a value of Y to report data for shared-time vocational school students.
  • For all schools that are not county vocational schools, a value of N should be reported.



86Deaf - Hard Of HearingAn indication if the student is deaf or hard of hearing.



87Language AcquisitionThe language acquisition rating of a preschool child who is Deaf or hard of hearing.




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