College and Career Readiness
Indicate College and Career Readiness
Navigation: State/Province – IL, College/Career
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Used in these Reports |
State Student ID | The state student ID from the ISBE SIS Student Demographic/Enrollment Information page (Demo tab). | [Students]State_StudentNumber | |
Local SAS ID | The student number. | [Students]Student_Number | |
Last Name | The legal last name of the student to whom the student ID belongs. If the legal last name is blank, the last name is reported. | [S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_Last_Name [Students]Last_Name | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Exiting Students EL – School Year 2017 IL Student Demographic/ IL Course Assignment IL Demographics and Early Childhood IL 504 Plan IL College and Career |
First Name | The legal first name of the student to whom the student ID belongs. If the legal first name is blank, the first name is reported. | [S_IL_STU_Demographics_X] Legal_First_Name [Students]First_Name | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Exiting Students EL – School Year 2017 IL Student Demographic/ IL Course Assignment IL Demographics and Early Childhood IL 504 Plan IL College and Career |
Birth Date | The student's date of birth | [Students]DOB | |
RCDTS Home School Number (Student Level) | Enter the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code which uniquely identifies the student’s home school. If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output in the report. | [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Home_School [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School | IL Assessment Correction IL Assessment Pre-ID IL Exiting Students |
RCDTS Serving School Number | Enter the Region, County, District, Type, School (RCDTS) code which uniquely identifies the student’s serving school for the school enrollment. Only enter this number if the serving school is different from the home school. If blank, [S_IL_SCH_X]RCDTS_Home_School is output. | [S_IL_STU_X]RCDTS_Serving_School | IL Exiting Students IL Student Demographic/Enrollment File IL Demographics and Early Childhood |
GPA | The student's calculated GPA(s). Applies to Grades 11 and 12 only. For a GPA to appear here, it must be selected on the GPA Calculation Methods > GPA Calculation Method page. GPA mapping for College and Career Report output:
| Student's calculated GPA(s). | IL College and Career |
Identify a Career Interest by the end of Sophomore Year | Choose Yes if the student is:
Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Career_Interest | IL College and Career |
One Academic Indicator in ELA | Choose Yes if the student has either an ELA Advanced (AP) Exam score of 3 or higher, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) Exam score of 4 or higher. Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Academic_Indicator_ELA | IL College and Career |
One Academic Indicator in Math | Choose Yes if the student has either a Math AP Exam score of 3 or higher or an IB Exam score of 4 or higher. Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Academic_Indicator_Math | IL College and Career |
Minimum ACT or SAT Subject Scores-English, Reading, and Writing | Choose Yes if the student has either a minimum ACT subject score of English 18 and Reading 22, or a minimum SAT subject score of 540 fo evidence-based Reading and Writing Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Min_ACTSAT_English | IL College and Career |
Minimum ACT or SAT Subject Scores-Math | Choose Yes if the student has either a minimum ACT Math subject score of 22 or a minimum SAT Math subject score of 540. Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Min_ACTSAT_Math | IL College and Career |
Career Development Experience | Choose Yes if the student is involved in a supervised work experience relating to their career area of interest that meets all of the following criteria:
Career Development Experience may not consist solely of technical training by an education provider Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Career_Dev_Experience | IL College and Career |
Industry Credential | Choose a work-related credential that meets all of the following criteria:
The student must, depending on the requirements of the industry credential, either receive the license or be eligible to receive a license pending the receipt of a high school diploma. A credential issued by a postsecondary education provider is not an “Industry Credential,” however; the coursework for the credential may qualify as a Dual Credit Career Pathway Course and will often prepare students for an Industry Credential examination | [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Industry_Credential | IL College and Career |
Military Service or an ASVAB Score of 31 or Higher | Choose Yes if the student made a commitment to serve in the armed services and met one of the following criteria:
Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Military_Service_ASVAB | IL College and Career |
Attaining and Maintaining Consistent Employment for a Minimum of 12 Months | Choose Yes if the student has been employed continuously for at least 12 months and the employment can be verified through pay stubs, timesheets, or a signed letter from an adult supervisor that includes the number of hours worked. Suggested consistent employment is an average of 10 hours per week for 12 of the 24 months. Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Consistent_Employment | IL College and Career |
Consecutive Summer Employment | Choose Yes if the student has been employed for two consecutive summers and the employment can be verified through pay stubs, timesheets, or a signed letter from an adult supervisor that includes the number of hours worked. Suggested consistent employment is a cumulative 120 hours per summer. Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Summer_Employment | IL College and Career |
25 Hours of Community Service | Choose Yes if the student performed volunteer service or activity that addressed a social issue in the community, such as poverty, disaster relief, education, the environment, homelessness, community wellness, or other social issues. The student must have written verification, from a non-relative, adult supervisor of the community, that describes the services performed and the number of hours worked. Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Community_Service_25 | IL College and Career |
Two or More Organized Co-curricular Activities | Choose Yes if the student participated in an activity, program, or learning experience that:
Acceptable co-curricular activities include the student newspaper, student council, musical performance, art show, debate competition, robotics, honors societies, and so on. Valid values:
| [S_IL_STU_CollegeCareer_X]Org_Cocurricular_Activity | IL College and Career |